Mo Fei and Coby are obviously not the same people, but after all, they are both learning from Vice Admiral Garp, and they still have to talk when it’s time to talk.

“I heard that you went to the New World before, so… Has Admiral precognition really left Marine? The’highest battle strength’ break away from Marine Headquarters. This is an amazing major event. Recently everyone They are all talking about this.”

The gap in the position is not easy to talk about too much, so Helmeppo talked about such a major event again… It’s okay to have a key policy.

The gossip about precognition losing to Akainu and choosing to leave Marine has spread everywhere from various channels. Coby and Helmeppo can know that such a thing is normal.

“Kuzan Admiral should be completely separated from Marine. I want to be quite unwilling to lose to Sakazuki Admiral, but what about this “escape”? The two Admiral must have a problem with one of them, or Sakazuki Admiral used crafty plots and machinations sneak attack in the duel. Either Kuzan Admiral was willing to gamble not to admit defeat, and felt that being Sakazuki Admiral’s subordinates was too wronged…”

Mo Fei was completely short of a kind of argument. Talking about the two Admiral in the same way, this made Coby and Helmeppo looked at each other in blank dismay.

But if you really want to speak of which, Mo Fei doesn’t think Akainu will play any tricks in this kind of duel, because Akainu’s reason for agreeing to this kind of duel is to just and honorable suppress precognition and let The opponent is convinced. Based on this situation, if Akainu engages in a sneak attack during the battle, isn’t that putting the cart before the horse?

Victory by fair means or foul is meaningless, and victory is only meaningful when dignified is in a duel.

So what? The idea of ​​precognition is that if he wins he will grab the spot of Fleet Admiral, if he loses he will run away? I always feel that there is something wrong and not above all.

Strictly speaking, Admiral who recently left Marine Headquarters is not one, but two, but Zephyr has long retired, and everyone has agreed not to mention him anymore.

The two people seem to be unable to keep up with this topic, so Helmeppo asked again, “To and from New World, should you have passed through Fishman Island twice, so does it really exist… young and beautiful? Mermaid, have you seen the mermaid Princess? It is said that the beauty of the mermaid Princess is better than that of Pirate Empress.”

“Because there is no official business in Fishman Island, I can’t go to Dragon Palace, naturally I didn’t see it. It’s better than the mermaid Princess, but it should be no problem to beat Pirate Empress. The mermaid Princess is only 15 years old. In contrast, Pirate Empress is an old Aunt.

Young and beautiful mermaid can be seen everywhere, If you have a chance to go to Fishman Island, I recommend you to go to a place…Fishman coffee shop, it is guaranteed to be more exciting than the mermaid Princess’s boudoir in Dragon Palace.”

Well, I finally found someone who can Talk about topics together.

So Mo Fei was able to get away after chatting for a while, and then he went to Vice Admiral Garp to discuss matters.


Vice Admiral Garp is in a good mood. He doesn’t seem to be affected by a series of recent events.

This situation is a bit different from what Mo Fei imagined. In his cognition, precognition has been Garp’s subordinate for a long time, so he thought that Garp would pay more attention to precognition and leave Marine. Thing about it.

This is probably the joy of retiring Old Master. I think Sengoku should be happier now. Anyway, the mess is all from Akainu.

“Kuzan… I just hope that Kuzan can understand what he is doing.” Garp only mentioned that.

Since the students or family members taught by Garp will have problems, such as sons, grandsons, god-grandsons, subordinates, etc., he may have become accustomed to such things.

“How about the duel between precognition and Akainu, what do you think?”

“Very difficult to deal with, and then… I yearn for it, and so on. It’s nothing more.” Mo Fei said.

This statement seems very general, but the key lies in this “heart yearning”. Garp looked at Mo Fei seriously, and then continued, “Then, look at you Awakening a double Haki when I got excited? How about your Haki, show it for me to see.”

“Well, Kenbunshoku was very out of control at the beginning, but now I can basically collect it. Take it easy, as for Busoshoku…”

Mo Fei raised his right fist, first entangling, then hardening.

“pu… ha ha ha, Mo Fei, this is your Busoshoku? haha, what is the difference between it and not?”

Mo Fei: “……”

Vice Admiral Garp smiled too wanton, Mo Fei said in his heart that I was just Awakening, and I definitely can’t compare it with your little blacks.

However, Garp’s statement is not a problem. This level of Busoshoku is not worth mentioning to him.

“Vice Admiral Garp, I want to ask about the big conscription. I don’t know if the official Seaman or Seaman school students like me are eligible to participate.” After Garp finished laughing, Mo Fei asked.

“Of course, since the ascending channel can be opened to civilians, there is no reason not to open it to Marine’s internal system. Why, Mo Fei, do you want to participate in the conscription?” Garp asked.

“There is such a plan.”

“With your current strength, isn’t Major Marine just right? Why is it anxious to pursue a higher position?”

“Vice Admiral Garp, you don’t need a reason to pursue a higher status. This is instinct… I just want to give it a try. It’s very possible that I won’t be able to pass the higher-level selection at all, but this does not prevent me. I will try.”

“You seem to be a little anxious, but this is somewhat similar to the new Fleet Admiral, especially seeking instant benefit when dealing with certain things…”

Vice Admiral Garp thought about it for a while before continuing to speak, “From the spread of the news of the’big conscription’ to all parts of the world, to the completion of the preliminary screening in various regions, about a month is reserved for the official conscription. The election event will start 1 month later…

I will not stop you from participating in the election, but if you want to go, then you should not try your luck—it must be spare no effort.

For the remaining month, Mo Fei, I am going to develop a set of devil training tutorials for you, at least to ensure that you are not half-hearted when participating in the selection.”

“Please…I can’t ask for it.” When Mo Fei heard the words “devil training” from Garp’s mouth, he didn’t know why he tú tú tú tú, “By the way , Vice Admiral Garp, how devil is the devil training?”

“It’s not easy to describe, but the precognition was practiced and crying, I probably have to say…’very devil’, don’t worry, only It’s only a month. Don’t be nervous, you may not die, ha ha ha.”

“…Who, who is nervous?”

Think about it, Vice Admiral Garp can Throw the four or five-year-old biological grandson into the abyss of ten thousand zhang and send it to the empty genius of ten thousand zhang high. The biological grandson is still so, not to mention the students.

show mercy? Moderate training? Sorry, what is that, can it increase strength? Can you increase your strength quickly?

For a long time, Vice Admiral Garp practiced a “trumpet” and discarded a “trumpet”, and all the “trumpets” were crooked. And now, he is going to practice a new “trumpet”.

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