Albertini’s laboratory, somewhere in the empty underground space, has been transformed like a “shooting training ground”.

At this time, Aphrel was holding her exaggerated gun with a long barrel in both hands, carefully aiming at the target paper on the opposite wall.

Despite the heavy weight of this gun, her hands are very stable at this time, and the muzzle pointing forward did not move at all… It can be seen that in this world even women who look weak in appearance , But she actually doesn’t lack wrist strength.

There is a gap in physical strength between men and women, but this gap is just a “relative gap.”

This kind of heavy firearms, logically speaking, can only shoot with a stand and the gunner can shoot in a prone position, but Aphrel is accustomed to shooting standing up.

After raising the gun for a while, Aphrel exhales one breath saying and then put it down.

She did not fire.

At this time, Albertinee, who had been standing behind her, said, “It seems that you like this gun. After all, its performance is very outstanding, but this is also normal. Bei Although the toys made by Gapunk are only for fun, the shooting distance and shooting accuracy of the finished product should not be doubted.”

“There are not many opportunities to use it. It’s more usable.”

But didn’t expect Afriel gave this answer. She put down the gun in her hand, then changed her hand and picked up another precision shooter rifle. .

She actually prefers this gun because it can take into account the range, shooting accuracy and rate of fire. In comparison, at this time, a considerable part of the muskets at sea were front-mounted, black powder, and round bullets, but the weapons in Aphrel’s hands were at least equivalent to M1 Garland.

Compared with the range, the more important thing is the accuracy. In fact, the range does not have to be particularly far. Even if it is a sniper, most of the shooting distances in battle are within kilometers, and there are very few cases of ultra-long-distance shooting.

Albertini is not interested in the topic of shooting and firearms. She looked at Afriel’s serious face, and at this moment only felt a little jealousy…Ah Flier ran on the sea for more than two months. After returning, how white or fair her skin should be, which made Albertine have to feel the difference between herself and the young little girl.

“Will the laboratory move to the new Marineford?” Then Afriel asked again.

“No, although Marine’s decision-making center will move to New World, many facilities will remain here, such as the Seaman Training Department and Seaman School. There is no need for these institutions to relocate.” Albertine said.

Even if the location of Marine Headquarters changes, there is no need to move all the pots and pans to New World. At least the Seaman training department stays in the first half of the Grand Line compared to New World. More appropriate.

Afriel’s personality doesn’t actually have much social circle. She can get acquainted with Albertinee because she had an interaction with each other before she became Seaman. After she came to Marine Headquarters, Albertine also received a commission to “take a look at her”.

“Where is Mo Fei?” Are you really going to join that big conscription? “

The cruel reality reveals the truth to Albertine ruthlessly, that is, in the eyes of Mo Fei, old man like Vice Admiral Garp is more attractive than her kind of beauty.

“I heard that it is. “

In every sense, Mo Fei is a very “motivated” person.

Albertini thought for a while, although some words shouldn’t For outsiders like her, but after all, she feels that she still needs to remind you, “Afriel, remind you a little… Don’t get too close to Mo Fei, that’s a dangerous person. “

“Danger? Aren’t they all Marine? “

“It’s not this kind of danger, but another kind of danger. In short…you will understand later. “

It’s not a danger in the sense of camp, but a danger in the sense of men and women. Albertine doesn’t think that Mo Fei is the kind of good man who will be single-minded about whom… I have to say that this is prejudice. , She has never been scumbags, so why can I judge Mo Fei to be a scumbag?

Anyway, this unfathomable mystery conversation confused Aphry.

…… …

In the following month, in a yard behind the Seaman School, from time to time there would be some screams, as if someone inside was undergoing some torture.

During this time, Marine Headquarters was busy with two things, moving and conscripting…Sakazuki has officially taken over Fleet Admiral’s work.

And when Mo Fei ended this process of training After that, he wanted to have another course of treatment on the spot, there was no way, the practice was too miserable.

But if you pay, you will be rewarded. After one month is over, Mo Fei does have a kind of shedding body. , the feeling of exchanging bones.

One month later, Mo Fei showed up again. He went to the underground space of Albertine’s laboratory, ready to come and see some “old acquaintance”— —Peace Pacifista PX-11, which has been placed here for testing.

This time Albertine followed him, and he did not stop it.

“Mo Fei, is it my illusion? How do I feel that you are thinner than before? “

“I did lose weight, on the one hand because my body became stronger, and on the other hand, because my diet has not been very good during this period of time… I vomit what I eat, and how much I eat. In this case, it is difficult for me to maintain my original body shape. “Mo Fei explained briefly.

“Spit? “

“Well, I was vomited… well, it doesn’t matter.

It’s Court Academecian. You should pay more attention to rest. If you haven’t seen it for a long time, I think your hair is thinner. I heard that hair follicles are a kind of non-renewable resource, it’s better to pay attention, otherwise…the beauties with Mediterranean hairstyles are too exotic. “

That is not exotic, but very challenging the aesthetic bottom line of normal people.

Albertini: “…”

Is my hair loss recently Is it serious? No, just light a cigarette and calm down.

“What do you want to do next? “

“It’s just a small experiment, Dr. Albertine can also take a look. “

Speaking, Mo Fei turned on the Peace Pacifista, and then stood in the center of this open field, ready to receive the opponent’s laser attack.

Then, the high-energy pulse beams from Mo Fei passed by, leaving a “bullet hole” on the wall behind.

“How about it, is the landing point shifted? “Then Mo Fei immediately asked Albertine.

Albertini looked at the specific location of the ray, determined the angle of the laser, and compared it to the point on the wall. , Her gaze was fixed on Mo Fei’s body.

“It’s shifted, it’s about 20 centimeters up. “

Although I don’t know what Mo Fei has done, Albertine can be sure that Mo Fei is undoubtedly a Devil Fruit Ability User.

“How about, do you want to try to play against Pacifista? “

“…Don’t worry for the time being, I have to participate in the Seaman conscription next, and after the conscription is over, I can try my skills with this big robot. “

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