“Mo Fei, what I told you last time, do you… have any ideas?”

On the elevator going up from the underground space In the middle, Albertine talked about this again suddenly.

“I have thought about it, but…the prospect of that kind of idea is of course very good, but the idea is just an idea, a castle in the sky.

First, even Dr. Albert Tini’s theory is completely correct, but no one can guarantee the feasibility and reliability of the technical operation. Second, I don’t have any Devil Fruit capabilities that I particularly want, and there is no need, so naturally there is no need to try. .”

Mo Fei put out his own reasons.

In fact, he was not sure that Albertine’s statement about Devil Fruit was completely correct. As for her concept of “precognition Akainu Kizaru three in one”, it was not so afterwards. The big attraction-if there is that kind of technology, why do you want to engage in the ability of three Admiral, isn’t Gura Gura no Mi more fragrant?

As for why Albertine is obsessed with such research, personal professionalism is on the one hand, and on the other hand there are other psychological factors…Probably all the scientists who have worked with Bergapunk will be more or less I feel a kind of emotion at least, that is, “feeling ashamed”, because Begapunk is too good, in almost every rank of scientific research, he is a talent of cream of the crop.

To put it more bluntly, other people are not worthy of giving Begapunk shoes.

And in order to get rid of this emotion, Albertine must make some achievements to prove herself. This is not only a question of self-esteem, but also a question of self-worth realization. How difficult is it to obtain decent scientific research results under the huge shadow?

Otherwise, she won’t worry about hair loss.

Mo Fei can understand this emotion, but he does not have the need to work together with her.

“Dr. Albertine, what you said is very dangerous when you hear it. It is not a regular scientific experiment, and without a half guarantee, probably no one will want to Participate in that kind of thing.” Mo Fei has already understood what Mo Fei said.

“I personally guarantee that no one in this field is more profound than my research…”

“Court Academecian, the guarantee of knowledge and research theory You can’t win the trust of others. If you want to say this, you might as well use yourself as a guarantee. At least you are a tangible’physical object’… I’ll give you a little advice, don’t rely too much on your outstanding brain. , Sometimes you can rely on your outstanding figure and appearance.”


Speaking, just before Albertine hadn’t reacted, Mo Fei took a step forward and naturally reached out and took off the lady’s cigarette from her lips, and then placed it on the corner of her mouth…

Well, it’s still a bit moist.

“Smoking can cause hair loss…

haha, Dr. Albertine, I will consider what you said, anyway, it’s not in a hurry… The premise is me If you can find a particularly impressive Devil Fruit.”

Albertini: “…”

This person is really “dangerous”.

She patronized and warned Afriel to stay away from Mo Fei, but she didn’t realize that she had to pay attention to it before.

But even though Mo Fei said so, Fuwa Fuwa no Mi is actually enough. What other fruit abilities does he need? In fact, there is no need at all.


In the month when Mo Fei was constantly beating, the news of the “big conscription” has spread throughout the entire world, and it is held all over the world After the preliminary screening, the next step is the positive selection.

On the whole, the rules of “big conscription” are relatively simple.

First, any civilian who is interested in participating in Marine and has confidence in their own strength can sign up for the conscription (except criminals including Pirate).

Secondly, Marine’s low- and middle-level officers and even ordinary Seaman can also participate in the selection activities. When the time comes, they will compete with the strength of the civilian population-in fact, not just middle- and low-level officers, but also The exact statement is that Rear Admiral and below are all qualified to participate.

As for Vice Admiral, Admiral’s replacement, and even Admiral, they will only participate in such a selection event only if their heads are drawn. Their military ranks would have been inadequate… if there is enough in Vice Admiral If you become a strong person in Admiral, then there is no need for world conscription.

Garp? Well, although Garp is old, there is no problem with Admiral, but Vice Admiral Garp is retired, and even if he does not retire, he has always dismissed Admiral’s position.

Thirdly, the 2nd Stage selection will be conducted in two places, one in New World and the other in the first half of the Grand Line near the existing “G1” base called “Bokexing” Kojima, what the specific selection method currently reveals should be the “challenge match.”

What sense of justice, recognition of World Government, Marine professionalism, navigational knowledge, etc., all these are things that can be temporarily placed behind, a rigid indicator of “big conscription” There is only one-whoever has a hard fist, who can hit, can get a senior position in Marine.

Personal battle strength is the decisive indicator.

Because the selection criteria are too simple and rude, it can be imagined that after the official selection starts, it must be rising winds, scudding clouds, and talented people.

After a month of intensive training, Mo Fei is already ready to participate in the conscription. Anyway, his strength has been impossible to improve again in a short period of time.

Next, he received a task: sailing to the Kingdom of Wilwarin to meet a group of participants who passed the primary election, about 200 people.

Depart from G1 to pick up the people in the Kingdom of Wilvarin, and then Mo Fei can sail directly to the island of “Boksing”.

This time, many people in the Seaman School have signed up for the “Great Conscription”, but Afriel did not do so. Unlike some people, she is not the kind of thing she has to do. A lively character…Only Mo Fei on the ship participated in the conscription.

After the Sheshuiyu sailed, Mo Fei realized one thing… The Kingdom of Wilwarin seemed to be a familiar place.

Not only did the Archerfish wandering around the Sea Territory for a long time, but also Herru Grim is also related to that country… The cat girl is a hybrid of human and fur. And her father seems to be from the kingdom of Will Warin.

But Grim has not lived in that country before. As far as she is concerned, it is a completely strange place…Her parents died in slavery activities, and then she Became a slave and was auctioned off.

Mo Fei originally went to the Kingdom of Wilvarin in the mood of “pull goods”. Of course, there will be many powerhouses to sign up for the big conscription, but because there is no threshold for this kind of registration, it is really necessary to compare If you get up, there are still many more participants.

However, what didn’t expect was that when he arrived at the port of the Kingdom of Wilvarin, he found a “big fish”.

Especially big, “big fish”.

“Hey, look…that’s a blind, right.”

“It should be. Blind also participates in the conscription? Is it true that Marine Headquarters who can go? ha ha ha ……”

“How did he pass the primary election?”

“It looks very tall and strong.”

“There is What’s the use? Blind is blind.”

“Don’t say this, maybe this blind still thinks he can become Admiral.”

“Yes, everything is possible Well…”


“haha, what you said is true.”


In the midst of such discussions, a big black man with short hair and short beard stood unmoved among the crowd… and remained unmoved.

Anyway, if there is any clown in the crowd, then this clown is absolutely impossible to be him.

The Archerfish slowly approached the shore, and Mo Fei’s eyes were fixed on the person’s body… It doesn’t matter whether the opponent is blind or tall, as long as it is No one can ignore the existence of a person with keen perception, because his sense of existence is a bit too strong.

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