Following Mo Fei’s “Shooting Fish” to the “New World” Marine Headquarters Issho and the others in New Marineford, then naturally there is no need to return to G1 in the first half of Great Hangnan Road .

Issho is the Marine Headquarter, and everyone else is also the “battle strength supplement” of Marine Headquarters, so it is natural to check in and work in the new Marineford.

The only ones who want to return to the first half of the Grand Line are Mo Fei and Garp.

Garp’s affairs naturally don’t have to worry about Mo Fei. The old Vice Admiral didn’t know where to go after he came to the new Marineford.

After the ceremony is completed and the conversation with Marine Fleet Admiral is completed, Mo Fei can actually go back to G1, but because the “Shooting Fish” has suffered some damage and needs repairs, so the time has to go. After a few days.

As for his later work arrangements, Akainu called the “internship”, but Mo Fei is still unclear at this time.

In just a few days, the news about the results of the “big conscription” was finally revealed, and then such important news instantly exploded among the all influence on the sea. .

Marine has a new Admiral, one codename is “Fujitora” and another codename is “Ryokugyu”.

After Akainu was promoted to Fleet Admiral and precognition resigned from Marine, it is very normal that Marine Headquarters will have a new “highest battle strength”, but the problem is that these two people were originally unknown, but suddenly In between became Admiral.

As long as you have a brain, you can naturally understand that World Government and Marine Headquarters will not let the “meal bucket” become Admiral, so in a sense, this kind of sudden emergence is not the famous inside Marine. The characters with a sense of mysterious who came up with the surname Vice Admiral can attract people’s attention even more.

“Fujitora, Ryokugyu…”

In the waiting room outside a Marine Headquarters office, Mo Fei is holding today’s newspaper and watching the headlines on it.

There is no doubt that the photos and related reports of Fujitora and Ryokugyu are the most important news today. However, after Mo Fei finished reading, he found that the really valuable part of the text above was actually very limited. It just gave a rough introduction to the origins of these two men and how to get through the big conscription (blind) man (ji). ) The main (er) meaning description.

As for the abilities of Fujitora and Ryokugyu, and whether they have fruitful abilities, this aspect was not written in the newspaper.

But for some people, more specific news is not difficult to inquire. There are tens of thousands of people participating in the conscription, and intelligence can always be collected among them.

Then Mo Fei found his own photo in the lower left corner of the newspaper…To be precise, there were two rows of one-inch photos posted there.

Mo Fei saw a very simple description under his photo, that is, his name and the change in his rank from major to Commodore.

How to say it, probably because the reporter doesn’t have much news about Fujitora Ryokugyu, so he can’t fill in the page, so he needs to click any cat any dog ​​to fill it… Marine Commodore, barely a “great character” , But it is far from being compared with Admiral.

Don’t talk about Commodore, in fact, there is Rear Admiral Vice Admiral who fills the layout with Mo Fei.

But this low-key is exactly what Mo Fei expects. Too high-key means that his Fuwa Fuwa no Mi will be well known…Fortunately, “Fujitora Ryokugyu” is in the front.

After waiting outside for a while, Mo Fei heard someone calling his name.

“Ailindel Mo Fei Commodore, please come in.”

This Seaman younger sister who is engaged in a clerical job, while speaking, is staring with curious eyes. Mo Fei, and after she said a word, everyone in the waiting room looked at Mo Fei… Commodore? This is too young, right?

“Let’s go.”

Mo Fei folded the newspaper and set it aside, then stood up and said to Afril who was on the side.

As he walked towards the Inner Sect of the office, he felt that someone had been staring at him, so he stopped subconsciously and then looked back.

The line of sight came from a male officer who was about 30 years old. The dislocation of age and status made the officer look at Mo Fei with a more unique line of sight, and after he noticed Mo Fei’s look back , Stood up immediately, put his heels together, straightened his legs, raised his chest, and saluted.

Mo Fei smiled, then waved his hand for the other person to sit down.

Well, this kind of feeling that can make the other party stand up automatically, and then can sit down again with his wave, is quite good.

Of course, Mo Fei is not cerebral palsy to the point of relying on the suppression of his superiors to do something. After his vanity is satisfied, he walks into the office.

The reason why I came here is because the “Fujitora Ryokugyu” incident made Mo Fei heard about the popular code name of Marine… First, you can pick it up yourself or wait for “natural generation”. Second, the “creative department” can help pick it up on site, and the third can also be selected from a bunch of codes prepared by the “creative department”.

The nature of these codes is not the same, but in essence, this thing has two main purposes. The first is to personalize the label, so that you can choose from a lot of Marine “big head carrots”. Recognized at a glance, such as “white hunter”; second is deterrence, propaganda or publicity, such as “Hero of the Marines”.

As for the importance of this thing, in fact, except for some hidden departments, it is not very important. Most of the time it is equivalent to “nickname”… Someone has no code name from beginning to end. Some people basically don’t use their own names, and simply use this code name on various occasions.

Although the serious discussion of “nickname” this thing is quite funny in itself, but under a world view that advertises personal ability and even simply advertises personal battle strength, this kind of thing is indeed Necessary.

In essence, Mo Fei is not so interested in this kind of thing, but considering that if he doesn’t take the initiative to handle this kind of thing, then he is easily forced to have an uncertain code name, when the time comes It would not be good to post titles like “Shiki II”, “Mourning Sect Star”, “Axe King Moka” on his forehead, so he decided to take the initiative.

Anyway, he was idle during the repairing of the Sheshui Yu.

Just pick one. As for giving yourself a “nickname”, forget it, it’s shameful.

After picking and picking here, Mo Fei found out that “a pair” is more suitable… Aphrel actually doesn’t care about this kind of thing at all, even if it’s interested, it should be “Heroes of the Sea” and the like, so everything depends on Mo Fei.

After finishing the selection, Mo Fei associated these two codes with their names.

The code name he chose for himself is TheWhiteRider (note), which translates to “baiju” or “white wizard”.

SnowyOwl, “Snowy Owl”, was chosen for Afriel.

The only thing Mo Fei wants this thing to do is that when someone starts calling him “The Scarlet King”, he can also tell them “I am actually an “Atractor”, this is an official record. The “common name” in the case.”

When he finished this little thing and left here, he happened to ran into Vice Admiral Garp outside.

After seeing Mo Fei, Vice Admiral Garp laughed and said, “ha ha ha, Mo Fei, I heard that you got an interesting’internship’?”

Uh, why don’t I know?


“White Robe Wizard” is one of Gandalf’s titles, so the protagonist calls this “White Wizard”.

The two code names he chose actually mean “Gandalf and Hedwig”, which belong to the magical combination series.

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