Vice Admiral Garp did not know where he heard some “grass news”, which made him very happy. However, he did not choose to tell Mo Fei.

This attitude makes Mo Fei more curious, but he is not in a hurry, anyway, someone will tell him about the job arrangement sooner or later.

After the “Shooter Fish” has completed its preparation, they are then ready to leave the new Marineford and return to the first half of the Grand Line.

Different from the time when I came to “New World”, this time Sheshuiyu chose the usual route when she returned. After all, there are no “valuable items” on board at this time, so there is no need to worry about loss or damage. problem.

And as a Seaman destined to run on the ocean, Mo Fei felt that he could not always escape the catastrophic weather of the “New World”, so when he had the opportunity to adapt, he still had to adapt.

After the “Shooting Fish” set sail and left the “climate stability zone” of the new Marineford, Mo Fei handed over the course control to the Navigator, and he himself came to the deck to pay close attention to the outside Climatic conditions.

He has to be careful about situations where icebergs, volcanoes, or meteorites will suddenly fall from the sky, or the sea will suddenly “crack”.

The two attendants of Garp went to help control the sails, while Garp himself was “relaxed” and “walking in the courtyard”. “New World” was nothing to the old Vice Admiral.

He watched Mo Fei walk back and forth on the deck. After a while, he said, “Mo Fei, I thought you would be happy to wear your new uniform after your rank is promoted. On the body, you didn’t expect that you don’t really care.”

Commodore uniforms this thing. Most of Seaman never had the opportunity to wear it on his body, but Mo Fei took it directly after receiving it. Throwing aside, Garp feels that this behavior is not in line with Mo Fei’s consistently overly aggressive “motivatedness”.

“Vice Admiral Garp, do I look like an official fan?” Mo Fei said that although my new position is important, it is not so important. “Well, with what the uniform represents Compared with appearance, the substantive Commodore position is important. Whether I wear a uniform or an epaulette, I am a Commodore, and this is the same.

Originally, Marine’s internal traditions I don’t pay much attention to the difference in clothing.

And if it’s purely subjective, I think the Marine uniforms are so-so, I don’t know who designed them, and the aesthetics are very weird.”

“Really? I think it’s pretty handsome.” Garp really thought about it for a while, and then refuted Mo Fei’s words.

Well, the old man with this kind of strength looks handsome in everything.

Mo Fei took a serious look at Vice Admiral Garp, and then continued, “I understand Marine wants to show’justice’, but I don’t like to write these two words behind.


Leave aside the qualitative and definition of’justice’, if you just say’sense of justice’, I think people with a little conscience can understand what is going on, so I personally think that it is too much to show the elements of’justice’ It’s not necessary, and it doesn’t matter to emphasize the sense of justice.

Compared with the sense of justice, I think that more basic values ​​are more important, such as labor and gain. This principle is building society Order is indispensable.”

Although Vice Admiral Garp usually looks like a carefree character, when he is his age, many things can be seen very clearly if he doesn’t want to understand, so he can Understand what Mo Fei is talking about.

“So what you mean is that the two words’justice’ should not be printed on Marine’s uniform, but the other two words should be printed…”

“Yes , Vice Admiral Garp, the two words that should be printed are actually… well,’salary’.”

Look, what a simple idea.

Garp nodded, this statement is in line with his understanding of this youngster… From the beginning to the end, Mo Fei did not join Marine for the sake of “maintaining justice.”

“Let’s stop this topic, at least the topic is still at the stage where it can be heard as a joke.” Vice Admiral Garp sighed, because he didn’t think Mo Fei was telling any jokes.

Mo Fei was nodded first, then stretched out a finger and pointed upwards, and then said, “No one likes that thing.”

The next thing to say is that In this world, there is a huge “moth”. They grab a lot of wealth and exaggerated status in an absolutely unfair way. Therefore, the “order” constructed under this premise is inherently problematic, let alone the order. Under the “justice”.

It’s no problem for Garp to say this, because Vice Admiral originally hates Celestial Dragon. As for the position of Mo Fei, well, if the topic is only “dislike”, No one thinks that Mo Fei has any revolutionary tendency.

Because no one really likes Celestial Dragon, regardless of ordinary people or Revolutionary Army.

“Mo Fei, these things you said are not like issues that you should consider at your age…”

Garp does not think that Mo Fei comes from the Revolutionary Army, because it takes a long time to pass After getting along with him, he can understand what kind of person Mo Fei is, but at least Mo Fei has a certain empathy for the Revolutionary Army… Putting things to the simplest, if one day the Revolutionary Army can overthrow the Celestial Dragon and the World Government, That guy Mo Fei must be happy to see it happen.

Well, this is no big problem, who is not happy to see it happen?

Mo Fei just wanted to say something, and then he heard a voice from above his head, “Sir, the south-east direction thundercloud is approaching quickly, it is the highest warning level!”

These words made Mo Fei look back in that direction, and then he saw a large black sky rushing towards this side quickly.

“Attention everyone, prepare for the thunderstorm.”

After just one glance, Mo Fei immediately took out Den Den Mushi and issued notices and orders to the Seaman… …Because of the habits of the previous life, he has already started to use Den Den Mushi as a walkie-talkie.

“Captain, rewind…”

“It’s too late.”

In fact, whether it’s rewinding or directly controlling the ship to fly away, the most Escape at a fast speed. In theory, Mo Fei can do it… At least it is worth trying, but this time Mo Fei didn’t do it.

Almost at the same time as Mo Fei’s voice fell, the sky above his head dimmed instantly, followed by a loud bang, and the sails of the “Sailfish” seemed to Like the tension that can’t bear the gust of wind, it is presented in the most extreme and full form.

It looked like it had been kicked on the butt, and leaped forward a distance.

At the same time, the mast and the hull kept creaking, and the overwhelmed squeeze of the ship board, it seemed that the next moment this slender sailboat would be crushed by the storm.

Heavy rain, heavy lightning, hurricanes, and the sea instantly became violent. So far, humans have not tame the sea of ​​”New World”.

In such a thunderstorm, the “Shooting Fish” was swallowed by darkness and huge waves, and then followed by a thick lightning hit the sea, the dazzling light spot lit up for a moment, so You can see the pure white sails constantly undulating in the wind and waves.

The storm and heavy rain immediately wetted Mo Fei’s clothes, but he stood firmly on the side of the ship.

“Sir, the shadow of the ship was found in the south direction…It is the coated ship that just emerged…The distance is two kilometers…The Pirate flag is hung!”

“You can recognize the flag Is it?” Mo Fei asked.

After a while, he heard the report again, “It’s’Chief Pirates’, and the captain is Bounty’s 120 million’tribal chief’ Atas.”

Mo Fei didn’t care about this report at first. He glanced at Vice Admiral Garp, who was also wet not far away, and then said, “Vice Admiral Garp, can I apply to Marine Headquarters for this position? I think the staffing on the ship is not complete, what are the shortcomings.”

“What is missing?”

“Um…a symphony orchestra?”

Vice Admiral Garp took a look at the goods, and then decided to ignore him, each minding their own business and walked back to the cabin.

Mo Fei looked at Vice Admiral’s back, and laughed.

“Captain Robert Cao is responsible for recording the combat instructions.

Captain Afriel is responsible for commanding the artillery group.

The entire ship’s order:

Chasing the enemy ship.”

The “Shooting Fish” is like dancing on the blade. The bow of the ship is dangerously and dangerously suppressing the raging sea below it, and it is in the constant flashing thunderstorm. In the middle, began to adjust his course difficultly.

This is a three-party melee. The participants are Marine, Pirate, and the sea of ​​New World.

Mo Fei wiped off the water stains on his face, and Yuan Lei seemed to be played in an inherent rhythm.

Pirate’s so-called “freedom” is not worthy of recognition, but sailing will always arouse people’s emotional torrent, which is a unique and unmatched romanticism.

The string music began to degenerate into the background, and the sound of French horn and trombone began to sound in his ears. The theme of the entire chapter was revealed at this moment:

Dvorak “Symphony No. 9 in E minor”

From New World

The fourth movement, sonata style.


The gloomy sky cannot cover the roar of cannon and the fire from the muzzle.

During the sudden weather and the sudden naval battle, the “Sheshuiyu” took the lead in firing and firing in a semi-volley.

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