Mo Fei gave a speech. It probably meant that I came here to work and admired the culture of this country very much. Hello, me, and everyone… I don’t have any nutrition at all, but fortunately Everyone is more supportive, and Mo Fei, who came here for the first time, can actually only say such empty words on this occasion.

It’s a pity that the language in this world has basically been unified, otherwise, if Mo Fei here just talk a few bad “Wilwarin” words, it will definitely usher in a lot of applause.

After saying a few words, Mo Fei is considered to have completed his appearance, and then Fried Vice Admiral led him to a certain duke, who is the host here and the organizer of the banquet.

In any case, since the other party specially held a welcome banquet for himself, even if this kind of “speciality” is only in name, Mo Fei must have a good greeting with each other out of courtesy.

However, this is the first contact between the two parties, so all the exchanges are only to the degree of “simplicity”, and every word and deed are full of “ceremony” and “ceremony”.

“haha, Ailindell Commodore is indeed young, talented people. Old fogey like me is probably not up to date. Commodore can have a good exchange with our youngster, even though the young generation of the kingdom Not as good as Commodore, but probably there will be more common topics between you youngsters…”

After the Duke made such a “summary”, he ended up with Mo Fei with a smile Exchanges.

Mo Fei feels that his smiling face is a little twitching. It’s really exhausting to communicate with these nobles, and I have to keep talking and doing things.

After leaving the host, Mo Fei talked nonsense to several guests of honor for a while, which made him feel that he was not Commodore, but a socialite.

When Mo Fei finally got out of the group of old men, he felt a bit exhausted physically and mentally.

At this time, Tepesh brought a glass of sparkling wine to Mo Fei. After spending a long time talking, Commodore was going to be dry now, so he took the glass and took advantage of everyone When he didn’t pay attention, he poured the glass of wine into his stomach just like drinking boiled water…Compared with the many enchanting females on the scene, Tepesh is his intimate little cotton jacket.

Seeing that Mo Fei’s originally high mood has been tossed and languished, Tepesh said, “Commodore, how do you feel now?”

“Feeling? It’s just a little trance. The day before was bumping on the sea, and now I’m in such a luxury…it feels a bit impractical.” Mo Fei’s eyes patted over the food and wine on the side, heart. Thinking about how much such food would be wasted.

Mo Fei seems to understand why that many people want to be Pirate, at least Pirate does not have to abide by these rules.

Without waiting for Mo Fei to say a few words to Tepes, a lady has already walked over here with her skirt lifted up, and because of her actions, others are going to come forward. Had to stop temporarily.

Mo Fei turned on Tepesh insignificantly, so Mr. Major could only sigh secretly, and then had to meet the lady.

“Young Lady, can you invite you to dance a dance?”

Tepes has given full play to the role of blocking guns.

The aristocratic Young Lady glanced around on Tepes, then slightly red her face nodded…In the kingdom of Wilwarin, Tepes is also a very famous person, and compared to Mo Fei comes, he is a little taller and looks better.

As for Mo Fei, he has always been a clean body, how can he dance with people casually? He had to pick which of the noble Young Lady present was the most beautiful.

At this moment, someone came to Mo Fei again. Unfortunately, he only had one shield. However… after Mo Fei looked at the opponent a little bit, he found out that he was actually There is no need for a shield.

Step by step The person who walked over has long orange red hair behind his head. The figure is slender and the figure is well-proportioned. He is wearing a conservative-looking gown and his waist is not too tight. Deliberately…but only from the hairstyle, she is not the Young Lady of the noble family, but a lady.

But no matter what, if you look at it from the face, the appearance of this lady has a feeling of eclipsing the others present.

When the opponent was about to come to Mo Fei, out of courtesy, he took two steps forward.

Then I saw the other person stroking his chest and bowing and saluting. Well, the action is still very beautiful, allowing people to know where their focus should be, but…this should be a man’s etiquette. Correct.

So what should Mo Fei do? salute? Okay, bow again.

“Elindell Commodore, hello, I am Earl Simarel Vista of the Kingdom.”

“Hello, Madam Earl.” Mo Fei is actually a bit uncomfortable. I understand why this person appeared in front of me, because this person didn’t even come to dance.

The age is also not suitable, she seems to be twenty-seven or eighteen years old.

Earl Simariel laughed and said, “I brought a little admirer to Mr. Commodore.”

She stretched her right hand behind her as if He tapped it, and then saw a small head poked out… It turned out that there was a person hidden behind the earl lady.

“This is my son, his name is Tristan… He is more introverted.

Since I saw the conflict between Mr. Commodore and the Great Pirate Akagami in the newspaper, Because of the immense appreciation and admiration of your excellency, Tristan has become your admirer.”

Is there such a thing? Mo Fei really didn’t know that he still had such a “fan”. In fact, he would not care about having such a fan under normal circumstances… The child’s damn good-looking is an exception.

While speaking, Earl Simariel reached out and patted the child’s shoulder lightly, which seemed to encourage him. Then the child walked out from behind her, even though his face was still timid.

“First… Sir, please, please sign me.”

Then the child straightened his arms and raised a very thick notebook.

At this young age, I became a star chaser, which can be described as early development and have boundless prospects.

Mo Fei squatted down and took over the notebook. After flipping a few pages, he found that all the excerpts in the notebook were newspapers with news about Mo Fei, even when he was in South There are all the newspapers that appeared in Blue…there is no gap between Grand Line and the world. Such newspapers must be searched deliberately to get them.

This child is really an admirer of Mo Fei. After realizing this, Mo Fei’s mood became a little purer.

He turned to a blank page, and after looking at the child, he took a pen and wrote a line, “May Mr. Tristan have a brave heart”, and then he signed After giving his own name, he returned the notebook to the other party.

After receiving the notebook and seeing the writing on it, Tristan obviously became happy…the little child, he was naturally overjoyed.

“Thank Elindel Commodore.”

The son is happy, and Nasi Mariel is happy too, so she once again brought the child to Tristan and salutes Mo Fei , And then…

Then she turned and left with the child.

Well, all this is for the child.

When Tristan followed his mother step by step, he kept looking back at Mo Fei while walking.

Mo Fei waved to the child.

The mother has a knighthood, and he brought his son to meet the youngster of the opposite sex. In fact, only these two conditions can roughly infer the composition of the other’s family.

After these two people left, Mo Fei lowered his arm. At this time, he remembered a well-known saying, what did that sentence say?

Child is child, and child and his mother are child and his mother.

Heh, it sounds like surnamed Cao said.

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