“Earl Simariel? It’s rare to see her on this occasion…”

“It’s nothing strange, isn’t it a simple earl? There will also be moments of quietness and thought, which is normal.”

“Maybe it’s for Tristan Young Master. Social interaction between the nobles is necessary. Even if it’s not for yourself, you have to consider it. The situation in the future…”

Mo Fei heard such comments from a distance, which seemed to indicate that it is a relatively rare event for the countess to appear on such occasions. Well, the reason why she appeared at Mo Fei’s welcome banquet was not because Mr. Commodore had a lot of face, but because Mr. Tristan had a lot of face… The nature of the child was so special that he wanted to go to the zoo, so his parents had to It’s the same to take him to the zoo.

These messy thoughts flashed in Mo Fei’s mind, and then he finally took the initiative to meet a girl in a blue long dress… As one of the protagonists of the banquet, he was not free I shouldn’t be idle when I come down.

The banquet lasted until midnight, and then it ended, and the guests went back separately. After dawn on the 2nd day, Major Tepes came to the agreed place to welcome Mo Fei back to the base.

“Major, do I have any work today?” Mo Fei, a little sleepy, asked Tepes while yawning.

“Just some daily tasks, such as patrolling and supervising Seaman training, confirming base supplies, and maintaining contact with Marine Headquarters.

According to the base’s mission schedule, this afternoon Fried Vice Admiral will also go to sea by boat, so in the next period Commodore you will become the Chief-In-Charge of the base.” Tepes said.

The number one and number two have gone to sea, so the burden of Chief-In-Charge of the base will naturally fall on the number three.

“Just daily work?” Mo Fei asked rhetorically.

“It’s just daily work.” Tepesh glanced at Mo Fei with a strange look. He said to his heart what you want to do?

“That means I actually have nothing to do.”

If it’s just for daily work, then there is really no need to do something with Mo Fei, just follow Like Impel Down, he only needs to sit in the office and sign various documents.

“You can’t say that. Of course, an organization needs a head to oversee. Dealing with daily tasks is one aspect, and dealing with non-daily conditions is another aspect.” Tepes retorted.

“Understood, I still understand the truth. I was just complaining casually.”

However, Tepesh expressed doubts about Mo Fei’s words, and he said to you. If you really understand, why do you look like you are not getting enough sleep now?

So he showed a hesitant expression, seeming to want to persuade Mo Fei, but because this kind of thing is too private, it is difficult for him to speak for a while.

Mo Fei seemed to see through the mind of Tepes, so he said with a smile, “Yesterday was only an exception. Some nobles at the welcome banquet were too warm.”

“…” Tepes only hopes that there will be no scandals that damage Marine’s reputation within a few months.

“Major Tepes, to tell you a simple truth, in this world there is such a woman who has neither character nor character, neither knowledge nor accident, the whole person is empty inside and outside. , But they have high self-esteem.

They have a good background and a long beautiful shell.

Sounds bad, doesn’t it? But even so. People also have the personality and value that they are born with.

Or because the inside is empty, the external appearance is more prominent…For such people, deny or despise their beauty, It is tantamount to denying the value of the other person as a human being, and it is tantamount to denying the reason why a person can be called a person.

So why be a man so mean, you should be compassionate.”

Mo Fei talked a lot about the mess, and at first it seemed that there was a bit of truth, so Tepes was kind of taken in.

He froze in place first, and then slowly turned around involuntarily…Wait, there seems to be something wrong, right?

How does it sound like Mo Fei went to “Purdue All Living Beings” last night?

It doesn’t sound like human words.

For the sake of his own three views, Tepes decided not to dwell on this issue anymore.

“By the way, Major, remember to sell my treasure for me.”

“…Understood, Commodore.”

Although it is by no means Tepesh’s job responsibility to help his boss resell the treasure, he decided to agree directly…This is to prevent Mo Fei’s “continuing education”.


After the two returned to the Marine base, Mo Fei stayed in the office and took a nap in the morning. During the period, a Battleship was ready to sail. At noon, This Battleship left the harbor.

“Do civilian officers also need to go to sea?” Mo Fei muttered to himself as he watched that Battleship Yang Fan set sail.

Regardless of this, he really needs to work hard next.

Every document placed on Mo Fei’s desk needs to be carefully read by him before signing… New leaders like him are especially easy to evolve into a backdoor at this stage. Man.

This is different from the time at Impel Down. The task of the “Responsible Office” is too simple, but now he has to deal with the trivial matters of the entire base, which is especially easy to step on thunder.

So Mo Fei must be careful, he maintains a cautious attitude, so that his work efficiency is relatively low.

After half of the afternoon passed, more than half of the papers on his desk were left, so he decided to slow down.

For a position like Mo Fei, you only need to be responsible for the work you have completed. As for the unfinished work, you have to wait until it is completed.

Mo Fei, who decided to skip work, left the base with two newly acquired swords… This was actually someone who was still worried about whether the Seaman’s attending the banquet would cause any problems last night.

Mo Fei is going to a knife shop to turn the naked sword in his hand into a convenient and practical “real sword” again.

Marine’s base is located in the capital of this country. In theory, this is the Central Zone of this country. It is the most prosperous place…and also the place with the largest gap between the rich and the poor.

In the invisibility of cities such as street corners, alleys, etc., Mo Fei can see some undressed beggar from time to time… The banquet last night was like something that happened in another world. .

Unfortunately, this kind of social problem has its complexity and cannot be solved by a high-level battle strength. Therefore, Mo Fei can only observe the social phenomenon of this country, rather than what society really wants to solve. Question… He is only Marine, but not the king of this country.

Mo Fei came to the knife shop, handed over his two long swords, and after making a few random requests, he turned around and left here.

After the fitting work is completed, the craftsman in the shop will send the two swords back to the Marine base.

When Mo Fei left the knife shop and re-newcomer to the street, the accident happened suddenly.

Someone pounced directly at Mo Fei, and then hugged his leg while pounced on the street.

Mo Fei turned his head, looked down, and then saw the little man leaping behind him…It is not difficult to judge from the other party’s clothes, this person should be a little beggar.


So, did Mo Fei encounter a porcelain encounter?

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