Suddenly encountered the “touching porcelain” thing. Mo Fei naturally didn’t like it, but he didn’t like it or not, but he couldn’t just kick the child away. , Otherwise he won’t be pounced by the opponent at all…At this time, his mood is actually a kind of helplessness.

“Are you hungry? Then I will ask you to eat…The premise is that you quickly let go.” Mo Fei said.

“Really, sir?” The little beggar burst into laughter immediately.

“Really, don’t let go.”


After the other party let go, Mo Fei’s pants were already smeared There are large pieces of gray stains, I can only say that this guy is really courageous… If a beggar sticks to another person in this way, then the other person will inevitably be beaten up, at least they will be kicked a few feet. .

Is this little beggar so good at his words? I can find that I am essentially a very kind person… At this moment Mo Fei couldn’t help but have such thoughts.

No matter what, now that the other party agreed to a dinner, Mo Fei naturally has no idea of ​​repentance.

“Come with me.”

On the way to the knife shop just now, Mo Fei saw several restaurants. He planned to have something to eat by the way when he went back. Now It’s just one more person.

“Okay, sir.”

Mo Fei was in front, little beggar followed him, and soon these two people stopped in front of a restaurant.

“How is this one?”

“No, sir, I think the previous one is better.”

Let Mo Fei didn’t expect However, his proposal was rejected by the other party.

“Then you are still not enough hungry.”

Mo Fei, this is the first time I have seen such a beggar who is so “deceived” and not at all polite, or this Little Brat is really serious I am a guest…Compared with the restaurant in front of him, the one that beggar pointed at is obviously more magnificent. This is a fly restaurant and that is a star-rated restaurant.

That’s why Mo Fei said that this product is not hungry enough. There is still a challenge.

But it doesn’t matter, Mo Fei is not bad money anyway, or because he will have a large sum of money in the account recently, he is now wondering how to spend the money.

Then try this country’s top cuisine. Mo Fei didn’t even bother to eat at yesterday’s banquet.

The two continued to move, and when they arrived at the door of the restaurant designated by beggar, beggar pushed the door first and walked in. When the waiter inside saw a beggar daring to rush into the restaurant from the front door, he was about to shout at first, and at this moment, he saw Mo Fei following behind.

“Waiter, two, do you have a seat?”

Mo Fei adhered to the “since ancient times” habit of entering the restaurant and said to the waiter.

This kind of high-end restaurant is impossible to let beggar in under normal circumstances. Even if the beggar has money to eat, the “waiter” cannot stop him at this time because he can know Mo Fei. The clothes he wears… Mo Fei is not a big soldier, but Commodore.

Commodore, that’s a pretty face. Or if anyone doesn’t give him face, he can find a reason to tear down this restaurant.

“Two gentlemen, please come with me.”

I saw the waiter corner of the mouth twitched, and then led Mo Fei to a corner dining table.

Mo Fei is here to eat, not to find faults. The image of the little beggar is indeed incompatible with this high-end restaurant, which is really embarrassing.

So Mo Fei said to the waiter, “Waiter, menu, and hot towel.”

The waiter bowed and left, and then quickly returned with the menu and hot towel. .

Mo Fei spreads out the hot towel on his palm, then greets little beggar to come to him, and then presses the opponent’s face and rubs it all over… There is a stance of holding a steel ball to brush the bottom of the pot. .

After waiting for the other party’s face to be wiped clean, little beggar immediately started ordering, and at this time Mo Fei found that something was a bit wrong-how can there be a beggar with such soft skin and tender meat? Which noble family’s child is this?

Little beggar orders food very quickly, which shows that he is literate and he knows what the dishes are on the menu.

No, maybe it’s not him but her? This child looks eleven or twelve years old, and Mo Fei thinks she might be another version of Sabo.

Mo Fei feels like he has activated a certain talent skill… “child picker”, in your life, you will pick up all kinds of Brat from time to time.

After little beggar finishes his order, the menu is handed over to Mo Fei. At this time, Mo Fei actually wanted to eat a famous dish…seafood pimple soup, but he felt that there might not be such a high-level chef in this restaurant.

“Let’s stew beef…I want a large portion. The chef will serve the food soon. We are all hungry here.”

“…” The waiter withdrew the menu, Turn around and leave.

Mo Fei is not as professional as the little beggar. However, in fact, his name is do as one pleases, and it would be more interesting to order something from Pirate.

And then the performance of little beggar at the table also shows that she is indeed not just a beggar. Although her mouth is always full, all her movements are busy and not chaotic. The movements are very fast but methodical…

“Let’s talk, what’s the matter with you? What’s your name? Where did you come from? Don’t be afraid if it’s trafficked, we Marine sometimes Also responsible for abduction.”

Mo Fei asked such a question after little beggar ate a lot.

“No, sir, you think too much, I’m just a little beggar.”

Something is wrong, this kid is not right, if she is really beggar, face Mo Fei’s problem It should be coowering, and she has no need to keep her identity a secret.

“I declare in advance that I can only treat you to this meal, but there is no more.”

Mo Fei can provide limited help to the other party, but only if The other party needs such help.

“It’s okay. Anyway, I can always catch someone like you, Mr.”.

Obviously, little beggar does not need extra help, all she needs is just one Meal only.

“Very well, I like your calm attitude.”

“hehe, but a good person like Mr. is still hard to meet, so in order to express my gratitude, I have a small gift I want to give you.”

Speaking, little beggar handed something to Mo Fei.

Mo Fei looked down and saw a pocket watch-style compass. The front was an ordinary glass surface and there was an embedded flat hourglass on the back. As Mo Fei picked up the compass, the hourglass The fine sand in it flowed.

This is a compass used for navigation. However, it can only be used in the four seas and cannot play a corresponding role in the Grand Line. At this time, its pointer is turning randomly.

“Jack Sparrow?”

At the same time Mo Fei spit out the name when he saw the messy pointer.

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