During the previous riots in the capital, Mo Fei rescued the reporter Young Lady, so she came to the hospital to express her gratitude.

“Mulek Dietrich…”

After hearing the name reported by the other party, Mo Fei suddenly felt a little familiar, and then he remembered a little bit What? Then he picked up the newspaper lying aside… Sure enough, the name of the photojournalist written under the cover photo was Mulek Dietrich.

“Dietrie Young Lady, if you say thank you, this picture is actually enough.” Mo Fei said after shaking the newspaper in his hand.

Didn’t expect the reporter Young Lady looks clumsy, but the camera technology is actually very good, or is her professionalism okay? In short, the technical requirements of capturing an image in an instant, adjusting the angle and light and then pressing the shutter are definitely not the same as the swing shooting.

“No, no, this is my job. It’s not a reward… Is Mr. Mo Fei’s injury serious?”

“Three ribs were broken, but because The enemy’s technique is very’exquisite’, only the bone is broken, the injury is not serious, but it seems that it will take two months to recover completely.” Mo Fei said.

Most of the injured Seaman, including him, have similar injuries. To put it simply, the injuries are never fatal, but they “cannot recover” for quite some time.

“If this is the case, then…”

“This is?”

While speaking, Dietrich puts a box of ointment-like things On the bedside table of Mo Fei.

“The ointment specially used to treat this kind of injury will definitely have an effect on Mr. Mo Fei’s injury.”

“Daidley Young Lady, are you not a reporter? Is it still a part-time doctor?”

“I am not a doctor…My younger brother is a doctor, and he is also a famous doctor with excellent medical skills, but recently he went to sea to a place called’Trino Kingdom’ I have gone to study and study in the country, otherwise Mr. Mo Fei will be healed faster.”

“The Kingdom of Trino?”

Mo Fei thinks this country’s The name is a bit familiar, has it ever appeared in the “story”?

“Well, it’s a special island country on South Blue. It is said that there is a huge tree growing in the center of the country.” Dietrich doesn’t know much about that country, so she can only give Such a rough explanation.

When I heard about the huge tree, Mo Fei directly thought of things like “Treasure Wood Adam” or “Sun Tree Eve”, completely ignoring the probability of reindeer or civet cat growing on that tree.

“Really, that’s a shame. It would be nice if the younger brother of the famous doctor can come back soon.” Mo Fei said out of courtesy.

Look at this reporter Young Lady, then her younger brother is about the same age as Mo Fei at most. Too young “famous doctor”, Mo Fei would not believe the other’s medical skills so much. Treating fractures with ointment sounds a bit unreliable.

“Well, my younger brother’s name is Hitchcock, Mulek Hitchcock… I hope he can come back soon.”

I just chatted a few more words. After that, Dietrich soon left. She was just here to express her gratitude, and there was no need to stay here for long.

Just after Dietrich opened the door and left, Mo Fei heard a falling sound from outside, followed by a series of apologies… She seemed to hit something again .

And soon, Mo Fei knew what she had hit.

The door of the ward was pushed open again.

A tall man with a tall body, short white hair and two cigars in his mouth walked in…It was Smoker.

Although this robust man has a fierce look, the cigar in his mouth is not lit at this time, probably because this is a ward—this guy is unexpectedly careful?

He followed the female Seaman as always.

After Smoker walked into the ward, he came directly to Mo Fei’s bed, then pulled a chair and sat down.

“For me?” Mo Fei felt a little unfathomable mystery.

“Just become Seaman?” Smoker asked after looking up and down Mo Fei.

Mo Fei came back to his senses. He saluted the other party first, and then said, “Yes, Commodore, I am a new recruit who has been in the army for less than a month.”

I still know the rank of Mo Fei, so he should also recognize the person sitting next to his hospital bed as a “great character” based on common sense in the military.

“I heard about your brave performance in the previous battle, now I want to ask you a question…what do you think of’Grand Line’.” Smoker asked again.

“Grand Line? Compared to South Blue, there is a more dangerous place, but it is also a more suitable place to achieve your ideals.” Facing this sudden problem, Mo Fei thought about it and only gave There was a simple and empty answer.

He had to figure out why the other party would ask such a question first.

“No matter what reason you joined Marine, your performance in previous battles is worthy of recognition…I understand, reputation and status are all things you want, right? But Grand Line is not such a simple place. You must be aware of it.”


Mo Fei said in his heart what do you understand? Why don’t I understand? And why does he think that Tashigi looked towards behind him is a bit weird?

“Before I came to South Blue, I was instructed by old fogey above. If I saw a good seedling, I would take it to the Grand Line… How about, dare to go, Erindel third class? “


Can’t ask for it?”

This is indeed something that Mo Fei can’t ask for, but the problem is that he doesn’t quite understand The two people in front of them had some weird attitudes…Mo Fei didn’t take the matter of encountering Smoker at sea before at all, and naturally he didn’t know the current brain activities of these two people.

“Very well…Tashigi, write down his name.”

“Yes, Commodore.”

Smoker stood up, and the two of them Just left the ward.

“Smoker Commodore, this Seaman is indeed the person we met at sea before, plus the rumors among the nobles that we have heard of in a certain country…

The huge barrier of identity is blocked between the two who love each other. For the girl he loves, he joined Marine directly, and dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety when facing a tyrannical and dangerous enemy. new recruit…Is this the power of love?”

As Tashigi said, his eyes became leisurely and fascinating.

“Stop talking nonsense, Tashigi, outsiders like us just shut up and watch in silence.”

Smoker Commodore lit the cigar in his mouth and reprimanded.” The female subordinates of “Love Brain”…Well, although this guy looks like a tough guy, his brain supplement ability doesn’t seem to be much worse than his female subordinates.

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