“Mr. Mo Fei, we will depart for the Grand Line in about two weeks. Your transfer procedures have been completed, and you will be temporarily under Smoker Commodore’s Follow us until we arrive at the training headquarters.”

Sometime later that day, Tashigi returned to Mo Fei’s ward again and informed him of the next arrangements…this A series of related procedures are definitely required for class transfer.

“That… Captain, can you tell me a more specific destination?” Mo Fei asked, he wanted to know where he would go.

Tashigi’s current rank is Captain, and she should be a better talker, so he asked.

“Ah, it’s rude, I forgot to explain… it’s Marineford.”

“Marineford? Isn’t Marine Headquarters there?”

“Hmm Let me elaborate. Anyway, it’s also a semi-public news-then Marineford will lose the function of Marine Headquarters and gradually change to a base for training headquarters, military academies, Marine hospitals and other ancillary functions. Marine Headquarters has a very It may be replaced, which is also a follow-up effect of the top war.” Tashigi explained.

Have you made such a decision? It turns out that this is not a move that Akainu made after taking the stage…Mo Fei thought of it silently.

Think about it and you will understand that the original Marineford was a huge fortress, but now this fortress has been damaged, and even more than that, the foundation of the entire Marineford island has been shaken…20 Many years ago Shiki, not long ago Whitebeard, especially the latter, these two invasions made Marineford no longer “unshakable”.

So “Marine Headquarters” is better to change place.

“Does it feel too far away, Mr. Mo Fei? The distance from Marineford to the Kingdom of Hildegard is a huge obstacle. This is a test given to you by God, Mr. Mo Fei, you Can you understand?”

Tashigi put away the notebook in his hand, and suddenly reached Mo Fei’s eyes and said. This kind of overly intimate and caring tone and exaggerated closeness make Mo Fei a little uncomfortable.

Actually, Mo Fei still doesn’t understand what she is talking about. The Kingdom of Hildegard is his hometown, so is he worried that he will miss home?

“The distance? I feel…okay, not too far, hehe…”

After entangled for a while, Mo Fei finally managed The warm-hearted female captain sent away.

In general, this “battle” against the Revolutionary Army has brought unimaginable benefits to Mo Fei.

Reality is always full of variables. What Mo Fei didn’t expect was that he got the chance to go to the Grand Line so smoothly… The impact of the “war on the top” is still going on The battle strength lost by Marine Headquarters in that major event needs to be replenished in time.

It is equivalent to saying that Mo Fei exchanged three ribs for a ticket.

It’s not only Marine’s internal conscription, according to the current situation, it seems that the “big conscription” is coming soon.

“I will leave in two weeks, so can I hurry up with my injuries?”

Mo Fei does not expect his injuries to recover after a sleep or a meal Come here, but when there is a chance to go to the Grand Line, the two-month full recovery period is still a bit too long.

Thinking about this, he cast his sights on the ointment on the bedside table…Would you like to try it? Anyway, what is applied externally, in theory, even if there is no effect, it will not cause much harm.

What is surprising is that this thing seems to be really effective, quite a feeling that who knows who uses it. With the help of ointment, after a week in the hospital, Mo Fei was able to get out of bed and walk normally, and he didn’t even feel any obvious tingling sensation.

Then he followed Battleship back to Ganemetis Island where the 54th branch is located, but he still stays in the hospital…No matter what his physical condition is, he no longer needs to participate in the new recruit training here. Up.

Next, he just needs to wait for Smoker’s Battleship to come here.


“Chairman Cui Deli…should be called a lieutenant. In short, congratulations on the promotion, Sir.”

This afternoon of the day , Treadley came to Mo Fei’s ward with a cane and arms hanging. This was the first time the two had met since the battle that day.

This Sir was actually promoted, and this person has also picked up a leak.

“The official appointment has not yet come down, and I am still the head of Cao.” Tridlier shook the head, but he was in a very good mood at this time, “It’s you, really want to follow the headquarter Commodore heading to the Grand Line? That Sea Territory is extremely dangerous.”

“Well, it should be if nothing else, Sir.”

“…Okay Everyone has their own ideas and goals, Mo Fei, I hope you can get ahead a little earlier.”

Trid Lier thinks this is a pity, and he thinks going to the Grand Line is one thing. This kind of unthinkable courting death behavior, secondly, Mo Fei is a rich man with a generous shot, so he regrets the departure of this subordinate.

After another week, a Marine Headquarters Battleship docked at the berth of the 54th military port.

At this moment, Mo Fei is packing his luggage in his dormitory, but it seems that there is nothing to pack. When he came here, he only had one backpack, and now he has only one backpack to leave.

After finishing everything quickly, Mo Fei was carrying a backpack and was about to leave here. When he walked to the playground, three or four people stopped him.

“Hey, Mr. Mo Fei, I heard that you made a big show a while ago? How about it, do you feel that you are expert and extraordinary now?” That Lucio.

Mo Fei did not consciously be expert because of the previous news, but Lucio was quite jealous of him.

“Mr. Lucio, are you still doing this kind of thing after so long? But it doesn’t matter, don’t worry, I won’t hinder you anymore.” Mo Fei stopped and laughed Said to this group of people.

“Serve softly? You don’t think you’re going to be softer until now, the previous things can be wiped out?”

“…you have a problem with your ability to understand, what I mean is Say I will leave here soon, so I won’t hinder you anymore.”

“Retired and go home? No way, Mr. Mo Fei, you will be scared to go home after only one battle. Well, thanks to the newspapers that praised you, I remember that the headline is called “Courage”, is this your courage?”

“Uh, not going home, I’m going to the Grand Line next.”



ha ha ha ……”

Next What rang out was the laughter of these people, Grand Line? They seem to have heard a very funny joke.

“If you are scared to go home, say scared to go home, Grand Line? Will not lie? Ha ha ha ……”

And in the laughter of this group of people , Mo Fei boarded the Battleship from the Grand Line and prepared to return to the Grand Line.

The ridicule Mo Fei heard clearly, but he didn’t care at all, because he didn’t care about it at all…

The so-called a summer insect cannot discuss ice, nothing more than that. .


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