“Now I will take you to take a look at the main weaponry of this Battleship, the triple-mounted rotating turret at the bow of the ship. Such a large-caliber rear mounted cannon is very useful in the Sea Territory outside the Grand Line. Rare…”

At this time, Captain Tashigi led a team of Seaman who had just boarded the Battleship for a tour of the ship.

Smoker Commodore’s Battleship has left Ganimetis and is currently sailing west. The first destination seems to be Reverse Mountain… This time they will probably enter the Grand Line on the “normal route” .

If it is not particularly necessary, the Battleship of Marine Headquarters does not seem to try to crossed over the Calm Belt easily. Although Marine has the technology to cross the Calm Belt, no one can guarantee that the Calm Belt is a super crossbow Sea The King class will never be alarmed, so there are risks.

Smoker Commodore’s Battleship brought some “young, talented people” from South Blue to the Grand Line this time. There are a total of 20 people including Mo Fei…Of course, only Mo Fei is impossible. He doesn’t have that much face.

speaking of which Mo Fei Since becoming Seaman, this is the first time he has officially walked on the Battleship. He has learned a little bit about the internal structure of this large-scale Battleship… He is quite good about it. Interested in.

“Captain Tashigi, is this Battleship a Level 1 Battleship?”

“Level 1?” Tashigi froze for a moment, and then understood what Mo Fei was saying, “You It means the Battleship with the most powerful firepower, right? No, this ship should be considered a Level 2 Battleship or Level 3 Battleship. As for the Level 1 ship…you will understand when you see it, Mr. Mo Fei.”

Mo Fei nodded, he understands, the battleship should be bigger and more capable of firepower projection… Maybe the battleship that can participate in the “Buster Call” can be regarded as Marine Headquarters’ Level 1 main battleship.

The group of idlers continued to follow the captain, but Mo Fei stopped as he walked-he stopped at the door of a training room.

After the Battleship set sail, someone who was idle was doing strength training inside… Needless to say, it was Smoker Commodore, the top commander of Battleship.

Commodore naturally immediately noticed that he was being visited, but he didn’t say anything.

Although Mo Fei and this group of people are temporarily under Smoker’s jurisdiction, they are not strictly speaking of which they are not his subordinates, so he is too lazy to say anything, let alone treat them like his real subordinates strict.

After a while, Smoker may have completed a round of training. He took a breath, walked to the side and wiped the sweat from his face with a towel, and then poured a large amount into his mouth. Glass of cold water.

“Do you want to move your body, new recruit?”

Seeing that Mo Fei has been standing at the door and not leaving, Smoker said.

“Can Commodore? I have been recovering from my injury since the last incident, and I feel my body is rusty.”

“Recovery is too slow.”


In short, after seeing Smoker nodded, Mo Fei stepped into the training room.

He just speculated a little about Smoker’s character, and now he guessed it right…Although Smoker looks vicious and looks like a stranger not entering, in fact he is considered reasonable, People who can communicate normally.

Of course, if Mo Fei is an official subordinate of Smoker, that is another situation.

After two weeks of training, Mo Fei felt that his injury was no longer a major problem. He picked up a dumbbell and began to exercise his upper limbs.

“Have you done similar training yourself?”

Smoker was sitting on a chair, he watched Mo Fei mess around for a while, and then asked.

“Well, I did self-employment exercises during the new recruit.”

“It’s useless,” Smoker shook the head, “I didn’t breathe properly, and I did not work hard.”


Then Mr. Commodore yelled at the outside, “Hey, Tashigi, if you have time to do those boring things, it’s better to come over and teach new recruits how to breathe. This is at least somewhat meaningful.”

Look, Smoker is so yelling at himself, but he is more polite to “outsiders” like Mo Fei.

“Yes, Smoker Commodore…I’m sorry, Smoker Commodore.”

Taken at Commodore’s lewdness, the young woman Seaman almost ran into training in a frantic and scrambled manner. Room.

“Respiratory training is it? Introductory training?”

“Huh…should it be?” Mo Fei is a little irresistible, is it that he has lived for several decades and will not pant for breath? ? Or do you have to pay attention to the depth when you breathe?

“The correct way of breathing is the beginning of controlling the body, muscles and strength. If you can master it, it is still very meaningful… I will show you, inhale… exhale…”


Captain Tashigi has already started explaining and demonstrating. It is reasonable. I didn’t understand what Mo Fei the Captain explained, but what she demonstrated was very beautiful.

After waiting for a period of practice, Mo Fei was convinced that there is a way to “gasp”, and after practicing, he understood what he was practicing… This is probably Introductory training for “Return of Life”.

Of course, these all are later, anyway, let’s watch the captain’s demonstration first.

Mo Fei just stayed here just now. It was a bit exaggerated to say that he wanted to get along with Smoker Commodore. Different people have to be treated differently. If he wants to give this Commodore some “little gift”, It’s hard to guarantee that he won’t be thrown directly into the sea, so he has just been watching Commodore’s training, in fact, he just wants to learn something secretly.

Now stealing learning is impossible, it is clearly just and honorable learning…this is what Mo Fei can’t ask for.

Because the currents and wind directions are very smooth, so after only five days of sailing for this Battleship, the Red Line mainland is already in sight.

“Precipice continent, how did this thing come into being…”

When Mo Fei saw the Red Line continent with his own eyes, the actual existence of this spectacular scene still made He was a little surprised. The canal climbing upward… tentatively, it can be explained that, compared to the huge ocean current and the Red Line continent, the canal of Reverse Mountain is like a thin line, so the anti-gravity upward movement is barely understandable.

But the question is why does the Red Line mainland exist? It’s incredible.

Battleship’s handling and professional Marine’s sailing skills are not comparable to those of ordinary Pirate, so in addition to Mo Fei’s initial surprise, Smoker Commodore and his ship overturned Reverse Mountain without any problems… It’s nothing more than climbing the mountain first and then going down the mountain. Unlike Pirate, who entered the Grand Line for the first time, Smoker Commodore is very familiar with the route here.

After crossing the Reverse Mountain very smoothly, this Battleship did not stop at all, and then it went straight to Marineford.

Just after entering the Grand Line, I greeted Mo Fei with an unpredictable ****.

The storm seems to be able to tear the sails at any time, and the rolled up waves are like clouds and sky. The huge Battleship is like a fallen leaf, which may be swallowed by the sea at any time.

For the first time in two lifetimes, Mo Fei felt a little seasick.

But…what should I say?

For a person entering the Grand Line for the first time, there is no more formal “welcome ceremony” than this kind of weather.

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