Smoker Commodore’s Battleship went straight to Marineford by the “permanent record pointer”. The World Government’s dedicated ocean current was used in the middle, so they sailed for about two weeks after entering the Grand Line. Arrived at the destination in about time.

This speed is much slower than directly traversing the Calm Belt, and much faster than using the record pointer to sail one island by one.

It can barely be regarded as “with one’s heart set on speeding home”. At this time, Smoker is thinking about going to New World as soon as possible, but considering his current strength, if he wants to transfer to New World There are a lot of formalities to go through-he is a senior officer, but not that senior, he is very strong, but not that strong.

So Smoker is actually a half-hearted thing, and half-hearted things are generally difficult to handle.

“Is this Marineford?”

When the Battleship slowly entered the huge half-moon habor, Mo Fei walked to the deck and looked up at this A huge fortress that has experienced wars not long ago.

There are some undismantled scaffolding on the outer heights of the fortress, and the outer wall facing the habor is covered with traces of bullet holes…huge, solemn and cold, the so-called war machine, probably That’s it.

There is only a breeze on the sea. In the sky, heavy snow is falling. Not only does a piece of white cover the island, but even the surrounding sea is covered with a thick layer of snow. At this moment, the sea seems to be a piece of land—the weather on the Grand Line cannot be judged by common sense, but if you want to talk about the seasons in the northern hemisphere in the four seas, it really happens to be winter.

So when Mo Fei walked out of the cabin and looked towards the island for the first time, he didn’t even realize it was Marineford, but thought he had come to a snow country fortress.

“Trainers, please come with me. We are going to the training headquarters on the back of the island by boat.”

After the Battleship was parked on the berth, Captain Tashigi took the lead. A small boat dropped from the Battleship, and then greeted “new recruits” like Mo Fei to board the boat.

Marine Headquarters is still in Marineford. The upper level of this fortress has Marine Fleet Admiral’s office and Marine Central’s confidential department, so new recruits are not suitable for running around here.

This is still the “face” of Marine, and Mo Fei where they are going is on the back of the island.

“Captain Tashigi, shouldn’t we pass through the island?” Someone asked Tashigi. He seemed to be hoping to visit this island… Let’s take a look at Marine until now The core island, secondly, I want to pay tribute to the battlefield on top of the war.

“No, it’s faster to take the boat.” Tashigi said seriously, she didn’t realize the other party’s mood at all.

So Mo Fei and the others got on the boat, left the port again, then circled Marineford half a circle, came to the back of the island, and then they landed here.


When the boat rounded the side of the huge fortress in the middle of the island, Mo Fei faintly heard the roar in the atmosphere. He thought it was thunder, but gradually he noticed something was wrong.

“No, is it… the sound of a cannon?” Mo Fei heard the sound more like a cannon sound, but this constant sound is somewhat different from the sound of a cannon. It seems to be sharper and more piercing. More permeable.

But here is the Marine Headquarters, why is there continuous sound of cannons? Is anyone fighting here?

Veterans like Sengoku, Garp, and Crane, plus at least one Admiral under normal circumstances, will stay here, so apart from the “Yonko” forces, who dares to come to this island to make trouble?

The engagement is impossible.

After coming to the back of the island, this kind of sound became more obvious, not only Mo Fei, but other people were also attracted by it.

After the boat stopped, Tashigi led the new recruits to the training headquarters to report. In theory, she does not need to do such a thing, but in fact the main procedure is the irrelevant captain. Sir helped to handle it. People like Mo Fei are only responsible for signing and confirming the reporting procedures.

“By the way, what’s the matter with this constant sound? Cannon sounds?” Tashigi was also curious about this, so she couldn’t help but ask.

The person responsible for the procedures here is a lieutenant. Captain Tashigi has “rank suppression” against him. Even more how Tashigi is an official first-line combat officer. That lieutenant is just an officer of the training department, so Whether he likes it or not, the lieutenant will answer Tashigi’s questions.

“Ah…it’s the gunshots, Captain.

Can you see the rubble over there? Some of the ruins of the building caused by the previous war were not cleaned up, but moved When I got there, it was changed to a practical training ground.

Someone has been training there recently, but…calculating time should be over soon.”

“So it was training…” Tashigi raised his head and looked at the conspicuous “ruin”.

A gunshot? Mo Fei was a little puzzled, what kind of gunfire would be so “deafening”? The sound of the gun is fired?

But… as expected, the gunfire stopped soon.

While Mo Fei and the group were waiting for one after another to sign, someone walked out of the “ruins”.

Mo Fei went outside, when the temperature outside was very low, he involuntarily raised his hands to his mouth and let out a sigh of relief, then he looked over there.

The man is wearing a white Marine uniform with almost no logo, a white flat plush hat on his head, a white silky long hair hanging behind him, and a scarf around his neck. She covered most of her face, leaving only one pair of eyes outside.

After the other party got closer, Mo Fei immediately noticed those very special eyes-the pupil color gradually changed from dark red on the outer circle to clear blue on the inside, and then it was pitch black and calm like a deep pool. Pupils.

How do you describe how this person feels? When the other person step by step walked over, Mo Fei felt like a snowbird from winter, smart, elegant and cold.

After that, Mo Fei noticed the weapon she was carrying behind her back… an oversized musket, which was a lot taller than her height.

The “cannon sound” just now must have come from this thing.

When I saw a weapon, Mo Fei had a feeling of deja vu, and then he remembered something called “PTRD-41” he had known in his previous life… Well, it looked very similar. .

While waiting for the other party to pass by, Mo Fei smelled a strong smell… a medicinal smell.

“Afril F. Delta Warrant Officer…”

Next, he heard someone calling the name “Snowbird”.

Uh, the snowbird is indeed a snowbird, but Mo Fei now thinks that the snowbird is probably a “Russian snowbird” from Siberia.

…………Devil Fruit notes…………




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