The sea is a “lawless place”, cruel things can happen on the sea at any time.

Falling a wooden boat down from a high altitude, the boat must be broken and cannot be broken anymore. As for what will happen to the people on the boat… In fact, Mo Fei didn’t think about it at all.

As for the consequences and the ending of the Pirates, he doesn’t care about such things, so he doesn’t think about it.

He just tried to “float” the Pirate Ship to high altitude, and then let it fall down by itself. It’s like a little child who got a new toy using this toy to make a prank. It’s possible that the prank is just It is a prank, and it may cause some bad consequences.

Speaking of which Mo Fei is definitely a tenacious person, because when he first came to in this world, he had already staged a sea rafting version of “Taste the courage”… Eat Devil Fruit There are not a few people, and there are also people who suffocate a fruit in one bite. However, like him, they “chew slowly” and eat a whole fruit little by little. Everyday all people who want to feel the taste , It is estimated that there is no one else besides him.

No way, that Devil Fruit is undoubtedly a life-saving straw for Mo Fei, not only it can replenish moisture, but more importantly, it can stimulate the senses-that special taste It can only be said to be quite exciting.

When a person is thirsty and hungry and loses consciousness, a bite will definitely refresh, just like a chicken blood.

After throwing the Pirates and their boats into the sea, Mo Fei didn’t care about them anymore. He took a few boxes floating behind him and flew towards the small island “Tyrol”. Went back.

His figure is hidden in the clouds, and there is no need to worry that this height will be seen by others.

The damp and cold air in the atmosphere was blowing a few strands of hair on Mo Fei’s forehead. The young body was indeed energetic. Even if he didn’t sleep all night, he didn’t feel any fatigue at this time.

When I first flew, the feeling was very fresh. I can fly by myself. I think about it and know how incredible it is, and Mo Fei quickly got used to this feeling. .

Last night’s riots have ended. Although it seems that many places in the town are still smoking from a distance, fortunately there are no open flames…In order to prevent the whole town from burning up, Everyone must be fighting the fire desperately.

Although the Pirates retreated, the traces they left on the town did not disappear. There are traces of fire everywhere in the town. Most people have lost some property more or less, and some have lost their lives.

After Mo Fei returned to the island, he first “stolen” the treasure from the Pirate Ship and hid it in the corner of the mountain, and then took back the little maid Amy Sha, who had been hiding on the mountain. …There is no way to go down the mountain by her own ability, and the professional rock climbers struggled up and down where Mo Fei kept her.

After sending Amy Sha home, who looked pitiful and blew cold all night, Mo Fei told her to stay at home for the past few days and not to go out. Then he left temporarily.

After summing up some news afterwards, Mo Fei quickly learned about the direct and continuous impact that Pirates had brought to life… Amy Sha lost her job.

The mayor’s house is the main target of Pirate’s looting. The mayor’s “power” in the town cannot keep his property, and whether he can keep his life depends on the Pirates. Mood…Pirates didn’t seem to be in a good mood last night.

Despite encountering such a thing, there is a kind of sadness in the town, but when the sun rises, everyone still starts daily life step by step… People living at the bottom are not extravagant enough to be able to Set aside special time to soothe the grief.

After seeing the ordinary activities of ordinary Pirate, Mo Fei understood one thing… The so-called “dream” and “freedom” in the pursuit of “dream” and “freedom” in the sea. “Most Pirate behaves loosely, brutally, looting and killing people at every turn… Normal people shouldn’t have any beautiful illusions about Pirate as a profession.

Mo Fei put himself in and felt the so-called “Great Age of Pirates”, only that it was full of the smell of gunpowder and blood.

And it is time for him to think about what he should do next. In fact, there are only two choices, staying in a peaceful life on this small island town, or going out to sea.

These two choices are hard to distinguish between right and wrong. They are just two different attitudes to life. And there is no need to distinguish between the two, because Mo Fei will choose the latter. Being thrown into such a place of bad luck, Mo Fei would never be reconciled to live in such a peaceful life, he had to make a big move.

If you want to go overseas, there are two basic choices, self-employment (being Pirate) or seeking a job in a multinational company (Marine). Since he doesn’t know much about this World yet, Mo Fei doesn’t want to act blindly just because of the so-called “story advantage”, which will only make him hit his head and bloodshed.

Now the chaos on the sea seems to be the result of a person’s accumulation of Calm’s strength from the beginning. On top of the world situation after the war, it is the conflict between Marine and Pirate, and between Pirate and Pirate. To the top.

To put it simply and intuitively, this is a world that values ​​personal strength very much, and personal strength refers to “military force” to a considerable extent, so Mo Fei needs to find a system that allows him to learn all kinds of Knowledge, especially combat knowledge, is his current goal.

So Marine is more suitable than Pirate, Marine has a complete training system…Of course, this kind of “campaign selection” has nothing to do with ideology, but based on the simplest personal needs.

Mo Fei recorded certain things in his notebook, which was full of messy things, including but not limited to the adaptation and application of Fuwa Fuwa no Mi, the advance recording of important information, Analysis of the situation, diaries and complaints…

In short, going out to sea is an established matter, and Mo Fei needs to do some preparations before that, first of all, it is the most important thing-he has to learn to “swim” again.

The ocean area in this world is a bit too vast. If people who can’t swim go to sea, the safety risks are too great.

Anyone who eats Devil Fruit will definitely turn into a duck. Mo Fei has confirmed this. When he comes into contact with the sea, his whole person will appear weak and directly begin to sink to the bottom.

Fortunately, Mo Fei’s ability to obtain fruits is somewhat special. “Fuwa Fuwa no Mi” has the ability to float things that come into contact with it. Such things that can float naturally also include the air and the sea. .

Mo Fei has been practicing to let a thin layer of air float around his body during this period of time, which is equivalent to covering his body with a layer of “air film” so that he will not directly touch him even if he falls into the sea. To the sea, “swimming” is possible…This also conceals the fact that he is an Ability User to a certain extent.

Moreover, this “little trick” is not difficult to achieve. After a few practice sessions, he can “swim” in the sea, and it even seems to be no different from normal swimming.

A few days after the Pirate attack, the sea conditions were good on this day, and Mo Fei planned to go out to watch, practice or adapt.

At the same time, he also needs to go to a nearby relatively prosperous island…He needs to exchange a lot of precious metals for money.

I went to the mountainside first, and after putting all the treasures snatched from the Pirates into a big package and carrying them on his body, Mo Fei took these things to the back of the island… …Anyway, no matter how many things are, he doesn’t feel heavy on his back.

There is only one port in front of the town, but there is a berthing fee for boats in the port, so local fishermen often park their fishing boats on the shallows behind.

When Mo Fei comes to the back of the island, you can see other people busy here.

There are a few people sitting or squatting next to a boat, they are tidying up a large fishing net.

Mo Fei ignored them. He walked straight to his small fishing boat and threw the big bag directly into the boat.

The few people lowered their heads and muttered quietly after seeing him go a little away.

“Be away from that guy in the future…”

“What’s wrong?”

“You think, two people went to sea together, the big brother died However, the younger brother survived. How did the younger brother survive without food and fresh water? How did it come back?

The most important thing is, why didn’t the big brother’s body exist? Brought back?”

“Ah…you mean…”

This kind of speculation made someone exclaim.

Mo Fei has very good ears, so he can hear the “whispering” of these people.

So Mo Fei, who was pushing the fishing boat from the shoal down the sea, suddenly looked back towards them. His straight and sharp gaze made the hearts of these tongue-chewing people tremble together, and then they shut up subconsciously and couldn’t say a word.

Mo Fei black hair black pupil, Issho grinning, just showing a mouthful of dense white teeth.

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