Mo Fei doesn’t particularly mind the presence of such a group of tongue-chewing people. After all, in such a small closed place, there is nothing to talk about except for “the parents are short”. He even had no choice but to take this group of people. He couldn’t sink them into the seabed just because he said a few strange things, right?

This is a group of civilians, not Pirate, and in a sense the same person as Mo Fei, so he acts impossible so unscrupulous…He still has the basic moral concepts.

But he hopes that the other party can at least discuss such things in places he can’t hear, which is good for everyone.

The group of people who frightened with their eyes and the teeth that may have “stuffed human flesh” between their teeth. After absolute silence, Mo Fei silently pushed the fishing boat into the sea, and then used a long pole to send the boat into the sea. After some distance, he raised the sails and sailed towards the sea.

As my first official sailing after coming to in this world, theoretically speaking, this is a veryceremony thing, but it is a pity that the Mo Fei ride is not full of penetration The battleship full of cannons is a fishing boat with a fishy smell in the cabin, so he doesn’t have to think about the things that are missing.

Thanks to the brain and muscle memory left by the original owner, Mo Fei has no problem sailing and sailing, and he doesn’t have to worry too much about the weather and storm when he goes out to sea… as long as he If you can fly faster than the storm, you don’t have to worry about safety.

Although he has not thoroughly explored the ability of “Fuwa Fuwa no Mi”, it is precisely because of the strong survivability brought by this fruit that Mo Fei does not need to be too afraid of this piece for him. A completely strange sea.

After three days of walking to the open sea, Mo Fei stopped the boat and he… really started fishing. It may be because the sea is too vast, so the marine aquatic resources in this world are very rich. The place where Mo Fei stops is naturally called offshore compared to the small island “Tyrol”.

The place closer to the island is not without fishing grounds, but it is the working area of ​​other people on the island. If he is a weak orphan if he stops there, he will definitely be beaten after he goes ashore. of.

After spending a long time at the fishing ground, and after catching two nets at random, Mo Fei set sail again, and this time he went to the sea where ordinary boats and ordinary people would choose to go around. Territory…According to his memory, it is said that in a certain Sea Territory further ahead, there is a “Sea King” inhabiting there.

Seeing that there are no boat shadows around, Mo Fei first put the sails away, then used the fruit power on his fishing boat, and then saw the boat sticking to the water like a swordfish whiz whiz whiz He ran forward… Those who knew knew it was a fishing boat, but those who didn’t know thought it was a speedboat.

I can only say that Mo Fei is still relatively low-key, at least he did not directly start “spaceship”.

So the ship quickly reached the rumored target Sea Territory, and there was no ship around.

At this time, Mo Fei lowered the sails again and let the fishing boat drift forward slowly against the wind, while he himself was sitting on the side of the ship with a knife in one hand and from the fishing net in the other. Find out a fish that is alive or dying.

Next, I saw him crack the fish with a very skillful technique and then throw it into the sea. As his movements continued to repeat, traces of shallow red appeared in the sea, but soon disappeared invisible with the surging of the sea.

I hope that the Sea King’s sense of smell is sufficiently developed and that it has a keen sense of blood smell.

Although Mo Fei is “returning to his old business” when he goes out to sea this time, the fish he wants to catch are also different from normal fish.

He threw a dead fish here while watching the movement of the sea. This person is not in a hurry, he knows that the essence of fishing is to be patient.

About three hours later, the fish on the Mo Fei boat was long gone, and at this time, there was finally some movement in the sea.

At a distance of five hundred meters away, a large number of bubbles suddenly appeared on the surface of the sea, and then the sea surface was violently lifted away, and a huge head with a sturdy body protruded from the bottom of the water. Come out… This Sea King is shaped like a snake, with scales, dark red all over, and a hideous head.

If it is in the Calm Belt, the nest of the Sea King, its size is obviously only the younger brother level, but if it is placed in South Blue, this thing can barely be called the “sea hegemon”.

Although Mo Fei came to fish, when he really saw this thing, the exaggerated visual impact still made him shocked… Compared with this kind of big guy, human The body is too small.

When the Sea King poked its head and saw a lonely boat across the sea, it was actually shocked… It probably hasn’t seen this kind of daring for years. A wild boat on his own site.

At this moment, Mo Fei reacted quickly, and his small fishing boat rushed towards the Sea King at that strange high speed again-it looked like a piece of water was being fetched. The same as the floating thin stone flakes.

Obviously, Mo Fei wants to take action when the Sea King class is “not paying attention”.

In the beginning, the fishing boat rushed directly to the Sea King class. This bold behavior and a bit incomprehensible high speed made the Sea King class thinking unable to keep up. It was almost subconsciously slightly adorable. The head is tilted.

On the boat passing the sea at high speed, Mo Fei’s body pressed hard against the side, so the boat tilted up. At this time, his right hand supported the side of the boat, and his left arm extended. The palm plunged into the water.

When the boat was about to impulse the Sea King’s face, it turned abruptly and made a big circle around the Sea King’s position… In this way, the trap was completed.

Next, I saw this large area of ​​water began to rise, and the Sea King, which did not respond at all, instantly turned into a fish in the fish tank… Despite what Mo Fei is doing now, the same as ” Compared with the previous owner Shiki of Fuwa Fuwa no Mi, the move to float the island and the surrounding sea to the sky, both the scale and the shock are the difference between Heaven and Earth, but if you look at it up close, it’s shocking enough. Up.

“Fuwa Fuwa no Mi” does not work on creatures, but water bodies are not creatures. The seawater will weaken the Ability User, but it will not limit the growth of Devil Fruit’s ability.

The “fish tank” is flying higher and higher, because I am worried that the Sea King-like vitality is too tenacious, so this time Mo Fei made this thing float much higher than the previous Pirate Ship.

After I felt that the distance was almost the same, the body of water drifted all around under the control of Mo Fei, so the Sea King that could be hidden in the water before, just hangs in the air and has no support. .

It can only fall freely.

When it came into contact with the sea again, the water surface was like a depth bomb exploded, making a huge noise and raising huge waves.

I can only say that this kind of ability…It’s really a shame.


Three days later, there is a port named “Port Fez”.

The port leader, Lien, sits on a flat-bottomed boat and directs the docking vessels to dock in a suitable position in the port. He had just arranged a berth for a large sea-going ship, and when he turned around, he suddenly saw a small, tattered fishing boat sailing into the port.

Lien immediately became a little angry. There are always some ignorant hillbillies who cannot understand the rules. Only large and medium-sized boats can be docked in this place, and small fishing boats cannot enter the port.

He walked a few steps and stood at the stern of the boat, raised the loudspeaker in his hand, loudly shouted, “The fishing boat in front, you…”

However, the words behind him instantly got stuck. , The scene suddenly seen next made him let go and threw the loudspeaker into the sea.

The small fishing boat walked forward slowly, dragging a long rope behind it, and there seemed to be something heavy behind the rope.

After the fishing boat went around the promontory and walked forward for a certain distance, the thing pulled behind it naturally appeared immediately…

It was a huge and The hideous Sea Beast.

Compared with this Sea Beast, the boat pulling it in front looks very funny.

The whole port instantly became boiling.

…………Devil Fruit notes…………

Next goal: Join Marine.

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