The major deserves to be a major, even though he was hit very suddenly…who would not think in advance that a new recruit could really use Giant Race’s weapons as weapons…but he I still achieved my limit.

At least there is no “one blow and fall” tragedy on the test field, otherwise the major can retire directly.

Mo Fei’s “big sword and spear” with great strength and inertia hit Major Donofeo with a generous side, sweeping the major’s body mercilessly Get out.

In a flash, the major’s arms crossed his side for defense, and at the same time, his waist struggling downwards, his feet almost pierced into the ground, so even though the impact was very strong , But after drawing a certain distance to the side, the major’s body was still worthy of stopping at the edge of the examination room.

The fact that Mo Fei can use this very heavy weapon is more shocking than the fact that he can actually use advanced physical skills to “shave”… It’s only been a month.

Although for a person who can fly, the difficulty of learning this high-speed movement skill is outrageously low, the problem is that no one but Mo Fei himself knows that he can fly. , So at this time, many people really treat this product as an individual.

The severe pain of the upper limb muscles and the skeleton’s grief let Captain know the strength of the attack he had just received, but before he could react, Mo Fei almost kept it at the next moment. The movement of the swipe just now appeared in front of his eyes again.

After a hit, the next thing to do is naturally to keep attacking… Even if Mo Fei has no combat experience, he still understands this basic truth.

The huge blade was flipped over the major’s head under Mo Fei’s swing, and then stopped after an exaggerated arc, then he raised his leg and kicked the blade. Foot, so this great sword and spear swayed back at a speed far better than just now.

The goal is still directed at Mr. Major.

If the attack at first Mo Fei is an unexpected surprise, then the attack at this time has been predicted, so in theory Major Donofeo has a chance to escape, but didn’t expect However, this Instructor chose to do Mo Fei a favor at this time… The so-called good Sensei is probably like this.

The major’s upper body muscles tensed suddenly, and the blood in his body seemed to freeze at this moment. At this time, the waywardness and strength of his body rose very ridiculously:


Tekkai, commonly known as “Tekkai of self-harm” and “Tekkai of not killing”, is a very kind skill.

The major estimated the strength of Mo Fei’s attack. However, the problem is that Mo Fei’s attack was just a “slap” from the side of the big sword gun. It was using the cutting tool as a brick, but The problem is that swords are not used like this…this thing is actually bladed.

So the correct way to use it should be slash.

The blade of the big sword gun is not sharp, but the so-called heavy sword has no sharp edge, even if this blow is swung with the same strength as just now, the damage effect it brings is quite different.

At this time, the major chose to use “Tekkai” to resist… It can only be said that the major’s education level is estimated to be average. He may have failed junior high school physics, or he may have forgotten what the pressure principle is. .

As the saying goes good, no matter how strong Tekkai is, sooner or later, he will be unable to hold back one day, so when the heavy sword sharply cuts into the body of the major, the next moment he bows his whole body It became a prawn, and then it was smashed out like a cannonball out of the chamber.

The man drew a long parabola in the air, and then he embedded it in the outermost wall of the university field.

Theoretically, most battles in the world end in this way, and evenly matched fights are relatively rare. However, this result is unexpected…because those who fly out should It’s Mo Fei.

Although there are a total of sixteen exams in progress at this time, the warm atmosphere on the university court seems to have frozen for a moment.

Mo Fei looked at the major who was planted far away, then turned his gaze to the invigilator on the side.

“Um…the student Alindell Mo Fei won.” The invigilator reacted, and he announced the result of the exam.

“Is this result so surprising?”

Since he has won the battle, Mo Fei no longer pretends that it is difficult to drag the sword and gun. He directly put this exaggerated weapon on his shoulder, and then asked.

“No… well, it’s really surprising. Major Donofeo seems to be too careless. You shot first, so you win, but if he shot first, it’s him. Won.” This opinion of the invigilator is quite pertinent.

“This is wrong, he is an Instructor, I am a student, how can he make the first move? So this contest was originally my victory.” Mo Fei said.

“…what you said makes sense, so can I get off the test site now?”

Mo Fei said that there is no problem, if an Instructor is facing students If he still wants to attack when he wins, he won’t be justified even if he wins… that way of winning is very embarrassing.

Although losing is even more embarrassing.

Mo Fei walked off the field with a sword and spear. He breathed out silently… It seemed that winning was easy, but in fact his attention was very concentrated just now. Mo Fei’s emotions were tense for the first time in this kind of battle.

Just as Mo Fei put the weapon back in its original position, Vice Admiral Garp has been looking at his back with a weird look.

After a while, a man with a western-style top hat on his head and a long sword in his hand came to Vice Admiral Garp, whispered in his ear, “Vice Admiral, Donofe Major Ao has broken eight ribs and his spine is seriously misaligned…”

“haha, it’s okay, just a small injury.” Vice Admiral Garp said nonchalantly. Well, feelings are also called small injuries.

“The new recruit just now……”


As soon as Garp asked, he saw that the other party passed the basic information of Mo Fei. His hands.

“Elindell Mo Fei, born in South Blue, 18 years old…

As a new recruit, I look pretty good, but…too empty I have to press him down, ha ha ha, it seems that the next period of time will not be so boring.”

Vice Admiral Garp couldn’t help laughing heartily, and he smiled. He took out a bag of senbei from his arms and started to stuff it into his mouth after unpacking.

For Garp, he knows exactly what kind of person is what kind of strength.

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