We won three games in a row, and the target of the final battle was Major Marine of the training department. So no matter whether the new recruits who can pass are 100 or 60 new recruits, there is no reason for Mo Fei. unqualified.

You must be fair and just in everything. If he is unqualified in this situation, how can others qualify?

The test results were not given on the spot, so Mo Fei left the university field and returned to the dormitory after completing his own test and getting permission… He just caused a lot of commotion. If you stay here too long, you will only be watched.

And after waiting until late, Mo Fei’s roommate Gerant was able to return. Compared to Mo Fei, who looked like a okay person from beginning to end, Gerant looked a little swollen after returning, especially the part above the neck can only use “bloody nose and swollen face” To describe.

“How did it turn out, Gerant?”

Mo Fei asked immediately, this little partner has a good character, and of course he hopes that the other person will also be qualified… At least that way, he doesn’t have to worry about living in this dorm with another roommate with a weird temper.

“I finally won, but it was a bit ugly to win… the last fierce battle lasted forty minutes, which was a costly victory. So I don’t know what the result will be. I feel like I’m very likely. Will be eliminated.” Gerant panted heavily, with a somewhat nervous tone in his tone.

To win by killing the opponent, I have to say that this is Routan’s standard way of victory.

“It depends on what the invigilator thinks, toughness is also an important criterion.” Mo Fei was half stating the facts and half comforting the other party.

“Mo Fei, the way you won is very exaggerated. You actually won Instructor. I didn’t expect you to be so capable…Unlike me, you are definitely qualified, but you don’t know you. Will it cause other problems if I’m so “gorgeous”.”

“Me? I’m okay. You will understand after a long time. I am just like that now, it’s nothing at all. .” Mo Fei’s victory was obtained entirely by Devil Fruit. He won a bit too lightly…Although Devil Fruit’s ability can be counted as his strength, it is not “real strength” after all.

“Victory is victory, no form, in this sense, I am the same as you.”

“You…Mr. Mo Fei, or you don’t talk Come on, I faintly felt a deep tingling sensation in my heart.”

Gerante has been fighting with his teammates from the same new recruit team for a whole day, and he will have to endure it after returning to the dormitory. The roommate’s spiritual destruction, how can this make people stand it? He chose to sleep first before talking.

Naturally there will be no training on 2nd day, Mo Fei and Gerant can only wait in the dormitory with nothing to do.

In the afternoon, someone finally knocked on the outer door of this room.

The efficiency of the training department is generally commendable. In other words, the assessment of new recruits itself is not a complicated thing… It takes one day to complete the exam, 2nd day to determine the results and issue notices. This is the standard process.

Gerante was more anxious than Mo Fei. When Mo Fei was about to take a step, Gerante ran to the door like a gust of wind and opened the door.

The person outside, Mo Fei, looked a little familiar. After thinking about it, he remembered that the other party came…it happened to be the lieutenant he met when he came here to sign up.

“Seaman Gerant Gawain, right?”

While speaking, the lieutenant walked into the room.

“It’s me, lieutenant.”

Gerante put his heels together and lifted his arms to salute the lieutenant.

The lieutenant compared Gerant’s appearance with the information in his hands, and after confirming the consistency, he said, “Congratulations, you have passed the new recruit examination, and then you can officially enter the Seaman School… new recruit, I have to work hard next.”

Huh? Sir, who speaks politely in the army, seems to be relatively rare.

“Yes, Sir.”

These words made the smile on Gerant’s face bloom uncontrollably, he is really qualified, how can this not make people Happy?

Then he hurriedly took over the information.

Mo Fei leaned over and took a look, and found that it was printed with Gerante’s photo, the class of study labeled “G”, and a number of “MLE.0289325”.

Then the lieutenant turned his attention to Mo Fei again.

“Then…Seaman Alindell Mo Fei, the new recruit training has just ended and the new recruit’s assessment day, he sent his Instructor to the hospital. It is said that the other party has to lie down for at least two months. Moved, half of my ribs were broken.

Mr. Mo Fei, the whole training department is now talking about your topic. What is Instructor to you? Is the rag, throw it away?”


Listen to the unit used by this person, what does “half fan” mean?

“It sounds like what I did yesterday caused my current evaluation to be bad? But in fact I just passively accepted the fact that Major Donofeo suddenly became my opponent in the exam. “Mo Fei’s tone seemed innocent.

What he said is true. As a new recruit, he was indeed forced to beat up his Instructor… Uh, how do you feel awkward?

“haha, don’t get me wrong, Major Donofeo’s evaluation in the training department is always not very good. Personally, I don’t like that person very much, so I’m happy to see the result when he lay down for a while. “

After laughing for a while, the lieutenant said back to the business, he handed another piece of information to Mo Fei, and then continued, “You are in class B, and only the new one with the best results Recruits can only go to Class B. Compared with Class A, its teaching content only differs in terms of progress…Well, it is a place where students who can solve Instructor should go.”

Mo Fei took over the information. , I don’t know if it is an illusion, he always feels that Mr. Lieutenant’s words seem to be a bit ironic.

Because he had to give notices one by one, the lieutenant was still busy afterwards. After a few casual conversations, he quickly left here.

Mo Fei flipped through the information casually, and then saw a map attached to the back, which marked the area where new recruits like him can move…Okay, finally no longer trapped It’s between two points and one line.

“Towns, coasts, libraries…”

Except for some core areas, most places in Marineford can be visited in Mo Fei.

There are also ordinary towns in this sea fortress. It was originally formed by the Seaman family gathered together, and now the residents of the town are not only the Seaman family… The overall scale of the town is quite large. .

After the new recruit training is over, qualified candidates like Mo Fei are given a three-day break. Now that he is allowed, he is going to go out and go around… Don’t look at already staying in Marineford For so long, in fact, Mo Fei knows very little about this place so far.

…………Devil Fruit notes…………

Information is being updated……

Name: Ailindell·Mo Fei

No.: MLO.030707

Blood type: XF

Position: Marineford Seaman School Trainee Seaman


Although from three When Seaman becomes a trainee Seaman again, it means that everything is cleared and started again, but the “O” in the number is very important. This is the result of a month of hard training.


Today later.

A new week for collection and recommendation.

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