A Second Chance In Remnant

Chapter 100 - 100. First Weekend Off

Glynda POV

During the past week, Silva Cloud has shown an incredible amount of knowledge, surpassing his age group. I found out by giving him additional tests, but for the other four years that are spent here at Beacon and he passed them all with flying colors. While he did say he studied in advance before attending Beacon, I did not think it would be by this much.​​

This is both great and disconcerting, great because I will hopefully not have to give extended lessons, which would increase my already full plate of being a professor and deputy headmistress along with all the paperwork Ozpin lets me handle in his stead. However, it is disconcerting because if Silva has nothing to learn here, then why is he here in the first place when he can take the Huntsmen exam and get his license right away.

I can only keep an eye on him for now and let him tackle missions before the other students. I may not like exceptions, but I need to make one in his case because Ozpin will do so anyway, knowing him. For now, I need to work out which missions to allow Silva to take for credit at this point with limited supervision or close enough to keep an eye on him.

As I continue my thoughts, I heard someone knock on my office door, probably Silva. I opened the door with a semblance, and I saw the young silver-eyed tiger Faunus as I suspected and asked him.

Glynda: Mr.Cl-, Silva, what brings you to my office since today is Friday which is a half-day for students, and classes are over now?

He gave me a small smile and said.

Silva: Just extending an invitation to my place this weekend along with a few others and the reason I am offering it to you is that compared to the other professors, your workload is far greater, so I figure you would welcome a small siesta for a few hours before getting back to work.

I gave him an appreciative smile but denied him.

Glynda: While I appreciate the thought, Silva, the airsh.i.p.s have schedules they follow that I can't afford to miss, and I really need to finish my work.

He gave me a nod, then waved his hand, opening a portal in front of me, and said.

Silva: Who said anything about needing airsh.i.p.s. I can open a portal to and from your office thanks to my semblance copying other semblances so you can get back with no trouble whatsoever. So with this in mind, I extend my invitation to you once more.

I admit I was a bit tempted, but before I entertain any thoughts about it, I ask him.

Glynda: What do you have in mind for this "siesta," as you said?

He closed the portal and explained.

Silva: Any food you d.e.s.i.r.e, artificial hot springs of various types plus some peace and quiet if you want, or even a spa day.

He does make a very tempting offer, but I asked him a few more questions before I make my decision.

Glynda: How do you have all this, and who else will be there?

Silva: I can make just about anything, and I am good at making money, so there's that. For your second question, just a few friends and people I am close to. So what do you say?

Glynda: No more than two hours then I need to head back.

Silva: Your wish is my command.

I hope I don't regret this, but it has been too long since I have had a short vacation, let alone an extended holiday. Plus, I can hopefully find more information about him during my short break with him.

Silva POV

Well, that went easier than expected. I thought it would take a lot more persuasion to convince Glynda to come along with everyone else back at the castle. I guess she really needs this break, and I can understand why the sheer amount of paperwork she has to deal with is ridiculous; I mean, the amount stacked up reaches the ceiling from the freaking floor several times over!

I think I will make this offer to her every weekend from now on, but back to inviting everyone else. I head to Team RWBY's dorm first and knock on their door. After a moment, the door opened, revealing my fellow silver eyes, Ruby.

Ruby: Hey Silva! Do you need anything?

Silva: I'm just here to invite everyone back to my place this weekend to hang out and deal with homework.

Ruby had a thinking look on her face when Yang answered for her and everyone else.

Weiss and Blake gave their two cents.

Blake: Sure...

Weiss: I could use having my own private room for this weekend, plus I am curious what you are doing for our date.

The other three looked at Weiss in shock and exclaimed.


They soon started belting Weiss with questions, and I then clapped to get their attention.

Silva: Okay, come to my room in an hour with your things for this weekend, and I will bring you over.

Ruby and Yang looked at me, slightly confused by my meaning, but I am sure Weiss or Blake will explain to them. Now for Team PLAN, I'm still surprised by this change in the canon, but I guess Pyrrha just changed that much. I knocked on their door, and Nora was the one that answered.

Nora: Hello~!

Silva: Is Pyrrha here?

Nora: Pyrrha! Somebody wants to see you!

Nora gave way, and Pyrrha showed up and said with a small smile.

Pyrrha: Hello, Silva.

Silva: I wondered if you wanted to come to my place this weekend along with Team RWBY and CFVY?

She looked at me slightly surprised, then said.

Pyrrha: Certainly, can my team come along too?

I nodded and told her to come to my room in an hour. Now for Team CFVY, it took me few moments to get to their dorm, and before I could knock on their door, Coco opened up and said.

Coco: Let me guess, your place this weekend?

Coco: Sure! Just give me the when and where.

Silva: My room in the next hour.

Coco: See you then!

She closed the door, and I then went to Ilia's room next and her the same invite, and she agreed. I headed back to my and Emerald's room and got ready to leave. Glynda showed up first and curtly reminded me.

Glynda: Two hours.

I definitely need to help her unwind, and I nodded in understanding. Emerald was already packed and set. Soon everyone else showed up, and they looked surprised by the fact Glynda is here. I quickly explained why. Coco sent me an appraising look while lowering her sunglasses, and I then made a small joke as I opened a portal.

Silva: Alright, everybody, keep your hands and feet inside the ride at all times, and most importantly, have fun.

They all went through the portal one at a time, starting with Glynda, and after everyone else went through, I went next. My surroundings changed to the castle's front entrance, and I saw Ruby, Yang, Pyrrha, Jeanne, Nora, and even Ren looking slack-jawed at my castle. Ruby was the first to speak everyone else's thoughts, aside from those who have been here before.



Silva: Yes, Ruby, but come

on let's head in, and I can give you the grand tour.

As I went in through the front, I saw the gong the kids wanted here for me to ring when I'm back from Beacon. I cracked my fists, then struck the gong, and it rang throughout the castle. While most looked at me, wondering why I did that, Nora then pestered me.


Seeing that she wanted to ring the gong, I gave her the good ahead, and she took out her weapon in its hammer form and hit the gong with all her might, repeatedly. Ren then called out to her.

Ren: NORA!

Nora giggled but stopped after ringing it one last time; being Nora's roommate must be exhausting. After a few moments, Kyuu and Morgana ran and tackled me which I grabbed both of them, and they said.

Morgana: Welcome back, Big Brother!

Kyuu: Kyuu is happy to see you!

I laughed and told them.

Silva: Good to see you both; I hope you didn't cause too much trouble while I was away.

Before the two of them could comment, Tsukiyomi showed up along with Lilith and the white wolf Faunus said.

Tsukiyomi: They behaved themselves for the most part. However, Morgana thought it would be funny to paint part of the castle pink, but I made her clean it up.

I bored into the naughty little devil.

Silva: Morgana...

She avoided looking into my eyes, and as she broke out in a cold sweat, I gave her her punishment for her antics.

Silva: No sweets for a month.

Morgana let out a despaired filled wail.

Morgana: NNNNOOOO!

I shook my head in amus.e.m.e.nt at her antics, and Yang then asked.

Yang: Hey Silva, who are the kids?

Silva: The fox-tailed girl is Kyuu, and this little troublemaker is Morgana. The two behind me are Tsukiyomi and Lilith, in case you are wondering.

Yang: Wow, Silva, do you have a whole harem or something?

As Yang jokingly asked that Pyrrha broke out into a fit of giggle and told her.

Pyrrha: He does, and he probably has more somewhere.

The only ones not looking at me in shock are Ilia, Blake, Weiss, Emerald, and Team CFVY. Yang seeing this grabbed hold of Ruby and told me.

Yang: You are not touching my little sister!

Ruby: Yang!

I laughed at her antics and looked towards Glynda, and asked her.

Silva: So, have you decided what you wanted to do for the next two hours, Glynda?

She adjusted her glasses and told me.

Glynda: A short spa day sounds lovely.

I nodded and took out my scroll to call a robot to guide Glynda, and Jeanne asked me.

Jeanne: You have a spa?

Silva: Yes, but we have homework to do first, then everyone can have fun.

I heard a collective groan, and Glynda smiled at that or focusing on homework first; I don't know, but while I don't have homework, the same can't be said for everyone else, priorities.

( A few hours later)

Ruby: And done!

Ruby collapsed against the couch, finishing the last of her homework. Glynda already left, looking far more relaxed and less tense. I made her an offer to come back here anytime she wants, and she agreed, plus I got her number; she must really need this if she is giving me her number this easily. But anyway, back to my age group, I helped everyone with their homework and told them, see how late it is.

Silva: Okay, everybody, pick your rooms for the weekend and see you in the morning. And Weiss, don't forget our date at ten o'clock.

Everyone got up head off to bed as we already had dinner, and I head to my room. I stripped down and changed into my shorts to sleep in, but before I went to sleep, I dug the medical report on summer to see how her physical condition is, and I should awaken her soon as her mind is mended enough for me to force her awake through magic.

I also had Glynda examined during her spa break and found all of the signs of being overworked on the report my robots sent me. It looks like she has not to have a holiday for a long time, and if not for her aura, she would have collapsed a while ago. No wonder she agreed with little to no resistance, and I can work with this angle to get her affections.

I also went through the reviews on the books I translated and published from that ancient library I found on my journey to the Land of Darkness. So far, they are selling pretty well, and I did some modifications to explain some of the principles of magic in the books. I put up my scroll, and just as I was about to go to bed, I heard a knock on my door. I opened it and saw Pyrrha; she then asked.

Pyrrha: Can I come in?

Silva: Sure.

She walked in, giving me a full view of her red lingerie, and as she twirled her hair nervously, she asked me.

Pyrrha: Do you like what you see?

I numbly nodded, not sure how to feel about this development. On the one hand, I am happy and a bit excited, but on the other, I feel awkward and a little nervous. While we have got caught up with one another this week, I still feel there is a bit of distance between us. Let's see how this plays out. Pyrrha then said.

Pyrrha: I wondered if we could spend the night together and talk for a while before we head to sleep.

Silva: Um, sure, but do you have something in mind?

Pyrrha took a deep breath and asked me with a serious tone of voice.

Pyrrha: Please, tell me everything about you where you are from to right now.

I sighed and told her bluntly.

Silva: While I can't tell you everything, I will tell mostly everything.

I do want to reconnect with her but telling her about Salem and Ozma is a bit too much right now. Tonight is going to be a long night, but I better start from the beginning. I cast a bit of subtle magic to dampen any noise coming from my room in case anyone wants to listen in.

Silva: For starters, I was born in a bandit tribe...

I got a lot to go through with Pyrrha, but I better give her a clear understanding of who I am before deciding to truly reconnect with her.

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