A Second Chance In Remnant

Chapter 101 - 101. Melting White Snow

Silva POV

I heard my alarm going off, and I promptly turned it off. I rub my eyes and saw Pyrrha lying next to me. I thought to myself and wondered how she would process what I have told her about my past last night. As she continued to sleep away, I covered her with the cover and went to get ready for my date with Weiss today.​​

I entered the massive bathroom I designed to accommodate multiple people and head towards the mixed bathing area. I set up the mixed bath for two reasons, first to have some naughty fun with my girls there. The second reason is that most people have a sense of shame, so it is for privacy for the most part. As I entered, I heard the sound of splashing water; It looks like I have company.

Better call whoever is out there to avoid any misunderstandings.

Silva: Um, hey, who's there?

I heard a sudden splash. The other person in the bath called out, allowing me to identify them; it's Blake.

Blake: Silva!?

Silva: Hey, Blake, it looks like I am joining you in the mixed bathing area today, but I have to say you are bolder than I thought to set foot in here.

Blake: I just wanted a bit of privacy because last night, when I bathed with everyone Yang and Coco got more than a little handsy.

I chuckled because I could easily imagine Coco doing that and Yang to a lesser extent. I started cleaning myself before taking a dip in the bath and asked Blake.

Silva: So, how are you getting along with your team Blake?

Blake: Weiss and I still argue but not as much anymore; Ruby is friendly and accepting of me being a Faunus. And Yang is well, Yang with her puns.

I laughed at the last part of her sentence because of how true it is, and Blake then asked me.

Blake: Silva, can I ask you something?

Silva: Shoot.

Blake: You know who Weiss's family is and what they have done to the Faunus, so why are you dating her?

I huffed in annoyance and clarified the why to Blake.

Silva: For starters, it's not Weiss's family that has wronged the Faunus but instead her father, who has complete control over the SDC and Schnee family since he married into the Schnee name. Weiss has no control over the Schnee family, and she knows her father only married her mother because he wanted the Schnee name; this gave her a miserable childhood and add the White Fang's aggressive change making her opinion about the Faunus even lower along with the people of Atlas. I have already explained this to you before.

Blake kept silent as I soak in the giant tub, and after an awkward silence, I told Blake.

Silva: Blake, all I am saying is give Weiss a chance because she is someone with a warm heart once you get past her cold exterior.

Blake: I'll try, but Weiss is just so...

Blake groans in exasperation, but I see her point. Weiss can be a lot to deal with initially, but she is a good person at heart. I finished soaking in the tub and got out to finish my preparations for my date with Weiss and leaving Blake alone with her thoughts.

General POV

Weiss was in her room with Ruby and Yang, trying to pick out an outfit for her date with Silva.

Weiss: Should I go with the white dress or the gray one or maybe the blue one with a white jacket over it?

Ruby just g.r.o.a.n.e.d in frustration because Weiss asked this for the hundredth time, and her reply is the same.

Ruby: Weiss, you look fine in all of them; just pick one already!

Yang had a crooked smile on and enjoyed sending Weiss in a tissy over and over again, and she commented.

Yang: I don't know Weiss. Maybe you go with the blue one after all, but the white is also good.

Ruby looks at her sister with a deadpan expression and decides to remind Weiss to end her suffering.

Weiss came out in a white jacket dress with a black interior and t.h.i.g.h-high heel boots and asked her teammates.

Weiss: How do I look?

Yang: Hmm, try the blue one again.

Ruby elbowed her sister to stop messing with Weiss and told her White-haired teammate.

Ruby: Go already! You don't want to keep Silva waiting!

Weiss: Right!

Weiss left her room to meet Silva, and the sisters looked at one another, and Yang said.

Yang: We're following them, right.

Ruby: Yep.

Yang: I'll get Blake and whoever else wants to watch the show.

Yang said with a smile and went to get the others, and Ruby followed. Back to Weiss, she and Silva met up in the main hall, and Silva complimented her.

Silva: Hey, Weiss, you are looking especially beautiful today.

Weiss: Thank you, Silva.

Weiss gave Silva a small curtsy, and Silva then asked.

Silva: So do you want a nice lunch together first or a movie?

Weiss: I am still full from breakfast. Thanks for asking, and a movie sounds lovely.

Silva: Okay, then let's head to the garage and get out of here.

Silva led the way with Weiss in tow but was unaware to them, well Weiss, anyway, because Silva can sense his surroundings, they were being followed by Ruby, Yang, Blake, Pyrrha, and Coco. The others did not really have an interest in spying on Silva and Weiss's date for different reasons. Coco took up the helm as the leader and said.

Coco: Okay, we are following them to get some pictures of their date and run interference on any who interferes with their date, agreed?

Coco: Okay, let's move out!

( 30 minutes later)

Weiss and Silva entered the movie theater with some familiar disguised faces following them. Coco being Coco, she picked out some outfits to disguise everyone. Coco is not wearing her usual sunglasses but regular glasses with a brown tank top and black short skirt with her highlighted hair braided and pushed behind her ear. For Ruby, it took some convincing, but she is not wearing her red hood, well, at least not around her shoulders and neck but as an accessory around her black pants with a red jacket over a cream color shirt and a red cap on her head.

Blake is wearing a black cat-eared hoody with tight white pants with a purple line curling around them and black sneakers. Now, Yang is in a yellow corset with an orange mini skirt, and a tan color jacket partly zipped up along with spaghetti strap heels; Yang's hair is tied up in a neat ponytail. Pyrrha is in a red top with a gold necklace and red skirt with gold trim with her hair hanging loosely.

Silva already knew they were following him and Weiss on their date but decided to ignore it as it wasn't a big deal to him. However, he will tell Weiss during the movie since the others will be distracted by the big screen for the most part. Weiss picked the film, and it is "Love and the Lost." A romance drama flick that isn't Silva's cup of tea but puts up with it because it is what Weiss wants.

As they get their popcorn and drinks from the concession stand, Coco plans to spy on Weiss and Silva.

Coco: Okay, Yang and Ruby will sit behind them a row or two away while Blake, Pyrrha, and I try to find the best vantage to watch them, any objections?

Nobody objected, and they kept an eye on the couple as they entered the movie room. Silva and Weiss sat close to the middle of the theater, and everyone spying on them picked their positions. As Weiss and Silva got comfortable as the theater darkened, Silva whispered to Weiss.

Silva: Weiss, don't look around, but we are being followed by your teammates plus Coco and Pyrrha.

Weiss looked at him, stunned, and Silva continued.

Silva: Don't worry, we can lose them later if you want but let's just enjoy the movie, okay.

Silva gently grabbed Weiss's hand, causing the girl to blush a little as she replied.

Weiss: Fine, but I am giving them a piece of my mind later after our date.

Silva shrugged nonchalantly and continued to hold Weiss's hand as he focused on the silver screen. The movie started, and Silva was already bored out of his mind but endured. Weiss and the other girls were wrapped up in the film except for Ruby, who was also bored out of her mind. As the movie continued towards the end with a sappy romantic climax Silva was making plans on how to evade his and Weiss's stalkers.

As the credits rolled, Silva got up and told Weiss to head outside the movie theater by herself as he heads to the bathroom. When he got in, he waited a few moments and opened a portal to a restaurant on the other side of Vale, and once Silva went through the portal, he created another one for Weiss, and she quickly came through it, leaving behind their tails.

Ruby, Blake, Yang, Pyrrha, and Coco quickly realized that the couple they were spying on knew that they were there.

Coco: Oh, well, it was fun while it lasted. Do you, girls, have any other plans for today?

Ruby/Yang: Nope.

Blake: Not really...

Pyrrha: I was thinking of just wandering around town for a bit before heading back to the castle.

Coco grabbed them and went on a shopping spree as they all knew they could not catch Silva or Weiss.

Silva POV

I picked out a nice restaurant with Mistral cuisine to enjoy lunch with Weiss. I then asked Weiss as she ate her cold pasta.

Silva: So, is there anything else you want to do today?

Weiss looked down and me.

Weiss: I don't know.

I shrugged and focused on my meal along with Weiss when I got a text message on my Scroll. I looked at it and smiled, then asked Weiss.

Silva: Weiss, once your done eating mind coming with me for a bit?

Weiss swallowed her food, then cleaned her mouth with a napkin and replied.

Weiss: Certainly.

After we finished our lunch, I opened another portal, and with Weiss locking arms with me, we went through it. The surroundings changed to the main entrance to the Schnee family home. Weiss tightly gripped my arm as she asked with a nervous look on her face.

Weiss: Silva, why are we here?

Silva: Don't worry, it's a good surprise that you may like. I promise.

The gates opened, and we entered the mansion. Klein opened the door to the estate and greeted us.

Klein: Oh, Mr.Cloud and Young Mistress, please come in and join the festivities; Ms. Winter and Lady Willow are celebrating already.

Weiss: What festivities, Klein? What are mother and Winter celebrating for?

The butler smiled and told her.

Klein: I think Lady Willow and Ms.Winter would rather be the ones to tell you.

Weiss looked between Klein and me in confusion but entered the mansion with me in tow. Soon we heard music, a light, and happy melody, being played, and we followed it to find Willow and Winter chatting with one another with smiles on their faces. Weiss looked at them in disbelief and screeched at the scene that did not make any sense to her.


Winter and Willow looked at Weiss while retaining their smiles, and Willow beckoned her forward.

Willow: Weiss, come here please that I can tell you the changes to the family.

Weiss looked at her in confusion as she walked over, and I took a seat next to Winter while Weiss sat next to her mother. Willow then started explaining her and Winter's good mood.

Willow: Weiss, my dear, you know that your father only married me for the family name, right?

Weiss stiffened but nodded as Willow continued.

Willow: As you probably guessed, Jacques did many things that resided in the legal gray area, plus several other questionable things, correct?

Weiss: Yes...

Willow took a deep breath and told her the news.

Willow: Weiss, as of today, Jacques Gele is no longer part of the Schnee family due to my success in divorcing him. Plus, he has been found guilty of breaking multiple laws, which earned him and all his allies a life sentence in prison. As of right now, I am head of the Schnee family and CEO of the Schnee Dust Company, with complete control over its policies.

As Weiss stared at her mother with her mouth hanging, I grabbed one of the finger sandwiches and placed it in her mouth. She looked at me in embarrassment and a little bit of anger at my actions as she snapped out of her stupor. Willow did not stop there.

Willow: Weiss, dear, you are free to do what you want, include continuing to be the heiress of the SDC or a Huntress if you d.e.s.i.r.e.

Weiss kept silent, processing everything her mother told, and after a few moments, she asked.

Weiss: How? I mean, how did you pull it off because Father would not just stand idly by as you divorced him.

Willow gave her a soft smile and told her my involvement.

Willow: You can thank Silva here; he incapacitated Jacques and provide all the information I needed to counter any resistance I met from Jacques allies.

Weiss looked at me and asked.

Weiss: Why did you do that?

I told her truthfully without hesitation.

Silva: I did it for you, Winter, and Willow because I did not want a target to stay on your back because of your Father's actions.

Weiss, with a complex expression, walked out and said.

Weiss: I need to think.

Silva: Weiss, I am here for you no matter what. Just call for me, and I will appear.

Weiss stopped for a moment, then said.

Weiss: Thank you.

She left the room, and when she got out of earshot, Willow then thanked me.

Willow: Silva Cloud, on behalf of the Schnee family, I thank you, and if there is anything you need, don't hesitate to ask.

Silva: Just become someone Weiss can be proud of is all I ask... And maybe Weiss and Winter's hand in marriage while we're at it.

Winter elbowed me in embarrassment, but she had a smile on her face, and Willow chuckled then said.

Willow: That can be arranged. Should I also throw myself in?

Willow might be joking, but I decided to take her seriously.

Silva: Why not.

I leaned towards Willow and kissed her. Willow was surprised at my brazen action. She did not resist, and I heard Winter gasp. I parted from her and told her.

Silva: I am a very greedy person, and so I will take you as well.

Winter smacked the back of my head and said incredulously.

Winter: She's my mother!?

I rubbed the back of my head and replied.

Silva: You know what kind of person I am, Winter, so this should not surprise you.

Winter sighed and rubbed her temples, then said as she gave up.

Winter: Better you than some other man that might take advantage of Mother.

I smiled and kissed her as well, and she got into it. When we parted, she said with a bit of annoyance.

Winter: I am still not okay with you going for my Mother, you horny tiger.

I just smiled and looked at Willow as she tried to process what just happened and asked her.

Silva: So, Willow, are you willing to give me a chance?

Willow shook herself out of her stupor and said with a slight flush.

Willow: If you are fine with an older woman like me.

Silva: You are still lovely and will continue to be so, so how about it, Willow, would you like to be with me in a serious relationship.

Willow: I suppose...

A lovely MILF get.

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