A Second Chance In Remnant

Chapter 11 - 11. Spring and a Touch of Magic

After my first successful raid plus by myself no less Raven has been setting up the occasional raid for me and I'm 9 this year as well so things have changed a bit. Currently I have been hunting down Geist to possess different things from weapons to vehicles then killing them to add to my summoning collection I even got them to possess instruments so I can be a one man band if I want but first I need to learn how to play them first. The main camp for the Branwen tribe is set up at the southern coast of Anima but there are no nearby beaches so no Raven in a swimsuit yet maybe when the camp is moved again hopefully I can talk Raven into moving near a beach then getting her in a bikini or at least a one piece that leaves nothing to the imagination. Right now its nighttime, I'm out stalking around because I can't sleep but then I heard a scream off in the distance as I went to investigate I saw a girl surrounded by a particaly annoying grimm.

Sirens this grimm has a similar appearance to Geist but in a more feminine form and with completely different abilities. Sirens can use their voices to beguile or flat out inflict pain on their victims in more then one sense because they can see into their prey and imitate peoples voices to bring out emotional trauma. The girl was holding her head while crouching down muttering sorry over and over again in a crying voice. The Sirens drew closer with their foot long claws to tear her apart seeing this I used my semblance which I now call "Echo Tremor" because while similar to Whitebeards powers they don't work exactly same but anyway using Echo Tremor to coat my fist I smashed the 3 Sirens easily enough. The girl was still on the ground crying, I went up to her and gently rubbed her back and said.

Silva: Its alright now the grimm are gone now, my name is Silva whats yours?

The girl got up then started to wipe away her tears, she was around 15 to 16 years old with long brown hair with icy blue eyes her clothes had seen better days they were mostly ripped here and there then she asked.

Girl: Where are the grimm? Who are you?

I replied calmly with a smile.

Silva: I dealt with them and I already told you it's Silva can you tell me yours.

Girl: It's Vernal.

I was careful not to show any reaction to that name because that name is one I remember she should be the spring maiden before Raven. Vernal clearly doesn't believe that I killed the grimm but does not ask anymore about it then I asked.

Silva: Why don't you come with me because it looks like you could use some food and rest plus maybe some new clothes?

Vernal looked like she wanted to say something but her stomach did it for her, I chuckled a little then said in good humor.

Silva: Okay food first then rest and clothes.

I extended my hand to her to pull her up but when she got up she winched then looked at her angle, noticing this I said.

Silva: Better stay off that come here I'll carry you.

Vernal was about to say something but I already put her in a princess carry then started to jog back to camp. Vernal was surprised that I was carrying her with no trouble but made no comment. I made it to the main entrance the guards looked at me but knew better then to say anything because I would just ignore them. As I made my way to Raven's tent Vernal kept on looking more and more nervous then asked in a quiet voice.

Vernal: Silva correct me if I'm wrong but is this a bandit camp?

I held my silence till I entered the tent then answered.

Silva: Yes this is a bandit camp and my Mom is the chief of the tribe but not to worry nothing bad is going to happen to you... Oh, right are you fine with jerky for the time being because its a little late for me to be cooking?

It took Vernal some time to process the bomb I just dropped, as I looked for some jerky that I had stashed away Vernal then asked.

Vernal: So you brought me to a bandit tribe that your Mom is in charge of... Now what?

After I found some jerky I handed it to her then answered while scratching the back of my head.

Silva: For now lets get some rest then think about what to do in the morning, oh and do you mind sharing my bed with me? Because Mom is well... Not someone to you want sleep with because she tends to literally kick people out of the bed while she's dreaming.

Vernal took the jerky then sighed and started to munch on them till she was full. Afterwards I made room on my bed for her then she got in reluctantly and I wished her good night.

( The following morning)

I was half awake not wanting to get out of bed because I was comfortable, very comfortable in fact when did I get such soft pillows? As I wondered while in a haze I heard some calling me.

That woke me up unfortunately as I rubbed my eyes I saw Raven absolutely fuming with anger and replied after yawning.

Silva: Morning Mom, what got your p.a.n.t.i.e.s in a knot?

Raven then pointed at the cause which was Vernal who was scared stiff by Raven's yelling which I replied jokingly.

Silva: Oh, this is my wife to be and your future daughter in law so play nice while I make breakfast, K.

Getting myself out of bed to get the portable kitchen started Vernal was still stiff but for a different reason and Raven just sighed then said in a exasperated voice while pinching the bridge of her nose.

Raven: Its too early in the morning for your nonsense without my morning tea.

After some tea for Raven plus breakfast then finding Vernal clothes that she can wear for the time being we sat on the cushions around the table as I give Raven the details of what happen last night. Vernal was currently wearing a spare black and red qipao of Ravens her long brown hair now combed plus her tanned complexion now clearly seen along with her worry filled icy blue eyes. Raven sighed again then asked with a tired tone.

Raven: So you brought a girl home after rescuing her and what do you expect to happen now?

I replied sternly at Raven's question.

Raven sighed then told me to do as I wish but to keep in mind that I am responsible for her so if she causes trouble that I have to deal with it. Raven generally lets me do as I please for the most part so long as I handle the raids on military or high profile convoys and contribute to the tribe. I looked to Vernal then said happily.

Silva: Well Vernal your free to stay here for the time being till you decide what you want.

Vernal thanked me then time passed by as months went into a whole year, when I turned 10 Vernal let me and Raven on her secret as the spring maiden. Raven after learning this started train Vernal along with me, it became apparent that she wasn't suited to be a huntress let alone a maiden because she didn't want hurt anybody and she's terrified of grimm but Raven was determined to make something of her for the tribe despite her frustration at Vernal's lack of progress. I only hope that I can prevent her death that was in the show then Vernal came to me one day and asked.

Vernal: Silva how do you do it go on raids, hurt people, and face danger while still being so gentle to me?

I looked to Vernal as she was currently wearing a light blue tank top with dusty brown pants plus gray boots with blue laces, then replied with a light smile.

Silva: Vernal the reason I'm gentle with you in the first place is because you are one of the kindest, sweetest girls I have had the p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e of knowing but because you are my friend I will be honest with you Remnant is a cruel but beautiful place where strength is needed to survive and live in.

Vernal looked down at her feet and gripped her pants then I continued.

Silva: However I believe that you would have been better suited to be a civilian then a huntress let alone a maiden with magic but Vernal life is unfair almost all the time so we have to make do with the hand that has been dealt to us with the best of our ability.

Vernal still looking down as tears started to form in her eyes I then told her.

Vernal looked up at me with a face saying she can't accept this with tears in her eyes as I spoke.

Silva: Vernal I will promise you this I will protect you with everything I have because you are one of the few people I care about in this world.

I walked up to her then gave her a tight hug Vernal stiffen for a moment then hugged back then thanked me in a whisper. After Vernal dried her eyes I asked.

Silva: Vernal you said that you inherited the magic you have from the previous spring maiden is it possible to give them to someone else if they are too much of a burden for you?

Vernal looked shocked at my question then enter into a deep thinking expression and replied.

Vernal: I don't know but even if I could how do I even do it because I looked after the previous spring maiden when she was dying of old age when I inherited them.

I looked at Vernal like she was stupid and replied exasperatedly.

Silva: Vernal you said you can use magic by visualizing and focusing on it right so doesn't the same apply here?

Vernal facepalmed herself for not thinking of it sooner then asked.

Silva: Lets try me first since I'm here now and Mom's out scouting right now.

As we made our way to Raven's tent we got out some cushions so that we can be comfortable then Vernal asked for my hands as she started to concentrate I felt something then pain, the pain of burning on the inside and I noticed that she was I pain as well. I encouraged her to keep on going she grunted in response, the pain got more and more intense Vernal gave into the pain first then stopped the transfer. As we panted from the pain I tried to visualize a small ball of light then focused as hard as I could moments passed then a light did appear, seeing this Vernal was excited then said.

Vernal: We did it Silva we really did it.

Then a red portal opened in the middle of the tent then Raven appeared seeing me and Vernal haggard she asked what was going on. Vernal excitedly then explained about the transfer and Raven was shocked at first then told Vernal that after she rested that she will continue the transfer but with her instead. I didn't argue because I was happy to have a little magic of my own and I think the reason the transfer was so painful was because I was a guy because the maiden magic passed from one female to the next whether intended or not. The next day Vernal started the transfer with Raven while they were in pain it didn't seem as intense as with me and her, it took most of the day for the transfer to be complete but when it was Vernal passed out with a peaceful expression. Raven looked tired from the process then said she's going to sleep I put Vernal in her bed as the two sleep I practiced my small bit of magic to see what I can do.

The following morning Vernal was the first to get up as she yawned then looked around after rubbing her eyes she went stiff and started to wake Raven up with a whispering scream a skill that still amazes me at how a contradicting it is. Raven slowly got up at Vernal behest then saw what had her so scared a large white tiger was in the middle of the tent napping. Raven was stunned then looked around and asked Vernal.

Raven: Where's Silva?

Vernal pointed at the torn remains of my clothes under the tiger.

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