A Second Chance In Remnant

Chapter 12 - 12. An Oath to One's Self

( Third person POV)

Raven examined the tiger closely as if to find something then she narrowed her eyes an got up from her bed then walked in behind the tiger. Vernal looked confused and scared of Raven's actions then Raven lifted her right leg an kicked the sleeping beast then said annoyed.

Raven: Wake up Silva and change back to normal you nearly gave us a heart attack!

It took Vernal a few moments to process what Raven said but she was thinking the tiger woke up then gave an indignant growl at the one who kicked it awake. Then the white tiger slowly became smaller then it's fur receded and finally revealed the familiar face of Silva Cloud.

( Late last night after the transfer of maiden powers) (Silva POV)

After Raven and Vernal went to sleep I decide to practice the little bit of magic I got from Vernal with a bit of excitement, I tried the most well known use of magic aside from summoning and controlling the elements changing into animals. First lets start with something small I close my eyes and focus on the animal that I wish to become, after feeling a strange sensation I opened my eyes to see that I was successful in becoming a spider. Now lets do a few tests, wall crawling check, web spinning check, theme song for spidey Silva not check. Okay lets try something larger next, as I felt that sensation again I have become one of the cruelest, most selfish, and laziest creatures on Remnant... A cat, well lets see if everything works, claws yep, cute cat noises definitely, and purring is a go which feels surprisingly nice to do, weird. Now lets go big, queue strange animal changing sensation my body feels a lot stronger now and oddly familiar for some reason well I did change into a white tiger, a siberian one no less. K, now time to change back, one moment passed then another, it became apparent that I can't change back for some reason but I assume that was because I ran out of magic from my earlier transformations.

I can't very well go out to camp like this even though it would be fun to chase the tribe around in this form because I don't want to get shot at. Now how do I prevent Raven from killing me now that I'm a tiger and she doesn't know it yet. Hmm, oh maybe get some of my clothes and cover me with them or something, no stupid idea after some more thinking I can't come up with anything better because Raven is out like a light, Vernal as well, hopefully Raven will figure it out and won't kill me. I managed to get some clothes out but its a lot harder without having hands I tore a few of them with my claws by accident, well might as well get some shut eye with it being as late as it is right now.

( Morning present time)

Okay mental note to self be more aware of how much magic I can use because waking up in the form of a tiger by a kick in the b.u.t.t is not how I want to start my morning. After turning back to normal which is a relief I started making breakfast with Vernal helping me, while Raven was making her tea she then ask.

Raven: Silva why did you sleep as a overgrown cat without letting us know?

I replied in a matter of fact tone.

Silva: I did try to wake you up but you where too tire to even bat away my tail that was tickling your nose.

Raven looked peeved at the fact that I was using such method to wake her up but dropped it and focused on making her tea. Breakfast was a quick one because Raven wanted to take her new powers for a spin and I didn't want to miss it either. The three of us went out of the camp to start practicing, Raven started with various element to find what she prefer, while I focus on trying to understand how much magic I have and what were my limits to what I can do. Vernal was just sitting on a stump watching us with a smile she looked a lot more at peace then before maybe the responsibility of being a maiden really did burden her.

Time flowed ever onward, the camp is now at the south east coast of Anima and this time I got some beach time with all the scenic views include now that I'm 11 years old this time around. Raven was in a black strapless bikini sitting with a red half skirt in a beach chair with a table on the side that held her tea while she was sunbathing. Vernal was wearing a light blue one piece with frills on the sides and c.h.e.s.t making some sand castles which were a lot bigger then what you usually see because they were as big as a house. I was in a pair of white tiger stripe swim trunks while wearing a red tropical button up shirt loosely revealing the scars on my c.h.e.s.t and I'm fishing some lunch with a good amount of luck with the 3 large bucket full of fish plus one octopus.

Oh, I got a bite again, as I reeled in the fish I could tell it was a big one because even with my strength I was struggling, looks like I got the main course for lunch today. The fish kept on pulling me away, good thing I got a strong fishing rod that can take this punishment despite its size, I then dug my feet in the sand and pulled with everything I got. The fish leaped out of the sea at me except it wasn't a fish but a shark like grimm known as a Rip Jaws that had several rows of teeth and sharp blade like fins. As the grimm drew closer to me in the air I used my glyph to shield me then ready a harpoon that I have near by to stab at the Rip Jaws but it fell short of actually taking a bite out of me so with a well place stab at it's head it dissipated into black particles. Raven came up behind me when I was getting back to fishing then said.

Raven: Silva I'm heading back to camp I will be back for lunch alright.

Vernal: Silva can I get started on preparing your catches for lunch?

I gave Vernal the okay then decide to fore go my fishing rod in favor of my harpoon to do some more aggressive fishing and I started to make my way to the water with some goggles on plus my rebreather in my mouth so that I don't need to come up for air. Fishing underwater is not difficult for me because my semblance can be used as a mapping sonar by using vibrations to sense my surroundings which my current goal is to be able to use it 24/7 as to not have any blind spots. As I searched with my semblance I found a fish the size of a large dog to fill me up for lunch but when I made my way to the fish I felt a pulse in the water. Wondering what that pulse was in the water ahead of me I saw a pair of bright yellow-red orbs coming at me in the distance, on closer examination I found the orbs to be eyes of a large grimm instead, noticing this I swam to shore as quickly as I could. Finally making it to shore Vernal came up to me worried seeing how fast I made myself swim then the grimm revealed itself from the water it was a Sea Feilong. It's long serpentine body in the air with it's wings fully extended, the feelers on the side of it's dragon like head hanged loosely then it roared at me and Vernal.

As I told Vernal to run and get Raven I ready myself to fight with my harpoon I noticed this grimm is a lot bigger then the one Sun and Blake beat with the help of the ship captain. Why in the hell did this Sea Feilong come here was what crossed my mind when this grimm made itself at home in deeper water usually. I focused on the fight ahead clearing my head of distractions I first summon a Manticore to ride on but before I could even get on the serpent used it's lighting beam to destroy my summon easily. With my ride down I decide to use my glyphs to skate on the water to lure it to the near by crags to give myself more time and it followed me while firing it's lighting beam at me. When I made it to the crags I bobbed and weaved though them trying to confuse it. The Sea Feilong started to smash the rocks with it's long tail trying to kill me and it was missing because I hid underwater below it the moment it started smashing. I summoned the recently defeated Rip Jaws to ride on I delve deeper with it then shot up as quickly as I could make it my sprang from the water and bit the Sea Feilong on the lower part of it's body with me along for the ride. The giant grimm roared in pain because my summon bit down hard with it's several rows of teeth, I hopped off then started to run along the serpent's body making my way to it's head. As I made it without falling off I then stabbed with my harpoon in it's forehead it pierced though, the Sea Feilong reared up and started try to shake me off.

As I use Echo Tremor to inflict more harm on it by sending shock waves though my harpoon the serpent smashed it's head against the several rocks then flied all over the place trying to knock me off. The Sea Feilong made it's way to the beach aiming to crash against it at full speed and I let go in a moment of weakness as it crashed unable to stand the beatings from slamming into the rocks now the beach. I got up on the beach then the grimm looked at me after shaking it's head then proceeded to charge up it's lighting beam, I ran at it with Echo Tremor coating my right fist to damage it before it can fire but I was too slow. As the beam came at me I knew my aura wouldn't be able to withstand it because of my earlier beating and my semblance isn't strong enough yet to beat back an attack of that magnitude plus my magic is of no use right now. As I was dreading my impending end Vernal showed up out of nowhere to shield me from the lighting beam, as the beam ran it's course then stopped I asked with all the sorrow in my heart as I saw that Vernal's aura shattered then with burn marks on her back from the attack as she fell.

Silva: Why are you here..? I told you to run away and get Raven...

Vernal answered in a strained voice filled with pain.

Vernal: You knew you could die but sent me away to fight the grimm... How could I just run away with you facing a chance of death trying to protect me? I wanted to help you even if I'm scared, even if I'm not as strong as you... Sorry...

I saw Vernal stopped breathing as she closed her eyes, I denied it again and again in my mind then I roared.


I woke up with a start and my heart pounding then saw that I was back at the main camp with Raven sitting near me. As I try to get up Raven stopped me then I asked in a panic.


Raven cut my question short and told me the grim truth.

Raven: Silva, Vernal is dead along with the stone remains of a Ancient Sea Feilong that I guess your silver eyes killed.

Raven never made it a point to make me master my silver eyes because I was strong without them at least that is what I used to believe. Raven then spoke in a cold and cynical tone.

Raven: Its to be expected after all Vernal wasn't cut out for this world where the weak die and the strong survive.

I didn't say anything not because I think she's right but I blame my own weakness and arrogance that I was strong. Raven went off to give me some time alone and I said to no one but myself.

Silva: Never... Never again will I allow myself to be complacent, never again will I be arrogant or delusional about what ever little strength I have. I will fulfill my plans no matter what and succeed this I swear on my soul.

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