A Second Chance In Remnant

Chapter 37 - 37. A Blighted Disaster

Currently, the expedition is at the southeastern beach which is full of more clams that I've ever seen in my 2 lifetimes, you can not take one step without stepping on a least one clam. Everyone is taking a break on the beach for the next couple of days here while hoping to get lucky with the clams and find a pearl, myself included. With Echo Tremor's sonar, I've already found a few pearls to add to the expedition because Lemiel has contacts that can sell them for a good price so I saw no problem handing them over. Right now I'm opening another clam with a pearl in it, after finally opening the tight little sucker I was dumbfounded that the pearl was red. I have heard of black pearls back on Earth but never red in color, I asked Lemiel what in the heck this is.

Silva: Hey, Lemiel do you know what a red pearl means?

Lemiel looked over to me shocked in her maid style swimsuit which fully displayed her petit but curvy body and replied.

Lemiel: Let me see it now!!!

Hearing Lemiel's outburst Tsukuyomi walked over to see what brought it on, she was wearing a white bikini with a red outline that left nothing to the imagination, her regular outfit hid her well endowed womanly assets well. Lemiel ran back to the cart with our supplies in it and started to dig through it frantically tossing a number of things aside. She pulled out a jewel appraising tool and start to examine it closely with a serious expression. Moments later she started to laugh in a creepy way then shouted.

Lemiel: WE'RE RICH!!!

Her shout surprised me and Tsukuyomi, I then asked her.

Silva: Lemiel what do you mean? Is that pearl valuable?

Lemiel looked at me with the biggest smile I've ever seen on her and then planted a kiss on my lips, tongue included much to Tsukuyomi's disp.l.e.a.s.u.r.e. Lemiel took a couple of deep breaths trying to calm down and explained.

Lemiel: Silva do you understand what you just found? You found a freaking Dust pearl! These are the rarest of the rare because most clam that takes in an even the smallest grain of Dust usually dies. BUT, if they survive the dust poisoning they can form a dust pearl which is worth enough Lein to set you for life and then some.

Hearing explanation I start to wonder if I could make some Dust pearls with magic to either sell on the side or give to my girlfriends as a present. Lemiel continued talking excitedly.

I wondered for a bit about trying to sell the Dust pearl myself but decided against it because I probably just auction it off on the black market and the auctioning fee for something of this value would not be cheap. I'll let Lemiel handle selling it but I will analyze it first to understand how it's formed so that I can try my hand at making them with magic. Lemiel started to dance around like a fool out of happiness, of course, I recorded it on my scroll to make fun of her later. Tsukuyomi walked in front of me and kissed me deeply, I then asked her.

Silva: What was that for?

Her wolf ears flattened on her head and replied.

Tsukuyomi: Jealous of Lemiel for kissing you and annoyed that you enjoyed it...

I just grinned at her which earned me a kick to the shin and Tsukuyomi stubbed her toes against it much to her surprise which made her hop on one foot for a bit. I chuckled at her misfortune of kicking me while I'm using my aura to protect me while she didn't apply aura to herself. Looks like its been a good day today.

( A couple of days later)

The expedition team was making its way through the desert heading straight back to Kuo Kuana in haste. Lemiel wants to sell the Dust pearl as soon as possible because its value will draw the wrong kind of attention and there is a high chance it could get stolen if we hold on to it too long. The Dust pearl's structure was as different as expected compared to regular pearls but I think I can make them with magic enough practice. Moria kept on complaining all the way.

Moria: Can we take a break already I'm dying here.

We just had a break a couple of hours ago and I'm the one who's pulling the cart while you're pushing it with Akilah helping you, I thought to myself but kept silent. Lemiel is having the carts pushed and pulled to help speed up our travel time. In the time we're making we will reach Kuo Kuana in the next 5 days if nothing unexpected happens. The ground started to shake violently and a low but loud rumbling roar could be heard not too far away from us. I turned to look for the source of the noise and saw a giant black thing shoot out of the ground, Akilah screamed.

Seeing the large worm-like Grimm for the first time I was tempted to fight it but changed my mind because I had a cart to transport that took Priority. I put some hustle in my step to move the cart faster away from the massive Grimm making Moria trip and face plant on the ground leaving him behind. Moria scrambled to his feet to run for his life and Lemiel shouted.


Tsukuyomi inserted some brown color dust into her gauntlet along with some dark green color dust and as the Blight Worm noticed us it dived back into the ground looping its long body heading straight for us underground. As it came closer to us Tsukuyomi then used her semblance to create walls of stone followed by plants burrowing underground at the massive Grimm. The underground Grimm stopped a few moments but broke through and resumed its chase. As it drew closer it's head popped out of the ground revealing its gaping maw ready to devour us. Moria seeing this stopped trying to push the wagon and tried to run ahead of us on his own as fast as he could before tripping and becoming the Grimm's first snack. Akilah seeing Moria's final moments stopped pushing the cart and ran perpendicular to us in an attempt to avoid Moria's fate but instead, the Blight Worm focused on her.

Akilah ran for her life but like Moria, she became Grimm food when she ran into a bramble of thorns when she was checking if the massive Grimm was still on her trail. The Blight Worm swallowed her whole with the bramble then refocused on what was left of the expedition. Seeing the massive Grimm close in on us I summoned a pair of Nevermores to lift the cart into the air out of the way. I drew my solid white katana Kodoku then charged at the Grimm, the Blight Worm quickly swallowed me whole and darkness soon surrounded me. Feeling that I was in one piece and nothing was missing I summoned Scrouge and Senshi to start wreaking havoc inside the great beast. Senshi jammed its sword into the fleshy wall and I did the same on the opposite side then we ran towards the other end of the Blight Worm with Scrouge spewing out fire everywhere behind us. The massive Grimm soon wreathed in the pain of our actions almost throwing us off balance but we did not stop.

Several moments later the Blight Worm shot up vertically making us fall but Senshi and I rammed our sword into the Grimm cutting into it further while slowing our descent. Scrouge held on by virtue of its claws still breathing out torrents of flame onto the fleshy walls and Senshi and I continue to cut downward with our swords. Moments later the Blight Worm turned into black particles making me free fall from the air with my summons, I unsummoned them while I brace myself for impact. Crashing hard into the ground, even with my aura protecting me I'm going to feel that tomorrow. Pulling myself from the ground feeling more than a little sore I look around for the expedition, soon I heard screaming. From above?

I looked up seeing Moria still alive along with Akilah falling, I guess they didn't die after all as they sped closer and closer to the ground I realized something. They were going to land on me!!! It was too late I felt 2 impacts hit me making me eat dirt again, yeah I'm going to feel this tomorrow...

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