A Second Chance In Remnant

Chapter 38 - 38. Plans for the Future

On a dark and turbulent sea stood a single large fishing boat against the horrendous storm. Aboard the vessel stood its captain on the main deck with a pair of binoculars searching for something. The asked his first mate that serves on his ship.

Captain: Laszlo any sign of the beast?

Laszlo being the poor mute that he just blows his whistle twice for no. The Captain replied with a serious tone of voice.

Captain: I see... Keep your eyes open the beast always shows up in the middle of a storm.

Just as the Captain finishes his sentence Laszlo started to blow his whistle in a frenzy while pointing to the starboard side of the ship. The Captain turned to where his first mate was pointing and saw it... The great white whale with pitch-black bull horns atop its head along with burning red eyes. The Captain seeing the tyrant of these waters started to laugh like a madman and ordered Laszlo to turn the ship toward it. As the vessel and the beast drew closer against each other the Captain readied his harpoon to strike it while Laszlo got on the ballista turret atop the ship.

The white whale jumped up from the sea towards the boat and the Captain threw his harpoon at the beast. The harpoon struck against the whale impaling it but the whale wasn't bothered by it and it opened its great maw biting the ballistic clean off the ship with poor Laszlo along with it. The Captain seeing his first mate become the beast's latest victim he roared out.


The Captain slammed his fist against the ship and the vessel started to shake then rise out of the sea revealing a giant rusted robot with the ship serving as its head. The Captain shouted out at the white whale in fury.


The white whale started to glow an ominous light and it grew bigger and bigger as it glowed. Once the monster stopped glowing it revealed a bipedal form with a bodybuilder form at the same size as the giant robot the Captain is piloting. The Captain glared at the beast's new form and the white whale stared back with its red eyes. As the beast opened its mouth to roar what came out of it wasn't a roar but the sound of an alarm that kept on beeping.

( Silva POV)

I g.r.o.a.n.e.d at the sound of my alarmed feeling sick to my stomach before turning it off. I g.r.o.a.n.e.d.

Silva: Ugh, I really shouldn't have had that fish last night it tasted off. Stupid dream...

It's been a little over a week since the expedition got back to Kuo Kuana and I'm waiting for Lemiel to sell the fire dust pearl through her contacts. I got out of my bed and made my way to the kitchen at the Belladonna estate when I heard Ghira scream in frustration, which happens more often than not. I went to check on him to see if he needed help with picking up the paperwork that he likely tossed aside on the floor. I came to the front of his office door and knocked against it. I heard Ghira quietly say.

Ghira: Come in...

I came through his door and saw him picking up his scattered paperwork and I started to help him. After gathering it up and setting it back on his desk in a neat pile he said tiredly.

Ghira: Thanks, Silva...

Seeing the bags under his eyes I asked him what happen this time to which he replied.

Ghira: The Schnee Dust Company crushed another one of its competitors which happen to be one of the few companies that give Kuo Kuana a fair price on dust.

Ghira sighed and went to his liqueur cabinet to serve himself a drink. He took his shot of coconut liqueur and continued his explanation.

Ghira: To make matters worse the SDC is now targeting another one of the companies that sell to Kuo Kuana and I don't know what to do.

I suggest to Ghira a possible solution even though he might not like it.

Ghira had a sad smile on his face and replied.

Ghira: They won't protect the companies because they make use of Faunus labor and they are already attacking the SDC with extreme prejudice.

Ghira made himself another shot and downed it in one go. He looked to the ceiling with a look that said what I'm I suppose to do. Seeing this I decided to show the plans I've been working for Kuo Kuana that would help it out before I leave. I laid out my plans on a table for him to see and told him.

Silva: Ghira I might have a solution that can help.

Ghira sighed and said.

Ghira: At this point, I'm willing to try anything that can help Kuo Kuana and the Faunus.

While Ghira was looking over the plans I took out the hand-powered flashlight I made to help him understand how my plans can help. Ghira furrowed his brows in confusion at my plans then asked.

Ghira: What is this?

My answer to him was.

In my time as information gatherer in I poked around the heads of several people architects included along with a number of other professions that I felt could useful. Ghira not understanding what I mean I gave him a more detailed explanation.

Silva: You see this that I have in my hand take it and crank the handle do that I can give you a better idea on my plan.

I gave him the hand-powered flashlight and he started to crank it and when it lit up Ghira was surprised, to say the least. He kept on cranking it and examining it like an interesting new toy. I lightly coughed to get his attention and I continued my explanation.

Silva: As you can see the flashlight in your hands is purely hand-powered with no dust what so ever. The dam on the plans works in a similar way but with water and on a grander scale enough do that it can power Kuo Kuana so long as its probably maintained. However, the number of materials needed for it is not small I can provide the manpower along with teaching a number of residents on how to do maintenance on it plus the lein for the materials and equipment. But I need your permission to do so along with the necessary contacts to transport the materials, do what do you say are you willing to trust me?

Ghira contemplated my words for a couple of minutes and asked.

Ghira: How do you know to build this? Where did you get the lien to buy the materials? How are you getting the manpower for this dam of yours? And why give so much to Kuo Kuana without anything in return?

I chuckled at his questions and answered them in order.

Silva: First is because my semblance is to copy other semblances which allowed me to acquire a mind-reading semblance that I used to gather information back at Mistral for just about anything.

This was the accuse I came up with to hide my magic because it's more believable than magic itself and I can reuse this copy semblance to explain just about anything within reason. I continued my explanation.

All of that is true without going into details or otherwise and for his other question I summoned a couple of Beowolfs to show him my manpower, he replied with an oh. I answered his final question with complete honesty.

Silva: And as to why I'm doing this for Kuo Kuana it's because I have come to see it as home and I want to help it if I can.

Ghira smiled at my answer then said.

Ghira: Okay, I'll ask around to see if I can get in contact about the materials you need.

He reached out his hand for me to shake and we shook on Kuo Kuana's future. Ghira asked me one more thing.

Ghira: Can I keep the flashlight?

( A month later)

I have been working on Remnant's very first hydroelectric dam and the progress has been going smoothly even with teaching the residents on the side of how it's built and how to perform maintenance it and even how to repair it if it gets damaged. I sped up the process by using a "semblance" to directly put the information inside their mind, thank goodness for the convenience of magic. I controlled my new Blight Worm summons to act as a crane to lift the steel bar upon the top of the dam then had a team of Beowolfs hold the bars up while I weld them. With my summons doing all the heavy lifting I became a one-man construction crew that was making good time, better than what I was expecting.

The dam's turbines can be divide into main and secondary, so while the main turbines can be shut off for maintenance while the secondary turbines can run to keep the power going. Plus the floodgates are looking good as to counter hurricane season in the Menagerie along with any repairs needed to be performed in case of a Grimm doing no small amount of damage. As I work I heard Tsukuyomi calling me for lunch, I finished what I was doing then head towards my temporary home near the dam.

Tsukuyomi: It still amazes me how much work you've done in so little time.

Lemiel agreed with her.

Lemiel: Remind me to hire you if I want a mansion or a bigger restaurant because all this work in less than a month is impressive, to say the least.

I can't blame them for being surprised at my work speed even I myself am impressed. I am already halfway done setting up the steel frame along the foundation. Plus I'm going the extra mile with reinforcing the concrete with dust to make more resistant to water damage and sturdy enough to handle a giant Grimm attack. As I enjoy lunch with them Lemiel made an announcement.

Lemiel: Oh, guess what I finally sold the dust pearl and you will not believe how much lein we made off it.

I and Tsukuyomi wait for the honey badger Faunus maid to tell us how much.

Lemiel: 150 million lein.

From my understanding of lein, 1 lein is close to 1 cent in dollars so that means the pearl was sold for 1.5 million dollars if we go by Earth standards. Which is no small amount of money on Remnant you could live for several years on that amount without working? However, it will be split 6 ways in between the expedition members so I told Lemiel.

Silva: You can have my share of the money Lemiel so buy yourself something nice.

The reason I'm giving away my share is that I wasn't just working on the dam or teaching but trying to make my own dust pearls and I succeed plus I can make different types as well like water or ice dust pearls. The two of them looked at me dumbfounded at what I just said and Lemiel asked me if I was sure, I just waved off her question. The two of them left not long after and as I worked on the dam night greeted me and I went to the hut that I'm using and entered my travel bag to finally perform my soul extraction on the Grimm girl Lucifer.

Her condition has taken a turn for the worst in recent weeks and she's dying plus the pain killers I give her aren't effective anymore. I walked to her strapped to a table so that she doesn't hurt herself or me for that matter. My plan to help her is to extract her soul and condense it into a soul crystal to house it till I get Atlas and make her a body similar to Penny's. I've already performed the same process on the assassins and bounty hunters after me back in Anima along with breaking them so that their soul and by extension aura becomes colorless to which I can dye to the color of my choice. The result of my experiments shows that I can use these soul crystals to use other people's semblances by powering them with my aura or even create my own. I have already recreated Raven's semblance when she came to check on me in her bird form by scanning her soul with magic.

I even made variants of it like instead of people I can go places I've been to before which costs a large amount of aura to the point I can only use it for long-distance travel like to Mistral for example from here twice a day. I place my hands above her c.h.e.s.t and started to pull her soul from her body as painlessly as possible and after a couple of minutes, the end result is a black crystal that houses her soul in my hand. Feeling completely tired I head off to bed for the night feeling proud that I can give Luci a second chance at life.

( A month later)

My progress on the dam is going well from my current pace I will have the dam finished in 6 months. As I set the concrete up I heard Ghira calling me, he usually leaves me to my work so it must be important. I summon my Arma Gigas Senshi to continue laying down the wet cement and head to Ghira and I got an idea on what was so important because Sienna Kahn was with him along with Adam f.u.c.k.i.n.g Taurus. Seeing him I felt tempted to kill him then and there but decided against it because I still have a use for him in the fall of Beacon and helping Blake and Yang make up with his death. I then asked Ghira while pretending to be ignorant of who those 2 are.

Silva: Hey Ghira who are friends there?

Ghira sighed and introduced them clearly reluctant.

Ghira: This is Sienna Kahn the current high leader of the White Fang.

Sienna is Bengal tiger-based Faunus with amber eyes, dark complexion, and wild black, chin-length hair with an asymmetrical bob style. Her Faunus trait manifested as an extra pair of ears, and her body was adorned with numerous birthmarks resembling tiger stripes. She wore four golden earrings on three of her ears, one each on her Human ears, and two on her left Faunus ear as well as a small jewel on her forehead.

She is wearing a form-fitting dark gray sleeveless top with white trim, the top has a large diamond cut out of the back exposing most of her back accompanied by a smaller diamond-shaped cutout just above her b.r.e.a.s.ts. A long gray skirt with white accents that shaped inwards towards her calves allowing from them to be partially revealed them and her over the knee black stockings with golden trim alongside two long splits on the side which revealed a pair of black shorts. Over the dress, she wore a back-revealing long red cape that was clasped by golden accessories at the top of her small diamond cutout, as well as a gray waist cincher with red trim that had a black golden buckled belt over it, which fastened a gray pouch on her right side.

She is wearing a pair of light gray wedged sandals that had red laces that were tied to her calves, as well as a black elbow-length fingerless glove on her right hand. She also wore a red robe with a golden bell on her left side wrapped around her waist with a matching rope wrapped around her right wrist. On her left wrist, she has a small gray vambrace.

Ghira continued his introduction.

Ghira: And this is Adam Tarsus a prominent member of the White Fang.

Adam is a tall bull Faunus with auburn hair that spikes backward in a windswept way. While most of his hair is red, he has streaks of brown in it. Adam is wearing an asymmetrical black, long-sleeved, double-b.r.e.a.s.ted stylized high-collared blazer with slit sleeves along with red thorn sigils adorned with a white crest that lined up on his left shoulder. His suit jacket had crimson lining atop his red shirt, with red thorn sigils atop a black flap attached to the bottom of the left hem and his wilting rose emblem on the back over an emblazoned white sigil resembling the curved stems and flower of the deadly nightshade plant. His blazer is half-buttoned, exposing a red shirt with a black line running parallel to his collar under it.

His mask is whitish-tan with red, Japanese style, horn-like symbols decorating the front and two slits on each side presumably to allow for vision. This is a redesigned version of the Grimm masks typically worn by most members of the White Fang. He is wearing long black dress pants, black shoes with red soles, and black gloves with red sigils resembling the Greek letter Ω (Omega), the last letter in the Greek alphabet. He wears a black belt with white domino marks on it.

I then introduced myself to the 2 of them in a casual manner.

Silva: My name is Silva Cloud what do I owe the p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e of meeting the beautiful high leader of the White Fang?

I decided to blatantly ignore Adam for the time being to see if I can get a rise out of him that way. Sienna replied coolly.

Sienna: Flattery will get you nowhere but to answer your question it's to meet you and see this dam that can supposedly power Kuo Kuana.

She walked past me to get a better view of the dam and after a minute she asked.

Sienna: Where is the rest of the construction crew?

I grinned at Ghira and joked.

Silva: They're on their lunch break.

Ghira just had a wry smile and shook his head in amus.e.m.e.nt at getting my joke because I'm using my summons. Sienna not getting it asked.

Sienna: When can I meet them?

I decided to see how far I could take my joke.

Silva: If you're interested in meeting them I can tell them to go find you at their earliest convenience if you can tell me where you're staying right now.

Ghira sniggered slightly at my answer but quickly adopted a serious expression. Sienna nodded and replied.

Sienna: That will be fine I look forward to meeting them.

Sienna walked off into the jungle with Adam in tow and I looked at Ghira with a grin. He grinned back and started chuckling, I followed soon after. After getting a laugh out the joke I pulled I said.

Silva: You know I'm really tempted to march my summons to her front door.

Ghira shook his head in amus.e.m.e.nt then requested.

Ghira: Please don't because Sienna will react violently and won't appreciate the joke.

I shrugged giving up the idea and went back to work on the dam with my summons.

( The next day)

I was having lunch with Tsukuyomi and Lemiel when I saw Sienna come marching towards me with Adam in tow. The high leader had a displeased look on her face when she demanded.

Sienna: Where are your workers?

I summoned a couple of Beowulfs in front of her and replied bluntly.

Silva: There...

Sienna had a dumbfounded expression while Adam spoke to me the first time.

Adam: Why are you wasting your time playing with steel and concrete when you could be helping the White Fang with that kind of power in fighting against humans.

Tsukuyomi did not look happy at Adam's righteous speech while Lemiel had a neutral expression. I simply replied.

Silva: Um, who are you again?

That shut Adam up real quickly and Tsukuyomi giggled at my antics while Lemiel was kicking back like she's enjoying a show. I turned toward Sienna again and asked her.

Silva: So now that you've seen my crew any questions Sienna?

The Bengal tiger Faunus gave me a pointed look then said.

Sienna: Are you truly building this dam on your own?

I nodded at her question, seeing this she quickly turned her focus on Tsukuyomi and said.

Sienna: Tsukuyomi I was not expecting to find you here. How have you been?

Tsukuyomi curtly replied.

Tsukuyomi: Fine...

Sienna seeing a former White Fang member reply to her so coldly made her have a forlorn look on her face. Adam spoke up again towards Tsukuyomi.

Adam: I have heard of you Tsukuyomi with your semblance you built a number of well-hidden bases all across Mistral. Won't you rejoin the White Fang for the Faunus?

I looked at like he hit his head or something and I decided to peek in his head to see what he's thinking... It appears that he is unaware of the fact that he was the cause of her leave from the White Fang or rather his following is to blame. Tsukuyomi had a cold expression on her countenance but her response surprised me.

Tsukuyomi: I can be persuaded to rejoin the White Fang... If you beat Silva that is.

I could kiss her right now for giving me a good accuse to fight Adam because I have been wanting to see how I stack up against him. After all, it took a tag-team of a m.a.t.u.r.ed Yang and Blake to kill him so he is fairly strong. Adam looked at me like he doesn't see me as an opponent that can beat him and replied conveniently.

Adam: Certainly but if only he agrees.

I curtly replied.

Silva: Sure...

I went to my hut to grab my katana Kodoku after getting it Adam and I went to a spot not too far away for our fight. We stood in front of each other ready to start while Lemiel decides to act as our witness and referee, she said.

Lemiel: Okay you two we will be using a standard tournament style platform for your fight agreed.

Adam and I didn't protest then Lemiel continued.

Lemiel: All right then once this coin hits the ground it will serve as the signal to start your fight.

Lemiel flips the coin high in the air, Adam entered a crouching quick draw stance while I directly drew my sword. Just as the coin hits the ground a gunshot was heard from Adam's side and his sword came flying at me at high speed. If there is one way to weaken Adam it's to deprive him of his sword Blush for he is heavily reliant on it for his semblance Moon Slice. I saw his move from a mile away and just sidestep from the trajectory of his flying sword and charge at him directly.

Adam aimed his gun Wilt at me and fired away but I just shrugged off the bullets with my aura. I slashed at him with my sword and he tumbled to his right to evade it then tried to go after his sword. I reached out my left hand to grab the scruff of his neck and threw him in front of me then used a shockwave from my fist to knock him back further away. Before he got back up I got closer to him and thrust my sword at his c.h.e.s.t landing a direct hit he then rolled to the side away from me and fired a couple of shots at me all direct hits.

I fired off an aura slash at him and he countered with a red blast of energy from his semblance canceling it out. He then made another dash to his sword as he ran I threw my own sword at his legs making him trip and stumble. He got up quickly then used Kodoku to slash at me and I concentrated my aura on my back right fist to deflect it sending it flying. After Adam lost my sword I punched him a couple of times with Echo Tremor coating my fists in vibrations dealing a large amount of damage to his aura. Adam used his semblance on his right hand to punch back at me making me guard against it and it sent me skidding backward a couple of feet.

Adam finally retrieved his sword Blush but he looked at me warily clearly not wanting to get close to me again without a plan. I raised my right foot and stomped down using my semblance to send Adam a small localized earthquake to him. As he struggled to keep his balance I pulled back my fist and threw a shockwave directly at him making his dark red aura breakdown winning the match. I looked to Lemiel to hear her verdict and I saw her looking at me with a bloodthirsty smile, I really hope she doesn't expect me to fight her next because my fight with Adam took over half of my aura.

Seeing her reach for her cleaver-like great sword I start to worry a little but thankfully Tsukuyomi smacked Lemiel on the back of the head bring her back to her senses. Sighing in relief at Tsukuyomi's quick thinking Lemiel announced the result.

Lemiel: And the winner by aura destruction is Silva.

Sienna looked surprised, to say the least at the result of the match and she asked me.

Sienna: Do you really have no intention of joining the White Fang?

I shook my head side to side for no and Sienna asked me another question.

Sienna: Can I know as to why?

I answered her honestly.

Silva: I think the White Fang is only partly right in its methods but ultimately the White Fang is an attempt to give a simple solution to a very complex problem that has no easy answer. Hate can not be made to go away through pure violence nor by just pretty words let alone waiting for time to heal rifts in human and Faunus relations.

Sienna thought about my words and asked.

Sienna: Then what do you think needs to be done then?

I shook my head and replied.

Silva: I don't know because as I said it is a very complex problem and I'm no great leader.

Sienna walked passed me and supported a dazed Adam to his feet, walking off with him in tow she said.

Sienna: I will take your words into consideration...

As she walked off back to Kuo Kuana my stomach grumbled in hunger and I said.

Silva: Let's finish lunch shall we.

( Later at night) (+18 content ahead)

Tsukuyomi stuck around after Sienna and Adam left till night came and she followed me to my hut. Seeing her alone with me asked her.

Silva: Can I help you Tsukuyomi?

She replied quietly.

Tsukuyomi: Yomi... Call me Yomi...

I shrugged and said.

Silva: Yomi, how can I help you this night?

The white wolf Faunus came closer to me with a slight blush to her face and wrapped her arms around. I tensed up in case she wants to bite me again but to my pleasant surprise, she kissed me deeply. As we kissed I felt her reach for my pants in an attempt to pull them down I stopped her and asked.

Silva: Yomi are you still against me having a harem?

Her reply was.

Tsukuyomi: Yes...

I then told her.

Silva: You're going to have to wait because a pair of someones called dibs on my first time.

This was true as Melanie and Miltia made me promise before I left to not literally screw around till we meet again. Tsukuyomi looked displeased at what I said and reached for my pants again determined to get what she wants. I evaded and used magic to seal up my arousal to prevent any temptation I might feel because I really want to keep my promise to them because they were the first to agree to my harem idea. Tsukuyomi still tried to strip me after taking her clothes off and even with magic sealing my arousal I still felt tempted by her forwardness with her lithe but well-endowed body. I then asked her.

Silva: Do you remember our spar during the expedition and what I said about my semblance?

She nodded still trying to pounce on me and I grinned then pounced on her grabbing both her wrists in one hand pinning her against the wall. I proceeded to kiss her and brought my free hand up to her c.h.e.s.t and used Echo Tremor to make my hand vibrate while gripping her soft marshmallow-like b.r.e.a.s.t that spilled slightly from hand. I stopped kissing her she then let out a soft m.o.a.n from me playing with her b.r.e.a.s.t and I told her.

Silva: I going to make myself clear to you on who is in charge here.

While still holding both her wrist and massaging her b.r.e.a.s.t I started to nibble on her wolf ears while making my teeth vibrate from my semblance. She let out a sweet m.o.a.n that made me wish I didn't promise the twins to save myself for them. I let go of her b.r.e.a.s.t and pinched her cherry pink n.i.p.p.l.e with my vibrating fingers which made her squirm around while m.o.a.ning.

She started to pant heavily and I then moved my hand to her v.a.g.i.n.a to find that it was soaking wet. I placed my thumb against her c.l.i.t.o.r.i.s while inserting my fingers into her wet p.u.s.s.y all the while generating vibrations after a minute of slowly cranking up my semblance she came losing strength to her legs. I let her go and asked.

Silva: Are you still against me having a harem?

Her misty eyes clear a little and her reply was.

Tsukuyomi: I refuse to share with you...

I just grinned and replied back with glee.

Silva: Let see if I can convince you otherwise after all the night is still young.

I proceed to not allow Tsukuyomi any rest till she agrees for the rest of the night.

( The next morning)

Tsukuyomi was on the floor eagle spread passed out I covered her with a blanket. I managed to get her to agree to a harem but I didn't stop playing with her till morning because seeing her begging me to stop flipped a switch in me. I went almost full sadist on her but restrained myself because I didn't want to push her too far at least not yet anyway. I made breakfast for me and she then went work on the dam till lunch rolled around and she finally woke up. I asked her once again.

Silva: Are you still against me having a harem?

Tsukuyomi sighed in defeat and answered back.

Tsukuyomi: You win...

I gave her a deep kiss to seal the deal.

( 6 months later)

I turned 15 this year and not only finished the dam but made me a small mansion away from the crowdedness of Kuo Kuana for myself and Tsukuyomi. I gave my goodbyes to Ghira, Kali, Lemiel, and Tsukuyomi before heading off to Atlas. I finally succeeded in creating a unique summon by using magic to give it form, it is a wyvern like summon not the Grimm kind but fantasy kind that shot out flames from the tips of its wings to make it go faster. It can also shoot out fireballs like a machine gun from its mouth but in order to make more aura efficient I had to lower its durability so that I can mainly use it to fly to Atlas. However, I did give the ability to be protected by my aura when necessary to give it a better defense in case I need to fight in the air.

Lookout Atlas here I come...

( A/N, this long chapter is brought you by my d.e.s.i.r.e to finish up the Menagerie arc and to move on to Atlas hope you enjoy it.)

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