A Second Chance In Remnant

Chapter 40 - 40. Finally to Atlas

Seeing Pyrrha and Tsukuyomi stare at each other I quickly did some damage control or rather introductions, I faked cough their get attention.

Silva: Pyrrha meet Tsukuyomi, Tsukuyomi meet Pyrrha and Yomi you are currently at Argus in Pyrrha's room do please be polite, okay.

The redhead and the white wolf Faunus continued to stare each other down, thankfully there are no signs of a fight starting between them. As they continued to stare at each other it felt more and more awkward in the room I tried asking Tsukuyomi.

Silva: Yomi why did you come through the portal?

Tsukuyomi broke her staring contest with Pyrrha and looked towards me then replied.

Tsukuyomi: I wanted to see what you've been up to. Now let me ask you a question. Did you forget your promise to me for tonight?

I sighed and answered honestly because lying will just come to bite me in the b.u.t.t later.

Silva: Yes, it slipped my mind till you called me again.

Tsukuyomi flatten her wolf ears and narrowed her eyes then said to Pyrrha.

Tsukuyomi: Excuse me Pyrrha was it? I'm going to borrow Silva for a bit okay.

Pyrrha just numbly nodded and Tsukuyomi ordered me.

Tsukuyomi: Silva, open a portal back home.

I sighed again and told her.

Silva: Can't and before you ask why, think about what time it is at the Menagerie.

Tsukuyomi furrowed her brows for a moment and then had a look of realization. Seeing that she got what I was talking about since she knows how Raven's portal semblance works after showing it to her when asked what kind of semblances I "copied". I then continued explaining for Pyrrha's sake.

Silva: The portal semblance I use requires me to have a bond with someone in order to work and considering the fact, everybody else I have a bond with back at the Menagerie is probably asleep. They most likely won't appreciate being woke up in the middle of the night so you are stuck here till morning at least Yomi.

Seeing everything dawned on the 2 girls I then asked Pyrrha.

Silva: Pyrrha, if it isn't too much trouble, can Yomi stay here for the night till I can send her back.

Pyrrha replied politely.

Pyrrha: No its no trouble at all.

Seeing I managed to somewhat diffuse the situation I felt relieved and I then pulled out a futon for Tsukuyomi to sleep in from my blue jade ring. I then told Tsukuyomi.

Silva: Here Yomi you can sleep in this for the night.

Setting it out on the floor I then grabbed Pyrrha and laid on her bed with her in my arms. Tsukuyomi seeing this asked.

Tsukuyomi: What are you doing?

Silva: What I was doing before you called which is cuddling with Pyrrha for the night.

Pyrrha blushed more so than before due to having a witness now. Tsukuyomi ignored the futon then lifted the covers on Pyrrha's bed and joined us. I told Tsukuyomi.

Silva: Yomi if you want to share the bed at least ask Pyrrha first.

Tsukuyomi then asked.

Tsukuyomi: Pyrrha mind sharing your cuddle time with Silva with me?

I couldn't help but shake my head in amus.e.m.e.nt at Tsukuyomi's bluntness. Pyrrha shyly replies.

Pyrrha: I have never shared my bed with someone other than my mom before when I was a little girl. So this is a first for me.

Hearing this I said gently.

Silva: Pyrrha if you're uncomfortable you can just tell me and I will give some space.

Pyrrha: No, your not making me uncomfortable it's just that this is a new experience for me.

Pyrrha's explanation still made worry that I was pushing too much too quickly so I asked for confirmation.

Silva: Truly? I am a little worried that I might be pushing you too much.

Pyrrha looked me in the eyes and said.

Pyrrha: Silva you are maybe a little... Okay really brazen but I do like that about you and I sometimes wish that I could a little more bold at times.

I heard Tsukuyomi sniggered at Pyrrha's view of me but I ignored it and continued to listen to Pyrrha.

Pyrrha: In all honesty, the last thing I expected for how my day to go was being kidnapped by you in the middle of class. But, I didn't dislike it.

The peanut gallery gave a whistle and I gave Tsukuyomi a glare then Pyrrha continued.

Pyrrha: I don't have any real experience in a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship and I'm not sure what I feel for you is love but you do make me happy.

Silva: I love you.

Pyrrha couldn't look me in the eyes and turned her head downward. I felt Tsukuyomi lightly stroking my p.e.n.i.s above my shorts and I gave her a strong pinch on her b.u.t.t because now is really not the time for that. She quickly backed off and I told her in a whisper that only she can hear that will take care of her back at the Menagerie. With everything that had been said, I wished the 2 girls in my arms good night and I closed my eyes.

( The following morning)

I woke up slowly to find that Pyrrha and Tsukuyomi are gone, I hope they are getting along or at the very least tolerating each other. I got out of Pyrrha's bed and changed into my clothes then head downstairs to find Pyrrha, Mrs.Nikos, and Tsukuyomi having breakfast. I braced myself for a possibly awkward breakfast and said.

Silva: Good morning everybody.

All of them turned to look at me while Tsukuyomi and Pyrrha replied back, Mrs.Nikos gave me a rather pointed look. Mrs.Nikos then said to me in an even tone.

Mrs.Nikos: Imagine my surprise when I found that I had an unexpected guest show up without my knowledge.

I scratched the back of my head sheepishly and replied.

Silva: It was unexpected for me too and I'm sorry for not notifying you when it happened.

Mrs.Nikos: It's fine Silva... But what is this harem idea of yours I've been hearing about?

Well, looks like I'm on thin ice right now I better chose my words carefully.

Silva: It something I have always wanted and I was lucky enough to have Pyrrha and a few other girls agree to.

Mrs.Nikos hummed and then said.

Mrs.Nikos: Can I be included?

I was momentary stunned and I couldn't help but go.

Silva: Eh?

The three of them saw my face and started laughing at me. I looked at each of them confused and Mrs.Nikos then said.

Mrs.Nikos: I was just teasing you Silva and I'm fine with Pyrrha being in a harem so long as she's okay with it and you make her happy.

Silva: Please don't do that I was honestly worried there.

The three women just chuckled at my expense and I then asked Tsukuyomi.

Silva: Yomi are you ready to head back to the Menagerie?

Tsukuyomi replied.

Tsukuyomi: Actually I'm staying here for a couple of days here because I've never been to Argus before and Mrs.Nikos agreed to let me stay in her home for the time being.

I nodded at her then Pyrrha asked me.

Pyrrha: Do you have any plans for the day Silva?

My answer was.

Silva: I was thinking about exploring Argus on my own and helping your mom around the house.

Mrs.Nikos commented with a smile.

Mrs.Nikos: What a gentleman.

Pyrrha then asked.

Pyrrha: If you don't mind would you come to school with me?

My face slightly scrunched up at the idea of going to school again even if it's a combat school. An idea popped in my head and I then asked Pyrrha.

Silva: How about instead of going to school you hang out with me instead?

Pyrrha looked hesitant at the thought of willfully skipping school and I then added.

Silva: I mean I studied far in advance while I was traveling and your probably head in your class, right.

Pyrrha seemed to be considering it now but Mrs.Nikos then said.

Mrs.Nikos: Silva it wouldn't hurt you to go with Pyrrha to class would it? Plus, even if you have studied in advance it wouldn't be a bad experience to go to school.

Hearing Mrs.Nikos I sighed then said.

Silva: Very well, but I'm warning you in advance that the teachers have mistaken me for a transfer student. Plus, I will most likely sleep through class and beat up anybody that annoys me.

Pyrrha looked happy at the fact that I will be joining her for classes and I then got into breakfast. Once we finished breakfast I followed Pyrrha to Sanctum Academy, once we reached class Pyrrha's classmates were stunned by my reappearance. Before they could say anything I pressured them with my aura and bloodl.u.s.t tell them not to mess with me. Pyrrha took a seat at the upper right corner of the room while I sit next to her with my head down napping, this continued for most of the day till combat class rolled around.

When we entered the training area it was decided that sparing would be the main component of the class today. I looked to Pyrrha grinning then said.

Silva: So Pyrrha, want to be sparring partners?

Her reply was.

Pyrrha: Certainly, I want to show you how much I've grown.

I and Pyrrha took positions opposite each other and the rest of the class was watching us, the teacher included. I took out a coin and told Pyrrha that it would serve as our starting signal and Pyrrha nodded then ready her weapons Milo and Akouo. I flipped the coin high into the air and drew the greatsword that I got from my bandit raid.

Using my sonar from Echo Tremor I already picked up Pyrrha's first move using iron sand to cover the ground in small grains. The coin hit the floor, I then used flash steps to appear on top of Pyrrha and slashed down with my sword. Pyrrha blocked it with her shield Akouo and a spider web cracks appeared at her feet from blocking my attack.

Pyrrha thrust her weapon, Milo, in its Xiphos form and I concentrated my aura at the point of contact reflecting it back. I slide my sword off of Akouo to the side and swung to Pyrrha's open left side, Pyrrha backflipped away from me and had Milo shift into its rifle form then fired a couple of shots at me. I blocked them all with my sword and then coated my sword with vibrations, I swing my sword at Pyrrha firing off a shockwave towards her.

She gathered the scattered iron sand and used it to launch her into the air then threw Milo at me in its javelin form. I deflected it, Pyrrha then used her semblance to pull herself to me and used a shield bash against me which I blocked. Pyrrha retrieved Milo and I then fired a massive shockwave at her sending her skidding across the floor, she quickly got back up. Before Pyrrha could make her next move I used flash steps to close the distance and swung my sword to her right side sending her skidding across the floor again.

I didn't stop there I fired a shockwave at her knocking her off balance and just as I was about use flash steps she used the iron sand on my right leg holding me down. This gave Pyrrha time to get back up and then fired a couple of shots on me which were direct hits. I blocked the rest of her shots then released a shockwave from my right leg to free myself. Before I could charge at Pyrrha she threw throwing knives at me with terrifying precision that all hit me simultaneously, this made me smile because she took my advice on experimenting with her semblance with projectiles along with iron sand.

I decided to kick it up a notch and summoned Scourge to shoot out fireballs at Pyrrha. Pyrrha had a shocked look on her face but that didn't last she evade the fireballs and I appeared a before her and swung my sword at her landing a direct hit. Scourge didn't stop raining fire on Pyrrha while I add to the pressure with my shockwaves and melee. Pyrrha threw Milo in its javelin form and defeated Scourge seeing this I then summoned Senshi right next to her.

Senshi immediately started attacking Pyrrha with its sword and spear. I wasn't making it easier for her to retrieve Milo by firing shockwaves at her, she threw her knives at Senshi but to no avail Senshi's armored form made it difficult to take it out. Pyrrha's aura meter finally hit red and our sparring match ended I went to Pyrrha to give her a hand because she was collapsed on the floor panting and I was sweating profusely because even if I held the advantage Pyrrha still gave me a hard fight because she never gave up.

The rest of the class was silent until the bell rang signaling the end of classes and it was time to head home. I and Pyrrha went back to the Nikos household for the day, I let Pyrrha take the first shower while I waited. Tsukuyomi in the meantime told me about her day and how different Argus was from Kuo Kuana, plus that she got souvenirs for when she heads back to the Menagerie.

Tsukuyomi left for the Kuo Kuana the next day by the portal I made and I came with her to fulfill my promise to taking care of her needs before heading back to Argus. I soon got my ticket to Atlas and spent my days with Pyrrha till the night before I leave Pyrrha asked.

Pyrrha: Um, Silva I have talked to Yomi before she left and she told me about your and her sessions together, I was wondering if before you leave can we...?

It made me happy that Tsukuyomi allowed Pyrrha to call her by her nickname and I answered Pyrrha.

Silva: Sure, do you have anything, in particular, you want to try.

Pyrrha's response was.

Pyrrha: I'll leave it to you.

She was in her pajamas and I told her to take off her pants and lay on the bed on her side. I took off my shorts and u.n.d.e.r.w.e.a.r then Pyrrha saw my hard-on it wasn't ridiculously big but it was above average. Pyrrha blushed greatly at my exposed self, I got into bed with her and asked that she lifted her leg. I put my p.e.n.i.s in between her legs with it pressed against her p.a.n.t.i.e.s, she tensed up slightly and I told her to lower her leg.

I waited for a few moments for Pyrrha to relax before telling her that I will start moving. I used my semblance to make my d.i.c.k vibrate to which she shivered a bit before I started pumping myself against her. It didn't take long for her p.a.n.t.i.e.s to get wet from arousal, she started panting slightly and I grabbed her b.r.e.a.s.t with both of my hands then massaged them. I steadily sped up my movements and increase the intensity of my vibrations her pants soon turned to m.o.a.ns and she covered her mouth to prevent them from being heard.

Pyrrha then tensed up after a few minutes then shuddered from climaxing but I still kept on pumping myself against her now soaking wet p.a.n.t.i.e.s. I unbuttoned her pajama shirt and directly went for her b.r.e.a.s.ts under her bra, her breathing became harder and harder. I soon felt myself reaching my limit and I told Pyrrha that I was about to c.u.m. In moments I climaxed with Pyrrha joining me, once was enough to calm me down and I asked Pyrrha.

Silva: Did you enjoy yourself?

Pyrrha panting trying to get her breathing under control nodded, I got some tissues in Pyrrha's room to clean up the mess I made and Pyrrha changed her u.n.d.e.r.w.e.a.r. I snuggled with Pyrrha and gave her a kiss then dreamland called me soon after.

( The following morning)

I was at the Atlesian base getting ready to take my flight Pyrrha and her Mom are with me saying their goodbyes.

Mrs.Nikos: It had been a p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to have you, Silva, please come visit when you can.

I nodded towards her and before I could say anything to Pyrrha she wrapped her arms around me and kissed me deeply, she then broke off and said.

Pyrrha: Sorry...

I chuckled and kissed her back then told her.

Silva: Pyrrha the only time you have to apologize to me is when you eat my pudding without my permission.

They both laughed at my lame joke and I told them goodbye when I heard my flight was soon taking off.

Finally to Atlas.

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