A Second Chance In Remnant

Chapter 41 - 41. Hati and Skoll

In a matter of hours, I saw the frozen tundra of Solitas I already added a long dark gray coat with a hood to my current outfit. As I admire the white and gray landscape the airship I'm on violently shook. The pilot ordered everybody else to get to their seats due to Grimm attacking the airship. I ignored that and made my way topside to help fight against the Grimm.

As I went up I identified Nevermores and the dinosaur-like Teryx that both have frozen white patches on their bodies. I drew out the new railgun rifle from my blue jade ring that I made because my shockwaves will damage the airship as well and started shooting down the creatures of Grimm one by one. While the rate of fire from my rail gun left a lot to be d.e.s.i.r.ed it still was effective, as I kept on shooting a Teryx came at me jaws wide trying to eat me and I hit it with an uppercut on its chin with a shockwave destroying it.

The airship violently shook again and I noticed that it started going down with me along with it. Not wanting to experience a crash landing I made my way off the airship and summoned Skyfire to give me a lift. As the airship crashed into the tundra I went down to if there are any survivors, I spread my sonar out to try and find any life signs but to no avail everyone else on the airship is dead.

I sighed at their misfortune and started to wonder what to do next while Skyfire was dealing with the Grimm. Debating whether to go-ahead to Atlas on my own or wait for a rescue team to show up suddenly my sonar picked some vehicles heading to the crash site. This is strange because there is no way help from Atlas could arrive that quickly, I used magic to enhance my vision to see who is heading here. I was in for an unpleasant surprise it was bandits and not just any bandits but the Skoll tribe by their laughing wolf symbol they bear.

The Skoll tribe along with the Hati tribe tried to expand to Anima at one point and came into conflict with the Branwen tribe. The end result was a bandit war in which I experienced killing people for the first time and earned both tribes hatred for me. This due to the fact dozens of bandits died under my sword, it looks like I'm in for a fight. I ready my railgun and fired on the vehicle at the lead of the raiding team causing it to explode.

This made the other vehicles scatter trying to reach the crash site, there are now 6 vehicles left. As they got closer I took out 2 more before they stopped in front of the crashed airship and the bandits got out of their vehicles and I put up my railgun due to it being unsuitable for close combat. I drew my great sword and charged at the bandits cutting down 2 of them then they cursed at me.

Bandit A: Die you damn animal!

Bandit B: Wait a moment white hair, tiger ears, and carrying a big sword doesn't that sound familiar?

Bandit C: Hey he has silver eyes too.

Bandit D: Your right its the brat of the Branwen tribe back in Anima that cut down our brothers.

Bandit A: Die you animal!

Hearing that they recognize me I continue cutting down more of them leaving 11 of them left. I showed no mercy and Skyfire finished off the remaining Grimm then started raining fire atop them. Soon all the bandits died without a chance to retreat, feeling exasperated at the fact the moment I entered Solitas I get into a fight to the death almost right off the bat. I decide to take it easy and see how long it would take for a rescue team to show up at the crash site.

In a couple of hours, I heard airsh.i.p.s in the distance and looked to see the Atlesian military finally show up. I stood in front of the crashed airship and waved them down when the airship then opened I was surprised because one of the soldiers coming out was Winter Schnee. She was in her specialist uniform like in the canon she walked up to me and sternly asked.

Winter: What happened?

I gave her a quick summary of everything that happened and at the I'm the only survivor. She sighed and muttered to herself.

She looked concerned and worried this got my interest because Grimm regularly attacking airsh.i.p.s is unusual due to every public air route is routinely cleansed of them by each kingdom's military. With this in mind, the air routes are safer than most, of course, that's why smuggling is so profitable especially for illegal goods. I have a sneaking suspicion that the Hati and Skoll clan have a new toy that attracts Grimm.

Looks like I'm going to have to go bandit hunting during my stay at Atlas. As I start considering where to get the information I need to start my hunt because I doubt the 2 bandit tribes are going to ignore me since they recognize me Winter called for my attention.

Winter: Follow me onto the airship and we will drop you off at Atlas before having you give a debriefing to the general.

Okay now I'm surprised if these attacks even concern Ironwood and I wasn't planning on meeting him anytime soon. I followed Winter on to the military airship thinking I have a knack for trouble.

( Hours later)

As the airship headed towards Atlas I reviewed what I know about the Hati and Skoll tribes. The 2 of them can be considered a single tribe with different jobs first, the Skoll tribe are the ones that handle the raiding and fighting. Now, the Hati tribe focus is the more business side of things and information gathering plus managing their nursery. The reason I know this is because during the bandit war Raven gave me the job of getting info out of the captured members and night raids against them.

The airship soon came into sight of the floating city of Atlas while I've seen it behind a screen seeing it first hand far surpasses than what is seen on the show. Atlas Academy soon followed then the airship landed and Winter had me follow her. Seeing the Academy was interesting even if what I saw was limited and soon James Ironwood was in front of me and he looked the same as his first appearance in the canon. He finished dome paperwork and looked to me then Winter and asked.

James: Specialist Schnee who is this?

Winter's reply was.

The general looked to me and said.

James: Tell what happened from start to finish.

I gave the same brief summary of the attack and he then asked.

James: Did you notice anything unusual at all?

My reply was.

Silva: Only that the Grimm attack happened out of nowhere and that once the airship crashed bandits showed up almost immediately.

The general looked lost in thought for a moment and said.

James: Thank you for your cooperation and you may go. Specialist Schnee, please show him out.

Looked towards me and told me to follow her. As I followed Winter I realized that I'm going to need to change my plans more than just a little my first priority is to deal with the 2 bandit tribes before anything else. Once I was outside of the Academy I decided to make my way to Mantle and get in contact with the kingdom's underworld.

It took some doing but I managed to find an information broker that maybe give me some insight on the Hati tribes dealings. As I entered the bar where the information broker resides I got a lot looks from the patrons that are currently drinking here but ignored them. I already got the code words for getting information privately without revealing what I'm after to the patrons. I spoke the code words to the barkeep.

Silva: I'm expected is my friend here?

The barkeep reply is.

Barkeep: Who's your friend?

My counter was.

Silva: You know him he's a know it all and usually makes others pay for him.

The barkeep directed me.

Barkeep: He's in the back room.

I gave the barkeep a tip as I was supposed to do since he manages this operation. I head into the backroom to find a cloaked figure sitting at the table and before I could say anything he said.

Info broker: Ah, Mistral's phantom you truly live up to your reputation. What I provide you today?

I'm a little wary to hear my nickname from him but that also means that he is very good at what he does. I decided to be blunt and ask.

Silva: Where can I find the Hati tribe in the kingdom?

If I can find just one member of the Hati tribe I can easily get the information out of them to find the main camp and nursery for both tribes. The info broker replied.

Info broker: That information won't be cheap.

I took out a case full of lein from my blue jade ring and showed him. He said.

Info broker: That will more than cover it here.

The info broker took out his scroll and sent me the information that I wanted. I quickly looked over it and found a member of the tribe living not far from here. Identifying my target I left the bar and used my sonar to find the bandit. As I walked around Mantle hunting my target I found that I was being followed and I decided to turn into a nearby alley to force a confrontation.

The guy following me ran into the alley after me and found it empty due to me jumping on to the rooftop. I jumped back down once he went deeper into the alley and drew my greatsword against then said.

Silva: Any particular reason you're following me?

???: I must be losing my touch if you found me out that quickly.

Silva: Of course you're losing your touch old man.

He sputtered in annoyance.

???: Old man!? Hey, I still a young, attractive, bachelor, and I have a number of inappropriate stories to prove it.

I rolled my eyes and said after putting away my sword.

Silva: Sure, sure, keep telling yourself that big brother Qrow.

He sighed and asked as he turned towards me.

Qrow: So Tiger what are you doing in Mantle?

Silva: Long story which we can get into after finding a good place to eat.

Qrow: Follow me I know a place that has some great chow.

As I followed Qrow I wonder if I should offer him a chance for me to modify his semblance but decided against it because that is still a work in progress and I haven't had enough practice yet. I will give him that option in the future so that he can have a better chance in life to settle down with someone and not worry about his semblance hurting anyone he is close to.

( A short time later)

Qrow: WHAT!!!

Qrow looked at me not believing what I just said and I told him again.

Silva: I've been traveling around Remnant for 3 years now with Raven's blessing.

Qrow still looked, skeptical, and asked.

Qrow: How did you pull that off?

Silva: I passed a test she gave me.

Qrow looking curious asked.

Qrow: What test was that?

Silva: Beating her in a fight.

Qrow raised an eyebrow and looked like he didn't believe me so I then told him how the fight went, withholding the fact that Raven is the spring maiden now. Hearing this he laughed and said with a wicked smile.

Qrow: I'm so not going to let my sister live this down anytime soon but anyways back to the main topic. What are you doing in Mantle?

Our server brought our food out, well mine anyway because Qrow just ordered some alcohol for himself. As he nursed his drink I gave him a brief summary of my conflict with the Hati and Skoll tribes plus my plans on dealing with them. When I finished my explanation he said.

Qrow: I just so happen to be on a mission dealing with those very same bandits. Like to help me out?

When I asked him why he said that he can't say, this led me to believe that Ozpin gave this mission most likely because Qrow is usually the wizard's go-to huntsmen. I can't think of any reason why Ozpin has an interest in these bandits unless they have some kind of connection with Salem. I gave Qrow the explanation of my semblance being able to copy other semblances which include mind-reading so that I can get info out of a bandit if we find one.

Qrow being childish asked me what he was thinking and I humored him until he was satisfied. After making him pay for dinner we went hunting for my target the Hati bandit living in Mantle that I found out about from the info broker. It didn't take long to find him with my sonar once he was knocked out I looked through his mind and some information that made me smile.

Silva: Hey Qrow, guess what we are soon going to have an opportunity to deal with these bandits once and for all.

Qrow response was.

Qrow: What do you mean?

I start my explanation.

Silva: You see their main camp is in some ice caves in Cocytus plains.

Qrow exclaimed in surprise.

Qrow: Cocytus plains?! That the coldest part of Solitus and then some, are you sure because no one not even huntsmen can survive there for prolonged periods of time due to the cold.

I continued.

Silva: Their ice caves go deep underground and are lined with dust to make warm enough to survive there. Plus the bandits are soon going to have a festival which all members of both tribes attend in 2 months. With some well-placed explosives, we can bring the whole place down on their heads and be done with them.

Qrow looked lost in thought for a moment and said.

Qrow: I can get in contact with a friend of mine to help out with this because we can't really do something this big alone.

I shook my head and told him.

Silva: If we want to deal with these bandits we need to be quick and quiet. Plus, I'm guessing your friend is Ironwood who is anything but subtle or quiet. Not only that, but both tribes also have informants in the military so that is a no go.

Qrow looked at me surprised and asked.

Qrow: How do you know that?

I tapped my temple and he got the message.

Qrow: Oh, right mind reading.

I then showed him a centipede-like Centinel summons and said.

Silva: Who says we are doing this alone...

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