A Second Chance In Remnant

Chapter 45 - 45. Ritter Gym

( Silva POV)

What in the heck did she just say? Husband to be, me but we just met and we fought each other as well. Don't tell me it's the cliche, "I'll only marry someone strong enough to beat me", we tied. Even if I was holding back because if I use Echo Tremor at full power I've brought the gym down on everybody's head and don't Ookami would forgive me for that.

Looking at the Rory confused I noticed that her grandfather and Ookami were giving me looks of pity for some reason. While trying to process what is happening the blue-haired woman crawled to me as I was sitting up feeling tired from the spar. When she reached me I saw that she had a smile that said one thing, mine. When she got nearer she was about to kiss me but I put my hand in front of my lips. Finding out she kissed my hand instead she looked more than a little displeased and asked.

Rory: Why did you do that?

While she is undoubtedly beautiful I don't know her yet because it takes more than just a pretty face for me to be interested in a girl. After all, if the most beautiful woman in the world had a terrible personality or was just flat annoying I'd rather find someone else. I told her.

Silva: We just met and you haven't even taken me out to dinner so no kissing till we see if we like each other.

She looked stunned and then spoke in a confused tone.

Rory: Am I not beautiful?

I replied truthfully.

She just smiled then got closer and said.

Rory: That can be fixed easily.

As she said that she had a strange look in her eye that unnerved me for some reason but I decided to give her a chance first before making any final judgments. Her grandfather picked her up from the ground after we exchanged scroll numbers and he gave me another pitying look which confused me. After they left Ookami came over to me and said.

Ookami: You're really unlucky to get the attention of a woman from the Eis family.

Just as I was about to ask why he held up his hand to stop me and explained.

Ookami: You see the Eis family is mainly comprised of women that have distinctive blue hair and ice semblance. The thing that makes this family particularly strong is not their connections to the military but a tradition they uphold which is centered around finding a strong man to be their husband in order to produce a stronger heir to the family. Now you may be thinking that's not so bad but unfortunately, you are wrong because the women of the family thoroughly dominate their selective spouse and I'll tell you how bad it is. Roscato, my friend actually had someone he loved that wasn't is now dead wife but after she took an interest in him she ruined their relationship and did not give him the option to refuse her. My once brave friend became completely submissive to his wife, now do you understand how much trouble you are in now?

My only thought was, what have I gotten myself into now?

( Couple of days later)

Currently, I'm up at Atlas heading towards Ritter gym to challenge it for its gym badge, just kidding I'm no pokemon trainer. In all honesty, I rather not go because I might run into Rory and after hearing what Ookami told me about Roscato's married life that apparently came out of his own mouth when he got drunk one time with Ookami. Thinking about what I heard sent a chill down my spine and made me seriously consider killing Rory to avoid the same fate or at least dumping some poor but strong fool on her to divert her attention from me.

Thinking about a list of possible saps to present Rory, namely Jaune, I made my way to the combat gym. The walk there felt awkward due to the people there whispering and showing some unfriendly faces at me, I guess Atlas really is a center for bigotry against Faunus. Ignoring them I finally made it to Ritter gym, it was definitely bigger than Old Wolf's gym, I went inside and quickly found Roscato and he directed me to the arena. After a few minutes, my first match was announced it was a student from Honor academy the combat school here up in Atlas.

He went and started running his mouth about Faunus knowing their place and other racist rhetoric till the signal came starting the match. He used a rapier then he charged at me and the next moment he was sent flying by way of a single punch from me ending the match. That was anticlimactic to a high degree, my next match was a girl from the same academy and she used a saber. She started the same racist idiocy as the last guy and needless to say, one punch one win, I'm beginning to see why Rory was so bored. The announcer told me about my next match.

Announcer: Our next receptive is the heiress of the Schnee Dust Company, Weiss Schnee.

This made me smile and I looking forward to an actual huntress-in-training and not those aristocratic brats playing with weapons. Weiss appeared her snow-white complexion and icy blue eyes plus white hair tried in a ponytail was the same as in the show, she was wearing a white one-piece dress with a light blue coat on and high heel boots in a matching white color. She drew her weapon Myrtenaster a silver-gray rapier with a revolver-like chamber in it with a ricasso style guard. As she took her stance then readjusted it without saying a word, I decided to try and prolong the match to see how good she is. As the signal started the match Weiss observed me and didn't charge at me like those idiots from before.

She made her first move by using a glyph to conjure up some fireballs and sent them my way. I drew my white katana Kodoku and slashed them in half, Weiss gave a look of surprise and I then silently taunt her to bring it on. This infuriated her and she used her Glyphs to close the distance towards me. Just as she thrust her weapon at me I concentrated my aura at the point of contact and reflected her rapier out of her hand. Weiss was stunned, I then swung my sword at her damaging her aura and sending her towards her weapon.

She quickly retrieved her rapier and used her Glyphs to surround me then moved at high speed. As she tried to land a blow I blocked her attacks with ease and landed another hit on her. I just need to land one more attack on her to make her aura meter hit red and end the match. Weiss sent spikes of stone at which I destroyed easily enough and she didn't stop there she fired various dust type attacks at me but I destroyed them. Feeling that the match was dragging on I charged at her and thrust my katana at her making her aura run out, ending the match.

She gave me a glare and left the arena and my matches continued. The next several matches weren't a challenge until I started fighting against licensed huntsmen/huntress, however, all of either used rapiers or sabers except one using a hunting rifle to fight me. I'm really beginning to understand Rory's boredom with continuously fighting similar opponents at this gym. My next opponent is Winter, as she came into the arena I said.

Silva: I wasn't expecting to run into you again so soon specialist Schnee.

Winter quirked an eyebrow and replied.

Winter: I admit I'm surprised to see you here but can you answer me this. Do you have any intention of attending Atlas Academy?

Silva: In all honesty, Atlas seems too rigid for my taste and I have plans to attend Beacon.

Winter then said while drawing her saber in a neutral tone.

Winter: Shame...

From the audience, I heard Weiss I'm guessing.

Weiss: Kick his b.u.t.t Winter!

I looked towards Winter in amus.e.m.e.nt and said.

Silva: Cute sister you have there.

Winter looked slightly away from me with just a hint of blush on her cheeks and enter her stance. I drew Kodoku and ready myself then the signal came to start the fight. Winter started off by summoning a bunch of small Nevermores and sent them at me obscuring my vision and then charged at me. I blocked her strike because my sonar ensures that I'm never truly blind regardless of what happens. Winter and I soon exchanged blows against each other with our weapons, Winter that this is getting her nowhere she took out her dagger from her saber and upped the frequency of her attacks.

While I continue to block her attacks where she has yet to land a blow while I have nicked her with a few of my counter-attacks. Winter leaped back and summoned a large Beowolf Alpha to attack me. Seeing this I decided to summon my new unique summon that I used the fire breathing Beowolf Scourge as a base. What I summoned was a large 3 headed wolf that was a bit bigger than Winter's summon, the left head breathed out flames, the middle lighting, and the left head unleashes a torrent of frost. This new summons of mine also has the front end of a snake for a tail that shoots out a corrosive but flammable gas, I named my summon Cerberus.

Winter looked stunned at my summon and Cerberus's wolf heads unleashed their respective breath attacks on to Winter and her summons. This destroyed Winter's summon and took out a large portion of her aura from what the meter says. Winter examined my summon for a moment then summoned a pair of Manticores and had them shoot fireballs at me. Cerberus blocked the fireballs with its large body and its snake tail sent a cloud of its gas at the 2 Manticores covering them. Just as Winter's summons was about to use fireballs again the gas combusted and ended the 2 summons.

Winter looked like she was unsure what to do next and I charged at her with my katana. With a flurry of thrusts Winter's Aura meter hit red ending the match and knocking her down. I extended my hand towards the downed Schnee and she asked.

Winter: Who are you?

I replied with a bit of humor.

Silva: How about we get to know each other over dinner?

Winter took my hand and surprised me with her answer.

Winter: Very well then, I expect to see you after you are done with your matches to work out the details.

I was stunned for a few moments about her taking what I said seriously and I just numbly nodded in reply. Still trying to process how exactly I got a date with Winter, my next opponent, Rory entered the arena and said with a light smile.

Rory: Hello dear, I'm glad you came to see me and tell me. Did you hold back when we sparred last time?

My reply was.

Rory nodded then said.

Rory: You don't have to worry about that here because the arena is protected by hard light dust shielding so, please show me everything you got.

Hearing this I asked.

Silva: Can I test it first to make sure?

Rory nodded and gestured me to go ahead and try. I raised my arm and fired a shockwave to the wall then saw the hard light dust block it. I then decided to fire my most powerful shockwave at the wall next, it took a few moments to charge it enough but when I fired it the whole gym shook from the force of it and the force field prevented any damage from occurring. As the gym shook from my attack Rory looked at me with a predatory smile as she drew her weapon and I ready my katana as well thinking that things are going to go differently this time around.

The match started and Rory came at me with great ferocity. I fired off a shockwave at her and she quickly used her ice as a platform to leap in the air to evade. Rory made her weapon switch into its whip form to pull herself closer to me and I slashed at her with Kodoku landing a direct hit. Rory kicked me away from her then summoned a blizzard that gave me zero visibility and it colder than the tundra outside the city. I felt my lungs freeze under the intense cold and made me cough violently and I used my sonar to find her in this blizzard of hers.

I found her soon enough and sent a powerful shockwave at her which disrupted the blizzard she was generating. She looked at me with a wide smile and sent waves of ice at trying to bury me again. I pointed my palm at the ice and unleashed a continuous shockwave at it causing a continued clash of ice and vibrations. This clash didn't last long as bit by bit my shockwave was overcoming her ice and her aura was dropping rapidly from the use of her semblance. My shockwave broke through her ice hitting her directly almost ending the match from the looks of her aura meter on the screen.

I summoned Cerberus to use its breath attack on Rory and she evaded it barely. I then charged at her swing my katana at her while making it vibrate and she tried to block it. I sliced through her sword-whip landing a direct hit ending the match. She fell to her knees looking shocked and I pointed my sword at her throat then asked.

Silva: Do you yield?

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