A Second Chance In Remnant

Chapter 46 - 46. Dates Up In Atlas

Rory looked stunned at the turn of events that just transpired and looked me numbly. As I waited for her decision on whether or not to yield to me as I have my katana at her throat. In a few moments, she showed me a sweet smile that for some reason sent a chill down my spine. She batted away my sword and grabbed the collar of my clothes then pulled me towards her bring me in for a deep kiss.

As she hungrily kissed me while s.u.c.k.i.n.g the air out of my lungs I quickly decided to push her off me. When I managed to get her off me she looked at me with a smile and said.

Rory: Oh come now dear no need to be shy but if you want to continue this in private that can be arranged.

She gave her lips a light stroke and I then gestured her to come closer. As she came closer I applied my semblance on my finger then flicked her on the forehead, she yelped in pain and surprise. She looked at me with a wronged expression while rubbing where I flicked her but she quickly changed into a smile and said to me.

Rory: Someone is being shy.

Deciding not to waste my breath I flicked her again in the forehead while using my semblance. Unlike Ookami's gym, I won't be fighting against Roscato and Rory was my final match. I went to find Winter to plan our date which I doubt she considers one but it's a date to me.

( A half-hour later)

Making plans with Winter was a fairly quick affair and we decided on going to a cafe that doesn't discriminate against Faunus. This surprised me because most if not all stores up in Atlas have a don't serve Faunus policy and I made note of this cafe for future reference. There was a pleasant surprise in the form of Weiss joining me and Winter at the cafe, but for some reason, she had been giving me a death glare since the beginning.

I looked through her mind with my magic to find that she thinks that I look down on her because I held back when we fought. I thought about explaining myself but decided against it because to her it will just sound like excuses but anyway back to Winter. Winter asked me after she took a sip of her coffee.

Winter: Your semblance is similar to my families, do you have any relation to the Schnees?

Silva: As far as I'm aware I no relation with the Schnee family.

After hearing my answer Weiss switch back to glaring at me and Winter nodded then asked.

Winter: I wish to confirm that by a DNA test if you are willing?

My reply was.

Silva: Sure I don't mind, would you like a blood sample or a strand of my hair?

Winter: A hair strand would suffice, thank you.

I pluck out one of my hairs and handed it to Winter. Winter took a napkin and put my hair in it then in her pocket. Weiss speaks for the first time.

Weiss: Winter, you can't seriously think he's related to us, can you?

Winter looked to her little sister and said.

I checked Winter's mind and she thinks that there a chance I'm a half brother due to her mother's depression and alcoholism leading her to find a lover for comfort. She thinks that is the least likely chance and that it is more probable that if I'm related to them it's from their grandfather having a bastard child then that child having me or being distantly related some other way. I already know I'm not related to them due to my wish before reincarnation because knowing Jacques Gele come, Schnee, he either put me under his control, no thanks, or kill me to ensure that there is no surprise competition in the family inheritance.

The small meeting between me, Winter, and Weiss didn't last very long but I manage to exchange scroll contacts with Winter at least. As I head back to Mantle I decided it was time for some mining to refill my funds and to also see if I can sell any unmined deposits of dust on the black market here or Jacques has all dust here in Atlas under his control.

( The next day)

As I was planning my route through Solitas for my mining expedition I suddenly got a call on my scroll. I checked to see who was calling me and it was Pyrrha, I answered it.

Silva: Hello, Cloud residence how may I help you?

Pyrrha replied.

Pyrrha: Hello, Silva is now a good time?

Silva: Sure, what's up?

Pyrrha hesitated a moment then said.

Pyrrha: I just wanted to talk for a bit if that's fine Silva.

I felt Pyrrha was being a bit too formal and said.

Silva: Pyrrha if you just want to talk that's fine but you can be a bit more casual with me, after all, we do have a relationship with each other.

I heard Pyrrha take a deep breath on the other side of the call and she said.

Pyrrha: Can we meet face to face?

I quirked a smile then said.

Silva: One portal coming up so come on through.

Before opening a portal to her I put my plans away in my blue jade ring because I don't want her asking questions about what I'm up to, she probably worries about me after all. I opened a portal to her after taking out the soul crystal that had a copy of Raven's semblance and after a few moments, Pyrrha came through. I came up to Pyrrha and planted a kiss on her lips then said.

Silva: Welcome to my humble abode, Pyrrha.

Pyrrha smiled and we started to catch up with what been going on for us. Pyrrha's day to day life is the same as before school, training, and more training. Pyrrha looked worried when I told her what happened during my flight but I assured her I was fine. When I told her about the combat gyms she looked interested in it so I made plans to take her later and when I told her about Rory and the Schnee sisters she said with a helpless smile.

I chuckled a bit embarrassed and said.

Silva: Well, kinda but anyways how about I show you around Mantle while you're here.

She nodded and I went to get ready then we head out. I decided to show Pyrrha the Gray Wolf gym first and introduce her to Ookami. When we made it to the gym Pyrrha looked a bit excited and when we entered I started to frown because Rory is here. I sighed and pointed out Rory to Pyrrha so that she knows then looked for Ookami. He was at his office probably and we made our way to it then Rory came up to us and she said.

Rory: Hello dear, who is this?

Rory looked at Pyrrha with a smile that wasn't at all friendly and I introduced her.

Silva: This is Pyrrha Nikos, my girlfriend.

Rory just hummed then appraised Pyrrha which made said girl uncomfortable and Rory then said.

Rory: Tall but beautiful and well-toned body with very striking red hair and nice womanly assets but not as lovely as me or probably as rich or well connected. So why not leave her behind and come with me instead dear.

Pyrrha looked confused on how to react to Rory's analyst but I coldly said.

I felt more than a little angry with her at looking down on Pyrrha for such shallow reasons. Rory looked at me amused and said.

Rory: Come now dear no need to be so cold when I'm just stating the truth.

Rory came closer to me with a charming smile but I flicked her on the forehead while using my semblance, I'm beginning to suspect that is going to be a regular occurrence when I interact with Rory. Rory yelped in pain then looked at me displeased and said.

Rory: I really wish you wouldn't do that dear.

I looked at Rory not amused and said.

Silva: If you excuse us Ms.Eis I like to introduce Pyrrha to Old Wolf.

I grabbed Pyrrha's hand and pulled her towards Ookami's office and left Rory behind. Once we entered the office Pyrrha said.

Pyrrha: Well that was different...

I couldn't help but look through Pyrrha's head with magic to see what made her say that because I was expecting her to be angry at least. When I peeked into mind I found that there was literally no one else that said such things to her because most people just give her a wide berth because to themselves they are not worthy to know her. Idiots the lot of them, but Pyrrha was confused by the incident with Rory and she wasn't completely sure how to feel about it because Rory was being honest and extremely blunt.

I just shrugged and let Pyrrha decide how she feels about it without my input. As Pyrrha looked lost in thought I found that Ookami wasn't in his office and not knowing where he is I decided to go up to Atlas instead to show her the view.

( An hour later)

I took Pyrrha to a viewing balcony on the edge of Atlas and she is loving the view.

Pyrrha: Silva, do you get to see this often?

She asked while admiring the scenery and my reply was.

Silva: Well if I want to sure but Atlas tends to make me uncomfortable at times.

She looked at me confused and I pointed to a couple of nearby shops that had a no Faunus sign in front of them and she said.

Pyrrha: Oh, I heard that was unwelcoming towards Faunus but I didn't think that it was that bad.

I shrugged and told Pyrrha.

Silva: Not a big deal in my opinion because I prefer Mantle anyways but enough about that let me show you the combat gym up here in Atlas.

Pyrrha followed me to the Ritter gym and we got there without taking too long of a walk there. When we entered I saw Ookami talking to Roscato and we went over to them and I introduced Pyrrha to them.

Silva: Hey, Old Wolf, Roscato, let me introduce you to my girlfriend Pyrrha.

Pyrrha blushed a bit and greeted them.

Pyrrha: Hello.

While Ookami appraised her Roscato gave her a look of pity and I can guess why to do what happened to him in the past with his deceased wife. Ookami then said.

Ookami: Tell me, young lady, you wouldn't be that 2-time winner of Mistral's regional cup, would you?

Pyrrha replied with a complicated look on her face.

Pyrrha: Um, yes sir I am.

Old Wolf grinned and said.

Ookami: Silva, mind if I borrow your girlfriend for a bit, I'm curious about how good she is.

I gave Ookami the go-ahead and Pyrrha followed him. Ookami asked Roscato if he can borrow the arena for his spar against Pyrrha to which he agreed. As I was about to follow the 2 of them Roscato stopped me and said.

Roscato: Silva, we need to talk.

As much as I would like to watch Ookami and Pyrrha go at each other, Roscato's expression told me it was important so I said.

Silva: Let's talk in private.

The old man nodded and had me follow him to his office, the first thing he said as we enter was.

Roscato: What do you think of Rory?

I let my expression show what exactly I think about her and Roscato gave a bitter laugh then said.

Roscato: I guess you ran into her with your girlfriend earlier.

Roscato sighed then continued.

Roscato: Rory has been influenced by the Eis family tradition greatly even though she lost both her parents at a young age soon followed by my wife in grief.

I looked to him curiously as to why he is telling me this as I listened.

Roscato: While I have tried to curb some of the more extreme tendencies the core of it being to find a strong husband to reproduce a strong heiress because Eis women can only give birth to girls.

Roscato looked tired and took a bottle of wine out of his desk and took a swig of it before continuing.

Roscato: Rory is ultimately a woman from the Eis family and she has chosen you. To make matters worse she is completely enraptured with you like no other candidate before due in part my influence on her to which I apologize in advance.

I just kept quiet and waited for him to finish.

Roscato: The reason I'm telling you this is that my age is catching up with me and I have at most a couple of years to live before leaving Rory all alone. So, please at least give her a chance.

Hearing him finish I finally spoke.

Silva: Whether or not I give her a chance depends on her and if she dares to do anything to me and Pyrrha to fulfill her d.e.s.i.r.es as your wife has done to you she will be the end of the Eis line.

I leaked out a bit of killing intent and Roscato just chuckled and said.

Roscato: And this is exactly why she is so determined to make you her husband. You have no qualms about shedding blood for those you care about whether your own or your enemy. Let me give you the last piece of advice on Eis women, their intuition is scarily accurate to the point of it being a second semblance of the family and this is part of the reason she is so enchanted with you because her intuition says you are perfect for her.

I left Roscato's office to check out Ookami's and Pyrrha's match but unfortunately, I missed it. Pyrrha was in a really good mood after having sparred with Old Wolf because she rarely gets a chance to fight someone as strong as him even if she loses. While Pyrrha was telling me about her match Weiss came up and asked.

Weiss: Excuse me, you wouldn't be Pyrrha Nikos the 2-time winner of the Mistral Regional cup, would you?

Pyrrha replied.

Pyrrha: Yes that would be me.

Weiss broke into a smile then said with a curtsy.

Weiss: It a p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to meet you and may I know what brings you to Atlas?

I was the one to answer her.

Silva: I'm showing my girlfriend around Atlas since she came to visit me.

Weiss tensed up then asked.

Weiss: Girlfriend? As in?

Weiss directed the question to Pyrrha and she answered.

Pyrrha: Yes, I'm his girlfriend.

Weiss sputtered.

Weiss: But... But he... But he is so...

Pyrrha narrowed her eyes and said.

Pyrrha: He is so, what?

Weiss answered shortly.

Weiss: Arrogant...

Pyrrha hearing this started to laugh while I just rolled my eyes and after a few minutes, Pyrrha stopped laughing then said.

Pyrrha: Yes, he is arrogant but he has good reason to be. After all, if he fought all out the amount of damage he could cause would be massive, to say the least.

Weiss hearing this didn't look like she believed it but didn't go further on the issue. Weiss then asked Pyrrha.

Weiss: If you like I can show you around Atlas myself.

Before Pyrrha answer, I said to Weiss.

Silva: I need to talk to you for a moment.

I quickly dragged Weiss away much to her and Pyrrha's surprise. When we got out of earshot of Pyrrha I stopped dragging Weiss. Weiss looked peeved at me dragging her but before she said anything I put my finger on her lips and said.

Silva: Weiss, if you want to make friends with Pyrrha please listen to me first because it's important.

After I removed my finger from Weiss's soft lips she tapped her foot waiting for me to say my piece. I began explaining Pyrrha's situation and how she doesn't like being put on a pedestal and how she does not have any friends due to this. Weiss stopped tapping her foot and looked at me then Pyrrha surprised, I then said.

Silva: Do you understand what I'm getting at? If you want to be friends with her then the best place to start is to treat her like Pyrrha and not the champion of the regional cup.

Weiss nodded and said.

Weiss: I understand and thank you for telling me this I guess.

We head back to Pyrrha and I said.

Silva: Well Pyrrha I think I can leave you in Weiss's hands because you really can't see Atlas with me hanging around.

Pyrrha then said.

Pyrrha: But Silva I came to see you not Atlas.

This made me smile and I went up to kiss her much to Weiss's surprise and I said.

Silva: I know that but I still want you to at least see all Atlas has to offer before you leave and plus I think Weiss could make a good friend for you. Now, Weiss, I expect Pyrrha to return to me before dark I will be waiting at that cafe Winter showed me do you remember.

Weiss nodded and Pyrrha had a wry smile on her face with me saying that father-like line to Weiss like she is taking Pyrrha out on a date. I went off to that cafe known as 7 Charms.

( A few hours later)

I was reading a book on the history of Atlas at the 7 Charms cafe that Winter showed me last time plus munching on an apple danish. When someone asked.

???: Is this seat taken?

I looked up from my book to see that it was Winter in her specialist uniform and said to her while poking fun at her.

Silva: Have a seat, big sis.

Winter arched an eyebrow at me calling her big sis but didn't comment on it and took a seat across me. Making conversation with her I asked.

Silva: So what do you think my chances are being related to you?

Winter took a sip of her coffee and answered.

Winter: I'm not sure but we will know in time.

I shrugged for whatever and then inquired.

Silva: Do you come here often?

Winter's reply was.

Winter: Every now and then when I have time off.

Winter started to cut into her pastry and eat it. Seeing that she wasn't much for conversation I went back to reading my book. As time flows on quietly, Winter asked me after wiping her mouth.

Winter: That summon you used against me what is it called?

I replied in detail.

Silva: Cerberus and it wasn't a Grimm I defeated but something I unlocked when I met certain conditions.

I was half lying because Cerberus is a modified summon that used the fire breathing Beowolf as a base for it and it took magic plus sacrificing excess summons to reshape and strengthen it. Winter looked lost in thought at the new information I gave her and then asked.

Winter: Are there any others, if I'm not prying too much?

I told her.

Silva: I understand your curiosity and you aren't prying because I don't mind telling you. I have one other unique summon.

I opened my hand and summoned a small version of Skyfire and had it fly around then get closer to Winter for her to see. As Winter tried to touch Skyfire it nipped at her surprising her and I said.

Silva: Careful, it has a temperamental personality.

This was true because I designed it so that it has a certain level of autonomy and personality to make it more sociable for long journeys. As Winter and I talked to pass the time I heard a familiar voice call out to me.

Pyrrha: Hey, Silva.

I looked to see Pyrrha with more than a few shopping bags, thank goodness I didn't come with them to do shopping. Weiss also had a number of shopping bags and looked surprised at her sister and me sitting across from each other.

Weiss: Winter, what are you doing here?

Winter replied.

Winter: Just having an early dinner and talking with Silva.

After saying our goodbyes everyone went their separate ways and I sent Pyrrha back to Argus after giving her a kiss goodbye. I called it a night then went to sleep while thinking I will make my plans for the mining expedition tomorrow.

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