A Second Chance In Remnant

Chapter 47 - 47. Across Solitas

I was in front of Pietro's because he has finally got the material I need for my weapon. As I enter I saw Pietro examining the soul crystal I gave under some advance looking equipment and I waited for him to be done. I took an of Weapons Monthly out to pass the time, this issue has in-depth info on a new transformative core that would allow for 3 or more transformations for weapons. As hours flowed on end I was getting tired of waiting for Pietro but I decided to still wait for him to be done.

Sighing I went to focus on my studies, mainly on weapon design because I was finally going to make a permanent weapon for myself to finalize my combat style. I was thinking and drawing up some possible weapons for myself I heard Pietro yawn and then fall asleep at his workbench. Suppressing my anger because Pietro is the one who called me to meet him, I look for a blanket for him so that he doesn't catch a cold then find myself a comfortable place to continue studying and maybe take a catnap.

After a couple of hours, Pietro wakes up while I'm feeling tired mentally at all the reading I've done. I rubbed my heavy eyes and got Pietro his attention before he gets back to his research.

Silva: Pietro, over here.

Pietro looked over at me in surprise and asked.

Pietro: Oh, Silva, what brings you here?

Taking a deep breath to avoid biting off Pietro's head in annoyance I replied.

Silva: Pietro, you were the one to call me to come to you because you said you have the material I need.

Pietro looked deep in thought trying to recall when he said that then.

Pietro: Right, of course, right this way.

As I followed Pietro I used magic to refresh my tired mind so that I can focus on understanding the material that Pietro got me. Pietro took out an ingot of a platinum-dark silver color metal, it was different than what I was expecting because it was such a flashy color that really stood out. Looking at it Pietro began explaining what it was.

Pietro passed the ingot to me and I used magic to reshape into a long dagger, Pietro seeing this gasped.

Pietro: Fascinating.

As Pietro examined the dagger I just made at a distance I used Echo Tremor to make it vibrate. I slowly increased the strength of the vibrations the dagger was withstanding my semblance far better than anything else I've used before. What happened next astounded me and Pietro cracks started to form not on the dagger itself but on the air around it. This surprised me especially because I know my semblance is a pale imitation of the tremor tremor fruit from One Piece in terms of raw power.

I further increase my vibrations then stabbed downwards towards another ingot of the same alloy. I was pleasantly surprised because while I pierced through it but only partway, this alloy is perfect for me. I looked towards Pietro and thanked him.

Silva: Thank you, this is perfect. How can I repay you for this?

Pietro just smiled and said.

Pietro: It was my p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e and that soul crystal you gave me is more than ample payment it is truly a fascinating item that can help me with the project I'm working on.

I then asked.

Silva: Do you know anywhere I can design weapons in bulk?

( One week later)

That took a lot longer than what I originally planned due to the fact I had a lot of ideas for weapons, some from anime and others from games. I made my way out of Mantle and reached the northern gate to go out from then gett out of the kingdom's borders. The plan is to circle around the Atlas's border while using my sonar to find deposits of dust to mine and then swing back to Mistral's black market because Atlas's won't give me a good price as Mistral's plus I'm running low on Mistral spices.

As I was getting ready to head out of the gate I heard someone call out to me.

???: Hey... Hey you... I'm talking to you.

I turned around to find Robyn Hill, leader of the Happy Huntresses, and Mantle's homegrown hero or rather vigilante. Her light blonde hair contrasting her tanned skin, her violet eyes stood out to me. She was wearing a black sleeveless coat over a red vest and a light gray long sleeve shirt. She had on brown pants with knee-high black boots and her arm-mounted crossbow-shield on her left arm with black archery gloves on. She came closer to me and said.

Robyn: I heard you showed my girls a good time while I was away.

I looked at her guessing she is here to give me trouble and replied back in a bored tone.

Silva: And you are?

Robyn looked surprised that I didn't know her when I actually do and she answered back at me.

I kept a neutral expression and said.

Silva: And that means what?

Robyn's eye twitched and asked me.

Robyn: You aren't from Atlas or Mantle are you?

I nodded and she then said.

Robyn: Anyway, you gave my girls a hard time in a sparring match and I want to see what you are made of.

I bluntly told her.

Silva: Sorry, I have a date with Solitas's tundras and I have better things to do.

Robyn grabbed my shoulder as I walked away and said.

I grabbed her hand on my shoulder and gave her a shoulder throw and slammed her into the ground then said.

Silva: Sorry I'm on a tight schedule and have no time to humor you, bye.

I walked out of the gate and summoned my news creation. Its form was similar to a cheetah but large enough for me to ride on and it had little wings on the side of it, not for flying but to give it some lift while moving at high speed to further increase its speed on land. This new summon is built for speed on the ground in order to make it easier for my sonar to detect underground dust for me to mine out. I hopped on and ride off into the tundra to refill my funds.

( A few hours later)

I finally got out of Atlas's borders on my new summon Swiftwind and I spread my sonar out to find any nearby deposits of dust. No luck, there isn't any within the 10 miles of my sonar when I focus it to increase its range but there is a large group of Grimm that I can test my weapons on just passed that ridge there. I made my way there and jumped down into the hoard of Grimm then took out the first weapon I'm going to use, a scythe-chainsaw. As I hack and slash the Grimm I switched it out for another scythe based weapon that had a flamethrower equipped to it instead. As I cut through the various Grimm with a different weapon every couple of moments all the while using a special black box I built to record my combat data to calculate and comb through later to find the best weapon for me.

In less than an hour, all the Grimm were dead and I have gone through almost a dozen weapons for me to test mostly scythe based armaments. I then used my sonar to detect any dust underground and no luck again, well I still got a couple of weeks till I meet up with Qrow to deal with those bandits plus Solitas is a good size continent for me to explore.

( A week later)

Currently, I'm at the eastern part of Solitas and finally managed to find a large deposit of dust that I just mined out with my summons. After I finished mining I decide to continue my little expedition to get more combat data on the weapons I designed and see if there is any unique or powerful Grimm that I can add to my repertoire. After an hour or so, I found a large group of Grimm for me to fight against, and this time I'm going to use the 7 weapons I based off of Naruto's 7 hidden mist swords.

I first take out an exact copy of the Executioner's Blade and started hacking into the Grimm. I manage to cut some of the smaller Grimm in half ending them, I then switch to the Shark Skin sword I designed. It was a great sword that has sharp scales equipped that point in a downward fashion, it rips and tears into the Grimm but more than a few times the scales broke off so this weapon can be labeled as a failure. The next one I took out was the sewing needle-like sword that has a thin but strong thread at the pommel of it that I can vibrate to cut through Grimm.

Sewing the Grimm together was a bit of a chore for me so this sword isn't for me and I switched it out for an ax and hammer linked to together by a chain. It cut through some the tougher Grimm pretty by hitting them first with the ax then striking it with the hammer breaking pass any defense. Next was the blast sword, now this was fun to use just hit the Grimm then pull the trigger and boom, explosion, killing most of them in one hit. I switched it out for a pair of sharp twin swords that discharged electricity that could improve it's cutting power or stun Grimm for a few moments plus shoot out bolts of lighting at a distance.

The twin swords worked pretty well for me and I then brought out a double-handled sword that used hard light dust to produce different shapes. This work decently with switching it in between hammer form and large greatsword form along with its drill form to pierce through the large Grimm like Megoliath. In continuing with the Naruto theme I took out a pair of knuckle knives that were identical to Asuma's and found that these worked pretty well for me in close combat. After dealing with the last of the Grimm I made a mental note to self to make me some knuckle knives out of the material Pietro gave because they would make a good back up weapon for me.

I continue exploring Solitas for the time being and try out a bunch of different weapons I designed before swinging by Mistral to sell the dust I mined because Atlas's black market would not buy for as good of a price as Mistral's.

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