A Second Chance In Remnant

Chapter 52 - 52. Various Meetings

In a dark stadium, the lights came and someone announced.

???: Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to the finals of our glorious tournament.

The crowd cheered with fevered madness and the announcement continued.

???: Let me introduce our finalists, in the blue corner we have the blizzard of destruction, the destroyer of furniture, SNOWBALL.

A spotlight showed a solid white cat with long fur and bright green eyes cleaning itself. The announcement didn't stop there.

???: And in the red corner we have what goes bump in the night, the slayer of small vermin, INKY.

A spotlight the showed a large black cat napping on its back occasionally moving its paws. The announcement continued.

???: Let the finals begin!

Snowball stopped cleaning himself and Inky woke up and started stretching. The next moment a pair of red dots appeared and grabbed both cat's attention immediately. The red dots started moving around and the cats chased after them. The red dots went to the center of the area making the 2 cats meet and when they met they both arched their backs to make themselves look bigger then hissed at each other.

The 2 circles each other then Inky made the first move and charged at Snowball. Snowball replied in kind and went at Inky fiercely. The 2 cats supported each other making them stand on their hind legs and the yowled at each other trying to pin one another. Their fight against each intensifies with each passing moment and they swat at each other trying to assert their dominance until a loud beeping went off, waking the dreamer.

Silva POV

I g.r.o.a.n.e.d not wanting to get up but still groggily made myself get up from the bed and turned off my scroll alarm. I looked at my side and found Tsukuyomi sleeping next to me in a white nighty that was semi-transparent. I stretched and cracked a few joints in my body then made my way to the kitchen in my apartment in Mantle to get started on breakfast. Tsukuyomi has been staying with me a few days here in Mantle and her company has been a welcome change of pace for me since I got here.

I started cooking some eggs and bacon for breakfast along with some toast to start the day. In a matter of minutes, Tsukuyomi came out of the bedroom dressed in a white kimono with red leaves pattern on it. Tsukuyomi came up to me and kissed me on the cheek then said.

Tsukuyomi: Good morning, my love.

She thinks she is being sneaky trying to grab a few of the strips of bacon while I was focusing on her. I swatted get hand away and replied back.

Silva: Good morning Yomi and wait for the bacon like everybody else or I will just take it all for myself.

Tsukuyomi: Tyrant.

I just rolled my eyes and focus on making breakfast. Tsukuyomi went to the dining table and took a seat waiting for breakfast to be served. I think back a couple of days ago about fighting that giant Grimm, the Jotunn it was undoubtedly as strong as the Ryujin if not a bit stronger. This meant that my current aura reserves could only summon one of the 2 for about a minute at most in their full size and glory.

I finished making breakfast and took it to the dining table to eat. As I set it down I heard a knock on the door and went to check who it was. I opened the door and saw Qrow, I sighed then said to him.

Silva: Let me guess you're here for breakfast again.

Qrow just scratched the back of his and said while smiling.

Qrow: Well tiger you do make the best breakfast in town.

I retorted.

Silva: It's also free for you.

Qrow just chuckled slightly embarrassed and I let him in because I always make extra in case I or Tsukuyomi wanted another helping or 2. He sat down at the table and I brought him a plate of food. Just as I was about to sit down my scroll went off and I checked who was calling me.

On the other side, it was Winter.

Winter: Hello Silva do you have any plans for today?

My reply was.

Silva: Not particularly, why?

Winter: I would like a moment of your time when you're free.

I told her.

Silva: How about we meet for lunch at that cafe in Atlas around noon.

She replied back knowing which cafe I meant.

Winter: That would be acceptable I will see you then.

I hung up then started eating breakfast with Qrow and Tsukuyomi. Qrow finished first then thanked me for breakfast and went off to who knows where. After Tsukuyomi and I finished I put up the dishes after cleaning them then took a seat on my couch with the white wolf Faunus soon following. We snuggle a bit and my cat Noctem laying at my feet and let just say big was an understatement to describe him.

He grew to the size of a large dog like a great dane but had a really mellow personality plus his black fur was really plush. I'm still not sure if his silver eyes meant that he could turn Grimm into stone or not because whenever I had him fight alongside me he can hold his own against them pretty well. He was also a pretty lazy guy but that's mostly my fault keeping him in my haven bag most of the time.

As I relaxed with both my cat and my girl I heard another knock on my door. I went to see who it was and when I opened the door to see I slammed it shut soon after. It was Rory and in a few moments she started banging on my door, I sighed and brace myself as I open my door. Rory looked at me with a strained smile and asked.

Rory: Silva, may I come in?

I quirked an eyebrow because she usually calls me dear instead of my name and I let her in. We walked into the living room and Rory then said.

Rory: Silva, my grandfather, and uncle Wolf would like to talk to you tonight if you're available.

As Rory spoke I noticed she was acting off and I asked.

Silva: Rory what is going on?

Rory had a sad smile on her face and replied.

She handed me some details on the location I'm supposed to meet them and it's outside of Mantle, a good distance away. Rory then left without saying a single word and I felt more and more curious about what is going on. Tsukuyomi sent me a questioning look and I explained.

Silva: She is Rory Eis, a specialist general from Atlas that has a good deal of interest in me but doesn't want to share so I have little to no interest in her.

Tsukuyomi accepted my explanation quietly and I opened a portal to Lemiel to send her home. I enjoyed my few days of quality time with Tsukuyomi it was a pleasant change of pace and now it was finally time for me to comb through my combat data in the black box I built. I set up my PC and hooked in the black box then set an alarm as to not miss my appointment with Winter. I cracked my knuckles and went to work.

( Hours later)

I finished analyzing my data and I was surprised at the results because the weapon that I seem to have the greatest affinity for wasn't a sword but something else. I double-checked the numbers and the result was the same so I started making a blueprint of it, it was a melee weapon that transforms into a defensive item. My alarm went off and I made my way to my meeting with Winter.

( An hour later)

Winter was sitting across from me and she then told me.

Winter: The DNA analysis has come in and you have no blood relation to the Schnee family.

I shrugged not really caring because I already knew I wasn't related to the Schnee family. Winter then said looking serious.

I looked at her intently and waited for her to continue.

Winter: It is about the summon you transferred to me... I thought about it and I need to know why you transferred it to me when you could've just kept it for yourself.

I sighed then asked her.

Silva: Do you want a detailed explanation or a simple one?

Winter: Detailed.

I started giving my reasons to the stubborn woman that can't just accept my goodwill.

Silva: For starters, you need it more than me because throughout the confrontation you lacked the means to deal any significant damage to it.

Winter frowned but didn't say anything and let me continue.

Silva: Another more selfish reason is that I like you a great deal.

Silva: Winter Schnee, I like you will you go out with me.

Winter looked like she just broke down and stopped working which made me chuckle. I waited for her to break out of her stupor as I ate lunch and she asked.

Winter: Why? Why me? I don't understand.

I smiled and replied.

Silva: I like what I like and if you are willing can I take you out on a date tomorrow?

Winter looked lost in thought as I waited she replied.

Winter: I suppose I could...

Winter looked like she was a bit shy right now and I told her.

Silva: Then how about we meet tomorrow night at 8 o'clock.

She nodded and we continue talking a bit about our self for the next hour or so until we went our separate ways. I killed a few hours and then went to the location where Roscato and Ookami are waiting.

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