A Second Chance In Remnant

Chapter 53 - 53. Last Request

I headed towards the place that Ookami and Roscato asked me to meet them at which was outside of Mantle pass some mountains. I flew on Skyfire and reached them pretty quickly as I landed I wondered why they called me here in the middle of nowhere. I saw them and head over to ask.

Silva: Why did you call me here?

Roscato: We have a selfish request Silva.

I looked at them curiously and Ookami continued.

Ookami: You see my pupil both me and Ros here have gotten fairly old and we do not wish to wait for death to take us...

Roscato: So we wish for you to fight us to the death so that we may die as we lived as warriors.

I surprised because I wasn't expecting them to ask this at all and I can't help but ask.

Silva: Why me? I can kind of understand Old Wolf but Roscato don't you have Rory to worry about?

Roscato just lightly laughed with a wry smile on his face and said to me.

Roscato: Rory has been taking care of herself and her sister for years now and it's time for me to move on. But to tell you why it's simply because you are strong enough to kill us if you d.e.s.i.r.e even if Old Wolf beat you the first time.

Ookami: You are always holding yourself back because your shockwaves don't separate from friends or foes so you don't use them to their full potential.

While that is true I asked.

Silva: Why now?

Ookami: *sigh* Both of us are nearing our last legs and in a matter of months we won't be able to even pick up our weapons so it has to be now or wait for death.

Roscato: So we ask you again will you fight us so that we may die with our weapons in our hands.

My response was to take out my knuckle-knives Bright Fangs and take my stance. It is not like I don't understand their d.e.s.i.r.e to die as warriors because depending on how my life goes I might want the same thing. The two of them seeing me get ready to fight they grinned and Roscato spoke.

Roscato: He is your pupil so you go first, Old Wolf.

Ookami kicked me away and picked up the other half of his katana. He came to me with his broken weapon and slashed at me with a flurry of attacks and I soon countered by unleashing a shockwave from my body pushing him back. I fired off some shockwaves at him and he evaded them with minimal effort. He charged at me but I sent a pulse through the earth again and he leaped in the air. I drew my gun Blue Rose Mk.2 and fired on him with its double shots all my shots landed knocking him out of the air making him crash to the ground.

Ookami just laughed with a happy expression but didn't say anything and he launched a flying slash at me. I countered with my shockwaves and when they met they canceled each other out. I continued to fire my shockwaves at him while he sent flying slashes at me and it became a stalemate for a few moments. I decided to fire off shockwaves and pulses through the earth to throw Ookami off balance.

I landed several blows on him and his gray aura flickered meaning that he was running low on aura. I continued my offensive and charged at him ready to get up close and personal. Ookami had a tired but happy smile on his face and he tossed aside the broken half of his katana and but both his hands on the handle. As I drew closer he raised his broken katana high and when I was right on top of him he slashed down.

I also struck him with my knuckle-knife and broke through his aura leaving a large gash across his body. Ookami also broke through my aura with his last attack and left me a large cut that started from my left eyebrow and went down all the to my lower c.h.e.s.t I quickly closed it with a bit of magic to prevent me from bleeding too much. Ookami collapsed with a satisfied smile on his face and said with his last breath.

Ookami: Thank you for this, my last pupil, truly thank you.

As the light left his eyes I closed them for him as I kneeled down. Low on aura, I turn to Roscato ready for my next fight, and he said with a light smile.

Roscato: Don't worry old friend I will be joining you soon. Silva, you know why both I and Old Wolf wanted to fight you. That is because not only are you a powerful fighter but due to our experience, we know that when you are pushed into a corner you become far more deadly to fight against.

Roscato drew his saber and the air around him blurred. He came to me with amazing speed that I wasn't expecting and I knew I would be in for another tough fight. I sent a pulse through the earth but he jumped up in the air to evade it and I fired my gun at him landing a few shots. I reloaded my Blue Rose Mk.2 and while I did that Roscato closed the distance rapidly then launched a flurry of attacks on me. I managed to block some of them and readied myself to fire off a shockwave from my body to push him back but he leaped back and started to circle me at high speed.

Roscato left a blurry trail as he used his semblance to move with greatly increased speed making it difficult to track his movements. I studied my haggard breath and focused my semblance on the ground to break it apart which tripped the old man. I went to him with my Bright Fangs and was about to land a blow on him but he rolled away using his semblance. I sent a powerful pulse through the earth and made him air born then fired my gun on him landing 6 of my 7 shots on him before reloading.

He started to use his semblance in a different way it was like he was moving side to side making afterimages of himself. I fired a widespread shockwave at him but his afterimages split in 3 different directions, 2 to my flanks and 1 above. I couldn't tell which one was real even with my sonar because his semblance made my readings on him fuzzy at best. I shot at the one above first then launched myself into the air by using my shockwaves as a booster and I then fired on the 2 other after images but neither one was the real one. Just as I started to look for him I felt a blow to my back sending me crashing into the ground.

My aura flickered and I could at most handle one more hit before running out of aura. As Roscato closed the distance I decided to gamble and retracted my aura from protecting me. He thrusts his saber at my head and I shifted my body to just evade a fatal hit he cut across my face just below my eyes and across my nose. I swung my knuckle-knife at him making it vibrate at maximum power and landed a blow that destroyed his aura. I sent him flying and I was out of aura feeling the 2 battles get to me with exhaustion.

I grit my teeth and charged at Roscato. The old man managed to break out of his flight by planting his saber into the ground and putting his feet on the ground as he skids across it. I unleashed a flurry of attacks on him ignoring my body's pleads for rest and I pushed myself more and more. He was having difficulty blocking all my attacks and he was purely on the defensive with my onslaught while I continue to cut into him more and more. I felt my body was about to give up so I pushed myself even further for another burst of attacks.

I broke his saber at last and landed the finishing blow. Roscato looked me with a smile and asked.

Roscato: Please look after Rory won't you?

His request registered to me as I finally ran out of steam and fell along with Roscato.

Rory POV

I head to the site where my grandfather and uncle Wolf have decided to die. I saw the level of destruction that Silva probably caused and I knew that he was strong but this was more than I was expecting. I found Ookami dead with a satisfied smile and loaded him into one of the coffins I brought and I thought to myself that I would want the same as them to not wait for death but to die fighting with all my pride. I found Silva and Grandfather lying near each other.

My grandfather looked at peace as I close his eyes for the last time and I felt my eyes get hot and blurry. I blinked the tears away as I can grieve later and I loaded him into the other coffin. I examined Silva and found he only had 2 significant wounds that aren't fatal in the least. Seeing that despite fighting both of them he came out on top made my choice in making him my husband all the more correct.

But unfortunately, grandfather gave me a warning on how to handle him and that is to not touch any of the girls he is attached to because he then he will be out for blood in vengeance. I sighed at the difficulty of capturing his heart but it will make it all the sweeter when I do. I leaned down at the exhausted white tiger Faunus and kissed his bloodied face in gratitude for full filling these 2 old men's last request.

I picked him up and brought him to the airship to take him home with me where there are plenty of doctors to heal him up. Along with me to nurse him but I should look at my ancestor's archives because they have thoroughly chronicled how they got the hearts of their husbands. So there should be something that can help me capture Silva's heart or if worse comes to worst get him in bed with me to have a daughter of my own.

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