A Second Chance In Remnant

Chapter 77 - 77. Academic Advancement

Coco POV

Another week has gone by, and it is Friday which is a half-day for Beacon. I gathered the rest of my team to head to Silva's castle for the weekend. Initially, I kept on going back there to pay Silva back for beatings us by having rematches. Still, now he is training us in combat against people, which is part of the duty of a Huntsmen/Huntress with bandits and criminals causing trouble across the kingdoms.

Not only that, but he is also tutoring us, which annoys me a bit that someone a year younger than me is teaching me better than some of the teachers, namely Professor Port and Oobleck. With Professor Port, Velvet is the only one that can successfully take notes in his class without falling asleep, and Doctor Oobleck talks so fast at times it makes it challenging to make notes even between all 4 of us.

While I am thankful for Silva's tutoring, it slightly wounds my pride to need his help, but I learned the hard way from him that perfection is an illusion and the best we can do is not repeat our mistakes. I sighed, thinking about the time I called Silva Mr.Perfect with his wide range of skills, and he then showed me all of the scars he earned from surviving his travels. It made me realize that Silva worked his b.u.t.t off to get as good as he is now, whether in combat or life.

The more I get to know him, the more I see someone I wish to be, not only having immense strength in a fight but also in character. I can see why Miltia, Melanie, and Emerald love him because he knows who he is and what he wants in life, plus how to achieve it. It makes me wonder if I should try dating him to see how compatible we are, but that is for another time right now. I want to focus on graduating from Beacon first then find a long-term life partner.

After the rest of the team met up and packed our things for the weekend, I noticed our resident bully was causing trouble again. I took out the knife Silva made me for a secondary weapon, and I admired its beauty for a moment. The blade Silva made is highly reflective and is coated in multiply polishes, making it practically into a mirror which I occasionally use to admire myself. The polish Silva used on the knife is made from finely ground Fire dust, and when I use my semblance Hype on it, the light it reflects can set stuff on fire like clothes easily, for instance.

I reflect the light off the knife onto the bully's pants, and in a matter of moments, his pants were on fire. That will teach him; you would think he would learn the first time he picks on somebody in this school; there will almost always be payback later on, whether by me this time or that person's teammates. Especially when he goes after Faunus like a bigot but whatever, I am more than happy to teach him a lesson since he tries to get Velvet cornered when he thinks her teammates are not looking. Then there was a sudden announcement over the intercoms.

[ Team CFVY, please report to Professor Goodwitch's office.]

Hearing that, I can't help but be curious about what the Professor wants. As we head to the Professor's office, Velvet asks.

Velvet: What you think Professor Goodwitch wants?

I replied, feeling unsure what to expect.

Coco: I don't know Velvet, but we are about to find out anyway.

Fox then jokes to lighten the building tension.

Fox: Whatever it is, I didn't do it, well, except maybe putting an extra shot of caffeine in Professor Oobleck's coffee.

From a distance, we heard Professor Oobleck call out.

Oobleck: DOCTOR!!!

Right Doctor Oobleck, anyways, we entered Professor Goodwitch's office. The Professor is a lovely-looking middle-aged woman with very light blonde hair tied back in a bun with a curl hanging down her face's right side. Her eyes are bright green, and she wears thin ovular glasses. She has dangling teal earrings that match the hanging pendant on her collar.

She wears a white long-sleeved, pleated top with a wide keyhole neckline and gauntlet cuffs that flare in gathers at the wrist. A black high-waisted pencil skirt covers her lower body with bronze buttons and black-brown stockings.

She wears black boots with bronze heels and a purple cape inside and black on the outside. The cape's cut is stylized to end in flames and arrows, with a row of diamond-shaped bronze beads on the back. Above this line of beads appears an emblem of a tiara that is her symbol. Overall an incredibly stylish and imposing outfit, and I wonder where she got the cape from; she looks towards us and says.

Glynda: Ah, good you are here. I have a few questions for you before you leave for the weekend.

As I wondered what she wanted to ask, I replied.

Professor Goodwitch adjusted her glasses then asked.

Glynda: At the beginning of the year, your team, while showing high combat prowess, was slightly lacking academically, but that changed after several weeks when you started leaving the campus for the weekend every week. An this brings me to my question, what are you doing during the weekend?

I shared a knowing look with my team, and I told her the truth.

Coco: We are seeing a friend of ours in Vale over the weekend, and he is both tutoring us and sparring with us during the weekend to help us out.

The Professor looked mildly surprised and then said.

Glynda: Well, you certainly picked a reliable friend to have. Has he graduated from a huntsmen Academy?

I scratched my cheek feeling slightly embarrassed for what I am about to say.

Coco: Actually, he is a year younger than us and plans to attend Beacon next year.

The Professor's eyes widen at my response and then ask, looking skeptical.

I nodded, and she then takes a contemplating look for a few moments. She then asks with a look of interest.

Glynda: Do you mind if I come with you to see this for myself?

I am pretty sure Silva won't mind too much, so I told her.

Coco: Certainly, Professor Goodwitch, I don't he will mind another guest.

Glynda POV

I have to admit I was not expecting one of the rare weekends where I am all caught up with my work as a professor and deputy headmistress to lead me to the mysterious castle that showed up a few months ago. I was initially hoping to ask the team CFVY to introduce me to their tutor that I had assumed they got when I saw a dramatic improvement academically and in combat practice to offer them a job here in Beacon.

Good teachers are hard to find. Look at Peter Port's class. The grading average is an all-time low, with several students relying on self-study to pass his class. While Bartholomew is undoubtedly passionate about history, it does not translate into being good at teaching it. He often speaks too fast for students to take notes, and his constantly moving around at high speed from one end of the classroom to the other agitates the students with heightening senses making it more difficult for them to take notes.

I sighed, thinking about my two colleagues while undoubtedly great Huntsmen; they leave a lot be d.e.s.i.r.ed when it comes to teaching. Even if team CFVY's tutor is younger than them, he has shown he is at least a decent teacher. I might ask him to run some tutoring classes at Beacon to help his future fellow students because it will honestly give me some peace of mind and less work knowing that they are more likely to pass their classes.

Ms. Adel rang the doorbell, and a green-haired girl answered it.

The green-haired girl noticed me and asked, looking slightly wary.

Emerald: Who are you?

Ms.Scarlatina quickly introduced me before I could say anything.

Velvet: Oh, this is Professor Goodwitch from Beacon. She wanted to meet Silva after we told her he is tutoring us.

The girl I now identified as Emerald looked at me, still wary, and asked me.

Emerald: Why do you want to meet Silva?

Seeing how defensive she is of him, I decided to be honest to assure her I mean no harm.

Glynda: I was hoping to speak with him in hopes that he may be willing to expand his tutoring session to improve Beacon's students in passing certain classes.

She nodded in understanding and commented.

I arched an eyebrow and asked her.

Glynda: And why is that?

She answered me in a matter-of-fact tone of voice.

Emerald: Silva is only tutoring Coco, Velvet, Fox, and Yatsu because he considers them friends.

I nodded, seeing her point, but I still need to try and convince him. Mr.Alistair then asked.

Fox: You said Silva is sparring, but who is he sparring with exactly?

She gave him a slight smile and told us.

Emerald: Come in. You will see for yourself well except you, of course, Fox.

Mr.Alistair gave her a smirk and replied in mock annoyance.

She rolled her eyes, then we followed her, and I have to admit I was impressed with the interior of the castle. It was classy but not pretentious with strong Atlesian and Mistralese influences. We soon reached a room labeled Training Area, and I heard the sound of fighting, of steel clashing against steel. I then saw a white-haired tiger Faunus fighting against a young girl with brown and pink hair.

The girl's weapon was a thin sword in one hand and a parasol in the other. The Tiger Faunus's weapon is a pair of trench knives, with curved crescent-shaped blades with a zig-zag part in the middle of it. The girl showed impressive sword mastery that I rarely see, while the Faunus is showing a terrifying level of melee combat with kicks, knee attacks, elbow strikes, along with his use of his trench knives.

What caught my attention was not only the speed they are fighting at but the fact they are aiming for vitals. While I could tell they were not trying to kill each other, the apparent familiarity with fighting against people with the intent to kill surprised me. I could not help but wonder what these two have gone through to make them so familiar with fighting people rather than the creatures of Grimm.

As I analyze their respective fighting styles, Mr.Dachi asked Emerald.

Yatsuhashi: Just who is that girl to be able to keep up with Silva so well?

Emerald shrugged and answered.

Emerald: Apparently, Silva ran into her and fought her a bit, then offered her to be his sparring partner. Oh, and you guys will also be fighting against her as well from time to time.

Team CFVY looked at her in surprise, but I could understand as that girl has exceedingly high combat talent so that she would make for a good sparring partner even for the other teachers at Beacon. Part of me wants to see Peter taken down a notch from his usual braggart self but putting that aside for now; I took a closer look at Silva. He was at the right age to be in a combat school right now before attending Beacon.

I could see the scars on his face, plus his silver eyes that Ozpin will want to know. Then there is the way he fights. It shows that he has a great deal of combat experience against people, especially in life or death fights. Another that drew my attention was that he has both tiger ears and a tiger tail, rare for Faunus to have more than one animal trait.

The both of them stop fighting, and they noticed us.

Silva POV

Okay, I was not expecting Glynda Goodwitch to show up today, but whatever. I walked over to team CFVY picking up my towel to wipe off my sweat, and asked them.

Silva: So are you going to introduce me to the beautiful women behind you, or am I going to have to myself?

Glynda walked up to me and introduced herself to me.

Glynda: A p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to meet you; I am Glynda Goodwitch, a professor of Beacon Academy.

I returned her greeting.

Silva: Likewise, Silva Cloud builder and owner of this not so humble abode.

She looked at me skeptically and asked.

Glynda: How did you..?

Before she could finish her sentence, I summoned a pack of Beowolfs behind me and answered her.

Silva: I am a one-person construction crew, but that aside. How may I help you, Ms.Goodwitch?

She adjusted her glasses and asked me.

Glynda: May we speak in private?

I shrugged and replied.

Silva: Sure, but first.

I unsummoned Beowolf pack and summoned Cerberus in their place, then told team CFVY.

Silva: Meet your opponent for the day, team CFVY and have fun.

Cerberus charged at them, and they scattered while Emerald said.

Emerald: Um, I'm going to do something else.

I told her with a smile.

Silva: Emerald, join them, please.

She looked she wanted to complain, but I pointed to the battle taking place and sighs then says in an exasperated tone.

Emerald: I hate you sometimes, you know that.

I replied with a smile.

Silva: Love you too, Emerald.

She took out her weapon, Thief's Respite, and joined the fight with Neo watching them while eating popcorn. I gestured to Glynda while saying.

Silva: Follow me if you please.

We soon reached the main foyer, and I offered the professor a drink.

Silva: Would you like a drink Ms.Goodwitch and may I call you Glynda?

She looked hesitant for a moment then answered.

Glynda: You may and tea if you don't mind.

I nodded, then asked.

Silva: Any preference on what kind of tea? Maybe some green tea with snacks or chamomile?

Glynda replied.

Glynda: Earl Grey, if you have it, please.

I sent the order through my scroll to the robot chefs, along with some finger sandwiches and small cakes. And I got down to business while we waited for our order.

Silva: So, do you want to talk about exactly?

I already know because I peeked through her mind and found out she is looking for a relationship right now, albeit with a slight bit of desperation in hopes of getting married before she gets too old. It works for me, but I need her to take me seriously before pursuing her, and I a few ideas to earn her affection. She then tells me what she wants.

Glynda: You see, when I saw team CFVY improve so much, I got curious about how they did it, and I noticed this improvement started when they left the campus for the weekend, so I did some digging. It led me to believe they found a great tutor to teach them the subjects they are having trouble with previously. Imagine my surprise that their tutor was not only young than them but also the owner of this castle.

One of the robot chefs brought in the tea and snacks I ordered. She took a few moments to wet her throat and then continued.

Glynda: So my question is, are you willing to expand your tutoring sessions?

I took a few moments to pretend to contemplate and then answered her bluntly.

Silva: No.

She took a bite out of a tiny mixed berry shortcake then asked after swallowing.

Glynda: May I know why?

I told her truthfully.

Silva: I tutor team CFVY because they are my friends, but I can offer an alternate solution if you are interested.

She arched an eyebrow then inquired.

Glynda: What do you suggest then?

I pitched my offer.

Silva: I can offer you some robots that can provide additional classes to help any student that needs help for the weekends. I can assure you of their reliability because I have thoroughly tested them, plus I can improve them quickly with enough feedback.

She considers my offer then asks.

Glynda: What do you want in return?

I casually told her.

Silva: A favor here and there when I attend Beacon, nothing outrageous, I promise.

She then tells me.

Glynda: I will need to consult with the headmaster before agreeing with anything.

I nodded and told her.

Silva: Take your time. I am in no rush. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#.-(rwby-fan-fic)_15795991305970905/chapter-77.-academic-advancement_52460113348315867">#.-(rwby-fan-fic)_15795991305970905/chapter-77.-academic-advancement_52460113348315867</a> for visiting.

It looks like I am meeting Ozpin sooner than I expected now. How should I handle him? While I pity him to some extent for being given a bad hand by the Brother Gods, he made some severe errors in judgment in how he handled Salem and others. He could have tried to change Salem steadily in hopes of overcoming the instincts that come from being part Grimm and help her learn the value of life to help break her curse.

Because ultimately, her plan to destroy Remnant is more likely not to lead her to her death like she hopes but an eternity in an empty world devoid of life after the Brothers pass their judgment on Remnant. Because they are keeping an eye on this world, so they know what she and Ozma are doing. Unfortunately, the gods are petty, but I don't pity Salem because she reaps what she sows and fails to learn what she needs to know the most, which are letting go of not only her loved ones but her arrogance and pride.

I do look forward to facing her in the future.

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