A Second Chance In Remnant

Chapter 78 - 78. In Need Of Help

Ozpin POV

To think Raven Branwen's adoptive son is here in Vale tutoring of all things. When I first learned of him years ago from Qrow, I wanted to separate him from his adoptive mother because he is one of the few remaining silver-eyed warriors. Unfortunately, he declined Qrow's offer to find a new, more normal family with a reason that showed he was far more m.a.t.u.r.e than he should be for his age.

He then reappeared in Atlas and worked with Qrow for a bit. What was truly surprising was he was traveling across Remnant with Raven's blessing, which was odd considering how strong he is from what Qrow told me. From what I know of Raven is that she would view him not as a son but as an asset for her bandit tribe, which makes me question how he earned her blessing for his journey across Remnant.

I then learned more about him from Qrow when he sent him to investigate his nephew, which was enlightening. He has worked extensively in Mistral's underworld as an information gatherer, and I also heard a few rumors about the sudden improvements of the Menagerie's settlements. What was genuinely startling is that he set up a new settlement called Oath outside of Atlas's control for not only the Faunus but for some humans that have no problems with the Faunus.

Plus, I just learned of his being here from Glynda when she was curious about team CFVY's sudden improvement of grades. He owns that mysterious castle that just showed up months ago, which means that he is highly resourceful and with a broad skill set. I still hope to get him on my side of this shadow war with Salem, even if his mother informed him of Salem's immortality and strength.

On the positive side, he will attend Beacon next year, so I don't need to go to him when he is coming to me. However, I think I will have Glynda continue to follow team CFVY to their tutoring sessions to get a clearer idea of his character. I will also sign off on those tutoring robots he built for Glynda to have a bit of peace of mind because by the Brothers if she isn't around, this whole school would fall to pieces without her.

I certainly can't do the paperwork to save a multitude of my lifes, even with my experience; that's why there is deputy headmasters/headmistress in the first place when I help build these schools. I take a sip of my hot cocoa, reminiscing on the past.

Silva POV

I finally had a breakthrough on my aura projectile project. The bullet chamber needed to be remodeled again to handle two separate aura injections that have different purposes, one to condense the aura into a semi-solid mass and the other to pressurize aura to make it explode forth in a single direction, propelling the semi-solid mass of aura. Of course, this increases the drain on the aura battery, but it is progress.

The sparring practice with Neo is going well, I think at least, to make a somewhat viable relationship. Neo is now talking, well, texting more about herself since she gave me her number, just small talk right now when she is bored. Plus, we have some common interests when it comes to games. We both like strategy, adventure, and action genres, but she leans more towards fighting games, while I prefer RPG.

I am also thinking of forcing Kyuu to wake up through the magic to show her current situation. However, she has never met another Faunus before, which can help rehabilitate her by introducing her to another Faunus aside from me. I thought about maybe bring Tsukiyomi over from the Menagerie, but I got the idea to help Blake leave the White Fang earlier than the canon for a few reasons.

One, it helps me further any relationship with her. Two, by assisting her to leave on her terms instead of just running away, I can deal a blow to Adam's reputation when he gets too obsessive with her, maybe dismantle his cult a bit by informing Sienna of his activities. Finally, by bringing her home with me, I can also take her to her parents by opening a portal at the Menagerie to prevent Sun, if he follows her, from making a too good impression on them, well Kali anyway.

Overall, it seems like a good idea, but I will personally earn Adam's hatred, which works in my favor. Because then his rage is directed at me instead of Blake, which could make him less inclined to harm her, but I doubt it. He is likely near the point of being completely unstable, and Blake leaving would throw him off the deep end. Regardless I am going through it, but first, time to wake up a sleeping girl.

I made my way to the medic bay and saw Kyuu still sleeping. She is roughly 11 years old with blonde hair and a fox tail that is the same color as her hair. I placed my hand on her forehead and started the process of waking her. While simple, in theory, it isn't straightforward to put it into practice, it gives her a reason to wake up by any means, whether through hope or, in this case, unfortunately, fear.

While she has nothing to be hopeful in her life as she knows it for in her memories but has everything to fear. I hate that I have to resort to this method, but I don't have the patience to wait for her to wake up. She starts to struggle in the bed, then she screams in pure terror, which makes me worse than I already do. She starts to look at her surroundings in a panic, her bright red eyes full of fear.

She notices me and starts to beg me while curled up.

Kyuu: Please don't hurt Kyuu, please don't hurt Kyuu, Kyuu will be good, Kyuu will be good.

She repeated herself incessantly in pure fear. I then spoke to her in the gentlest tone I could muster.

Silva: Kyuu, I will not hurt you, and you will be safe from now on.

I reached for her and touched her head as gently as possible, and she tensed up, shivering in fear. I started to c.a.r.e.s.s her as softly as possible and slowly began to relax ever so slightly as she realizes I mean no harm. I spoke to her again gently.

Silva: Kyuu, look at me.

She then saw me more clearly, and I wiggle my tiger ears in front of her to know that they are real. She looked at me with wide eyes, and I lowered my head so that she can touch my ears for herself. I felt her touch my ears, and after a bit, I lifted my head to look her in the eyes then ask.

Silva: Kyuu, would you like something to eat?

After a hot mean which made Kyuu cry tears of joy over a simple meal, I help Kyuu adjust to her situation and assure her she won't have to worry about her sc.u.mbag uncles; she fell back to sleep to rest after going through the stress of it all. I gave her a room near my room to let her know that I am close at hand. I sigh, feeling mentally tired, and make plans to help out Kyuu a bit more before I go after Blake.

I also need to tell Morgana and Emerald that she is awake now and give her space for now. There is always something that needs doing and never enough time to tackle everything I need or want to do.

( A week later)

I was flying on my summon Skyfire overlooking Forever Falls to find the Vale branch of the White Fang for Blake. I have to admit Forever Falls is one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen, with a vast forest of red leaf trees. Still, finding the White Fang is not as easy as I initially thought, but maybe they are not camping here yet might be the reason.

Oh, scratch that, there they are. The White Fang's white and black uniforms make them stand out in this vast sea of red. I fly directly above them, then hop off of my summon and start falling to the ground. As I fall, I occasionally release a shockwave to slow down my descent until I landed in the middle of the White Fang's camp. I quickly drew their attention, and one of the grunts called out.

White Fang Grunt #1: Who are you? And why are you here?

I looked around and got a feel for the crowd; while they are not hostile, they are wary of me. I introduced myself to the group politely since they did not draw their weapons on me.

Silva: The name is Silva Cloud, and I am wondering if Blake Belladonna is here?

A girl called out, which I identified as Ilia Amitola, the chameleon Faunus that has a crush on Blake. In her normal appearance, her skin is tanned with somewhat darker spots on her arms, legs, stomach, and face, resembling chameleon scales. Her brown hair is tied back in a ponytail that curls at the end like a chameleon's tail, and her eyes are a light gray with a faintly bluish tint. She is wearing a black, gray, and dark gray sleeveless stealth suit with short legs that resembles a playsuit with black trim around the legs. The color divide is at the center of her t.h.i.g.hs. The stealth suit's zipper is gold, and over it, she wears gray belt straps with gold buckles. She wears simple black boots with a cuff and a black glove on her right hand.

I told her a half-truth.

Silva: Well, I noticed your camp from the air and remembered that Blake is part of the Vale branch of the White Fang, so I thought to swing by and say hi.

I then heard a familiar aggressive voice of Adam Taurus saying.

Adam: And what if she doesn't want to see you!?

I turned to face the red-haired bull Faunus and ask him.

Silva: I am sorry, and you are?

I was trying to get under his skin, and it worked seeing him grit his teeth as he said.

Adam: I am in charge here, and I am telling you to leave now!

I hold my chin in a mock, thinking expression and replied.

The White Fang started to murmur amongst themselves, and Adam bellowed.

Adam: ENOUGH! Either you leave willingly, or I force you to.

I quickly peeked into his mind because he is far too agitated right now and found out why. Blake has been a bit more vocal about opposing Adam's more extreme plans on attacking dust transports and their crew than in the canon, which made me smile. I then taunted him.

Silva: Try it.

Blake POV

Adam has changed, and not for the better. I knew he had negative feelings towards humans due to some of them branding him with the SDC logo over his eye. I have come to realize that all Adam is, is SPITE against humans. He wants to reverse the roles of oppressor and the oppressed between humans and Faunus, respectively. I am making plans to leave the White Fang during one of the operations because he will not let me willingly.

I sigh, thinking that I am just running away, but what can I do? Reason with him, he won't listen to me at all. Fight him; he is a better fighter than me. And I can't ask for help because everyone in the camp will follow Adam with little to no question. I suddenly heard a commotion outside my tent and went to what was going on.

I saw the rest of the White Fang circle around the center of the camp. As I pushed my way through the crowd, I saw Adam fighting someone, and I noticed Ilia, my friend, nearby. I asked her, wondering what is going on.

Blake: Ilia, what's happening?

Ilia: Some guy name Silva came into the camp asking for you, and Adam told him to leave, but he refused, so Adam is trying to make him go away.

I heard a familiar name and looked towards the fight; it is Silva, but why is he here? As Adam tries to cut Silva down, Silva either evades or parries Adam's sword with a pair of trench knives. I noticed that Adam is growing more frustrated as Silva does not attack him in return and roars out.


Silva smirks at him and replies.

Silva: You are the one looking for a fight, and I am just not in the mood to humor you.

Adam snarled, using his semblance Moonslice to fire a wave of red energy at Silva which could KILL HIM! I shouted out in fear of Silva's we'll being.

Blake: ADAM, NO DON'T!

But it was too late; the wave of red energy was quickly coming towards Silva. I closed my eyes, not wanting to see someone I know die. A loud explosion is what I heard, and I slowly open my eyes, preparing for the worse. I then saw Silva completely fine and unharmed but with a frown as he said.

Silva: Now, you try to kill me so that I don't see Blake. What are you, a freaking Yandere!?

Adam: Giving up now?

Silva kept silent, then suddenly disappeared, then reappeared in front of Adam with his fist winded up. He punched Adam in the gut and sent him flying in the distance. I rubbed my eyes, not believing what I just saw, but it still happened. Silva looked towards me with a smile and said.

Silva: Hey Blake, nice to see you; how have you been?

Well, today certainly seems a lot different than usual.

Silva POV

As I greeted Blake, the White Fang grunts started to get into aggressive stances, and I told them.

Silva: Members of the White Fang ask yourself what you are doing right now... If you decide to follow in your leader's unreasonableness, I will respond in kind.

I caused a minor earthquake with my semblance, which knocked down some of the grunts. I then warned them with a cold tone.

Silva: Do not tempt me.

They started to put away their weapons, and I walked towards Blake. I then asked her.

Silva: So Blake, how have you been lately?

Blake just looked at me wide-eyed and asked.

Blake: How are you here?

I shrugged and asked her.

Silva: Can we talk in private first?

She nodded then told me.

Blake: Follow me.

She leads me to her tent and then asks once more.

Blake: Why are you here?

I decided to be blunt.

Silva: When we first met, I noticed that you were slightly hesitant at the current White Fang's actions, and from what I heard about what they are doing here in Vale, I wanted to check on you to see if you wanted to leave.

She looks at me, surprised, and says something to my surprise.

Blake: Thank you.

I smile then asked.

Silva: For what?

She relaxes then tells me.

Blake: For just being here.

I nodded then asked her.

Silva: If you're interested in leaving, we can once we tell Adam, and if you want to do some good, you can attend Beacon with me next year to become a Huntress.

She smiles gratefully and says. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#.-(rwby-fan-fic)_15795991305970905/chapter-78.-in-need-of-help_52624155597661242">#.-(rwby-fan-fic)_15795991305970905/chapter-78.-in-need-of-help_52624155597661242</a> for visiting.

Blake: I would like that, but Adam is well, Adam, and he will talk me out of leaving.

She turns downcast, and I then tell her.

Silva: Blake, I will help you here and now, but if you just run away from him, he will chase after you. So telling him your resolve, then if he is insistent on you staying with him, he will come off as obsessive, which would lead the other members of the White Fang not to help him.

She shook her head and said.

Blake: You don't know, Adam. He is very persuasive and will convince the others to come after me, and I don't want to fight them if I can help it.

I sighed, then flicked her forehead, making her yelp in surprise more than anything. She looked at me, annoyed, and before she could say anything, I told her.

Silva: Blake, there are just some fights you can't run away from, and there is no helping it, but at least try to leave on your terms first before deciding it is hopeless.

She still looked unsure about what to do. I then assured her.

Silva: I will help you every step of the way, so don't worry about doing this alone.

She appears to contemplate my words for a few moments then said.

Blake: Okay, I will try and thank you, Silva, for your help.

She then asks me.

Blake: But why are you helping me?

I chuckled and told her.

Silva: A few reasons but the biggest us that your mother and father are friends of mine so of course, I will help their daughter.

Ilia entered the tent and asked Blake.

Ilia: Blake, are you really leaving?

Blake puts on a resolute face and tells her truthfully.

Blake: I am Ilia, sorry.

Ilia changed many colors on her skin to express her inner turmoil, and I ask her.

Silva: Want to come along?

She looked at me, surprised along with Blake, then asked.

Ilia: Why are you asking?

I told her with a shrug.

Silva: You seem to care a great deal about Blake, and you also look like a nice girl, so I thought, why not.

She stares into my eyes for a minute, then looks at Blake and says.

Ilia: Okay, I am with you, Blake.

I nodded then told them.

Silva: Since Adam is going to be back soon, might as well tell him now and get it out of the way.

They looked at me incredulously, and Blake asks.

Blake: As in now!?

I nodded with a reply.

Silva: The sooner you tell him, the better otherwise, he will continue to convince you to stay with him.

General POV

Blake, Ilia, and Silva walked out of Blake's tent as Adam re-enter the camp. Blake saw him and took a deep breath. Silva placed his hand on her shoulder to let her know he has her back. Blake directly told Adam without holding back.

Blake: Adam, I am leaving the White Fang!

Adam looked at Blake, stunned at what she told him, and then asks her in a confused tone.

Adam: Blake, what brought this on?

Blake took a deep breath and told him.

Blake: Adam, I don't believe in the White Fang or you anymore. We are not fighting for equality but vengeance, and I don't want that.

Adam then took on a gentle tone and said.

Adam: Blake, you promised you wouldn't leave me. Do I mean so little to you?

Blake looked hesitant and said.

Blake: I, uh...

Silva whispered into her cat ear.

Silva: Blake, I am here for you no matter your decision.

The cat-eared Faunus calmed down at the tiger Faunus's assurance. She then told Adam once more.

Blake: Adam, I am leaving, and you can't stop me!

Adam took in her words then looked at Silva with pure unbridled rage as he bellowed.


Adam charged at Silva with his sword drawn, and Silva sighed, looking annoyed. Just as Adam was about to swing his sword down, Silva stepped into his guard and stopped the blade by grabbing the bull Faunus's hands then told him.

Silva: Adam, have you ever heard the expression? If you love something, set it free.

Adam just glared at Silva through his mask without saying anything. Silva raised his free hand and turned it into a fist, then sent Adam flying again off into the distance.

Silva then opened a portal to his castle and gestured to Blake and Ilia while saying.

Silva: Ladies first.

And they left the White Fang camp with the grunts looking at them with unbelieving expressions.

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