A Second Chance In Remnant

Chapter 8 - 8. Family Time Fight Time

I felt myself waking up even if I want sleep more I need to get up to make breakfast, as I was getting up I felt something holding me I rub my eyes to see Yang in her over sized yellow shirt she use's as pajamas gripping my right arm. I then looked to my right and see Ruby in a red tank top plus red short pants holding on to my tail again. I sighed then proceed to pry them off me, as I was prying Yang off yang said in a sad and scared voice while still sleeping.

Yang: No don't please don't leave.

Seeing Yang like this I spoke as gently as I could and petted her head.

Silva: It's alright Yang I'll be right here, don't worry I promise.

Yang hearing me she relaxed and went back to sleeping peacefully. As I finally got Ruby to let go of my tail after whispering in her ear that I'll give her a cookie if she lets go and I got out of Yang's bed because we were sleeping together in Yang's room. I looked for my dark green shirt that I took off because the girls wanted to see my tiger stripes on my back to my shoulders when Ruby took a peek under it wanting to see if my tail really was attached to me. After finding it I straighten my black pants then grabbed my chisa katana and went outside to do my daily routine. My routine is comprised of jogging, push ups, squats, then lastly sword swings to finish up and then Taiyang walked outside as I was practicing with my sword, noticing him I greeted him.

Silva: Morning Mr. Xiao Long.

Taiyang: *yawn* Oh Silva your up early and just call me Tai, k.

Silva: Okay.

As I continued to practice my sword swings Taiyang was watering the garden near me an awkward silence followed. Taiyang scratched his head and asked while tending to the garden.

Taiyang: So is Raven you know...

Silva: She's well her but I will answer any question I can if you want.

Taiyang proceed to ask various question about her like if she's alright or if she talks about him or Yang. I continued to practice while answering his questions as best I could, he had a number of different expressions from questioning me after hearing my answers. Qrow then joined us with his flask in hand then swagger about drunkenly to me and said.

I just shrugged my shoulders then kept swing my chisa katana, Taiyang asked me.

Taiyang: Silva would you like to stay with us for now?

Silva: If your fine with it but I don't want to impose on you or make things complicated for you and the girls.

Taiyang: It's fine and technically you can be counted as my son I think, so you are my responsibility as well.

I was surprised by Taiyang's response and admired him a little for it because it can't be easy to accept me. I doubt that means that he going to let me get close to Ruby and Yang without a fight. I then volunteered after I saw what time it was.

Silva: The girls should be waking up soon so how about I cook breakfast. Uh, Tai can I borrow your kitchen.

Qrow/Taiyang: You can cook?

Taiyang and Qrow look like they can't believe it so I added.

Silva: Yes and mommy Dearest always asks for seconds.

Taiyang and Qrow looked weirded out with the nickname I gave Raven to annoy her, I explained the nickname to them Qrow snickered at it and Taiyang wasn't sure how he felt about it. Taiyang gave me the go ahead to use the kitchen and I looked though it to find what I have to work with. There was a large amount of cooking utensils for making various sweets probably for a certain cookie monsters sweet tooth (Ruby). I decided to make a couple of rice omelettes for everyone then some chocolate chip cookies for dessert Taiyang already prep them I just need to toss them in the oven.

First I cooked the rice then added finely minced veggies from the garden with some soy sauce, butter, and then added some ground chicken seasoned with salt and pepper in to the pan to cook it all together. After that I add some ketchup to the mix then after cooking it together I made five perfectly round piles of the mixture. Now for the eggs I take the yokes and whites together added some salt, pepper, oregano, basil, and mixed it with some milk then pour the mixture one at a time. While filling the skillet I waited for the mixture to become custardy then placed the custardy side on top of the piles I made earlier then add sprinkle a little shredded cheese on top after putting the edges under the piles.

Yang was walking down the stairs with Ruby in tow, they sat down at the kitchen table after Yang yawned a little and stretched then asked.

Yang: Whats for breakfast?

Silva: Some rice omelettes I made, what do you want to drink?

Yang still not awake enough to register all that I said and wanted some strawberry milk. After everybody got their drinks of choice and the food I made was placed before them. I took the first bite, I was proud of my work after tasting it then Yang tiredly took a bite her eyes widen and started to chow down on the eggy goodness. Ruby soon followed, then Taiyang took a bite after seeing his girls liking it so well and started to join them. Qrow just looking nonchalant eat a bit of it then smiled a bit and was taking his time eating his omelette, good thing I made the portions large out of habit.

After everyone finished Yang was the first to comment on breakfast.

Yang: Silva that was EGG-cellent. Can you teach me how to cook?

Silva: I'm glad you liked it and sure I don't mind but I'm a harsh taskmaster so be ready.

Qrow: Tiger thanks for the meal its been a while since I've eaten that well.

Taiyang: I see you wasn't bragging when you said Rav... I mean your mom always asked for seconds.

Ruby: Thanks Silva that was great better then what dad makes. Oh I smell COOKIES.

Taiyang looked like he took some critical damage from Ruby's comment and slumped down. Ruby ran off leaving a dust cloud behind and Yang followed her shouting at her to not dare eat all the cookies again. I looked to Qrow, he had his flask out drinking when he just had a bottle of beer for breakfast, I asked.

Silva: Old man can you spar with me later today?

Qrow: Sure Tiger I want to see how my sister's been teaching you and don't call me old.

( Afternoon behind the Xaio Long home)

Qrow and I were getting ready for our sparring match, Taiyang and the girls were sitting on the porch spectating. I was making plans on how to get Qrow into giving me some handicaps, but I decided against it since it won't work because under Qrow drunken demeanor he is one of the best huntsmen that Ozpin or rather Ozma trusts to get the job done. Qrow was drinking out of his flask again then said to me.

Qrow: So kid how about I give some handicaps?

I was surprised that he suggested that but I'm not going to look a gifted horse in the mouth so I'm going to up the stakes a little.

Qrow: Oh such as?

Silva: If I win you call me Young Master for the rest of the time I'm staying on Patch before going back to Mommy Dearest.

Qrow: And if I win?

Silva: I'll stop calling you old period and I'll even call you Big Brother if you like.

Qrow looked pleased at the prospect of me to stop calling him old and he walked over to me to shake my hand in agreement, we shook then I named my handicaps. Qrow smirked at them and agreed confident that he could still beat me with them.

Qrow: So I can understand having 2 hands tried behind my back but what about being gagged.

Silva: Old Man you are an experienced huntsmen so should know not to look down on the power of the right word at the right time.

Qrow shrugged as I finished tying up his arm with some rope Taiyang provided and then went to gagging him with a red bandana. Qrow went to the opposite side of me looking confident while I held a wooden sword then I asked Taiyang to flip a coin to the ground as my and Qrow's signal to start. Taiyang flipped the coin Ruby and Yang cheered at us.

Ruby: Come on Qrow show us what your made of.

The coin landed on the ground Qrow smirked though his gag and gestured for me to make the first move. I took the first move which was to throw my sword at him, he looked surprised at that move but he hasn't seen any thing yet. Just when he move to the side to evade my sword I quickly set up a large glyph that sent me and him into the sky. Qrow surprised again lost his balance as he was in the air, I used another glyph to propel Qrow to me and crouch shot with my fist. Clearly Qrow underestimated me too much because his aura isn't even active and we fell back down Qrow was rolling around in pain. I quickly grabbed the extra rope that I had left and immediately started to tying up his legs to his arms. After that I stepped on his back and spoke in a exaggerated tone.

Silva: I have defeated the mighty huntsmen.

I posed with showing off my biceps, a moment passed... Taiyang begun roaring with laughter even falling on his back rolling around, the girls soon followed holding their guts pointing me and Qrow.

Taiyang still laughing said.

Taiyang: *Laughing* Silva hold that pose I have got to get a picture of this.

Taiyang quickly found a camera and started to take pictures, Qrow trying to speak though his gag in protest but failing. After everyone ran out of laughter except a raven I can hear in the distance we started to head back inside and Ruby pointed out.

Ruby: Shouldn't we untie Qrow?

Silva: I think the Old Man wants to be alone right now and besides he is a strong huntsmen he can get out on his own.

Taiyang: He's right you know Ruby your uncle probably wants to be alone right now and also wants to untie himself.

Qrow: Rematch now.

Silva: Aren't we forgetting something our bet perhaps?

Qrow remembered our bet and bitterly said.

Qrow: Young Master I want a rematch now.

Silva: Okay Big Brother Qrow I will have a rematch with you tomorrow.

Qrow looked stunned with what I said and asked me to repeat it which I did. I will admit that I went a little to far but I really disliked the fact that he underestimated me to the point that he easily agreed to the handicaps I placed. With Qrow in a better mood we all had dinner together and afterward Taiyang helped me with dishes while the girls played with their uncle in the living room. While cleaning the dishes Taiyang spoke suddenly.

Taiyang: Thank you for everything, for playing with Ruby, for teaching Yang how to cook, and for bring so much life back into this house.

Silva: Sure but don't get used to it I'm leaving in 2 days because well you know the reason.

Taiyang: I know but thank you anyways... If you ever in need of a home your welcomed here.

Silva: Thanks, so are you fine with me having a relationship with Yang and Ruby in the future?

Taiyang: This is this, that is that, and anybody that wants to be with my angels can wait to do it over my cold dead body... Even then wait a week to be sure I'm dead.

I rolled my eyes at him and thought.

Silva's Thoughts: Man overprotective fathers are a pain but a good pain to have.

My plans for the future sure seem very far off but oh well one step at a time, just one step at a time.

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