A Second Chance In Remnant

Chapter 9 - 9. Not Goodbye but See You Later

I was lying on my back with Qrow standing over me with a practice sword in hand band taking a drink from his flask. The rematch with Qrow was as expected with no handicaps or underestimating me he thoroughly thrashed me and I got a clear understanding at what makes him a elite huntsmen. I feel a little frustrated at that I couldn't last longer but it shows me what I have to work towards to be stronger. After Qrow let go of yesterday's grudge he started to talk to me about my glyphs because the Schnee family is famous for them and I sure as heck don't look like one with me being a silver eye white tiger faunus. My glyphs are different in appearance with them being a tiger stripe pattern instead of a Schnee snowflake like pattern and they are naturally a dark gray color without dust being used unlike Schee white.

Qrow explained what he knew about glyphs such as what kind of dust they can be used with and what other things they are known for like summoning. After resting a bit more I started to spar with Qrow and he pointed out some of my habits in combat. This continued till late morning into noon after that he and I called it quits for today. Qrow then spoke to me.

Qrow: Tig... I mean Young Master I see my sister has been teaching you well but how do you feel about her and the tribe.

Seeing him hold up his end of the bet from yesterday I responded.

Silva: With Mommy Dearest I owe her for the time being plus I like her, the tribe however can go rot inside the creatures of grimm.

Qrow nodded at my response about the tribe and he wasn't sure what to make of my answer about Raven. I asked Taiyang if I can use his shower to clean up the sweat I build up with sparring with Qrow he gave the okay. As I head towards the bathroom on the second floor Ruby and Yang zipped past me playing around. Ruby stopped to turned back then looked to me then Yang barreled into her causing a racket doing so after which she got up and went to me asked.

Ruby: Hey Silva what are you doing you look tired.

Silva: I'm about to take a shower because I have been sparring with Big Brother Qrow for most of the morning.

Ruby followed by Yang got closer to me and started to sniff me then said.

Ruby: You don't smell bad Silva do you really need a shower?

Yang: Yeah you smell fine but if you want one I can show you where it is.

Hearing their responses I took a sniff of my armpit and found that I really didn't stink of sweat. Well either way I still want a shower because my skin feels nasty, I thanked Yang for the offer but I knew where it was. After reaching the bathroom I went in and started to strip down then I heard the door open behind me. I looked behind me to see Yang plus Ruby coming in and I asked.

Silva: Um girls what are you doing here because I think your dad would not approve this?

Yang: It's bath night for me and Ruby. I just asked dad if we could have it earlier and he said sure.

I raised my eye brow questionly then asked.

Silva: Does he know your wanting to bathe right now?

Yang: It's fine no big deal.

I stared at Yang trying to press her for answers but she started to take off her clothes. With me not wanting to deal with Taiyang's overprotectiveness I got my shirt and proceeded to leave. Yang blocked me and said.

Yang: Come Silva why not take a bath with us it will save water?

Ruby already stripped down showing her childish body and started the water in the bathtub. Yang still blocking me in front of the trying to get me to stay, I sighed and gave up because I was too tired to argue with her. I finished stripping then hopped into the tub with Ruby, seeing that Yang quickly got in. I asked the girls to pass the soap after the bathtub got filled but they kept on looking at me and I asked.

Silva: What never seen a n.a.k.e.d boy before?

Ruby/Yang: Yes.

Yang: What that mark on your c.h.e.s.t there?

Yang pointed at my scar that I got from fighting that fire breathing beowolf and I told them about the fight but I withheld about what happen at the nursery camp. Yang and Ruby had stars in their eyes asking if I fought other grimm but before I told them anymore I said that I want to get clean first if we hurry I can tell them more about my fights. The girls started to clean themselfs in a hurry I followed along and bath time ended quickly. After we got dressed they dragged me into Ruby's room and started demanding stories from me. After several hour of stories about the fights I had with grimm I also told them some fairy tales from Earth, I modified them to be relevant to Remnant. Night time soon followed the girls were asleep from all the stories I told them and I went to pick them up to put them in their respective beds. After tucking them in I head downstairs to get me a snack when I ran into Taiyang, he noticed me and asked.

Taiyang: Since your leaving tomorrow night would you mind coming with me a bit before you leave?

Silva: Sure Tai, where to?

Taiyang: To meet my other wife Summer.

( The next mourning)

Yang was I the kitchen with me as I was teaching her how to cook and she was a good student she asked questions about different ingredients plus how to use them in different dishes. I was having Yang help me with breakfast to get her started on having hands on skills for cooking such as different ways of cutting meat and vegetables. She got hurt a few times but after bandaging her cut she kept on trying I was impressed with her drive and encouraged her to never stop trying to improve. After breakfast was serve I gave Yang the assignment of cooking lunch on her own, she was nervous but I told her to make something simple like sandwiches then work her way up. She looked determined to do well and went to ask her dad to get groceries with her, Taiyang looked more then happy to spend time with her.

When the 2 of them left to get groceries I went to find Ruby and she was messing with Qrow while he was passed out from drinking way too early. I gone to check on Qrow to see whet Ruby has done to him and I almost burst out laughing because she has been putting hair bands, clips, plus a scrunchy in his hair. It was a complete disaster so of course I took several pictures to show everyone later and I dragged Ruby outside to play with her. I asked Ruby what she like to play she got close to me and said.

Ruby: Tag your it.

Silva: Get back here you little Cookie Monster.

After playing with Ruby for a couple of hours I learned a important lesson, don't play tag with Ruby when she unlocks her semblance. Ruby is already pretty fast for her age plus I can see she is already a bit of an acrobat with her moving around at any given angle with a little awkwardness. While I wasn't using my glyphs she still remained untagged a fair bit longer then me and quickly tagged me when she was it. I can see why Qrow taught her how to use a scythe like him over other weapons, I look forward to sparring with her in the future if I can help it. Taiyang and Yang got back from grocery shopping and while Yang was cooking with Qrow's supervision I followed Taiyang to Summer's grave.

After walking towards a cliff that over looks most of the island I saw the grave of Summer Rose with Taiyang kneeling down in front of it. On the grave it said Summer Rose/ Thus I Kindly Scatter while I wonder if Summer is still alive or not because my existence might have caused butterfly effects but in any case that question will be answered later in the future one way or another. Taiyang then spoke to the grave with a happy but sad voice.

Taiyang: Hey there Summer take a guess who's here with me today... It's Raven adoptive son crazy right? That Raven adopting, I can't begin to understand why but that's not important what is important is that he made the girls smile and laugh after so long after you left for that mission. He has been great I wish you could have seen him take Qrow down a notch and teaching Yang to cook. I still wish you were here with us but don't worry I will make sure the girls grow up happy and strong.

Taiyang started to get misty eye with a small smile on his face and then I spoke.

Silva: Mrs. Rose I wish I could have met you in person but I will promise you this if the girls ever in need of help I will do everything in my power to help them except homework because that's on them.

Taiyang chuckled at the last part a bit then decided it was time to head back, he wiped the tears out of his eyes and thanked me. As we headed back to the log cabin we started to see smoke we looked at each other then started to run back when we got back we saw Qrow, Ruby, and Yang sitting on the porch. After hearing how this fire started because Qrow went to check on Ruby leaving Yang alone in the kitchen followed by a small explosion for some odd reason but thankfully nobody got hurt and the damage to the kitchen seems mild after the smoke cleared. We decided to eat out going to a pizza parlor called "Patch's Pizza & Party" while also getting extra pizza for tomorrow till the kitchen is fixed. As night followed I wished the girls good night and told them I will see them later they replied back with a good night of their own.

With that said I told Taiyang that I would see him later and started to pack up then head towards the meeting place I & Raven agreed upon. Qrow said he will come with me to meet Raven as we left the Taiyang residence Qrow asked.

Qrow: So Young Master why didn't you say good bye to the girls?

Silva: You don't have call me Young Master any more Big Brother Qrow and to answer your question I hate long good byes plus this more of a see you later then anything else because I will meet them again.

Qrow shrugged at my answer then took out his flask and started to drink again. He had a serious look on his face the asked.

Qrow: Tiger you don't have to head back to my sister you know you can...

I interrupted him with a serious look of my own.

Silva: Big Brother while I appreciate your concern I will stop you there because one I can't stay with Tai because even though he is trying he still has trouble accepting me. Two you can't take care of me can you because of your work. Three I will not trust my well being to a stranger and lastly I doubt Mommy Dearest will let me go without a fight.

Qrow looked stumped at my reasoning and looked like he wanted to say more but couldn't. Looking bitter he followed me to the meeting point after reaching it which is a cliff on the other side of the island away from Summer's grave. After a few minutes a red portal appeared and Raven walked out of it, noticing her brother she put her hand on her katana and demanded.

Raven: What are you doing here!

Qrow raised his hands expressing that he doesn't want to fight then answered nonchalantly.

Qrow: Come on Raven can't I escort my nephew to his Mommy Dearest?

Raven: I am taking him back to the tribe Qrow.

Qrow just shrugged and was about say good bye then remembered what I said and changed it.

Qrow: See you later Tiger and try to stay out of trouble, K.

Silva: No promises, Big Bro.

After hearing my reply he smirked then walked off and Raven looked weirded out by me calling her brother, Big Bro. She shook her head side to side then open up a portal to the main camp of the tribe after we went though it she noticed something about me and said.

Raven: Where is your sword?

Silva: I left it behind.

After hearing my reply she narrowed her eyes and said.

Raven: We are not going back to get it nor am I going get you a new one.

Silva: That's fine I will make do for the time being, I have my semblance to practice with.

Raven hearing my reply just headed to our tent while I followed behind thinking.

Silva's thoughts: I left my katana behind to give Ruby and Yang something to remember me by because I know you aren't going to let me meet them again in a long time.

With this in mind I need to get stronger for the challenges ahead in order to meet them again because I will not be consigned to being your pet bandit, Raven.

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