A Second Chance In Remnant

Chapter 96 - 96. Red Roses

Ruby POV

Oh, this issue of Weapons Monthly is featuring a weapon capable of five transformations, FIVE! The structure is sound, but the choices between transformations are limited, with 3 of them being the same weapon type while the range weaponry is somewhat handicapped ammo and firing rate-wise. While interesting, it lacks the necessary kick to make it truly reliable and versatile.

Oh! They're featuring the latest use of elemental dust weaponry with energy-based range attacks and external dust infusion. I wonder if I can upgrade Crescent Rose this way? But it costs so much money, and I don't have a near large enough allowance to get me both mods and cookies.

I felt someone tap my shoulder, and I turned to see a familiar face, Silva. He cut his white hair to a buzz cut, and his silver eyes make me think of mom for a moment. He is wearing a light blue tank top with a white sleeveless long coat over it and dark gray pants with black combat boots. There are silver-colored greaves over his shoes and a shield-like armguard. I took off my headphones and called out to him.

Ruby: Silva!

He smiled at me then replied in kind.

Silva: Ruby!

It felt nice to see him again, but I asked him, feeling curious.

Ruby: Silva, what brings you here?

Silva: Just out for a walk, and I came into this store to see if they have anything interesting and saw your red hood instead.

As he casually answered me, I noticed the weapon holster on his back, and Silva seeing my interest in his weapon, turned his back towards me to show off his sword and explained.

Silva: This is the new weapon that I recently finished forging; I call it Midnight.

It is a two-handed single-edge great sword that is unevenly serrated with serrations that are of different lengths and sizes, giving it an almost fantasy-like appearance. What drew my attention most of all was its color. It is black, or rather darker than black if that's even possible. I couldn't help but ask him.

As I was about to touch it to get a feel of the material the sword is made of, Silva stepped away and stopped me.

Silva: I don't recommend touching it; it's not a pleasant sensation, but to answer your question, the material is practically one of a kind and is extremely rare and exotic.

I felt really curious about what material he used, but what he said about not touching it made me feel confused, so I asked him.

Ruby: What do you mean that it's not nice to touch your weapon? I mean, your using it, after all.

Silva: I don't know how to explain what it feels like to wield without sounding a bit crazy to even brandish it in the first place. But, if you're really curious, you can touch it, but I suggest you brace yourself first. Touching Midnight for the first time is taxing.

He held out the handle of his sword, and I took the cautious approach and just touched it with my finger. As I touched Midnight, the blade felt deathly cold, and the next moment I felt like I was being drained of my aura, and I quickly realized I am being drained of my aura! I yanked my hand away from Silva's sword and found the first weapon I couldn't make my mind up about. Is it awesome that it can drain aura, or is it horrific because I felt that sword is unnatural somehow?

Silva POV

Seeing Ruby quickly move away from Midnight, I could understand why. When I used the bones left behind that Grimm-Human hybrid that was once Summer's original body as a source of carbon to make a steel-tungsten alloy for my new sword, I did not expect it to develop such an ability as draining aura. I even went the extra mile and got water from the Grimm spawning pools for the quenching to see what would happen.

The result being a knuckle-blade with a similar appearance to Midnight for a test blade for me to try out and Midnight itself as the final product. The knuckle-blade I decided to call Reaper's Thorn, and I keep it on my person as a backup weapon for small enclosed places where Midnight is too large to use comfortably. For my range weapon, I went with an arm-mounted aura-powered double-barrel gun that I can use even while wielding Midnight with both my hands; I call it Silver Rose.

These three weapons are the ones I am sticking with for my huntsmen career and in the future. With Reaper's Thorn and Midnight having a few odd abilities, like my personal favorite, draining aura to make them sharper and more durable, which means I can use Echo Tremor at full strength with them, and they won't break. Anyway, back to Ruby.

She is showing a mix of complex emotions on her face as she examined Midnight. Ruby is not sure to gush over my weapon like she usually does or questions my sanity for using a self-harming weapon. As we chatted over my weapons and what she has been up to lately, I felt someone grabbed my shoulder.

I turned to see one of Junior's goons holding an ax and said, looking annoyed.

Goon: Hey!

Ruby and I looked at him, and I then glanced at the front counter seeing Roman Torchwich upfront. Ruby then asked the poor goon.

Ruby: Are you mugging us?

Goon: Yes!

Ruby narrowed her eyes as she replied.

Ruby: Oohh.

The next moment she sends the goon flying from a fast front kick, and moments later, Roman sends another henchman at us, which Ruby also sent flying, one of which through the window. And she took out her weapon, Crescent Rose, and fired a shot to use the recoil to send herself through the now broken window.

I couldn't help but wryly smile at Ruby's antics, and as Roman sent out the rest of the henchmen after Ruby, I made my way to the front and fixed the broken window with magic. I apologized to the older man running the store.

Silva: Sorry for the trouble.

He grunted in reply, and when I got outside, I saw Roman running towards a latter on the side of a nearby building while Ruby was getting ready to chase after him. She noticed the fixed window and exclaimed.

Ruby: Wait! Wasn't that broken before?

I faked coughed to draw her attention, and when she turned to me, I explained.

Silva: I fixed it.

Ruby: Oh, that was quick. Hey Silva, shouldn't we go after that guy as Huntresses/Huntsmen in training?

When I nodded yes, Ruby immediately used her semblance Petal Burst to get to the top of the building quickly, along with using the recoil from Crescent Rose to send her flying. I followed her in a single semblance-enhanced leap and made it to the top of the building along with my fellow silver-eyed warrior.

Roman noticed our presence and cursed.

Roman: Persistent.

Roman: End of the line Red, Snowball.

I felt the urge to punch him to show how I think about his nickname for me. Roman tossed a dust crystal, but before it could get very far, I shot it with Silver Rose making it explode in Roman's face. The airship jerked around for a few moments, and Glynda finally showed up. She gave me a quick glare, probably condemning my current actions at chasing Roman with Ruby.

Soon I saw a familiar silhouette coming out in the airship, Cinder. The half Fall Maiden threw fireballs at us, and Glynda counter with her aura formed shield glyph. The embers from the fireballs lit up around us, and I quickly grabbed Ruby to evade the coming explosion. As the ground exploded, Glynda then manipulated the roof fragments into a spear-like construct and sent it flying towards the airship.

Cinder then fired at the construct, which broke it apart even more, and Glynda quickly regained control over it, making three constructs from the rubble to attack the fleeing airship. Glynda then conjured a storm cloud with dust, and an aura formed glyph.

Lances of ice rained down on the airship puncturing the hull, and as Glynda manipulated her constructs, Ruby opened fired on the airship, and I soon joined in. Cinder then unleashed a massive blast of flames scattering the storm cloud, and Glynda's semblance made construct. As the airship escaped, I gave Roman and Cinder one last parting gift.

I drew Midnight and charged it vibrations and aura, then swung it at the distancing airship, creating a flying crescent that left a deep cut on the airship's hull but not enough to sink it. As Glynda glared at Ruby and me, Ruby asked her in complete awe and stardom.

Ruby: You're a Huntress!? Can I have your autograph!?

I chuckle at her antics, and Glynda just raised an eyebrow at Ruby's question; then, with a casual flick of her weapon, The Disciplinarian, she lifted both Ruby and me with her semblance and replied curtly.

Glynda: The two of you are coming with me.

I found myself in an integration room separate from Ruby, and as I waited, Ozpin and Glynda showed up at last. Ozpin sat across from me with a severe expression and asked me.

Ozpin: Mr.Cloud, just what in the name of Remnant is that sword and knife you had on your person?

I shrugged and told him.

Silva: You're going to have to be more specific, Headmaster, because the only thing I can tell you about Midnight and Reaper's Thorn is that I made them with a rare and exotic material that is likely one of a kind.

Ozpin sighed then asked me with a worried tone.

Ozpin: While I am sure your adoptive mother has told you about my circ.u.mstances, I need to know just how much you are aware of everything.

Silva: Salem, Relics, Maidens, and your body-hopping for when you die. Does that satisfy your question?

Ozpin pinched the bridge of his nose and stated.

Ozpin: So everything for the most part.

Ozpin then shares a knowing look with Glynda, and she left him and me by ourselves. When Glynda left the room, Ozpin bluntly asked me.

Ozpin: So what is it you want personally, Silva Cloud?

I sneered at him as I told him.

Silva: There is nothing you have that I want, wizard. Anything I d.e.s.i.r.e, I get by my means.

He looked at me in surprise and then asked me.

Ozpin: I suppose there is no convincing you to help me against Salem then?

I laughed in his face and told him.

Silva: You don't have a plan to deal with Salem, and the only thing you can do is keep the Relics out of her to the best of your ability.

Ozpin slumped down then asked me with an edged tone.

Ozpin: What would it take to buy your silence?

I shook my head side to side and told him.

Silva: Nothing, I don't gain anything from telling anyone about your shadow war nor the fact that Salem is immortal.

Ozpin visibly relaxed, but before I let him fully relaxed, I warned him.

Silva: Do not get anyone I care about involved in your mess Ozpin or you, and I will have a problem.

As we stared into each other's eyes, unyielding Ozpin replied.

Ozpin: I make no promises, Mr.Cloud but I will keep your warning in mind.

I snorted at him and said.

Silva: I believe you. Can I leave now?

Ozpin: By all means, your weapons will be returned to you once you leave the police station.

As I got up and leave, I thought to myself, poor ignorant wizard unaware of the fact that Salem's goal has changed and that I have plans for his next incarnation after the Fall of Beacon when he dies one way or another. As I retrieved my weapons from the desk upfront, I saw Ruby waving at me as she called out.

Ruby: Hey! Silva, over here!

I smiled at her and said.

Silva: You didn't have to wait for me, Ruby.

Ruby: It's fine, and besides, I want to tell you that I am attending Beacon this upcoming semester.

Silva: Congrats, and I am guessing Ozpin made you the offer, and you accepted.

She nodded and gave me the biggest grin as she told me.

Ruby: I can't wait to tell Yang and Dad!

And thus, the wheels of fate turned.

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