A Second Chance In Remnant

Chapter 97 - 97. First Day

Silva POV

I felt someone shaking me awake and calling out.

Weiss: Wake up, Silva!

And it's Weiss. I didn't bother opening my eyes and asked her, still drowsy.

Silva: What is it, Weiss?

Weiss: We are going to miss the airship if we don't hurry!

Silva: What airship?


I g.r.o.a.n.e.d in annoyance and told her bluntly.

I opened one of my eyes to see Weiss embarrassed at forgetting I could do that and sputtering a reply.

Weiss: I... But... You...

Seeing her like this was so cute. As she tried to make an excuse for herself, I grabbed her wrist and pulled her into my bed, and told her.

Silva: As punishment for waking me up early, you can keep me company until my alarm rings.

Weiss stiffened, and I could feel her body heat rising out of further embarrassment. I have my tail wrapped around her waist and my arms hugging her holding her arms against her body with one of my legs entangled with hers. I closed my eyes and waited for my alarm to go off. Weiss finally finished processing her current situation and struggled as she demanded.

Weiss: Unhand me!

Silva: Later.

Weiss No now!

Silva: Later, it won't be long.

Silva: Weiss, don't like me?

I occasionally enjoy teasing Weiss since she moved in for Winter Break to get familiar with Vale and at Willow's request until she finished cleaning up the SDC. Weiss screeched, making me smile.


Silva: Yes, and I also like you as well. Winter knows this.

Weiss went silent for a few moments and said.

Weiss: Wait, what!?

My alarm finally went off, and I quickly turned it off while still holding on to Weiss. As I pulled Weiss closer into my embrace, I answered her query.

Silva: Winter knows I find you attractive, and I will try to court you, and she is okay with it for the most part.

I opened one of my eyes to see Weiss looking gobsmacked with her mouth hanging open. It is much too fun to tease the Schnee sisters; it is a bit difficult to break Winter's soldier facade, it is worth the effort, and Weiss is easy, and her reactions are sometimes exaggerated because she is not familiar with good-natured teasing. I got up before I pushed Weiss too far and asked her.

Seeing her still trying to process what I told, I replied in a cheerful tone.

Silva: Pancakes it is!

( After a late Breakfast)

Silva: Okay, does everyone have their things packed and ready for dorm life at Beacon?

Blake, Weiss, Emerald, and Ilia nodded in reply. I opened a portal to Beacon and told them.

Silva: Alright then, ladies, first.

As the four of them walk through the portal with their bags on a cart for convenience, Morgana and Kyuu came up and hugged me around my waist. I hugged them back while I assured them.

Silva: Don't worry, you two, I will only gone until Friday afternoon, so listen to Miltia, Melanie, Tsukiyomi, and Lilith, okay.

Morgana: K.

As we parted, Lilith also came up and hugged me also; At the same time, she mainly kept to herself; she did bond with a few people since she started living here with everyone like Morgana, Kyuu, and interestingly enough, Yatsuhashi for some reason when I wasn't looking. Yatsu and Lilith are both pretty stoic, and Yatsu got Lilith into meditation. Team CFVY left yesterday to get one of the dorm rooms early and see their schedule for the semester.

I walked through my portal, and my surroundings changed to the front path to Beacon with the girls waiting for me on the other side. I did a quick look around and saw Ruby all by her lonesome; Yang probably ditched her. I called out to her while waving.


She heard me and turned to see me, then ran up to me and said.

Ruby: Oh, Silva, you have no idea I am to see a friendly face; Yang ditched me, and I don't know where orientation is.

She saw the four around me and asked, looking curious.

Ruby: Silva, who are they?

I started introductions starting with Weiss; she was in the same outfit as Volume 1.

Silva: This is Weiss, don't let her cold exterior fool you; once she warms up to you, she's a big softy.

Next is Blake in her Volume 1 outfit. She kept her bow on like in the series to avoid racist idiots going out of their way to harass her.

Silva: Here is Blake; she likes books and fish, plus while she keeps to herself, she is surprisingly playful when the mood strikes her.

Blake kept silent as I continued to Emerald; she is wearing her first outfit from the show.

Silva: Emerald, here is one of my sweethearts and likes to cuddle.

Emerald: Silva!

As Emerald blushed in embarrassment, I moved to Ilia; she wore a jean jacket with a brown tank top and dark purple pants with black boots on.

Silva: And last but certainly not least, we have Ilia, she likes long walks on sandy beaches and cats.

Ilia did not look amused at my introduction, but I ignored her glare. Ruby then gushed over their holstered weapons.

Ruby: A multi-action dust rapier with engraving, oh, a sword with a handgun for a hilt and a cleaver sheath, high caliber revolvers with retractable blades, and a estoc with segmented parts, meaning it's also a whip!

Silva: Girls, this weapon fanatic here is Ruby, who got into Beacon two years early.

Weiss was the one that asked the question on their minds.

Weiss: How did she pull that off!?

I shrugged and told her.

Silva: Ask the headmaster.

Weiss pouted a little while Ruby kept on asking everyone else questions about their weapons. I then got Ruby's attention then asked her.

Silva: Ruby, would you like to join the group as we make our way to orientation?

Ruby: Oh, ah, sure.

As I was about to lead the way place where orientation was being held, an unfamiliar blonde girl called out to me.

???: Hey, your name wouldn't happen to be Silva, would it?

I was a bit caught off guard by this girl because, for the life of me, I don't recognize her. I looked her over; she is a blonde girl with long hair braided behind her with blue eyes and is almost 6 feet tall. She is wearing a short-sleeve white hoody with a purple and red tribal pattern on opposite sides, along with blue jean pants and sneakers. She has an armor c.h.e.s.t plate over her hoody plus armguards, both white with yellow accents. I then asked her.

Silva: And you are?

She gave me a light smile and introduced herself.

Jeanne: Jeanne Arc, Jaune's twin sister, and I can't say I'm surprised you don't remember me since you mostly hung out with my brother.

Realizing who she is, I greeted her then asked.

Silva: Hi, sorry about not remembering you, but quick question, how is Jaune?

She gave a casual shrug then answered.

Jeanne: It's okay, but to answer your question, Jaune is fine and is attending Haven Academy despite wanting to go to Atlas because it's closer to home. And before you ask, I am attending Beacon because while Jaune wants to be a hero like Dad and Grampa, he also wants some space away from the family. Like a good big sister, I decided to attend a different Academy to give him said space.

I nodded in understanding and asked her.

Silva: Would you like to join the group as well?

Jeanne: Sure!

As I lead the way to orientation, the girls followed behind me, and we're chatting amongst themselves. When we made it to the ballroom holding orientation, Yang called out to her sister.

Yang: Hey Ruby, saved you a spot!

Ruby: Yang's calling me; thanks to Silva, and it was nice to meet everyone.

As Ruby ran off to Yang, Jeanne commented.

Jeanne: She's certainly a nice, quirky girl; Baby Bro would probably like her.

As Jeanne chuckled at the thought, I felt a stare on my back. I did not see who it was; thanks to my semblance, I know who it is, Pyrrha. I honestly don't know how to deal with her because it would be as awkward as hell, and then some, but regardless, I won't let her die if I have anything to say about it. We haven't spoken in over two years since we broke up.

As I debated what to do, Weiss called out.

Weiss: Pyrrha! It's good to see you!

I resisted the urge to facepalm myself at Weiss, forgetting my and Pyrrha's former relationship. I might as well get it over with quickly, like a bandaid, a super sticky one. I turned to see a very different Pyrrha that I am familiar with.

She has her red hair in a ponytail with a gold circlet around her head. Her outfit is different than in the canon; she is wearing a gold color c.h.e.s.t plate covering the top half of her torso with her emblem imprinted on it. Pyrrha has red gloves covering most of her arms with gold armguards and armlets covering them. She wears a red sash over her short brown skirt with gold plate leggings and half calf high heel boots on.

What stuck out the most was the air she gave off before she came off as a nice girl, but now she feels far more m.a.t.u.r.e. Weiss is hugging Pyrrha, and she is returning it. My and Pyrrha's eyes met, and what I saw surprised me; her eyes remind me of my own, Winter's, Rory's, Tsukiyomi's, sometimes Blake, Ilia, and Emerald's as well. The eyes of someone who has killed before and has learned to live with it.

Pyrrha then said with a small smile.

Pyrrha: Hello, Silva.

I nodded in acknowledgment, not trusting my voice not to sound; I don't know. As I started into Pyrrha's eyes in bewilderment and worry, she asked.

Pyrrha: Silva, can we talk later?

Silva: Sure.

Dang, it, I was not expecting meeting Pyrrha again would be like this. Ozpin then called for everyone's attention and gave his speech like in the canon. After that, Glynda leads everyone to the lockers, where they put away their weapons while I store mine in my Blue Jade Ring. Glynda then leads us on a tour of Beacon to show where everything is.

( The following night)

Everyone first year is now camping inside the ballroom like in the canon, and while the girls pick out a spot, I'm meeting Pyrrha; for the love of gods, I don't know what to do. I already changed into some shorts to sleep in and kept my c.h.e.s.t b.a.r.e. I met Pyrrha just outside of the ballroom, and I asked her.

Silva: So what did you want to talk about, Pyrrha?

Pyrrha is wearing a red tank top with matching booty shorts. She walked up to me and hugged me, much to my surprise. I tensed up at a loss at what to do next, and Pyrrha then said.

Pyrrha: I missed you, and I'm sorry.

I looked at her, unsure of what she is apologizing about, and asked.

Silva: About what?

She separated from me and said with a sad smile.

Pyrrha: For a lot of things, for breaking up with you because I would not and could not understand or accept why you killed Old Wolf and Roscato in Atlas. For not calling you when I got to understand your point of view a bit better and try to make up. For waiting for this long to reunite with you.

I put aside her apology for now and asked the question that has assaulted my mind since I saw Pyrrha's eyes.

Silva: Pyrrha, what happened to you? You've changed in a way I did not expect at all. I know you have taken your first life, so who was it?

Pyrrha leaned against the wall and told me.

Pyrrha: It's a long story.

Silva: I got time and then some.

Pyrrha took in a melancholy look and started her story.

Pyrrha: After we broke up, I tried to put our relationship behind us by focusing on training. It worked for a little while, but you kept on popping up in my mind, so I tried to talk to some about what to do, but unfortunately, I had fans, admirers but no friends to talk about this sort of thing. Weiss couldn't understand when I tried talking to her about it in detail.

She paused for a moment and looked me in the eye with a complicated emotion, then continued.

Pyrrha: As time went on, my mood did not improve, but it got worse while I still won the Mistral Cup; it felt hollowed and pointless. My mom noticed my change and tried to cheer me up by taking me on a trip to get my mind off things. We went to a nice place with a lot of natural hot springs and a spa. It helped a bit; then, on our way back, bandits attacked us.

She had a haunted expression as she continued.

Pyrrha: We were with a travel group, and Huntsmen were guarding it, but there were many bandits, and they broke through and attacked the civilians. I had my weapon with me, so I did what I was supposed to do as a future Huntress. I held them off at first, but they fought dirty and used anything they could to combat me.

Pyrrha's expression turned grim, then took a deep breath and continued.

Pyrrha: One slipped by me, and as the bandit made its way to my mom and was about to... Kill her. I pushed back the bandit I was fighting and shot the one near my mom. He didn't have an aura, so he died when I shot him. Before I could even process what I did, the other bandit came back. As we fought, I noticed this bandit also did not have aura, and one of the Huntsmen died facing multiple bandits, so I made a choice.

I knew what she was talking about, and I came closer to her and wrapped my arm around her. She relaxed against me and continued.

Pyrrha: I killed him as well, and I killed again and again against the bandits. Once the battle was over, I felt relieved that mom was alright, but once I relaxed, all the kills I made came to haunt me. After we made it back to Argus, I went through a lot of therapy to adjust to the fact that is killing bandits and dangerous criminals are a regular occurrence for Huntsmen and Huntresses.

She snuggled closer and looked me in the eye with various emotions, and told me.

Pyrrha: Once I came to terms with it, I thought back on why I decided to break up with you in the first place. You killed not only two people you could be consider acquainted with at their request but numerous others, but they were strangers or even enemies like bandits if the stories about your travels are true. I put myself in your shoes and thought to myself, what would I do in your stead.

She gazed deeply into my eyes and then said.

Pyrrha: I can't say I wouldn't do much different from you, and again, I am sorry for not considering your feelings on the matter. Can you forgive me?

I sighed, thinking about the heavy stuff Pyrrha just told me for a moment or two, then answered her.

Silva: There is nothing to forgive in the first place Pyrrha, I understood your point of view somewhat, and I could never stay angry at you or even hate you. But if you need to hear it, very well. Pyrrha, I forgive you.

She kissed me on the cheek and said.

Pyrrha: Thank you.

Now for the next big question.

Silva: Pyrrha, what do we do now? We are different from two years ago. Do we start dating again? Do we go our separate ways? Or are we just friends now? I don't know.

Pyrrha gave me a soft smile and told me.

Pyrrha: We have time to figure it out, so how about we take it slow for now.

Silva: Okay then. How about we get some sleep? The initiation is tomorrow.

Pyrrha nodded in agreement, and we head back to the ballroom.

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