WARNING: Some R-18 stuff in this chapter. You have been warned, though honestly, what are you doing on a smut novel if you care.

I sat on my bed blinking a few times before just shaking my head. Reine had already left to seek out Marian and there wasn't anything I could do about it. Knowing that I still had a bit of alone time, and the chance that Marian wouldn't come, I focused on trying to figure out how the Skill Inspect worked. It didn't take me long to figure out how to use it, though I was disappointed that I had to be in contact with something to Inspect it, meaning using it on people was out of the picture, for now at least.

When I used it a small translucent window would pop up in my vision, quite similar to how my Status displayed if I didn't use the Status Plate. The window would give me a name for an object, like 'Luxury Bedding', or 'Oak Nightstand', and then a brief description, such as 'Bedding made from elven silk, some of the best bedding available'.

While most of the mundane objects I used it on didn't show me any interesting information it was good to know that it would show me information about something even if I had no previous knowledge of it. It didn't seem like it would be extremely useful but it was only at first level still, and I had hopes that it could shed some light upon my Gifts and Skills.

Unfortunately, before I could pull my Status to try it out, I heard the bedroom door open as Reine walked in followed by Marian. Reine simply bowed respectfully to me before moving off to the connected room meant for her, leaving me with a somewhat provocatively dressed Marian. Unlike the modest nightgown Reine wore, Marian was in a sheer and somewhat translucent babydoll. It wasn't to the point where you could see through it, but it was thin enough that with some light behind her it showed off the silhouette of her body.

Before I could react she had already made herself at home in my bed. It was easily large enough for the both of us yet she snuggled up close and wrapped her arms around me, pulling me into her soft body. Almost like it was against my will, my arms instinctively maneuvered around Marian's nightwear to feel her bare skin against mine. It was almost like I was back in the cave, cuddling with Ashara all over again, without thinking I pulled myself even deeper into her embrace, the sweet fresh scent of her soap wafting into my nose. Unbidden I could feel a few tears well up though I quickly wiped them on the sheets to hide them.

I soon felt Marian plant a light kiss on my forehead. "I'm glad you found your way into our family, though I wish it could have been through more pleasant means." She whispered, almost as if she didn't want me to hear. "Kalista and Gabrielle are the perfect example of daughters, but I often feel they're far older than five. Despite their near opposite demeanors, I'm glad they rely on each other as twins, but I wish they would call out for me, even if it was just to cuddle in the night like this."

While her tone was rather proud, I could hear the tinge of loneliness her words carried, and we soon both fell asleep, as if we could give each other some solace from the issues that plagued us.

I awoke hazy in the warm embrace of my mother as usual, her bare skin providing warmth as I shifted about. I was somewhat hungry so I took a moment to bring my face up to her exposed breasts. I latched on and began to suck, this was a better alternative to the insects or mystery meat she usually brought.

It was taking longer than normal for her milk to flow, but I felt her shift and heard her soft moans as she began to become aroused. Honestly, such a perverse woman my mother was, not that I minded, it was better than her being a horrid prude or controlling tyrant. Not long after her moans reached their climax I began to feel sustenance flow into my mouth, it tasted somewhat different than usual but I drank heartily enjoying the change of pace.

After suckling for a minute and getting my fill I sat up and stretched, feeling refreshed. It wasn't until now that I noticed and remembered that I was no longer in the cave I'd called home, and that the woman sleeping next to me was not my real mother. I looked over Marian who was flushed red and breathing heavily, clearly aroused. Her eyes were somewhat glassy as I heard her let out a seductive moan of disappointment. "Don't stop, I'm so close." She weakly pleaded to no one in particular.

I sighed, half in disappointment at myself and half in resignation. I made a mistake but it was too late, so I might as well see it through to the end, plus it looked like Marian was suffering. I hesitated for only a moment longer, before lowering my body next to her, my mouth by her ears. "Don't be too loud." I whispered, not wanting Reine or any others figure out what was transpiring.

Marian stirred awake to the sensation of someone sucking on her breast, a strange heat spreading from their mouth. Upon opening her eyes she saw a young woman with long black hair that she had never seen before sucking her nipple as if she would be able to get milk from it.

Marian tried to repress the feeling welling up inside her. It had been so long, and even if it was only a dream, she didn't want to admit that she greatly preferred women over men. However, the mysterious dream woman continued to suck and spread flaming desire throughout her body, just until she reach the peak, until suddenly stopping, pulling away looking satisfied.

"Don't stop." Marian begged. "I'm so close."

The dream woman smiled mischievously and brought her mouth close to Marian's ear. "Don't be too loud." she whispered, before she lightly bit down upon Marian's ear as her hands began to explore her body.

Marian could barely contain herself as the dream woman attacked and teased the entirety of her body, she was like butter in the hands of this woman, slowly melting and losing herself to the warm and intense pleasure that seemed to never end. Just when she thought it would, the woman would latch her lips onto Marian's body, sometimes the breast, or even the more sensitive areas, but usually it seemed to be anywhere her mouth was at the time.

For some reason this caused Marian to heat up, the desire for more pleasure coursing through her, practically causing her to beg the woman, a heated passion in her eyes as she slowly gave up the will to resist and entrusted the entirety of her being to the beautiful and mysterious woman.

Throughout the intense session I discovered that as long as my mouth was on her body, I was able to drink her 'milk' which at this point I realized was probably due to Essence Drain. I didn't know if what I was draining was going to cause harm to Marian, but once I discovered it I only drained it when I began to feel fatigued, as it seemed to reinvigorate me greatly. The downside was that draining Essence caused Marian's libido to spike, which meant the intense workout continued for well over half an hour.

We both lay covered in sweat and panting afterwards, though Marian was in far more disarray than I was. Her long hair was a mess, one arm lay across her body, while the other barely concealed a satisfied expression plastered across her face. As her breath calmed, and Marian realized what had just transpired, she gently sat up and directed her gaze towards me. I didn't know what her reaction would be, but I was prepared for whatever consequence came about because of my carelessness.

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