Marian's face was serious as she gazed into my eyes. "What did you do to me?" Her voice quivered slightly, and I immediately felt a rush of guilt and regret. Had I been treated as anything other than a genuine child, I doubt I would have felt much, if any remorse, but the doubt and hurt in Marian's voice let me believe she was being genuine.

My mind raced as I thought up excuses, anything that I could to divert her away from the truth. "I-" Before I could get a sentence out, the side room door opened as Reine walked in, fully dressed in her maid uniform. "Lady Marian, Ojou-Sama." She greeted with a bow. "It seems it was too warm last night, shall I draw the bath?"

Before I could respond Marian shook her head. "That won't be necessary, I'll draw the water myself, but I think Vell wet the bed, it would be better if you took her bedding to the laundry." It surprised how easily had switched to being the lady of the house, but I decided to play along, at least until Reine had left, it would be best if it was just the two of us. Besides, it was true that there was a somewhat large wet spot on the bedding, and it was technically my fault it existed so I didn't deny it and simply sheepishly averted my gaze.

As Reine dealt with the bedding and Marian guided me to the connected bathroom, I made sure to grab my Status Plate. I'd had a moment to think, and rather than some half-assed lie, I decided it would be best to come out with the whole truth. Plus it was clear to me that Marian felt somewhat isolated, despite this being her own home. Her kids were mature beyond their age, and their was a strange frost between her and her husband, so perhaps we could be each others allies, something that would be impossible unless she understood my circumstances.

Unlike Reine, Marian was able to effortlessly fill the tub with water, and from a distance at that. As the water began to flow out the faucet, she let go of my hand and turned towards me, her gaze once again serious and guarded. "For your sake and mine, I thought it best to have privacy, now explain yourself."

I released a desolate sigh as I sat on the lip of the tub. "It might sound like a far-fetched story, but everything I'm about to say is the truth." I also focused and activated my Status Plate, but rather than the false Status that it had displayed before, it now properly reflected my Status.

A function I discovered while messing around with it the carriage, I was able hide things from my Status, though I couldn't make something seem better than it actually was, or make it show Skills or Gifts I didn't already have. I also noted that both Seduction and Essence Drain had increased since yesterday, and I'd gained a new skill, likely due to my actions that ended up with me in this situation.

I tossed the Status Plate over to Marian. "One of my Gifts is Lives of the Past, I don't know the specifics, but I can tell you that I am not entirely Vellithra. While it's true I've been in this body and on this world for five years, I remember a life before this. On a world far unlike this one, where magic is just a myth, where no Status or other races exist. I was a man and I was betrayed by someone I would consider a brother, and he ended up killing me. I don't know if she was a God, or the embodiment of an idea, but I was forced to reincarnate here, with the task to slay seven Outsiders, by a being that called herself the Queen of Hell. I'm no longer the man I was in my past life, but I'm also not a pure being of this world."

I paused for just a moment as I saw Marian trying to wrap her head around the information I was telling her. "This morning was an honest mistake on my part, I didn't understand how my skills worked and even now I only really know how Essence Drain affects someone and that Inspect lets me read basic information on objects. I see two choices. One is that I can promise that if you don't mention anything about my Status that I can leave and I won't ever see you again. The other is we forget this happened, and keep the status quo, I'd honestly regret what I did, but I understand if that isn't enough." I found it was surprisingly easy to come forward with the secrets I'd been hiding up until now, though I felt I might have told Ashara had my Awakening not caused her death. 

As I waited for Marian to digest what I'd told her and figure out what she wanted to do, I cleaned myself off and began to relax in the now filled bath. I was going to take advantage of whatever I could if I was to end up leaving, and I certainly didn't want to start a journey already covered in sweat. While I held out hope that she would be able to come to terms with the truth and that we could move past this, I was still anxious that she wouldn't feel safe if I was around.

Even though she'd desired it in the moment, her lust and arousal had been the byproduct of a skill, if I judged it from the standards of Earth I was essentially a rapist, the lowest of scum. While I was morally bankrupt, I still had standards.

Author's Note: You probably disliked this chapter, it's okay, I don't blame you. It's a failure on my part. However, it is too late to fix currently. If I ever rewrite, Vell's childhood will go differently. It's important that Marian learn the truth, I just have to do it differently and in a more proper manner. Corrections, suggestions or criticism are welcome in the comments.

Also some bias, but I think the rest of the story is decent enough. I'm pretty sure I avoid any more foolish choices, but feel free to let me know otherwise.

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