A Sinner's Chance

Chapter 49 + New Girl(s) Poll

I finished adjusting and testing my armor before donning it for the first time. I could feel the needles jab into my skin but it was nothing more than a small irritation for a moment. In addition I grabbed the longsword I'd prepared as well, strapping on a back scabbard also made from silk and carapace that I sheathed it in. The sword itself was quite long and was meant to be wielded with two hands, though it was possible to use it single handedly if the need arose. It was a black single edged blade somewhere between a katana and falchion, as the outer material was carapace. The inside was a softer steel however, as I'd learned that an inflexible sword breaks rather easily, and while self repair was possible, restoration of a snapped blade would take far too long. For that purpose I had trained to be able to selectively grow my carapace, something that had not been an easy feat, though the Yin Revolution Skill had helped.

The only part of my carapace that I no longer manifested were the palms, just so that the needled hilt could pierce into my right palm. Besides making the blade automatically repair and sharpen itself, it also meant that I could also use my Flames of Yin on the blade without worrying about them self extinguishing.

There was also a belt that went with the outfit, but it didn't currently serve a purpose so I didn't bother putting it on. I threw on a silken cloak and left the workshop, making my way onto the main campus. Classes would be out soon and then I could find my target, number 5 on the second year combat ranking, Heinrich Joron, one of the students from a duke's household. I'd scoped him out for just under a month and I reckoned I had a pretty good chance of winning, the biggest issue was getting him to accept a challenge. I was hopeful that he would simply take it on the basis that I was also from a duke's household, but you never knew how someone would react until you actually dealt with them.

I heard the bell strike three times and the sudden sound of crowds as classes were released before the throng of students came into my view. It was quite easy to spot Heinrich through the crowds as not only was he loud and boisterous but his physique and stature were both large as well. He was around six feet tall, with messy brown hair and built like an ox.

Since I knew that I would be put into the spotlight once I'd taken his place I didn't plan on approaching it with caution. I decisively and purposefully maneuvered through the crowd until I ran into the mountain of a man. I was only maybe a head shorter, yet he seemed so much larger up close.

I was sure that he knew or perhaps sensed that I was looking for him as he stopped along with those around him and looked directly towards me, as a bubble formed in the river of people opening the space between us. There was a grin on his face as he politely bowed. "To what do I owe the pleasure of a visit from you, the Night Fairy?"

I nearly let out a sound of surprise and confusion at the way he called. Night Fairy was a title I'd acquired sometime during the third year, but it didn't give any benefits and Arya had also gotten the title of Sun Fairy, so I'd simply assumed that it had something to do with the Yin-Yang scripture and hadn't paid it any attention.

Now it was being used to refer to me by someone I'd never actually met, which meant he could either see it, or it had originated from the students rather than from the Yin-Yang Scripture. Not wanting to get off track I returned his bow with a proper curtsy. "I'd like to challenge you to a duel. Would you grant me the honor?"

A crowd had slowly been gathering around and there were murmurs running through the crowd at my declaration. Heinrich's expression shifted to one of interest as he took a step towards me. "And what would I gain out of such a duel? Winning won't win me much, and I'd hate to ruin your overconfidence."

I sighed internally at his confidence. "What fighting against a fellow duke's house isn't enough to rouse your spirit?"

His eyes glanced over my cloaked figure. "I've fought your sisters on many occasions, and I'm sure they'd be more than happy for more fights, at least I know they are worthy opponents. You've never even participated in a duel, so why suddenly change your mind?"

I knew that my lack of participation and low rank were going to be an issue, but I'd hoped Heinrich wouldn't be stubborn about it. Unfortunately he was and that left me with few choices on how to get him to fight me, so I chose the easiest and most likely to succeed method. I deliberately scratched my thigh in a way that swayed the cloak and revealed my mostly bare legs, while putting on a suggestive expression. "If you win, I'll take you on an after-dark date." I was essentially implying I'd have sex with him if he won, but I had already thought of plenty of excuses that could get me out of the actual act should I somehow lose.

The crowd's murmurs grew in strength as Heinrichs brow furrowed suspiciously. "How do I know you'll keep your end of the deal?"

I chuckled while licking my lips. "How can I get out of it when there are so many witnesses? Surely you don't think I'm a liar?"

He took a moment to consider the proposal and even whispered with his friends before he turned back to me and stretched out his hand. "It's a deal. When are we doing it?"

I gripped his hand back and smiled. "How about right now?"

Vote for as many or as little as you'd like.

How the current/future girls are planned to be distributed.

Non-Adventurer: Marian, Reine, an Arachne

Party: Arya, a Neko

Friends With Benefits: Elaine, Ellie

I have a few ideas on where each will appear, but do let me know your preferences for location, personality, or even different races. There are one or maybe two more girls not mentioned here that will fit into either Non-Adventurer or FWB, depending on where other things lead.

As it will be typically, your choice(s) are secondary to the Patreons, but I like the data and you might get something anyway, so vote away!

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