The large crowd of students was energized with excitement as me and Heinrich entered the Dreamscape and made the match an official one for rank and merit. I was ready long before Heinrich as I had no need to choose any sort of equipment, everything I needed was already on my person, though I did have to take some time to manifest my carapace. It was my first time having the full set equipped and manifested at the same time and I couldn't help but feel that rather heading into battle, it looked like I was instead going to a shady sex party. And while I felt somewhat embarrassed about how much of my abdomen and back were showing I couldn't help but think I pulled off the dominatrix look quite well.

The gate that kept me from entering the Arena slowly rose indicating that Heinrich had finally finished equipping himself and that we could start fighting soon. Not wanting to drag things out I made my way to the center of the sandy coliseum without delay. It was just the same as always with the exception that instead of orbs to record or remotely watch the fight a crowd of students filled the spectator seats, making the ambiance just like a crowded stadium before a sports match.

Heinrich soon made his way to the center as well, though I could barely tell it was him given that he was in a set of full plate armor that bore the crest of Joron on it. He also wielded a kite shield and a one handed mace, making him seem like a paladin of some religious order. I could feel his eyes rake over me as he stared at me with a lecherous gaze, a feeling I was not appreciative of. If he had been a cute girl it would've been fine, I'd probably actually lose on purpose were that the case, but unfortunately for Heinrich, he'd been born as a creature I wanted no sexual relation with.

That said I didn't let it show that I was uncomfortable with his gaze and just smiled as we shook hands once more before putting an adequate amount of space between us. I took a deep breath with my eyes closed as a countdown started, opening them with a cold focus just as it ended and a bell rang indicating the start of the match.

I was prepared to be serious, but I didn't plan on bringing my full strength to bear unless I needed to. Heinrich surprisingly seemed to be quite serious as he had already begun firing off spikes of hard stone towards me as he seemed to glide across the ground towards me as well, his shield raised to defend him. I had already seen him fight several times so I knew that he was more of an attacker despite the fact both his magic and martial Skills were geared towards a defensive fight. That said a defensive fight would have been just as good for me as I not only strengthened over time, but could drain life and mana from my opponent.

I didn't even bother drawing my blade as I shot a web a few feet before me at ankle height across the entire diameter of the arena. Heinrich noticed this and jumped over the web as he barreled right for me his mace swinging in an arc straight for my exposed abdomen. Rather than dodging I simply stepped forward into the blow while wrapping my left claw around his bicep as the mace slammed into my stomach. Heinrich seemed startled when I'd only bent slightly from the force before straightening and piercing through his armor with my claws and digging into his flesh holding him there.

Without hesitation and before he could properly react I shoved my right claw into his chest and used rather terrifying Vibro magic that oscillated a large area and caused mass cell death in living creatures. It had been my go to for dealing with heavily armored foes that my claws couldn't pierce into and so far I hadn't found much that could resist it. Heinrich was one of those few cases, though rather than resisting or canceling the effect, it was more like he was too stubborn to die.

I could see the blood he'd coughed up leaking through his helmet, but he was still struggling despite my arm still being impaled inside him. I was surprised at his resilience but it was nothing more than an annoyance as I adjusted my right claw and gripped his heart with it before raising a leg and kicking him in the stomach, causing him to slide off my arm which now held his heart that beat for a few more moments before ceasing as I crushed it.

I could see the terror in his eyes as I slowly tasted the blood on my claw with what was probably an extremely lustful expression plastered on my face. It wasn't my fault that Essence Drain made body fluid delicious, whether it was saliva, sweat or blood and that Sadism was making me aroused. The surrounding crowd was silent at the spectacle that had taken place before them and the now mangled corpse of Heinrich that lingered while the Dreamscape began to fade.

Rather than a jubilant congratulations, most of the students looked at me with a mixture of fear and respect as I made my way through them. The results would likely be all around the school come tomorrow, but I was planning on skipping and heading straight to the Skill Shop first thing in the morning now that I had the qualifications.

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