Following Marian's declaration she pulled me in, allowing our lips to touch and our tongues entwine as my hands began to explore her body and remove the final obstructions blocking access to her most sensitive parts. At the same time Marian's arms unwrapped from my neck as they began to search for the method to remove my clothes as well. 

Unlike Marian I still had all my clothes on and there were many layers to help fight off the bitter cold. I could feel her hands becoming frustrated as she struggled to remove any of the layers. Becoming impatient myself I unlocked our lips and sat up straddling Marian's hips, as I brought out a claw and cut off my own clothes, I'd be able to repair them when we were done, so I wasn't worried as I let them fall off me. 

AS I laid back on top of her squishing our bodies together and bringing my my mouth to her neck I couldn't help but wish I'd brought some toys, only to grin mischievously as I began to gyrate my hips rubbing our crotches together, before I moved to my mouth to her breast and clamped around it sucking, simultaneously activating Essence Sharing. I felt Marian tremble beneath me as the sudden influx of pleasure and arousal suddenly welled in her body. I had long become used to it so I barely flinched, it only managed to elicit a moan that slipped through my sound of me sucking her breast.

It didn't take much longer for me to feel her climax, and not wanting to go too harsh I relented my attacks as I sat back up, my breath quick and warm. Marian was breathing much heavier, her hands sprawled to the side while she regained some energy. Just as I felt her breathing calm and planned to resume she suddenly shifted, reversing our positions. It was only now that I could see that the Crest on her crotch had begun to glow like when I was touching it, only now I could actually see lines slowly being drawn into existence. Before I could get a good look or question what was happening, Marian laid her body against mine and began to rub herself over me while bringing her mouth close to my ear. "You shouldn't tease your mother, you'll need to be punished." Her voice was sultry and her breath hot as she spoke. I wanted to retort but she suddenly clamped my ear between her lips.

I didn't know how, but somehow Marian had gained the dominant position and was thoroughly teasing and attacking all my weakest points. It was like she could sense exactly what point on my body would elicit what reaction. It wasn't all one-sided as despite her advantage I had far more experience in regards to pleasing the female body and I brought my full attention to the woman before me.

Wanting this to be unforgettable I left Essence Sharing activated and would siphon my own vitality to Marian whenever she began to slow down so that we could continue our descent into pleasurable debauchery. It was a good thing that this room was soundproof as the longer we went the louder and more unrestrained we became. It wasn't until the light of dawn began shining through the sole window in the room that we both fell into a comfortable sleep our bodies still entangled in one another.

I wasn't sure what time it was but the sun was high in the sky as I stretched my body. That was the longest amount of time I'd ever had Essence Sharing active and I was still rather sensitive from the consecutive waves of pleasure that had been washing over my body from last night. It also didn't escape my notice that the Crest on Marian had now become a slightly more complex heart shape and was now colored in the same pinkish-purple that it had been when it was glowing. 

I gently pressed my hand against it not wanting to wake Marian and used Seshat's Library wanting to see if any changes had happened.

'Lesser Lust Crest: A basic Crest typically granted to lesser Lust Demons such as Succubi by higher ranked demons. The effects vary from blessings to curses depending on the will of the Crest Master. Crest Master: Vellithra Eldur.'

The Crest had clearly changed though I wished I knew what kind of effect it would have. I didn't think there would be any negative effects at least since it wasn't as if I wished harm upon Marian in any form. I let out a sigh as I laid back down, a multitude of thoughts swirling through my mind as I waited for Marian to awaken.

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