While Marian slept I worked on fixing the clothes I'd cut in the heat of passion last night, thankfully I'd learned from my past and always had a spare set of sewing tools on me, allowing me to weave or mend clothes as I needed. It still wasn't as efficient as having a loom or other large tools but it was good enough for most of the issues that cropped up with my clothing.

Marian still had yet to wake by the time I'd finished mending my clothing and with the sun getting higher in the sky I knew that I needed to be heading to the school soon. I waited a bit longer before leaving a note and making my way out, thankfully, unobstructed. By the time I'd made my way over to the room shared by me and Arya the sun had already passed its zenith and the interior was devoid of life.

I waited around for a bit longer before deciding that Arya had already done her own portion and left before I arrived. I sighed as I headed into the bedroom and made my way over to the bed. If one wasn't looking closely, they'd likely miss the faint magic circle that had been carved below the bed whose edges were peeking out.

Before I could lay on the ground to feed mana into the circle I noticed an envelope laying on the bed. Picking up and examining it revealed that it was addressed to me and upon opening it I saw a short sentence that had clearly been penned by Arya.

'The Clan has called me back for this break. No need to worry about our cultivation or filling the magic circle.

In your workshop you'll find a set of Yin related techniques that can be performed by yourself.

The letter's tone was cold and impersonal making it feel like I was a business associate rather than her fiancé, though I knew that was due to my actions, something that I had planned to remedy yet now found myself unable to. The note hadn't said when Arya would be back, but it sounded like she would only be gone for the break.

I released an exasperated sigh as I made my way to the workshop I'd set up, finding the scrolls for the techniques she mentioned. They didn't seem to be as efficient as the dual cultivation method we'd been doing, but it was better than not practicing at all. I carefully placed them in a sack and slung them over my back. It would be more convenient to have them at the manor since that was where I was going to be spending a majority of my time.

Rather than heading straight back I decided to walk around the Commercial District for a while, mostly to sort through my thoughts, though I also hoped to find some interesting items, though I doubted anything would show up since I had already walked around yesterday. 

I had been living my life with far too much leisure so far. That wasn't a bad thing, but it was detrimental to my goals, it was something I was going to have to change. The first thing would be fixing my relationship with Arya, the majority of my plan to become an Adventurer relied on me marrying out of Eldur household. The second was my training. I hadn't been slacking off, but unlike when I first started I wasn't putting in as much time and effort, with the exception of Artifice, but that was a utility Skill and while it influenced my combat strength I doubted it held the key to helping me fight the Outsiders.

I planned to focus mostly on my Aspect Skill, most of them had risen one or two levels, but I had yet to fully understand how to properly utilize Sekhmet's Wrath. In addition, I wanted to find out how to have Divinity Breaker release the seals on the still sealed Aspect Skills or even better actually break them in one go. Once school restarted I planned on challenging the fourth place, Desirae Vatni, despite my lack of solid info on her. In fact, I planned to fight up the ranks until I lost, which I honestly imagined would be by the hands of Taylor, or Gabriel. Dealing with Taylor's invisible spatial attacks seemed impossible, and yet somehow Gabriel had managed to do so, meaning she was likely going to be a much harder opponent.

Even if by some miracle I beat those two, I doubted I stood a chance against Hiroshi. He was supposedly able to fight one on one evenly with the third place of the sixth-years, students who were not only two years ahead of us, but had participated in actual life and death situations and come out alive.

Even still no mountain was insurmountable and I planned on getting to the peak in this world, it was probably the only chance I had at beating the Outsiders.

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