Despite the sudden departure of Arya, I was planning on spending my holiday in blissful joy. To that end I informed Marian and Reine of each other. Marian had already guessed that our relationship had long since passed the point of master and servant, and while Reine was surprised to find out that Marian and I were romantically entangled, she had always thought that we were closer than simply that of mother and daughter.

This also brought about the discussion of Arya, in addition to Ellie. While Arya and I had yet to really confirm or do anything together, I didn't plan to let her part from me unless she truly wanted it. Ellie on the other hand was a complete surprise to both of them, it wasn't like I had publicized my relationships after all. 

There was also talk about the large number of fellow students I had seduced, but to me at least, I had no plans in renewing that activity or pursuing any of them. Marian had teased me about my increasing harem of women, saying that it wasn't her fault if she ran off with one. While it was a lighthearted joke on her part, it was something I had already thought over. While I was selfish, I wasn't the kind of person who insisted that I be the only one allowed to have multiple partners, so if they found someone else and left me I'd understand, even if it would hurt.

Seeing my seriousness about the issue Marian smiled and laughed. "It's too late for me, you've already branded your love into my body." She said seductively tracing the area her Crest was. Reine was jealous to find out that Marian had been claimed by me in such an overt fashion but it wasn't like I had any idea how the Crest had formed or what conditions were needed for one to be made.

Most of the nights were spent with the three of us, though we only actually did anything with each other on two of the nights, one of them being the night I had invited Ellie over after explaining the relationships I already had. She claimed to be too old to care about things like romantic relationships and one that was purely physical was more up her alley. I had no qualms with the distance she wanted to keep emotionally, as I was technically a customer of hers. However she was more than happy to participate in larger groupings, though she did mention that she wished there was at least one man among us.

Both her and Marian agreed that while women were overall better, an actual penis, especially one that sized right and was handled well was better than sex toys or or other body parts. While Essence Sharing was even better than that, it would probably work with those with penises as well, which included Arya, though I didn't mention that, as it was a secret.

Another secret that was kept between me and Marian was my true Status and the fact that I had the memories of Velen. Not because I didn't trust the other two, but because I didn't want it to cause issues and it wasn't like I was positive they'd be around forever, and if there was one thing Velen's memories made very clear, it was that secrets should only be shared with those who you had unconditional trust in, or you planned on killing.

Besides the nighttime activities I also lazed around the house, played board games with my sisters or practiced my Skills as the seven days of holiday continued to pass. I awoke on the final day of the break much like I had on the first, surrounded by three naked sleeping women, though this time it was people I was familiar with. Marian to my right, Ellie to my left, and Reine partially atop me. The break had done great things for my mindset, and I was ready to push myself as much as possible until I made the plans I had a reality.

It took me some time to wake the sleeping girls and extract myself from them so that I could get ready to head back to school. I wasn't the only one among us that was going back to school today, Marian had confessed that the reason she had taken sick leave was because she had been unnaturally horny the past two months, about the same time I had begun my hedonistic lifestyle of avoidance. While we couldn't be sure if it was just a coincidence, we both lived on campus so it wouldn't be that difficult to meet for a quick tryst should either of us desire it.

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