A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 501 Insurance (10,000-word chapter please subscribe)

Can't move!

Can't think!

It’s as if everything around you has come to an incredible standstill!

Bernard finally understood why the guard at the door did not stop the intruder, but instead stood there like a sculpture.

It's not that they don't want to, but they really can't move at all.

In particular, the air in the surrounding environment seemed to suddenly become extremely heavy and dense, like water with gel added to it.

Obviously the brain has given orders to the legs and feet, but they are tightly bound by the huge invisible resistance.

The only good thing is that the breathing that sustains life is still normal, otherwise the person would suffocate to death within a few minutes.

Just when Bernard gradually lost his awareness of everything around him, a more powerful force fell from the sky in an instant. The invisible resistance that originally enveloped his body was dispelled, causing him to kneel on the ground with a plop, gasping for air. The expensive dress was soaked with sweat in less than ten seconds.


Intense fear that cannot be described in words!

For the first time, he intuitively realized what gods and demons meant to mortals.

Although Bernard did not know the identity of the Hell Princess, he also understood that the other party was not targeting anyone from beginning to end, and only released a little bit of insignificant energy and power to suppress the guards who might prevent her from entering the room.

"You go out to the banquet first. I have something more personal to say to this lady. Remember, you didn't see anything or hear anything just now."

Zuo Si issued a straightforward order to expel the merchants.

After all, no matter how despised Gracia is by the lords of other levels of hell, she is still a great devil in one form, and she is also the only descendant of Asmodeus.

You must know that many mortals who go to the sixth level to be charmed and controlled by it, or simply want to prolong their lives and have to have a relationship with them, will often have their life force drained out of them within a few seconds and become a human being. A desiccated corpse.

Therefore, even if she comes in the form of possession, it is enough to cause unimaginable mental and physical impact on mortals.

Not to mention that Bernard has no professional level at all, and his physical and soul strength is only slightly stronger than ordinary people at best.

If you are exposed to the gaze of the Hell Princess for a long time, you will either involuntarily become a devoted slave to her, or you will gradually transform into a half-man and half-demon in purgatory.

"Understood! Thank you for your protection."

Bernard didn't even dare to wipe the sweat from his face. After giving Zuo Si a grateful look, he turned around and rushed into the corridor outside without saying a word. The fat all over his body was trembling uncontrollably.

When the businessman was completely gone, the door was quickly closed again with a bang by the guard controlled by the charm.

Zuo Si very calmly poured a drink for this uninvited guest, then stared at the other person's charming and tempting eyes, and asked with interest: "Excuse me, the noble Queen of Desire, are you coming all the way?" Why did you come to the material plane from Baator Hell to find me? Could it be just for that piece of authorization letter?"

Gracia raised a finger, gently placed it in front of her small nose and shook it: "No, no, no, dear Soth, that is not just a piece of authorization.

Instead, my father placed a huge threat over my head out of thin air that could usurp power at any time.

Think about it, if it were you or any other lord, would you accept such a result?

The answer is obviously no.

To a devil, there is nothing more hateful and disgusting than a superior being suddenly parachuted into the air.

So I have every reason to talk to you about this privately.

What's more, this is just one of the many reasons why I come to you.

In addition, I am also particularly interested in the little actions you perform on the fourth level.

Especially the pleasure demon named Gramir. What is her relationship with Fierna?

Why did the originally calm situation suddenly become tense as soon as this guy arrived at the fourth level?

Even Bilaire, who has always been cunning and cunning, is starting to lose his temper because of this? "

"Ha ha ha ha!

I have to say that your simplicity and directness make me feel uncomfortable.

It would be great if all the great devils in hell could be like you.

That way I don't have to spend a lot of thought and make various gestures to give hints so that all the lords and their staff can clearly understand what I want to express. "

Zuo Si couldn't help laughing.

He finally understood why Asmodeus wanted to leave his daughter to teach him for a while.

Compared with the other hell lords who have been struggling in conspiracies for hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands of years, Gracia is really a bit silly and cute.

In particular, this lack of patience, which may be inherited from the nature of the demon, always likes to solve problems in simple and crude ways, which leads to the fact that almost all of Gracia's plans are not well kept confidential.

It's obviously a conspiracy that needs to be hidden the most, but it won't be long before everyone knows about it.

For example, her actions against several other level lords were actually known to them, and they even knew exactly who the spies placed in her palace were.

The reason why they all chose to remain silent and not take action was because the person they were afraid of was not the reckless rookie in this hellish political power circle, but the Asmodeus who was in charge of everything behind her.

But this kind of silence and tolerance cannot last forever.

If Gracia cannot learn to be a qualified player before the opponent breaks out, then she will be kicked out without mercy.

Either he will follow in his mother's footsteps and become a miserable political victim, or he may be severely punished and lose his position as lord.

Anyway, in hell, fools and weaklings are not worthy of climbing to high positions to gain power and status.

Their failures will only become negative examples in textbooks, serving as a reminder to other devils.

"What do you mean? Are you laughing at me?"

Gracia frowned subconsciously, and her face became obviously ugly.

This is undoubtedly her second immature flaw.

That is to express one's emotions, anger, sorrow and joy, and seriously lack the forbearance and insidiousness of hiding a knife in a smile.

This aspect was most vividly demonstrated when he was still the lover of the third-tier lord, Viscount Maman.

Whether it is openly resisting Asmodeus, the Lord of Hell, or criticizing the existing system and power system.

To be honest, if Gracia didn't have the status of Princess of Hell, she would have died countless times if she had been another devil.

Looking at the long history of Baator Hell, no one who disobeyed Asmodeus could survive the aftermath.

Basically, they were either quickly dealt with, or they appeared inexplicably on the list of dead in the bloody battle.

As the ultimate lawful evil plane, you want to stage a bottom-up coup in hell?

Stop it!

This type of behavior itself is a challenge to the existing order, and will also trigger rejection of the entire hell plane.

Therefore, it is extremely difficult for a low-level devil to usurp his boss's position.

If you want to succeed, without exception, you need the support or acquiescence of a higher-level devil.

This is like the feud between Bayer and Zariel, which seems to be two devil archdukes competing for the position of the first-level lord.

But in fact, Asmodeus, the big boss behind the scenes, is just selecting the most suitable leadership talents to take charge according to the needs of the situation.

Zuo Si was undoubtedly one of the very few people who truly understood the rules of hell's operation, and responded with a smile: "No, this is not a mockery, but a compliment.

Because there is a sincerity in you that other devils seriously lack.

This is a very precious and rare quality.

If you can, I hope you can keep it up well.

Compared to those lords who always like to twist and turn, I like you better as you are now.

As for the relationship between Gramir and Ms. Fierna, didn’t you find out from the latter’s mouth?

If I remember correctly, you and Ms. Fierna should be very close allies, right? "


Gracia's face became extremely gloomy. She raised her head and stared at Zuo Si's deep black eyes. She wanted to have a seizure several times, but she forced herself to endure it when the situation came to pass.

Because she knew that it was impossible to defeat the opponent in her current possessed state.

What's more, as the prince of hell, Zuo Si is never alone, but has several subordinate level lords whose strength is not inferior to the real lord.

Among them, the succubus queen Melkanshut and the former first-level lord Khorne Angel Zariel are not easy characters to deal with.

After being silent for several minutes, Gracia suppressed her overwhelming anger and said, "Do you have any misunderstandings about the alliance between lords?

In hell, the so-called allies are just using each other to maximize their own benefits.

If something involves core secrets, no matter how close the relationship is, not even a word will be revealed.

Unless I provide real support when a conflict breaks out between Fierna and Bilaire, she will not give an answer easily.

But if I did this, it would be equivalent to interfering in other levels of internal affairs at the risk of being severely punished, and would violate at least 300 laws. "

"But how do you explain that Ms. Philna is willing to tell me this secret?"

Zuo Si asked with a half-smile.

This sentence was like a sharp sword, instantly piercing Gracia's last fig leaf, causing her to growl in an angry voice: "That's enough! I came to the material world to talk to you, not to talk to you." Accept the humiliation!"

“Don’t get me wrong, this is not a humiliation.

I just want to let you understand the most basic truth, and it is also what Asmodeus wants to convey to you through my mouth.

In the political game, strength is the basis of everything.

When you are strong enough, you don't need to spend too much time and energy to find out the unknown secrets.

Because there will be countless people who will bring their secrets to your door in order to please you and use your power.

But if on the other hand, your own strength is not strong enough, even if you build an intelligence system that can cover the entire hell, how can you ensure that those spies and spies will not be bribed and used by the enemy?

In fact, ever since Asmodeus put you on the throne of the sixth-level lord, you have become a thorn in the side of other lords.

After all, the devil hates people who have no merit or resume sitting in high positions out of thin air.

This will make them uncontrollably produce a series of negative emotions such as envy, jealousy, and resentment in their hearts, and they will have the urge to pull you down.

But you did not choose to act in a low profile and accumulate strength in advance. Instead, you continued to expand your influence by violating unwritten political rules, provoking wildly and testing the bottom line of other lords.

So all these factors combined were the motivation behind Asmodeus signing the authorization document.

He is not trying to reduce your power, but is borrowing my hand to provide insurance.

Once other lords start to attack, I just need to be the first to take out this authorization and pretend to imprison you, then other people will lose the legitimate reason to take action.

Once the storm has passed, you can regain your previous identity and status and become the lord in charge of the sixth level again. "

Zuo Si directly told all the arrangements of the Lord of Hell.

Because if you want to handle this matter properly, you first need to establish a minimum trust relationship with this hell princess.

Otherwise, he would rather regard the authorization letter as useless paper than get involved in such trouble.

Gracia narrowed her eyes and studied these words carefully, trying to analyze which ones were true and which ones might be lies to herself.

After about ten minutes, she raised the cup and drank the drink inside, and cautiously probed: "How do I know if you will take this opportunity to usurp the dominance of the sixth floor after using that authorization to imprison me? , or even turn me into a puppet and plaything under your control?"

Zuo Si replied meaningfully: "It's very simple!

We can sign a legally binding contract.

Maybe you won’t believe it, but I actually don’t have much interest in continuing to expand my influence in hell.

So there is no need for you to regard me as an enemy.

Quite the opposite!

I think we could be good allies.

They even joined forces to intervene in the ongoing power struggle on the fourth level, supporting Ms. Fierna to defeat her father and become a veritable lord.

By then, the ninth, fourth and sixth levels will form a close alliance and become a powerful force that cannot be ignored in the complex political game of hell. "

There is no doubt that this proposal made Gracia excited.

After all, she started to cause trouble everywhere after taking office, and one of her main goals was to kill the lord of the fifth floor, the Ice Prince Levistus.

It was this guy who killed Asmodeus's wife and the previous Queen of Desire during the Great Purge.

As punishment, he is now imprisoned in a giant block of ice and can only maintain his rule through proxies.

But soon, the Princess of Hell realized that there was a huge flaw in this proposal, which was how to help Fierna defeat Archduke Bilaire. She suddenly raised her head and asked: "Could you have planned it from the beginning?" You want to use that power of attorney to control me, and then use me to intervene in the power struggle on the fourth level?"


Ever since I got that authorization letter, I have been waiting for your visit, and I have prepared more than one backup plan.

After all, in this cooperation, not only can you gain a close ally, but you can also escape punishment for violating laws and rules by exploiting loopholes afterwards.

The most important thing is that through this incident, all lords will realize that you are not alone, thus getting rid of the previous bad state of being surrounded by enemies.

As for the price of being subject to others, it is nothing at all, right?

At least I don't want to pull you down from your position as the lord of the sixth level. "

After that, Zuo Si took out the legal document granted to him by the Lord of Hell and waved it gently in front of the other party's eyes.

Seeing the clear terms above and her father's autograph, Gracia's expression suddenly became very gloomy.

But soon, she put on a charming smile, stretched out her right hand to stroke Zuo Si's cheek, ears and hair, kept twisting her body like a snake and whispered in his ear: "You are right, my dear. Soth. But I think our relationship should not just be allies, but can be closer."

As the last word blurted out, Gracia controlled the body of the half-elf tiefling and kicked off the boots on her feet, followed by her clothes, skirts, and shorts, which fell to the ground one by one.

After a while, she appeared naked.

But Zuo Si, who had been tested for a long time, reminded unmoved: "I suggest you don't continue, otherwise a certain goddess will be unhappy."

"Goddess? Who is it? Tell me and listen?"

Gracia obviously did not take the warning seriously, but took the initiative to press her whole body against it, biting open the buttons one by one with her bloody red lips and white teeth.

After all, gods are not a rare thing in hell, and there are many kingdoms of gods on almost every level.

Especially on the second level - Dis, there is a whole street where all the gods live.

There are literally as many gods as there are dogs.

And they are all very weak gods.

Therefore, the top devils generally have no fear of God, and only regard it as an intelligent creature and potential partner that is as powerful as themselves.

But just when Gracia leaned down and was about to bite her waist, a terrifying and powerful divine power spurted out from Zuo Si's body.

The next second...

She felt that her fallen consciousness was being squeezed out of the world by divine power. Her face was full of horror, and she asked loudly: "This... what on earth is going on?"

But before he could hear the answer, his consciousness returned to his body on the sixth floor of the throne.

The few bewitched mortals who were lying in front of the throne were not aware of the danger. When they saw the Queen of Desire reacting, they immediately rushed forward to lick each other's toes.

As a result, as soon as he got close, he was whipped to pieces with a whip that covered his head and face.

Not to mention a few mortals, even the scorpion demons and the attendants of the lust demon might not be able to dodge the violent attacks.

You don't need to ask to know that they all became victims of Gracia venting her inner dissatisfaction and anger.

Because the desire demon, unlike the succubus, has no patience at all.

Especially when using beauty to seduce a certain target, the succubus is usually very patient, wearing down the other person's vigilance and vigilance bit by bit, and eventually makes it madly obsessed with itself.

But the demon's approach is exactly the opposite.

As long as the charm fails once, they will most likely choose the Overlord to take advantage of them.

Therefore, it is often much more dangerous for mortals to resist the charm of the desire demon than to resist the succubus.

Of course, Zuo Si had obviously expected Gracia's tragic expulsion, and after the other party's breath completely disappeared, he couldn't help but smile and joke: "Look, what did I just say?

You have no idea how closely Tallona stares at me.

But it doesn’t matter.

Anyway, I have said everything that needs to be said.

The rest depends on your own choice..."

Before he finished speaking, the half-elf tiefling who had been controlled by Gracia finally regained consciousness from his hazy state.

She first looked around blankly, and when she found that she had taken off all her clothes and was naked in front of a strange man, she immediately squatted down and curled up in a ball in fear, and asked in an extremely nervous voice: "You...who are you? Yes?" What did I do? Where is this?"

"Calm down, miss. Use your brain to recall what happened before you lost consciousness, and then you will understand that I am not the reason why you are here."

Zuo Si bent down and picked up the clothes, skirts and boots on the ground and threw them away.

The half-elf tiefling didn't have time to think too much, and didn't care about the shyness of changing in front of strangers, so she dressed neatly again very quickly.

Through the mirror hanging in the room, she clearly saw that she was not wearing her usual casual clothes and leather armor, but a beautiful low-cut backless dress.

Not only are the feet wearing expensive stockings, but the boots are also obviously designed with fashionable hollows. They not only have high heels, but are also inlaid with pearls as embellishments.

By searching the chaotic memories, the girl quickly recalled that she was captured and sacrificed by the cultists, and she also understood that a powerful and evil consciousness controlled the body and walked into this completely unfamiliar place.

As for the clothes, it was obviously the other person who took them off.

Otherwise, if she was raped, the extremely fragile silk skirt and top would never remain intact.

Thinking of this, she shivered involuntarily, feeling as if she had had a long and terrifying nightmare. She grabbed her arms tightly and hugged herself. She raised her head and asked in a timid voice: "You drove me away." Did you save me from that terrible demon?"

"No, it was the goddess Talona who drove away the other party and saved you. By the way, to correct you, it was not the devil that occupied your body, but the devil."

Zuo Si made a cup of hot cocoa and handed it over, gesturing for the frightened little guy to drink it.


After realizing that the young man in front of him had no ill intentions, the half-elf tiefling took the cup with both hands and drank it in small sips.

With the intake of theobromine and caffeine, the nightmare-like feeling finally subsided, and the shivering body began to become warmer and warmer.

After drinking it all, she mustered up the courage to ask: "Do you know why those lunatics arrested me and what they did to me?"

"They arrested you because your purgatory bloodline is very convenient for demons to possess you, that's all." Zuo Si replied casually.

"Purgatory? Devil? So I am not a descendant of the devil, but a descendant of the devil?"

The half-elf tiefling's mouth showed an expression of disbelief and shock.

Because before that, both she and her adopters thought that the characteristics of the tail and horns were derived from the blood of the devil.

But it’s no wonder.

After all, whether they are demon hybrids or demon hybrids, the main reason why they are all called tieflings is that most mortals cannot tell the difference.

Zuo Si smiled and nodded: "Yes. And if I guess correctly, you are either the descendant of Gracia, the lord of the sixth level of Bato Hell, left in the mortal world, or someone from the ancestors signed a contract with her. Pass the contract. Otherwise, it would be difficult for ordinary purgatory bloodlines to withstand such huge will and power."

"Then...what are you going to do with me?"

The half-elf tiefling asked the question he was most concerned about with a nervous look on his face.

In her opinion, she was controlled to break into such a place without permission, and she was obviously here to cause trouble and cause trouble, for fear of being implicated and angered.

After all, girls have already had the experience of being used as a punching bag and taking the blame more than once.

As an excluded and oppressed group at the bottom of society, tieflings are regarded as criminals, disasters, and worthless trash in most cities.

After many towns capture tieflings, they will even throw them into prison until death without any trial or investigation, just like they do with dark elves, or simply kill them.

"You didn't make any mistakes, why should I deal with you? In fact, you can leave at any time now and do what you want to do."

Zuo Si shrugged his shoulders in a very magnanimous manner.

"Really? Then I'm leaving?"

The half-elf tiefling was overjoyed, lifted up her skirt and slowly began to retreat.

It can be seen that she has obviously received some training as a thief, and her pace and balance are very good.

There is no movement deformation at all due to the high-heeled boots on her feet.

Zuo Si didn't speak, just raised his hand as a gesture of invitation, watched the other party retreat to the entrance, pushed open the closed door, then turned around and disappeared around the corner of the corridor.

As soon as the half-elf tiefling ran away, Zuo Si gave an order to the demon elf assassin who was waiting in the corner of the room.

"Follow her and find out her life and family background."

"As you wish, Master."

Feide stepped out of the shadows and bowed with one hand on his chest, then turned into a gust of wind and disappeared.

After a period of training and training, she is now a feared killer in the underground world of Amn, and has also gathered a group of shadow thieves who no longer want to participate in the guild war.

It seems that they want to establish a new organization on a separate mountain.

At the beginning, Renoir Bloodhead wanted to use threats, intimidation and suppression to subdue Fede so that he could continue to work for the guild.

But soon Feide used blood and death to make the "boss" who was accustomed to giving orders from above understand that she was no longer the same person as before.

Within a week, eight senior executives were assassinated one after another, and their eyeballs were dug out extremely cruelly and placed next to the corpses, leaving only two bloody eye sockets.

Maybe others didn't understand what this meant, but Renault Bloodhead instantly understood that the other party was scolding him for being blind.

In order to prevent this terrifying demon elf assassin from joining the enemy's camp, he finally had no choice but to reconcile and acquiesce to the opponent's existence, and allowed him to continue to recruit troops and strengthen himself.

Nowadays, Feide has about forty people under his command. Without exception, they are all the elites of the original Shadow Thieves Guild, with the lowest thief level of LV7.

Obviously, the bloody guild war with no hope of victory for a long time has led to a strong feeling of war weariness within both sides.

After all, a guild war is not an upright confrontation between two armies, but an assassination, poisoning, sneak attack, and destruction of the other party's business and transportation lines.

Since there is no telling where the attack will come from, everyone must be on high alert.

This state may be okay for a few days, but it will definitely become unbearable over time.

The direct manifestation is that the middle and lower levels are very easy to rebel and be bribed.

When it is impossible to confirm who is the enemy and who is the ally around him, it is naturally a good choice to seek refuge with Feide who remains neutral.

Regarding the guild war in Askatra and even the entire Amn, Zuo Si always held the idea of ​​​​continuously bleeding both sides, and wanted to completely uproot the cancer in this group of society by letting them kill each other.

Moreover, he drew a clear red line. Anyone who dared to cross the line would be immediately hit by dimensionality reduction, so the situation was under control from beginning to end.

Gracia's appearance was like an episode and had no impact on the coronation ceremony.

Just two days later, under the gaze of countless envoys and representatives, Zuo Si put on the crown symbolizing supreme power and officially became the emperor of the Amn Empire.

On the same day, as the emperor of the Shah En Empire, Shah En VII publicly announced his abdication and passed the position to his designated successor, Ayesha.

Immediately afterwards, the supreme rulers of the two bordering empires announced the conclusion of a marriage contract.

The empires of Shaan and Amn officially merged to form the West Coast Empire.

Although many people have heard about this matter for a long time.

But when it really happened, it was like a bombshell, triggering a series of chain reactions.

Especially the huge size, even Serge, who was ruled by a red-robed wizard on the other side of the Falling Star Sea, felt nervous.

Fortunately, after the merger, Zuo Si had no intention of expanding outwards at all. Instead, he shifted his focus to internal reform and construction.

With a large number of infrastructure and water conservancy projects being launched, the entire country is like an accelerating train, bursting with unprecedented vitality and vitality.

Some of the tools previously developed in cooperation with the Church of the God of Craftsmen are now being put into large-scale use.

Among them is propeller technology that allows ships to not be restricted by wind. The power naturally relies on the magic network spread all over the planet.

Since it doesn't take much energy to make the propeller turn, just make a magic device.

All ships only need to spend less than 1,500 gold coins for modification to greatly increase their speed.

In this way, even if it competes with airships, it will not fall behind.

In addition, a very large carriage with constant levitation technology has also begun to be put into use, greatly improving the efficiency of transportation between villages and towns.

This kind of carriage is about more than twelve meters long and can transport dozens of tons of goods and hundreds of people at a time. It only needs two horses to pull it easily, and there is no need to worry about getting stuck in a mud pit due to rain and unable to climb out.

Because under the effect of levitation, no matter how much cargo is loaded inside, it weighs nothing, so it is very suitable for connecting villages and towns.

Airships and ships will be used for large-scale transportation between towns.

The only drawback is that each of these large carriages, which function like trucks, is expensive to build and cannot be afforded by ordinary farmers.

Therefore, it can only be centered on towns and cities, and the government is responsible for unified operation.

There is a saying that goes well, if you want to get rich, build roads first.

The public transportation system is as vital to a country as the blood vessels in the human body.

Under the coverage of this two-level system, which far exceeds the powerful transportation capacity of other places in the entire Faerûn continent, both agricultural and animal husbandry production and the flow of commodities are accelerating at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The most intuitive feeling of civilians is that it is easier to travel, various agricultural products can be sold easily, finding a job has become easier than before, and income and living standards have been significantly improved.

The most important thing is that as subjects of what may be the most powerful empire on the continent of Faerûn, they feel very safe and no longer have to worry about wars that may have broken out before, or the threats from monsters in the wilderness.

Because they believe that according to Zuo Si's consistent style of dealing with enemies, if anyone who is not afraid of death dares to cause trouble, then the emperor of the empire will lead his invincible army to drive them all away and kill them all.

Compared with the backward feudal system and parliamentary system, the benefits of centralization and unification are undoubtedly easy to feel.

Although at the beginning, many people were worried about whether Zuo Si could really handle such a huge land area, population and completely different customs and habits.

After all, no one has ever established and ruled such a large country in Faerûn.

But Zuo Si proved with actual actions that this was a piece of cake for him.

With a population of less than 20 million, it is a small country that cannot even make a splash among modern countries on earth.

There are neither land conflicts nor class conflicts internally, and all resources are abundant, and national consciousness has not even awakened.

Perhaps the only things to watch out for are religious conflicts and threats from wild monsters.

Is it difficult to rule a country like this?

After working for a while and confirming that the bureaucracy could operate on its own, Zuo Si quickly delegated power to the cabinet and accepted the invitation to go to Dragonspear Castle to participate in the inauguration ceremony of this underground city.

He was very much looking forward to what kind of gift the dark girl Eilistraee would give him as a thank you.

As night falls, a ray of bright moonlight shines along the dug patio towards the main entrance of the temple.

Kui Lu, who had already taken off all her clothes, raised the silver sword in her hand high and began to dance with a very elegant and beautiful movement.

Along with her, there were almost thirty more high-ranking priests.

Some of them looked very young, and it was unclear whether they were malnourished or underage.

After all, dark elves are originally much shorter than their surface compatriots.

Others are obviously over 600 years old, with many wrinkles on their faces and skin.

But no matter whether they are old or young, they are not wearing any clothes, and they are all holding silver swords, which is quite similar to a group dance in the square.

Lirael Baenre, a voter, is obviously one of them.

The rest of the believers who came to participate in the ceremony were basically not wearing any clothes or wearing very little clothes. At a glance, the entire sight area needed to be covered with mosaics.

You don't need to ask to know that this environment and atmosphere make Zuo Si feel embarrassed.

Because he was the only person present who was fully clothed, and he had no intention of taking it off at all.

Nothing else, he just couldn't react like other dark elf men at all when faced with so many attractive women.

To be honest, Zuo Si couldn't imagine what kind of torture, abuse and humiliation these poor guys had to endure before they could completely get rid of physical and instinctive desires and have no illusions about the opposite sex.

On the contrary, as the dance and ceremony continued, many men held hands and even hugged each other.

Just when he was about to count how many pairs of good friends there were among the dark elves present, the dark girl Eilistraee finally arrived.

Just like the last time we met, she still kept her naked body and began to dance under the gaze of countless believers. The shining silver light was like a curtain that kept changing with the rhythm.

As the band composed of hundreds of people worked hard to play the goddess's favorite music, they tried their best not to make any mistakes under the coordination of the conductor.

There is no doubt that for followers of the Dark Maiden, music and dance are the most sacred and untarnished parts of all religious rituals.

This process lasted for ten full minutes, and Eilistraee ended with a gorgeous curtain call.

But just because she stopped doesn't mean the celebration is over, it's just beginning.

When the believers saw the goddess stop, they immediately started dancing in pairs around the ray of moonlight shining at the entrance of the temple.

There are normal male-female combinations, but there are also many male-male or female-female combinations.

It is not difficult to see from the intimacy during the dance that they or they are basically lovers.

Such a high ratio made Zuo Si start to worry a little whether the population of this underground city would experience negative growth in the future.

While he was keeping quiet and trying not to attract the attention of the people around him, a playful smile suddenly appeared on Eilistraee's face, and she walked towards him with dancing steps, taking the initiative to extend her right hand and extending an invitation.

"How about you dance with me?"

"Um - let's forget it. You know, I don't feel comfortable in such an occasion."

Zuo Si decisively chose to refuse.

On the one hand, he is really not very good at and likes dancing, and on the other hand, dancing without clothes is really unacceptable to him.

"What about fencing?"

Eilistraee raised the exclusive artifact in her hand - the Moon Sword.

"I can help you out a little bit."

Zuo Si slowly pulled out the dog-killing sword he carried with him and performed a pleasing sword-holding ceremony according to the movements he learned from the cheap teacher Suo Lin.

Eilistraee's eyes shone slightly when she saw this: "I didn't expect that you also learned swordsmanship?"

"I was forced to learn it by others, and I seldom practice it on weekdays. I hope you won't laugh at me later." Zuo Si laughed at himself.

Then, he took the lead in launching an attack at lightning speed.

After all, the other party has the vocation of swordsmanship, and he knows that he will definitely not be able to defeat him.

clang! clang! clang!

As Zuo Si expected, his attack was easily parried, blocked and dodged by Eilistraee.

Although there was a hint of surprise and joy in the latter's eyes, the gap between the two sides was visible to the naked eye.

After a while, under the guidance of the dark girl, the fencing gradually evolved into an alternative and beautiful sword dance.

And Zuo Si obviously noticed something and started to learn at the opponent's pace.

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