A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 502 The Dark Elf’s Beacon of Hope (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

The Dance of Swords is one of the special sacrificial rituals of the Church of Dark Maiden Eilistraee, and it is also an alternative blessing.

Because in this ceremony, believers will smear a small amount of their own blood on the sword, and coupled with the goddess's slight divine blessing, it will not break or rust within the next three months.

Don't underestimate this.

Because it means that even ordinary iron swords and steel swords can remain basically intact in the collision with adamantine and advanced magic weapons, instead of suddenly breaking into two parts.

However, in addition to the ordinary sword dance ritual, there is also an unknown advanced sword dance within Eilistraee.

Only the most pious and kind-hearted heroes, who have helped countless fellow dark elves escape the mental control of evil Lolth in the process of practicing the teachings, will receive revelation on one of the most special days of the year.

They would then go out into the wild alone, stripping off all their clothes and gear and carrying only a sword to hunt the dangerous beast or monster specified in the revelation.

If everything goes well, the moment the hunt is successful, the incarnation of the goddess will descend from the sky and personally teach him the art of sword dancing.

The level of swordsmanship of all those who receive this blessing will improve by leaps and bounds, and their movements will become very graceful and highly ornamental. Even if they are clearly killing, it will make people feel like they are dancing, full of blood, killing and The dance of death.

As for the weapons, they will also be upgraded to a powerful moon sword, with at least a magic weapon with an enchantment level of +3, and some will even reach +4 or even +5.

The most important thing is that when the holder of this weapon starts fighting, his whole body will be shrouded in an invisible curtain of moonlight.

Not only will the strength, physique and agility attributes be greatly improved, but it will also come with additional acceleration effects and immunity to bad mental magic attacks. There is a high probability that the enemy's physical attacks will fail due to interference in the line of sight.

Obviously, what Zuo Si is receiving now is this upgraded version of blessing.

At this moment, his whole body and Eilistraee were wrapped in the curtain of moonlight. A large amount of knowledge about swordsmanship and combat skills flooded into his brain, forming muscle memory at an incredible speed.

At the same time, the artifact in his hand, the Dog Killing Sword, also bloomed with a silvery white light as bright as the moonlight in the constant sword dance.

If you look closely, you will find that all these faint lights come from the sudden exquisite patterns on the sword body and blade.

There is no doubt that these patterns are a manifestation of the dark girl's magical power and vocation.

Zuo Si thinks it should be a fusion of the four priesthoods of swordsmanship, dance, moonlight and beauty.

The most surprising thing is that these divine powers do not conflict with the power of the first-generation magic goddess, but are integrated in perfect harmony.

No wonder there are rumors that there is some unknown special relationship between the goddess of magic, the goddess of the moon and the dark girl.

Among them, Selun and Eilistraee have the complete Moon Priesthood, and the other has the Moonlight Priesthood.

The goddess of magic was born from the first battle between Selun and Shar.

After the relatively neutral first-generation Magic Goddess fell, the second-generation Magic Goddess turned to Selun and Shar as enemies. She also had a very close relationship with Eilistraee, and even created a common elect - Aoi. dew.

From this point alone, it can be seen that the three goddesses obviously have many similarities in terms of divine power and priestly tendencies.

When the sword dance between the two ended, the dog-killing sword had become a little unrecognizable to its owner Zuo Si.

The original plain gauntlets were replaced by carvings of two naked dark elf girls holding the moon.

The hilt of the sword held in the hand is the lower body, and the place where the tiger's mouth is pressing is the upper body...

Although I have long known that Eilistraee has always liked to pursue unrestrained freedom, and especially likes to stay naked, even the statues in the temple are no exception.

But Zuo Si always felt weird when holding this sword. No matter how he looked at himself, he looked a bit like those perverts in movies who specifically target women.

However, Eilistraee obviously didn't think so. On the contrary, she was very satisfied with her work, and asked with a look of regret: "Why don't you take off your clothes like my followers?

If you can get rid of all restraints and complete this sword dance naked, it will be a very beautiful, pleasurable and enjoyable thing.

By the way, your swordsmanship is pretty good, much better than most mortals I've met.

It seems that you have a good swordsmanship teacher, but his swordsmanship seems to be a bit too focused on efficient killing, so it is slightly lacking in aesthetics. "

Zuo Si shrugged his shoulders and responded with a smile: "Sorry, with the education and habits I have received, I am afraid that I will never be able to adapt to standing naked in front of a group of people in this life.

As for my teacher, he is a vampire planeswalker who has lived for thousands of years, so it is not surprising that swordsmanship tends to pursue efficient killing.

Moreover, my swordsmanship was not entirely taught by him. I also absorbed many martial arts schools native to Faerûn, which were mainly practical.

Luxurious things like beauty are never taken into consideration. "

There is no doubt that if Zuo Si stripped naked like other followers of the Dark Maiden, he would definitely be the most conspicuous among the crowd.

After all, the skin of dark elves is mostly dark black or dark blue, and they almost blend in with the surrounding environment when they stay in dark places.

For people without dark vision, basically nothing can be seen clearly, and the inherent invisibility ability is better than that of African black uncles.

But what about Zuo Si?

Due to not being exposed to the sun for a long time, those with fair skin are a bit unhealthy.

Coupled with his outstanding height, it is estimated that he can attract 90% of the attention in an instant.

He had never done a job like a mannequin before, so he couldn't stand being naked and surrounded by so many people. Just thinking about it made him feel extremely ashamed.

Eilistraee noticed Zuo Si's slightly embarrassed and helpless reaction, and couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth with a teasing smile: "Well, it seems that you are the type who is shy easily.

Thank you for helping to build this underground city as a base for the good dark elves to return to the surface world.

And you give them a head start, even being able to move freely between the many towns on the surface without any restrictions.

Perhaps decades or even centuries later, the hatred that once lasted for thousands of years will slowly be forgotten, and everything will eventually return to its original harmonious and beautiful state. "

"Yes, time is the medicine that heals everything.

Although the image of dark elves in the surface world has always been the same as demons, demons and other lower plane creatures.

But I believe that with enough exposure, many original prejudices and stereotypes will always be resolved.

The only thing that requires special attention is that the traditional dark elves will frequently launch attacks on villages and towns on the surface world under the command of the evil Spider Queen they serve.

Use this to undermine this return process and discredit you and your followers. "

Zuo Si slowly put away the enhanced artifact and reminded him seriously.

He felt that it would be more appropriate for this dog-killing sword to be renamed the Demon Moon Blade.

In particular, the shining moonlight has a strong demon-breaking effect, and can cause additional magic damage to lycanthropes, alien creatures and evil camp creatures.

Hearing these words, Eilistraee's expression suddenly became serious and she nodded seriously: "You are right, this is indeed a place that requires attention and precautions.

My mother would not allow so many drows to escape her control, tearing apart her most powerful drow racial priesthood.

In addition, I suspect that the dark elf city located in the Underdark has begun to prepare for launching an unprecedented great expedition here.

So the safety of this underground city depends on you.

If there is a large-scale invasion, no one can help them except you. "

"Don't worry. I will build a large mage tower and permanent portal in this city later.

If invaded, the entire West Coast Empire would be their strongest backing.

Tens of thousands of troops and mages will be mobilized in a very short time, relying on terrain advantages to consume the enemy's numbers.

When the time is right, they will launch a counterattack and directly destroy several nearest dark elf cities.

As a result, they will no longer be able to launch an invasion in a short period of time. "

Zuo Si raised his head slightly and tried to avoid looking where he shouldn't, giving the goddess a reassurance.

You must know that the height of the dark girl's incarnation is 2.7 meters. If you look straight at it, it will be just at the place covered by only two strands of hair, which is really embarrassing.

But Eilistraee didn't care at all. She stretched out her waist lazily like a cat, showing off her graceful body and curves, and then responded with a smile: "Listen I feel relieved when you say that.

As long as this city remains close to the surface, those dark elves who wish to escape my mother's control will always have a beacon of hope to guide them in the darkness.

No matter what pain and torture they have endured, or how great the danger they are facing, they still have the opportunity to rush to the surface world and bathe in the moonlight again.

And there is almost unlimited food and water here, which is far better than the harsh living environment in the Underdark. "

After saying that, the goddess turned her attention to the believers not far away who were tired from dancing and were sitting around the long table eating, drinking various flavored alcoholic drinks, talking and laughing, and her quiet and beautiful faces appeared on their faces. Showing relief.

There is no doubt that the Underdark is an extremely cruel place. Even the dark elves, who are overlords, have never received sufficient food. In the most difficult times, even slaves will be killed as a source of food.

Babies born with defects or disabilities, even if they were born into noble families, would be sacrificed to the Spider Goddess without mercy, just to save unnecessary food waste.

Being able to eat a meal of giant crabs, a specialty of the Underdark, is as rare as a holiday for the Ninth Family like Do'Urden, who is only one step away from entering the Parliament.

This shows the extent of food shortage.

But now, when I see the tempting aroma of strawberry pies, cakes and biscuits baked with dairy products, cane sugar, eggs and flour, and large pots of spices, potatoes, corn and pork, These dark elves, who have experienced horrific pursuits and countless sufferings, felt for the first time that life could be so beautiful.

In particular, the expectations for the future burst out from their eyes, something they would never even dare to think about in the repressive society of traditional dark elves.

As a goddess inclined toward kindness, Eilistraee is undoubtedly very happy to see her followers live and work in peace and happiness.

However, unlike the dark girls, Zuo Si keenly discovered that the ratio of gays and lesbians among this group of dark elves was actually a bit high, and couldn't help but remind him in a low voice: "Are you planning to use religion to guide the issue of sexual orientation?

You must know that the fertility rate of dark elves is not high compared to humans.

If they don't take the initiative to have more children, I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to catch up with your mother in the number of believers. "

Eilistraee smiled and shook her head: "No, there is no need, just keep it as it is now.

As long as they do not affect other people, I will give my blessing to both same-sex and opposite-sex love.

What's more, even if half of the population chooses the same sex, wouldn't the other half choose the opposite sex?

I think they should be able to take on the responsibility of reproducing future generations and make this city more prosperous and prosperous. "

"Okay, as long as you're happy."

Seeing that the dark girl didn't care, what else could Zuo Si say, he could only shrug his shoulders and pretend to be indifferent.

And as the relatively sacred religious ceremony ends, the celebration begins to enter the carnival stage.

Many male and female groups would hold hands and hide in unknown secret alleys or rooms, and begin to hug each other passionately, kissing, hugging, and touching each other. All kinds of strange sounds soon came from all directions.

If nothing else, there should be many babies born in a few months to a year.

In order not to disturb the interests of the believers, Eilistraee left quietly after giving her blessing, without any pretense of being a god.

Just when Zuo Si was about to turn around and leave, a dark elf girl blocked his way.

This girl is none other than Lirael, the little princess of the Baenre family who escaped from Menzoberranzan.

Because she is from the immortal race, she looks no different from when they first met.

The only difference is that today I'm not wearing any clothes.

"Are you leaving?" Lirael asked, raising her eyebrows.

Zuo Si nodded slightly: "Well, yes.

Now that the inauguration ceremony is over and what is left is carnival time for the residents of this city, there is no need for me, an outsider, to continue to participate.

Otherwise, it would be too rude if you accidentally disturb other people's good things. "

"What if someone invites you along?"

Lirael assumed a pose that she thought was full of temptation, and kept hinting with her eyes.

There is no doubt that the things that are constantly happening in the city have made her start to have some uncontrollable sexual feelings, so that she has physical reactions and desires.

And in the whole city, the only person the girl was familiar with and had some affection for was Zuo Si in front of her.

Since the Dark Elves have long been a matriarchal society, women usually take the initiative in this regard.

They generally do not suppress their passions, and will ask any lowly man they like to provide services to them whenever necessary.

"Haha, let's forget it.

Because you are simply not ready for this, and neither am I.

In addition, as a mage, you should learn to restrain desires, stay rational and calm.

You should not let your instinct take over, but fight it. "

Zuo Si declined the other party's invitation tactfully.

Because Gracia's expulsion made him understand a truth.

That is, before Talona is dealt with, any too close contact will make the goddess jealous and jealous, thus messing up the whole thing.

"Well—maybe you're right."

Lirael was obviously a little frustrated after being rejected, but the hormonal aura that was exuding all over her body before was obviously much lighter, and she quickly turned around and disappeared at the end of the dark street.

Not long after she left, Xia En VII, who had been waiting for a long time, appeared out of thin air and asked in a slightly playful tone: "I didn't disturb your good deeds, did I?"

Zuo Si sneered and shook his head: "No. You should know that in Faerun at this stage, all such good things are unlikely to have any results in the end."

"Because of Talona?"

Xia En VII obviously knew something inside, and his eyes immediately revealed the burning fire of gossip.

After all, for most gods, electors are usually only relatively high-level believers, and even if they are favored, they cannot replace the huge church institutions in the mortal world.

Many senior church leaders actually have the same status as the electorate, and may even become hostile to each other because of their different understandings of doctrine.

But Talona's church is very strange.

It has obviously split into two completely different sects, but both sides are extremely respectful towards Zuo Si, the only electorate, and so far there has not been a single internal fight.

Every once in a while, he will take the initiative to send the materials, gems, books, scrolls and magic items he has collected.

Although Zuo Si had always disliked seeing each other, the leaders of the two sects were as persistent as those spare tires and licking dogs, trying their best to please.

This attitude is basically the same as serving the incarnation and saint of your own god.

Therefore, Xia En VII has always believed that Talona's treatment of Zuo Si is not the normal attitude between gods and voters at all, but a combination of many complex emotions, and perhaps unknown taboos.

Zuo Si rolled his eyes angrily: "Who else would it be? Forget it, now is not the time to talk about this, let's get down to business first."

"You're right! We should do business first! How about activating the spark to go to that world now?"

Upon hearing the word "business", Xia En VII suddenly became full of excitement and expectation.

After all, he has only been to one time and space so far, and he is eager to see more different worlds.

The most important thing is that after being relieved of the heavy responsibility of ruling the Sharn Empire, this legendary demilich can be said to be light-hearted and devotes all his energy and time to learning all kinds of knowledge and studying the Planeswalker Spark. In strength.

In a short period of time, he raised his spark level to LV10.

He also went to other planes full of negative energy to capture a winter ghost with a very high warrior professional level, as well as a powerful mummy spellcaster with complete consciousness, and with the help of Zuo Si, he carried out a series of enhancements, and finally Transform into a follower.

As for other summoned creatures of various levels, they are too numerous to count.

As long as there is sufficient mana in the mana pool, a huge army capable of destroying a country can be summoned in minutes, of which undead creatures account for more than two-thirds.

The rest are basically Faerun's native magical creatures and some alien creatures.

Compared to Zuo Si, who rarely took the initiative to do evil things to the good camp, Xia En VII obviously didn't have this scruple, and just captured a bunch of various angels and metal dragons.

His drive to collect all the illustrated books no matter what was not lost to Zuo Si, who originally aspired to become the strongest Pokémon master in Faerûn.

If the planeswalker's card were not tightly bound to his own spark, it would be impossible to obtain and use the card inside unless he directly captured the spark. The two of them would probably be able to get together and exchange benefits.

"Here, here are the coordinates. Let's see how those players performed in the final battle."

Zuo Si casually gave the coordinates of the Song of Ice and Fire to Xia En VII, and then the two of them activated the sparks and disappeared.

Just a second later, they appeared out of thin air in a snowy and extremely cold land.

However, unlike many imaginary White Walkers and undead armies besieging the Great Wall or a city in the north, the situation here is that hundreds of thousands of players are chasing the White Walkers and their undead servants like mad dogs. .

With the help of a little magic and industrial technology, vehicles that look like large sleds are moving at a leisurely speed like an open net, constantly compressing the space for these magical creatures to move.

Once a large enemy force is discovered, a signal will be sent immediately, calling nearby players to gather around and initiate a righteous group fight.

But if they are a small force, they will rush forward like sharks that smell blood, and use the various weapons in their hands to drive out the enemy.

These weapons may include projectiles made of muskets and dragon crystal, a simple flamethrower and incendiary bottles made by players, grenades also stuffed with a large number of dragon crystal fragments, and arrows with dragon crystal arrowheads installed on the front of the steam sled. of large hand-cranked Gatlings and more.

Finally, there are the various magic weapons, equipment, scrolls and potions purchased from the floating city, as well as the arcane and divine spells that one has mastered.

There are also some crazy bastards who simply add a meat grinding device or a sharp blade like a chainsaw to the steam sleigh, and then rush towards the enemy army at full speed.

Occasionally, players riding on five- to six-meter-long baby dragons can be seen whizzing past in the sky, swooping down and spitting out hot flames and lightning breaths.

These guys were the fifth batch of lucky ones selected later. When creating characters, they chose the special bloodline of "Dragon Controller" that was added later.

From the handsome and beautiful appearance of the Targaryen family, as well as the iconic platinum hair and violet and indigo irises, it is not difficult to tell that their bodies are essentially those of "Dragon Mother" Daenerys Gene cloning products.

Although at the beginning, the excessive intensity of this profession caused dissatisfaction and even protests from many veteran players.

After all, just being able to fly around on a dragon is a huge advantage.

But soon, as the dragons of the "Dragon Controller" grew bigger and bigger and the feeding expenses increased exponentially, all the dissatisfaction and protests disappeared and were replaced by schadenfreude.

Because almost all the income of a "dragon master" must be used to buy fish and meat to ensure that his dragon can grow up smoothly and not become hungry and have a bad temper that is difficult to control.

Once the body size expands to a certain level, ordinary players will not be able to support such a behemoth at the rate at which they make money.

Therefore, the "Dragon Controller" who was once so famous before soon had to sign a prostitution agreement with various players' guilds, and turned from a free man into a thug supported by the guild.

Their role in this war is to conduct high-altitude reconnaissance and provide cover for ground troops when necessary. Occasionally, they are also responsible for throwing four large incendiary bombs into the areas where the White Walkers and corpses are most densely populated.

Since both the White Walkers and the undead army have very obvious weaknesses, this group of magical creatures has no chance to pose a huge threat to the living creatures on the entire continent like in the original plot, and has completely become a monster for players to gain experience.

Many of the more unlucky White Walkers were controlled and captured by spells during battles, and then brought back and sold to the floating city at a high price for research.

At this moment, within the sight of Zuo Si and Xia En VII, there were two to three thousand players besieging an army of tens of thousands of undead and a dozen White Walkers who were responsible for commanding them.

Although the players were completely at a disadvantage in terms of numbers, instead of retreating, they rushed forward, as if they were afraid that they would be snatched away by others if they were slow.

"Hahahaha! Go ahead! Use your hands quickly and your hands slowly!"

"Gan! Those bastards have already started throwing incendiary bombs to grab monsters!"

"Don't worry! Leave it to me! We have the steam catapult for nothing!"

"Machine gunner! Fire the hell! Have you run out of Gatling bullets?"

"Wizards and warlocks prepare! Use fireball to blast a bloody path for me! We must not let those White Walkers escape! Each of them is worth tens of thousands of floating city gold coins!"

"Don't worry, no one can escape. Our people have already gone around to intercept them."

Suddenly, the roar of the steam sled working, the roar of players transmitting information and issuing orders, and the loud noises of guns and gunpowder explosions were intertwined to form a spectacular scene on the snowy battlefield.

The steam sleds running at full speed were like tanks, rushing through the undead army as if they were entering an uninhabited land.

Although the White Walkers tried to control the huge giants and mammoth corpses to overturn these machines that emitted amazing heat, they were overwhelmed by bullets and magic before they even got close.

Ordinary undead with no cold weapons or even weapons can't even knock the metal shell of the steam sled, at most they can make a few dents on it.

Obviously, these creatures, which were created by magic thousands of years ago, were completely crushed by the player group in terms of both technology and magic.

They are proud of their ability to resurrect corpses indefinitely, and are basically like living targets in the face of highly lethal weapons such as incendiary bombs, bombs, and muskets.

Even the cold body that could withstand the slashing of metal swords in close combat could not exert even the slightest advantage at this moment.

Because the players didn't know how to talk to the monsters about "martial arts", they just rushed up and tied ropes around their necks, and then used the powerful power of the steam sled to drag them. They waited until they found a place where no one was around and then swarmed up to load them. Seal it in a jar.

Seeing this almost one-sided battle, Xia En VII couldn't help but rub his chin and commented: "Because they think everything is just a game, the players have no fear, let alone death, only the endless desire for power and wealth. Craving.

I have to say that you have created a group of monsters that are more terrifying than the adventurers.

The most important thing is that they have unbridled imagination and creativity, and are not as easily constrained by common sense in life as people in the real world.

Although it is far from powerful now, it is enough to make people feel frightened.

I'm curious, what inspired you to create them? "

"Inspiration? No, this is not inspiration. I was once one of them, so I know this group very well." Zuo Si replied meaningfully.

"So that's it! How many players are you controlling now?" Xia En VII asked with great interest.

Witnessing the ferocious fighting power and huge potential of these players in front of him, he also began to consider whether to capture the mind flayer mastermind, and then also cultivate a group of players of his own.

After all, this thing is really easy to use. As long as you give it a little guidance and some benefits, it will immediately burst out with 300% enthusiasm and motivation.

And they will never be repulsed or even disgusted with their work like people in real life. On the contrary, they enjoy it.

“Almost hundreds of thousands.

I will transfer them all to you later, and you will be responsible for arranging tasks for them and launching an all-round invasion of another world.

As for whether you want to overthrow one or several countries and establish a new regime to engage in a war of conquest, or directly knock on the door and give the protagonist a little surprise, it's up to you.

My only request is to try to ensure that no large-scale destruction is caused to civilians, especially human civilians.

Because manpower is a precious resource and the cornerstone of civilization.

In the time and space where the floating city belongs, I need a large population to restart the entire civilization. "

Zuo Si made the request very simply and directly.

He had never quite understood what was going on in the minds of those guys who took the initiative or allowed the army to massacre civilians when they had nothing to do.

Is it simply to create fear?

Or are you worried about not having the ability to rule such a huge population, so you are afraid of being liquidated one day?

You must know that a large amount of resistance from civilians is usually because these civilians can no longer survive and the entire ruling system is about to face a complete collapse, rather than the racial hatred, national consciousness and other reasons imagined by many people.

Although the latter will have a catalytic effect in large-scale uprisings, it is not the main contradiction at all.

Especially after Old Bones declared war on the kingdom, he directly carried out an inhumane massacre of the entire country, even the livestock and animals. It was completely unlike an act that a normal and rational earthling could do.

Because of this, Zuo Sicai suspected that these so-called time traveler players were created by the Dragon Emperor's unique origin magic.

Put aside morality and three views.

After all, this kind of massacre will not bring any benefits at all, but will have a lot of negative effects.

It is simply evil for the sake of evil, cruelty for the sake of cruelty, which is completely opposite to the image established before.

This is completely different from the fact that Sazastan, the chief of the red-robed necromancer department, turned a large number of Ser citizens into undead to achieve a certain purpose.

"Don't worry, I am also the emperor of the Xia En Empire, a fairly qualified supreme ruler. Even if I want to massacre, I will not massacre civilians, but cleanse vested interest groups such as nobles and wealthy businessmen."

Xia En VII sounded slightly dissatisfied.

Because he felt that there was no need to emphasize this kind of thing.

Mass murder of civilians?

Picture what?

If you want a corpse, why not just go to the cemetery and dig it up?

If it is not enough, you can also order a high death tax. If you cannot pay it, you will not be allowed to bury it, and the body of the deceased will be forcibly collected.

This results in tens or even hundreds of thousands of bodies being harvested every year from various accidental and natural deaths.

This is a long stream of water, which is countless times better than killing all the civilians in one breath.

Just when Zuo Si was about to say something, the diary that had been staying in this world suddenly fell from the sky and said hello with a playful smile.

"Hey! Dear master, you, the hands-off shopkeeper, finally remembered to come here and take a look.

How about it? I've done a pretty good job during this time, right?

Look at these wolf-like players and those interesting magical steam devices, all of which are the result of me alone.

Once all the ghosts and undead are exterminated, the world will completely become a safe rear area.

Now, can we talk about the rewards you promised? "

"he is……"

Looking at the face in the diary that was exactly the same as Zuo Si's, and with an almost completely opposite personality, Xia En VII was obviously shocked.

As a demi-lich, he could clearly feel the amazing magical power emanating from the diary's body.

I have no idea whether this is a doppelgänger or a clone created by the other party through magic, or whether he is so crazy that he forcibly split his soul, will and personality.

"Are you Xia En VII?

I am a diary awakened by the owner and given an independent will and personality, carrying his memories and part of his personality.

Later, it was merged with the broken magic crystal, a red dragon and another floating city.

Nice to meet you!

By the way, I prefer beautiful women, regardless of race.

If I can bring a few over in the future, I can exchange them for this energy crystal. "

As he spoke, the diary took out a crystal prism that shone with a strange light from his pocket.

It has to be said that his familiar posture and shameless language expression immediately made Xia En VII stunned. He was stunned and didn't know how to respond.

In the end, Zuo Si couldn't help but raised his hand and gave the diary a blow. He held his forehead and reprimanded: "Shut up! Be honest! Don't embarrass me by spinning around here! Especially don't talk about your little hobby." come out!"

"OK! I shut up! But isn't it time you fulfilled your promise? I'm still waiting for it to realize my future sexual happiness."

The diary was not ashamed but proud to hand his right hand to his creator.

These days, he was going crazy thinking about sex, and even dreamed that he could regain his manly glory.

"Here, take it, get out of here."

Zuo Si threw a small portion of the No. 0 Sparkling Oil that he had prepared in advance, and then waved his hands like he was shooing away flies.

"Ah ha ha ha! I love you so much! Master! I knew you would keep your promise!"

Diary instantly fell into ecstasy, and even held Zuo Si's cheek and kissed him hard, but was soon kicked out.

"Get away from me!"

Zuo Si wiped the area on his face that had just been kissed with a look of disgust.

"As you wish! I'm leaving now!"

After getting what he wanted, the diary didn't get angry. Instead, he really curled up into a ball and rolled like a ball and disappeared into the sky.

I have to say that his performance really shocked the demilich.

Xia En VII prides himself on being well-informed, but this is the first time in his life that he has encountered a guy like Diary who has great power but has no self-esteem as a strong man. Instead, he acts like a rogue.

In addition, the other party claimed to carry Zuo Si's memory and part of his personality, which made him even more unbelievable.

After several minutes, Xia En VII came back to his senses and asked in an uncertain tone: "The one just now... is really yours..."

"Ah! Yes, I regret creating him now and giving him the ability to act alone."

Zuo Si sighed helplessly.

Precisely because of the negative example of the diary, he paid special attention to restraining his desires, for fear that if he let himself go, he would one day become like the other person.

"Creating intelligent life through magic is really full of infinite possibilities."

The corner of Xia En VII's mouth twitched and he made a very high emotional intelligence comment.

As for the subtext, it's naturally how you create such a weird thing.

He simply couldn't imagine what a huge blow it would have to Zuo Si's positive image that he had finally built up if the diary appeared in Faerûn and became active frequently.

It is simply a living "black history".

Just when the two people quickly started to change the topic and discuss how to transport the players quietly, how many to transport at one time, and how many batches to transport, the diary had been quietly transmitted back to Mutahar Floating City. Open the seal and pour in the No. 0 Sparkling Oil, and then wait expectantly for the change to happen.

Only a second later, a bone-chilling pain began to hit his soul.

Before he could react, the originally unusable tool was torn from the middle with a bang, quickly expanded into several thick and strong tentacles, and was quickly covered with sharp alloys on the surface.


Seeing that his happiness was completely ruined, the diary let out a desperate cry.

Since he is the core of Mutahar Floating City, the entire floating city has become extremely unstable.

After a while, the shimmering oil that had invaded his body began to multiply, eventually engulfing him completely.

At the same time, the spilled oil quickly spread throughout the floating city, constantly improving buildings and various undead creatures.

The originally huge reservoirs and fountains turned into sparkling oil pools within a few hours, and the magic heavy cannons, electromagnetic cannons, constructs, and corpse-embedded creatures were quickly given consciousness.

It is estimated that after the floating city is completely devoured, its combat effectiveness will be greatly improved, and it may even become an unsinkable aerial fortress.

As for what will become of the diary, it is still unknown.

The only thing that could be seen was that where he fell, the tentacles continued to get bigger, thicker, and longer.

The triangular alloy scales covering the surface are so sharp that they can easily cut through hard rock and steel...

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