A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 505: The most reasonable devil (please subscribe to this 10,000-word chapter)

Was he crushed in terms of strength by a skinny human?

Gromnir obviously did not believe in evil, and immediately picked up the [Ice Star] meteor hammer to attack again, and also wanted to use his legendary specialty-grabbing expert to restrict the opponent's movement and counterattack.

If possible, it would be best to knock off the powerful magic sword that exudes the moonlight curtain, and engage in a fist-to-flesh, bloody fight purely with bare hands.

As a savage and cunning hybrid orc, he had defeated many powerful enemies in this way, including even creatures much larger than himself such as fire giants.

So I am very confident in my own strength and physique.

Unless the opponent is a monk who is more proficient in unarmed combat, no matter how superb the weapon usage skills and steps are, it will be difficult to exert full strength in this kind of zero-distance grappling and tripping, and the result will be a suffocating death. The fists were pounded down continuously.

However, Gromnir apparently forgot that the key to successful grappling is mainly determined by two factors.

One of them is the strength attribute, and the other is the size.

Since he himself is just a mixed-blood orc with a height of just over two meters, although he looks stronger, he is also of medium build, almost on the same level as Zuo Si.

This also means that the final confrontation will be reflected in the strength link.

When this guy wielded the meteor hammer to attack at tricky angles, tempting the opponent to keep raising the sword, he suddenly caught an attack gap, and immediately took a big step forward, opening his arms to capture Zuo Si. waist.

Immediately after, he ordered the avatar to go around to the back to lock the shoulders and arms, and then used his knees to violently hit the lower back and break the spine that connected the nerves in the lower body.

It is easy to tell from that ferocious smile that this is not the first time he has done this kind of thing, and he has extremely rich experience.

But the moment Gromnir successfully hugged his waist, he suddenly felt a huge impact coming from his abdomen.

The next second...


His whole body jumped into the air on the spot, and his two arms flew out before he could close them tightly. At the same time, a large amount of mist-like blood spurted out from his mouth and nostrils.

As he continued to fly backwards, Gromnir vaguely saw the opponent's raised left knee with his vision blurred by the severe pain.

There is no doubt that it was this terrifying force of the knee that severely damaged the abdominal muscles and the fragile internal organs inside.

At this moment, he truly believed that the thin young human in front of him had truly crushed him in terms of strength.

Those seemingly inconspicuous muscles contain some kind of terrifying explosive power that is completely inconsistent with their appearance.

boom! ! ! ! !

With a loud noise, Gromnir slammed into the wall of the sewer, collapsing two walls before barely stopping.

In contrast, Zuo Si on the other side was obviously shocked. He didn't expect that this big and round mixed-blood orc could be so insidious. He didn't use the powerful +4 enchanted weapon and wanted to play wrestling with him.

You must know that although he studied swordsmanship with Sorin Markov for a period of time, and also mastered the gorgeous sword dance skills under the training of the dark girl Eilistraee, he had no experience in bare-handed fighting at all.

Especially when faced with grappling, tripping, and locking techniques, once you are successful, you will most likely be able to escape through magic, or rely on your own strong vitality and damage reduction to resist.

After all, he is a great devil in a unique form. He also possesses the form of a purgatory dragon, a large number of protective spells, and the blessings of various divine powers.

It is really not an easy task to really cause effective harm to Zuo Si today.

At least mortals, especially warriors who rely entirely on physical attacks, basically don't expect to be able to do this easily.

What's more, the 40-point agility attribute on the attribute panel is not just for free.

The hasty knee to Gromnir's abdomen just now is the best proof.

Although he may not have enough experience in hand-to-hand combat, his nerve reflex speed is several times that of the enemy.

This also means that unless the opponent has the same level of ultra-high reaction speed, even if he gets the upper hand, he may be counter-killed.

After knocking Gromnir away, Zuo Si's shoulder instantly broke off the simulacrum's hands with a snap, and then decapitated it with a sword.

After finishing all this, he raised his head and looked at the mixed-blood orc struggling to get up from the ruins and rubble not far away. He bent down and picked up the weapon that the other party had dropped on the ground, and asked with interest: "So ...Compared with using weapons, you are actually better at using techniques such as grappling and tripping to defeat enemies in close combat? I have to say, this gave me a very good revelation and experience."

"What the hell kind of monster are you?"

Gromnir spat out a spit mixed with this plasma, his eyes filled with incredible fear.

A spellcaster mage who can completely crush him in strength, agility, and melee combat?

Is it possible that such a person really exists?

At least in his knowledge, the only creatures that can do this are dragons, angels, devils, demons and other powerful races that transcend mortals.

Of course, there are also some ancient vampires or other high-level undead creatures that have lived for hundreds or even thousands of years.

"Haha, you don't seem to understand that planeswalkers are different from the normal mages in this world, and they don't have the weakness of not being good at melee combat.

Some planeswalkers who specialize in close combat even have the ability to infinitely regenerate and recover instantly no matter how seriously injured they are.

They can kill through a mighty, heavily armed army on their own.

Since you are about to die and your soul will be devoured by the Chaos Demon Dog, I will show you a little bit of my true power.

Don't blink, because it will be over in a flash. "

As the last word blurted out, Zuo Si raised his hand and made a gesture of grasping the void.


Gromnir felt that the divine power and divinity belonging to his father Baal in his body were rapidly passing away, along with the strong vitality of the legendary warrior.

He could almost see his originally strong body drying up, wilting, aging at a speed visible to the naked eye, and eventually turning into a lifeless corpse.

As for the soul...

Less than a second after leaving the body, he was bitten by the ancient evil thing waiting on the side. It was devoured in a few seconds and completely disappeared from the world forever. Even the wish-making spell and the god were gone. It cannot be resurrected.

Not only Gromnir, but his other men and the Sons of Baal also suffered the same fate.

In order to keep the secret, Zuo Si had no intention of letting anything alive leave from the beginning, whether it was people or their souls after death.

Obviously, since he obtained the perfect silence tool of Kozev, he no longer needs to take the risk of being discovered by the new god of death, Kelanvor, and imprison the soul in person. Instead, he can just let this guy eat it.

Even if Kelanvor used his priesthood and divine power to trace it, it would be impossible to know where the souls devoured by the Chaos Demonic Dogs had gone.

After a hearty meal, Kozev quickly returned to his usual black and white puppy appearance, running back to his owner and wagging his tail constantly, making a low purring sound, which seemed to express his joyful mood from this moment on.

"Well done! What a good dog!"

Zuo Si touched the other person's furry head to show encouragement.

After all, he used the gift given to him by the God of Craftsmen to build a brain, which gave him the consciousness and way of thinking of a loyal dog.

Even if this dog has higher intelligence than most humans.

After receiving the compliment, Kozev immediately rubbed his master's hand, his pupils shining with excitement and joy.

Soon, Zuo Si cleared the scene, including the [Helmet of Weller], [Star of Ice], [Belt of Strength], [Boots of Speed], [Agility Gloves], [ Mithril Full Body Armor], [+3 Ring of Protection] and a series of other trophies were all packed away.

In addition, there are several large boxes filled with gold coins and valuable gems, as well as spell books, enchanted robes, and magic storage rings of high to low levels dropped from the mage.

As for the low-level magic weapons and equipment used by high-level cannon fodder warriors, they are relatively the least valuable among all trophies.

For his most powerful cronies, Gromnir obviously spent a lot of money on these guys. It is estimated that more than two-thirds of the wealth he collected through expropriation was spent on them.

Everyone is even equipped with mass-produced +2 weapons mixed with a small amount of adamantine and magical power. Even the arrows used by the archers are enchanted arrows instead of ordinary arrows.

In short, these things can be regarded as a windfall for any adventure team.

It is enough for them to end their life of licking blood and enjoy a luxurious life for the rest of their lives as a rich man.

Although Zuo Si has long disliked these things, they can just be used as rewards for players.

Especially [Weiler's Helm] and [Ice Star].

The former can create a simulacrum of the wearer out of thin air. The stronger it is, the greater its effect. Although it can only exist for a short time, it can often produce unexpected miraculous effects as long as it is used well.

The latter was directly changed by him using his creator ability, from a meteor hammer to a cool-looking heavy sword.

The crystal sword body, which exuded a biting chill like an ice cube, was always emitting a deep blue light.

Not to mention the +4 enchantment level, the additional cold damage that can be caused when hitting, and the resistance to fire damage. This attractive appearance alone can cause players to scramble for it.

After all, Zuo Si was also a member of the players back then and understands this group's fanatical pursuit of cool looks and special effects.

Coupled with the extremely high rarity, some people will want to get it even if they are afraid of losing their money.

When he thought of cutting another wave of leeks, a playful smile appeared on his face, and he immediately cast teleportation magic and disappeared.

At the same time, in the Tower of Dulag far to the north of the Cloud Mountains, another son of Baal, Aberdare, was locked in a cage and suffering great pain.

Some unknown spell kept stimulating the pain nerves, causing him to moan and curse.

"Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! I...I swear! Once I get out, I will eat your flesh! Drink your blood! Cut your skin into eight pieces!"

But unfortunately, in the face of all this, there was no expression on Irenicas's face, as if he had not heard anything, and he continued to torture the other party until he was completely exhausted and dying of unconsciousness.

You don't need to ask to know that since defeating Sarevok, Aberdare and his teammates wandered around the Sword Coast for a while, and returned to Candlekeep to visit old friends and visit the grave of their adoptive father Gillian.

As a result, when they were going south to go to Amn by land, they were accidentally plotted by a shadow thief. As a result, everyone was captured and given to Irenicas, who had been waiting for a long time.

As a result, he immediately started the research he had interrupted before.

As for the shadow thieves involved in this matter, it was entirely due to the guild war and the suppression from Zuo Si that many illegal businesses could not continue at all. The capital chain was almost broken several times, and they could only continue to consume their previous savings to make ends meet. Spend the day.

As soon as I heard that someone was willing to offer a high price for the kidnapping of an adventuring team, I immediately agreed without even thinking about it.

There is no way, I am really poor and crazy.

With the protracted guild war showing no signs of ending, huge amounts of money are being consumed every day.

Whether it is recruiting and hiring people, or paying pensions to those who died, money must be poured out continuously.

Otherwise, if you are not willing to give money, who will work hard for the organization?

Therefore, Irenekas's list was like a piece of fat, and it was easy for the Shadow Thieves Guild to fall into a trap.

In order to earn this money, Renoir Bloodhead personally led the team and used the few paralyzing toxins left in the guild purchased from Zuo Si to kill everyone in a short time.

When he woke up, Aberdare found that he was locked in a cage and was subjected to inhumane torture every day.

He doesn't even understand or understand what the meaning of doing this is?

"How is your research going?"

As the son of Baal fell into a coma, Viconia, who was hiding in the shadows, slowly came out with strong curiosity in his eyes.

Since the end of the operation in Ximen, she has been staying here as Zuo Si's representative, responsible for observing the other party's every move and ensuring that he acts in accordance with the contract.

After all, clerics themselves are the eyes of the gods and god-like powers they serve.

As long as Viconia follows Irenikas, Zuo Si can see through her eyes what this crazy high-level elf mage is doing at any time.

Irenekas undoubtedly knew this, or in other words, he had never thought of playing tricks since signing the devil's contract, and immediately responded without thinking: "Quickly!

I have glimpsed the mysteries of gods and the conditions necessary to transform from a mortal into a god.

As long as I do a few more experiments to confirm, I can begin to strip away the divinity and power from this son of Baal, and be fully prepared to become a god myself.

And you and your master will also get what he wants. "

"Oh? Could it be that you secretly established contact with the dark elf matrons in Uster Nasa City in order to prepare for becoming a god?"

Viconia narrowed her eyes and cautiously tried.

Since she herself was a dark elf who was born and raised in Menzoberranzan, she is very aware of the evil and cruel nature of her compatriots.

Unless Irenicas offers conditions that the other party is interested in, the ruling families of Ust Nasa City will never make any commitments, let alone agree to be with a filthy and lowly exiled planet. The elves reached a cooperation agreement.


Although Irenekas possesses terrifying magical power, in the eyes of dark elves like Viconia, he is still a lowly and dirty surface elf trash.

Even though he has been deprived of the racial characteristics of an elf, he can still be distinguished from the habits of his hands and feet.

"if not?

Do you think becoming a god means taking away the divine power and divinity of several sons of gods?

No, that doesn't elevate a mortal to godhood.

Obtaining divinity is only the first step in transforming from a mortal. The next step requires faith or huge energy.

I obviously don’t have the patience or time to cultivate believers and the church bit by bit, so obtaining a huge energy source becomes the only option.

There is a Tree of Life inside the city of Sodanisla, a sacred tree favored and blessed by the elves and gods.

As long as I can seize all its energy, I can use it as fuel to ignite the power of divinity and ignite sparks, and eventually enter the elven kingdom of Avado and become a member of the gods.

Since Sonnisla is protected by a strong magic barrier, I need to recruit many allies to launch the attack.

As the dark elves who hate the surface elves the most, they are naturally a force that can be used. Don't you think so? "

When he said these words, Irenicus exuded a strong resentment that could not be described in words.

You don't need to ask to know that in addition to the above reasons, he also has another most important purpose that he has not stated, and that is to take revenge on the elf city that exiled him and kill all living things there.

Viconia smiled and nodded: "Of course, this is indeed a good idea.

But I must remind you that you must be careful when dealing with dark elves.

Because they don't know when they will suddenly stab their allies in the back. "

Upon hearing this, Irenicas immediately burst into laughter: "Hahahaha! Danger?

Believe me, there is nothing more dangerous in this world than cooperating with your master.

Compared with him, the dark elves in Uster Nassa City were like harmless kittens.

It is all thanks to his generosity and kindness that I am where I am today. "

From these words, Viconia undoubtedly heard strong resentment and dissatisfaction.

But so what?

Don’t you even dare to be incompetent and furious in front of yourself?

Thinking of this, she raised the corner of her mouth slightly and comforted: "Don't worry, you have signed the contract. As long as you don't actively violate the terms inside, Mr. Soth will not do anything to you. After all, he is one of the few people in the world who He is a big devil who is willing to reason with the weak."


Erinikas ended the conversation with a sneer, turned around and disappeared at the end of the intricate corridors and stairs inside the Tower of Durag.

After the opponent was completely gone, Viconia came to Aberdare and was about to cast two healing spells.

It was found that the wounds on the son of Baal had begun to heal at an extremely fast speed, and were exuding a dark red mist full of pungent blood smell.

Out of caution, she immediately took a few steps back to observe this strange phenomenon carefully. After about two or three minutes, she frowned and whispered, "Is this the power that the Son of God inherited from the gods?

It’s incredible!

No wonder so many mortals aspire to become one of the gods.

Even the weakest demigod..."

After confirming that Aberdare's life was not in danger, Viconia immediately turned around and left the room, secretly delivering food to Sancho and Imoen.

Because Viconia was always watching, the two little guys were not tortured and abused inhumanely like Aberdare.

Instead, he was lying comfortably in the cage, resting and sleeping, and occasionally taking the time to exercise his magic and divine power in his body.

There is no doubt that although Zuo Si has no intention of ending his life personally yet, he has not relaxed his monitoring of the sons of Baal. At the same time, he has also secretly figured out a few of them who have the support of gods behind them.

In the next stage, his goal is to use the "Five Descendants" to eliminate these unseeded players and let the real protagonists take the stage in the finals.

You must know that the Sons of Baal's fight for the Blood Throne is an out-and-out divine battle.

Especially the last few remaining, each one possesses the power of a quasi-god or even a demigod, and can easily destroy a planet.

Therefore, Zuo Si must prepare more than one method of killing gods in advance.

At this moment, he was sitting in the splendid palace of Calimport, playing with the new inventions sent by the Church of Gond, the God of Artisans, while listening to the report from the Prime Minister of the Empire, Shaod Tarowen.

Since the merger of the two empires was completed, a total of five centers were established to facilitate administration and rule, that is, one capital and four auxiliary capitals.

Among them, the capital is known without asking, and it must be Askatra, the former capital of Amn.

The reason is also very simple.

Just look at the map and you will know that this port city is located right in the middle of the coastline and is also the most important maritime, air and land transportation hub.

In addition, business is extremely prosperous, and it is the most important money bag and handicraft base in the entire country.

The four companion capitals are Calimport, the most important and prosperous city in the south;

Baldur's Gate, which connects to Northland;

The west gate extends like a tentacle into the Sea of ​​Falling Stars;

The important city Suldorfer guards the throat of the Steam Lake.

It can be said that each of the above cities has huge development potential. They are also the most prosperous and populous local gathering areas, and can radiate and control large areas of surrounding land.

As long as these cities can be controlled and developed, the strength of the West Coast Empire will steadily grow, bringing with it the relatively backward towns and villages in the surrounding and even inland areas.

However, although Ascatla is the capital, Zuo Si and the top officials of the entire country usually live in Calimport.

If necessary, you can reach any town in the empire with a population of more than 20,000 directly through the magic portal.

Yes, you are not mistaken.

With a large number of arcane spellcasters and mage towers scattered across the country, Zuo Sican frantically set up permanent portals at all important strongholds.

Want to rely on the advantages of inconvenient transportation and remote location to become a local emperor behind closed doors?

Do you want to create a gentry model in which imperial power does not go to the countryside?

Stop dreaming!

Imperial supervisory agencies, military, bureaucrats, and law enforcement officers can use these portals anytime and anywhere to reach any village within three days.

Note that this is a village and not a town.

Therefore, the West Coast Empire's terrifying advantages in grassroots organization and dominance are simply not comparable to any other country in Faerûn.

Of course, there is another more important reason for choosing to locate the administrative center in Calimport, which is that it has a very high literacy rate and educated population, as well as countless professional colleges of various types, which is very suitable as a base for cultivating bureaucrats. .

In addition, Zuo Si was too lazy to build a palace symbolizing status and power in a place like Askatra, where land was so valuable, he could just use the ready-made one in Calim Port.

After all, this palace was built during the Xia En Empire. It was quite good in terms of scale, appearance and architectural style, which was very suitable for him.

"Your Majesty, with the popularity of airships, propeller ships and heavy magic carriages, trade within the empire has quadrupled in a short period of time, and tax revenue has also doubled.

Even though we have created many new departments and expanded the bureaucracy in compliance with your orders, we still have a considerable surplus after paying their salaries and the expenses of the army.

My personal suggestion is that if you have no plans to build a new palace or purchase other luxuries, it is best to invest more money in water conservancy projects.

Although we have currently launched six irrigation water conservancy and irrigation projects, it is obviously far from enough compared with the huge territory of the empire.

The last thing is about unifying official characters and languages.

According to your request, we have unanimously decided to choose the common language with the highest popularity rate at present.

If nothing else goes wrong, the corresponding books and teaching materials will be distributed to each city within a month at most, and will be taught by local public schools.

As for the issue of universal basic education, we can only barely do it in urban administrative units at present.

Fortunately, the Church of the God of Knowledge said it would help.

They said some free small classes would be held in areas with temples and shrines.

I think this should save a lot of money..."

There is no doubt that Shaud Talovan is definitely a qualified prime minister from the report alone.

Although he himself had the bad habit of accepting bribes and forming cliques for personal gain when he served Shah En VII, he was able to keep the Shane Empire in good order after having just experienced a war.

And after Zuo Si came to power, this guy was very smart and immediately got rid of all his previous problems. He never accepted anyone's money again, let alone promoted his own party members for personal gain.

Because Shawd Tarowen knew very well that he was different from Shane VII who only wanted to maintain the stability of his rule.

The new emperor could not tolerate a grain of sand in his eyes.

He knew this early on when he studied Luskan's legal and political structures.

Coupled with the example of the great family of Amn in the north being played to the point of ecstasy by the "favor order", Shaud Tarowen, who had finally climbed to the position of prime minister, did not want a similar situation to happen to his family.

After all, unlike the monogamous Amn, all the powerful men in Kalin Shirt have more than one woman.

If there are many women, there will naturally be no shortage of heirs.

Which family head who lives to middle age does not have a dozen or even dozens of children?

Usually, other than the designated heir, the other children receive no property at all.

You can only go out with a little money provided by your family and become a businessman, or a wandering adventurer or mercenary.

If this was the case, all the wealth would be divided equally among the children, and the entire family would cease to exist.

Therefore, every one of the rich and newly wealthy people who survived the purges of freeing slaves has unimaginable respect for the emperor Zuo Si, and they do not dare to make the slightest mistake.

No matter what kind of policy comes down, they will rush to cooperate, for fear that they will be included in the legendary blacklist if they are slow.

"Very good, if we continue to implement the original plan, I think the entire empire will look different in a few years.

As for building water conservancy projects, it's best to discuss it with the local magic academy.

With the help of magic, many difficult construction projects will become much easier.

Finally, there is the issue of traffic roads.

Although we have a magic carriage that will not easily fall into the mud, the roads still need to be repaired.

At least make sure there is a paved road between town and country that can be driven at high speed.

In this regard, let’s start spreading it in areas with denser populations. "

Zuo Si gave the instructions without raising his head.

Because the entire bureaucracy and administrative system was completed, and the judicial system and two supervisory systems, one clear and one dark, were also online at the same time, he no longer needed to handle most government affairs personally, he only needed to give a general direction.

Shaud Talovan hurriedly bent down and bowed deeply: "Understood, I will make arrangements right away."

Just when the imperial prime minister was about to turn around and leave, Zuo Si suddenly stopped him from behind: "Wait! There is one more thing. Send an army and enough officials to take over Saraduxu later."

"Saradush? Aren't the Sons of Baal rioting there? Are you sure you want to recapture it at this time?"

Shaud Tarovan was slightly stunned.

"Don't worry, the Sons of Baal have just been driven away by a group of giant dragons and monsters. I don't think they will stay there for too long. Just send some people to receive them directly."

Zuo Si raised his head and gave the other party a meaningful smile.

Shawde Tarowen was so smart that he decided to devote all his life to following the emperor when he met Shane VII for the first time. He immediately understood the subtext and nodded without thinking: "I know, I'll do it right away." In the name of the cabinet, a thousand troops and fifty officials were dispatched to march to Saradux."

He didn't ask for specific details, nor did he want to know what happened. He just obeyed without hesitation.

He proved with practical actions why he could stand firm in front of two emperors.

What monarch wouldn't like such a minister who is smart, capable, and knows how to position himself correctly?

While Zuo Si was secretly controlling the Sons of Baal chicken competition and continuing to vigorously develop his west coast empire, he had no idea that the first batch of elite players released had already given the world a small "fourth natural disaster" of shock.

To be precise, after these guys disbanded on the spot, they quickly poured into several surrounding countries and unceremoniously started the natural disaster mode.

In less than a week, the monsters that originally posed a huge threat to human villages and towns began to decrease at an incredible speed, and some places were even subjected to genocidal massacres.

You must know that the players were originally humans, so when facing enemies who were also humans in the previous world, they did not choose to go on a killing spree. Instead, they adopted a policy of basically giving preferential treatment to prisoners as long as they surrendered.

The only ones who are really constantly being consumed and slaughtered are those nobles and slave owners who are accustomed to being aloof and do not treat civilians as human beings.

But now, when it comes to facing non-human races, their most terrifying side finally breaks out.

That is, you can kill anything that can give you "experience points" and "trophies" without any psychological burden or guilt.

Whether it was the intelligent goblins and ogres, or the unintelligent dog demons, basilisks, magic wolves, giant snakes, giant crocodiles, tree men, giant insects, and flying dragons, none of them escaped in the end.

Especially the Tob Forest, which is close to the kingdom's border city - E-Rantel, was completely devastated.

When many local adventurers enter this area, they will inadvertently discover a large number of corpses abandoned on the roadside, in the woods and grass.

Some even piled up into a hill, and exuded a pungent stench. Among them were some high-level monsters that had established regional hegemony.

Some of their heads were smashed with blunt objects, some had sharp arrows stuck in their eyes, and some were burned beyond recognition by unknown powerful magic.

Some monsters and beasts had their bounty-receiving parts or valuable skins peeled off, and their corpses looked bloody and terrifying.

Such a strange phenomenon made everyone in the entire city of E-Rantel, from the noble lords to the common people, feel deep fear.

Among them, the Adventurer's Guild has even offered a high reward, hoping that someone can investigate what is going on.

After all, they were really afraid that a powerful and invincible monster would suddenly appear in the forest, and then it would rush out and raze the entire city to the ground.

Don't think this is a joke!

After all, it has only been a few hundred years since humans in this world were freed from being enslaved by other races.

Except for the Slane Theocracy, which has a large number of players' legacy, several other human countries have no power to resist at all when faced with real threats.

Therefore, whenever there was a big noise and something incomprehensible happened, the nearby human nobles and commoners would tremble in fear.

You don’t need to ask to know that all of this is the work of the players.

But if you think that only monsters in the wild are unlucky, you would be totally wrong.

How could they, who directly wiped out the entire aristocratic class from the physical level in the previous world, let go of the aristocrats of this world.

What's more, the nobles of the kingdom are notorious for being selfish, greedy, corrupt and evil-doing, so there is no psychological burden at all when they are killed.

Less than five days after arriving in this world, more than thirty notorious noble families were wiped out, and all family property and valuables were looted.

Even those protected by dozens or even hundreds of elite guards are no exception.

By the time they were discovered, the corpses on the ground were already rotting and smelly.

Such a frantic challenge to the authority of the ruling class naturally aroused the anger of the entire kingdom.

The nobles immediately united and elected a spokesperson to take charge of this matter, vowing to make the perpetrators pay with blood.

But it was only the next day that the bloody heads of the elected spokesperson's family, young and old, were placed next to the pillows of the nobles who shouted the loudest.

You don’t need to ask to know how much of a mental impact it has on a person to wake up early in the morning and see a bloody human head.

It is said that many people have suffered from mental illness because of this, locking themselves in a house without windows every day, and not daring to go out for several days in a row.


The country fell into silence from top to bottom.

It was as if everyone had selectively forgotten the previous clamor, even the king himself and his princes vying for power were no exception.

After all, anyone who is not a fool will understand that the fact that these vicious gangsters can place their heads next to the pillows of the most powerful nobles in the kingdom means that the other party has the ability to chop off the head of anyone, including the king, at any time.

In order not to provoke the other party to go to extremes and cause a bloody storm, the best way now is to deal with it coldly, and then privately send trustworthy people to investigate, find ways to contact and negotiate with them, and reach a series of agreements.

Seeing how the originally aggressive nobles were now frightened, Lana, the pride of the royal family and known as the Golden Princess, flashed a trace of disdain that was difficult to detect in her eyes.

She has always shown herself to be beautiful and intelligent, but in her heart she is actually extremely dark and crazy, and she doesn't care about the life and death of the royal family or even the entire country.

Quite the opposite!

Lana hoped that the mastermind behind this massacre would continue their efforts, preferably by killing all the nobles and their stupid brothers.

In this way, she can be crowned queen by right of succession and do whatever she wants with the kingdom as her toy.

As for what kind of demands the other party would make and whether they would betray the interests of the kingdom, the princess didn't care at all.

After returning to her palace after the royal meeting, Lana immediately met with the members of the "Blue Rose" adventure team.

As soon as they met, she couldn't wait to ask: "How is it? Have you got any results from the investigation?"

As the captain, Laisi nodded solemnly: "Yes, there is a result. Based on our repeated inspections of the scene and surroundings, we can basically confirm that this matter was done by a group of powerful assassins.

There were not many people on the other side, probably only about three to five people.

With their incredible stealth skills, they were not discovered by anyone throughout the entire process, and the victim did not even see who the other party was before he died.

According to the wounds on the corpse, all attacks were launched from behind and killed with one blow, even those warriors and knights with good strength were no exception.

I asked Tia and Tina, and they both said that at least they would never be able to do this. "

"Could it have been done by Eight Fingers?"

Lana asked deliberately pretending to be nervous.

Before Laisi could speak, Evileye, who was wearing a mask next to her, immediately shook her head: "Impossible!

If Eight Fingers had such strength, they would have already infiltrated the nobles and controlled the entire kingdom through threats and intimidation.

But they just killed some notorious nobles and then took away all the valuable things.

The only thing I can't figure out is why the other party only robbed the wealth of a few nobles despite having such powerful power?

With their strength, as long as they reveal their identity, I believe that no matter which country they are from, they will spend a lot of money to recruit them. "

"In other words, unless the other party shows up on their own initiative, the possibility of us finding them is extremely slim?"

Lana frowned and leaned forward slightly.

Those who didn't know better thought she was worried about the precarious kingdom, but they didn't know that she was actually worried about how to get in touch with the other party.

"That's right. Even if we collide head-on, with our Cang Qiangwei's strength, we can't possibly leave each other behind.

Compared to this matter, I think we should pay more attention to the Tob Forest in E-Rantel.

According to the information sent back by the Adventurer's Guild, there seems to be a terrifying abnormal situation there, and the support of high-level adventurers is urgently needed.

I heard that the monsters and beasts over there are almost extinct.

It is suspected that a powerful monster was born deep in the forest. "

When she said these words, there was obvious tension and worry in Laxi's tone.

Because recent events seem to indicate that something earth-shattering is about to happen soon.

In fact, she was right to worry.

While several people were talking, Old Bones and his Great Tomb of Nazarick had quietly arrived.

It's just that he is still in a state of confusion and is trying to figure out the situation...

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