A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 506 The first encounter (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

who I am?

where am I?

What am I going to do?

For many people, this may be a philosophical question that takes a lifetime to think about.

But it is indeed a very real problem for someone who is in a state of confusion.

After all, one second he was waiting for the server to finally shut down in his favorite game and invested a lot of time, money and energy. The next second he found that the logout interface was gone, and he, the entire guild and all NPCs appeared together in a completely different place. Strange world.

Especially when the identity changes from a human being with rich emotions and a lot of primitive instincts, desires and impulses to a cold undead, the feeling is very weird and indescribable.

But I don’t know why, but I adapted to it in a very short period of time, as if it was supposed to be like this.

But what really frightens him is that those NPCs in the game who have no intelligence at all are now alive one by one, and have the personalities set by the previous players when they created them.

This is simply a terrible nightmare for a salesman whose parents are dead, has no friends in real life, is at the bottom of society, is often bullied by his boss and colleagues, and also has a bit of social phobia.

Especially when you see those "alive" NPCs staring at you with infinite respect, admiration and admiration, waiting for you to make decisions and issue orders, you feel like an ant sitting on a hot pot. There was an air of tension and anxiety both inside and out.

After all, from a subordinate who only obeys orders to a superior who gives orders suddenly, it is impossible for anyone to complete the transformation in a short period of time. It takes time to establish a new way of thinking and mentality bit by bit.

This is why, in all management studies, it is not advocated to promote low-level employees to too high a position all at once.

Even if he is really talented and talented.

Fortunately, the skull face without any muscle or skin could make any expression at all, and the eye sockets without eyeballs could only emit a faint red light.

So no matter how nervous and flustered you are, no one will notice.

Coupled with the inherent indifference of undead creatures, which will forcefully suppress all kinds of overly excited emotions, the first level was passed in this way.

You don't need to ask to know that this powerful undead caster who thinks he has just completed time travel is the president of the "Ainz Ooal Gown" guild in the Tree World game. The game character is named "Momon Squirrel" and the real world name is Suzuki. Wu's player is also the "old bone" in Zuo Si's words.

Because now his whole body is like many lichs that have lived for thousands of years, with only a white skeleton left.

However, there is no phylactery that the lich can resurrect indefinitely.

The guild's stronghold and its many NPCs are collectively known as the "Great Tomb of Nazarick".

Although it hasn't been long since his arrival, this old man has already shown his ability to fight with the air. He did not rush to use his powerful NPC group to cause trouble everywhere, but issued an order on top of the big tomb. It was covered with a thick layer of soil for camouflage, and trees and vegetation were transplanted as camouflage.

After finishing all this, he sent his cannon fodder to carefully explore the nearby terrain to confirm whether there were any possible threats.

It has to be said that before starting the massacre of the kingdom's civilians, this guy's sanity was still on the line.

Even in the later bloody conquest of the Lizardman tribe, using the "Two-legged Sheep" of the Holy Kingdom to conduct cruel and evil experiments, killing greedy adventurers who invaded the Great Tomb, and summoning black goat cubs to slaughter enemy soldiers in the war, Essentially, they are all considering their own interests.

Only the indiscriminate massacre of civilians when the kingdom was destroyed made people feel inexplicable, as if the previous rationality and caution suddenly went offline.

In the process, they also pretended to engage in some meaningless tricks such as diplomacy, negotiation, signing agreements, one-on-one duels, disrupting the political situation from within and triggering internal strife.

Since we are going to carry out an indiscriminate massacre of civilians, isn't this behavior of blaming the other party from the moral high ground in order to obtain a reasonable pretext for war just to take off our pants and fart?

Not even living people are wanted, so naturally there is no need to win over the hearts and minds of the people, and there is no need to worry about the revolt among the civilians when the rule is implemented after invasion and occupation.

What's more, if it's the greedy and shameless aristocracy that offends him, what does it have to do with the common people?

No one with a little political common sense would make such a stupid decision.

You must know that the common people of the kingdom have long been full of resentment and anger towards the nobles who oppressed and oppressed them.

By making a little use of class contradictions and the gap between the rich and the poor, or by using the banner of reducing or reducing heavy taxes and eliminating aristocratic exploitation, the conquest and rule of the entire country can be easily accomplished.

That's why Zuo Si felt that Lao Gugu was weak both ideologically and psychologically. His political consciousness and governance methods were basically at the kindergarten level for a rookie, and he seriously lacked the basic self-confidence of a strong man.

Even if he slaughters all the civilians in the entire kingdom, he is not worthy of the title of "tyrant" and "devil king".

In contrast, look at what the elder dragon Nicol Bolas did to the plane of Amonkhet.

He directly killed all the adults without hesitation and brainwashed the gods in the entire world into tools to serve the Eternal One's plan.

By distorting and tampering with history and cognition, all living beings, from mortals to gods, can work hard for their goals, and even regard it as a kind of glory and pride.

Even those beast-headed gods who were eventually killed did not escape the disaster and were transformed into "Eternal Evil Gods", mummified undead in the form of gods, who continued to play a role in the War of the Spark.

As long as Nicol Bolas feels the need, he will take what he needs in a time and space at any time.

Even if the cost is that the entire world is shattered and annihilated, and all living creatures die completely in pain and despair.

No excuses needed!

There is no reason!

Not to mention any ridiculous diplomatic negotiations!

I am more powerful than all the people in this time and space put together, so I can naturally decide your life or death.

This is what a tyrant and devil king should do.

Of course, Old Bones is still unaware of someone's strong disdain for him, and is observing the world through a "distant perspective mirror" with powerful magical power.

Soon he discovered that a group of heavily armed, suspected adventurers met the undead scouts he had sent.

However, these "scouts" are not the fast-running, relatively fragile, low-level skeletons or zombies that most people understand, but the human shield-type undead - death knights - in the game, whose overall level is as high as LV35 and whose defense is comparable to LV40.

Converted to the professional level in Faerûn, it is probably just over LV10.

One of the few highlights is that it can forcibly retain a little health when suffering ordinary fatal attacks to avoid being killed instantly, and when it kills an enemy, it can transform it into its own low-level undead cannon fodder.

For most of the indigenous adventurers in this world, it is already a terrifying monster that is completely invincible, let alone a team of ten.

But the problem is that what they encountered this time were not indigenous adventurers, but the "Fourth Natural Disaster" who also came from another world, and they were also carefully selected elites.

Especially Jack, the archbishop of the ancient god who is extremely bellicose and thirsts for killing and blood in the team. When he saw the death knight team, his first reaction was not fear and fear, but his whole body instantly became excited and shouted at the top of his lungs. Said: "Fake! Brothers! After wandering in the forest for so many days, I finally caught a big fish this time. Guess, how much experience can we get by killing these undead warriors?"

"Ha! Is that necessary? I feel that these undead are similar to the monster leaders we encountered before. If you kill them all, you will definitely be able to level up."

Wu Sheng grinned and inserted an enchanted bullet into the barrel of the gun with extremely skillful movements to prepare for battle.

Next to him was an adult direwolf that kept showing its teeth and growling, and its body was as huge as a horse.

You don't need to ask to know that this wolf is the animal companion he recruited with his ranger ability in the previous world.

Although it is just an ordinary animal, it has a biological level of LV8.

Since the ranger's additional blessing to animal companions is only half that of the druid, the ranger animal companion at LV17 can only receive half the enhancement of its own level.

But this is enough for a marksman who specializes in long-range attacks.

After all, the only thing the animal companions have to do is to contain and attract the attention of the enemy, buying time and the opportunity to shoot for the master as a ranger.

Since several people in the team are comrades who have cooperated for a long time, there is no need to talk too much nonsense.

Almost as soon as the encounter occurred, the thieves in the team disappeared into the shadows behind a big tree and entered a stealth state.

The warlock quickly began to chant incantations and prepare spells.

Only a second later the fight broke out.

As a powerful cleric, Jack has a natural advantage against the undead.

Therefore, without saying a word, he immediately raised the Holy Emblem and unleashed the ability to "rebuke the undead" at the death knight.


You ask why it's not "dispelling the undead"?

Needless to say?

The reason is of course that this guy's alignment is neutral and favors evil rather than good.

After all, he is so belligerent and bloodthirsty that it is almost impossible to become a good person.

In addition, I think controlling undead creatures is a very cool thing, so I did not hesitate to choose "rebuke undead creatures" among the two options.

Accompanied by the dazzling holy light, several death knights who were fearless one second began to be affected the next second, and began to retreat and escape as if humans had seen a terrifying scene.

You don't need to ask to know that this is the power of a high-level priest to "rebuke undead creatures".

Since the death knight's level is only LV10, and Jack's priest level has reached LV19 due to the crazy killings these days, the level difference between the two sides is almost doubled.

Therefore, the terrifying enemies that are almost impossible to fight in the eyes of the indigenous people of this world are just a group of "mobile experience points" that can be easily dealt with by him.

Subsequently, a large number of magical spells including [Blessing], [Divine Grace], [Devotion Shield], [Bull Power], [Anti-Evil Magic Circle], [Divine Power], and [Destruction Weapon] specifically targeting undead creatures one after another One lights up.

Especially the last one, it can be called a trump card against undead creatures.

As long as you hit the target with a melee weapon, there is a high probability that it will ignore defense and resistance and destroy it directly, even if Old Bones comes.

You can basically deal with undead around LV10 one at a time.

Since it is not causing damage but destroying it from the source, the death knight's ability to force a point of health to remain has no effect on this spell at all.

After applying the BUFF, Jack immediately summoned the special ability of the advanced profession [Phoenix Sacrifice], covering himself from head to toe in terrifying high-temperature flames. He grinned and caught up with a man who was affected by "Rebuking the Undead". The death knights running around picked up their war hammers and smashed them into bone powder flying in the sky.

The terrifying impact force caused the enemy who was much taller than him to float in a very obvious state.

The marksman ranger on the other side was not to be outdone. He raised his beloved alchemy firearm and frequently pulled the trigger, driving the enchanted bullets into the death knight's body one after another, killing one in the blink of an eye.

At this time, the effect of "rebuking undead creatures" finally disappeared, and the remaining death knights immediately turned around and rushed over in a swarm, wanting to start a group fight.

But the moment they just gathered together, a huge fireball that obviously used super magic skills flew directly from the hands of the warlock behind, causing a violent explosion with a bang.

The terrifying high-temperature flames and firelight immediately involved several death knights who rushed to the front, including Jack.

Just as the old man sitting in front of the magic mirror was shocked by the crazy behavior of this group of adventurers, who completely ignored the life and death of his teammates, Jack, whose whole body was wrapped in flames, rushed out in an instant and started a violent posture that completely abandoned defense. His brute force killed all the remaining death knights in less than ten seconds.

Obviously, as the Archbishop of the Phoenix God, he is completely immune to all forms of fire attacks.

Not only is it immune, but it can also envelop itself in a package similar to the four-ring magic [Fire Shield], causing continuous burns to nearby enemies.

So this guy's role in the team is not only a tank against monsters, but also the main damage output and healer.

Seeing a group of death knights being killed like a torrent, Old Bones, who was hiding in the Great Tomb of Nazarick and peeping, suddenly felt like he was breaking out in a cold sweat, if he could still sweat.

Especially [Destruction Weapon] and "Rebuke Undead Creatures", which were unknown whether they were spells or special abilities, made him feel like he was being targeted.

If a team of indigenous adventurers from another world had the power to threaten or even kill themselves, how terrifying would this world be?

What is that terrifying sacred energy the moment "Rebuke Undead Creatures" is activated?


The more Old Bones thought about it, the more terrifying it became. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that he and the Great Tomb of Nazarick were in an unprecedented crisis.

Thinking of this, he took a deep breath according to his habit when he was alive, and secretly made up his mind to take the word "gou" as his leader. He must not let those NPCs with the same good and evil values ​​​​as him do anything else, otherwise he would lead to a large-scale crusade. Dead.

There is no doubt that this unexpected encounter caused Old Bones to have a very serious misjudgment of the entire world.

At his strong request, all the guardians were forced to stay in the guild and were absolutely not allowed to go out without permission.

He continued to stare at the adventuring team with a magic mirror, trying to figure out what magic and abilities they had that required special vigilance.

If it is convenient, it is best to find an opportunity to get in touch with them, establish a relatively close friendship with them, and then find ways to get important information about the world from them.

But Old Bones didn't know that the appearance of that team of ten death knights had aroused the vigilance of several elite players.

At this moment, they pretended to be cleaning the loot, but in fact they were talking in low voices.

"If I remember correctly, these undead creatures should be called death knights, right? In this world, they should be monsters that can cause the destruction of a city once they appear. Don't you think it's strange that they suddenly appear in the forest? ?"

"It's indeed a bit strange. After all, the forest is so close to the kingdom's border city of E-Rantel. If there are so many death knights wandering here for a long time, it will definitely cause a large-scale panic. It is impossible for the Adventurer's Guild to have no news at all. "

"That is to say...we happened to catch up with the arrival of the BOSS in the mission? He and his Great Tomb of Nazarick have already come to this world?"

"The possibility is very high! I think it is necessary to report it to the superiors. Maybe I can get some unexpected rewards."

"I'll prepare a text message right away."

The characteristic of the player group has always been to do what they say.

In the blink of an eye, this news was delivered to Xia En VII who was staying in the royal capital.

With the help of the mastermind, he easily located the location of the players, and then gave them instructions to temporarily retreat. It didn't take long for him to use teleportation magic to rush to the scene.

Through a large amount of detection and prophecy magic, the demilich quickly locked the location and entrance of the Great Tomb of Nazarick, touched his chin and murmured with interest: "Space folding technology?

A large number of high-level magic items and protection?

And a large number of intelligent creatures appeared out of thin air in an instant?

Interesting, this is so interesting.

Maybe Soth is right. There is indeed some kind of creative magic that is like a rule in this world.

Otherwise, time travel alone cannot explain all this.

After all, in another world, they are just a string of codes and digital models in a virtual game.

Next, should I follow basic etiquette and visit your home to say hello?

Or should we pretend not to know anything and wait for this guy to jump out on his own? "

There is no doubt that although Old Bones and the Great Tomb of Nazarick are invincible demon kings in the eyes of people in this world, they are nothing at all in the eyes of Shane VII.

After all, he had already learned from Zuo Si about online games, a unique form of entertainment for people on earth, as well as the basic concepts of how to operate and make money.

Since it is a game that many people want to play together, it is bound to require some consideration of "balance" issues.

Especially for games that can be run for a long time, the balance is usually not too outrageous.

This also means that many props or magic that will seriously affect the balance and may cause huge losses to players will inevitably be reduced or even deleted.

Even if the number exists, it will be very, very rare.

For example, the near-universal wish-making technique, and the great disintegration, death-proof barrier, static cloning, transformation of all things, confinement, true knowledge, etc.

This also means that the Great Tomb of Nazarick, which has a terrifying magical protection ability, actually has huge flaws, at least it cannot resist the Great Disintegration and Anti-Magic Field.

As for Old Bones and those high-level NPCs, they also received incomplete spell casting lists.

For a spellcaster, the comprehensiveness of the spell list determines the upper limit of his power.

Once some important magic is missing, it is very likely that the opponent will be easily defeated in a spell duel.

The most important thing is that Xia En VII has mastered a lot of information about the opponent in advance, but the enemy knows nothing about him.

Faced with such a huge information gap, if he couldn't easily control the other party, he could just die and avoid being embarrassed alive.

After careful consideration, this powerful demilich quickly and quietly captured several undead creatures that were probing around, then made them into planeswalker cards, and then summoned them again and mixed them into the queue.

After receiving the summoning signal, they followed the large army back to the inside of the tomb without any effort.

Through the magic of shared vision, Shane VII had a panoramic view of the internal structure of the Great Tomb of Nazarick and the appearance of some of the guardians.

In the end, he did not choose to show up, but returned to the capital of the kingdom after placing some invisible magic eyes nearby.

After all, according to Zuo Si's instructions, the two people's goal in this world is to create chaos and attract those true dragon kings who master the original magic.

Old Bones and his Great Tomb of Nazarick are one of the tools to achieve this.

It wouldn't be good if you kill them too early or frighten them into submission.

Let's let the players use their subjective initiative first.

On the other side, in the Great Tomb of Nazarick, Old Bones was repeatedly playing the scene of an entire team of death knights being wiped out to the guardians, and asked in a pretentiously majestic voice: "Demiurge, what about the adventures of the natives of this world?" Is there anything you would like to comment on the combat effectiveness shown by the warrior?"

“The Supreme Being!

According to my observations, the levels of these adventurers should not be high, probably between level 52 and 66.

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to pose any threat to the high-level guardians including me and you.

But the problem is that they seem to have mastered some very dangerous spells, which can cause huge damage to enemies whose level is much higher than themselves regardless of the level gap and defense.

Especially the man at the front seemed to have gained the power to instantly kill undead creatures after adding magic to his weapon.

This is a big threat to you, my lord.

I think we should take immediate action and send at least five guardians to capture this group of people and torture them severely to find out what are the powers that we don't understand. "

The guardian of the seventh floor, the high-level demon Demiurge expressed his views in a serious tone.

As the most cunning, evil, and cruel existence among all the guardians, he is now filled with one thought, which is to eradicate all those who threaten the Supreme Being at all costs.

Of course, he was not the only one who had this idea, the other guardians also showed the same expression.

Albedo echoed with a cold and gloomy expression: "That's right! Anyone who dares to threaten the safety of the Supreme Being should be damned! Not to mention just a few despicable humans! Please allow me to personally lead the team and serve you Cut out all threats."

"Let me go! I'll suck all the blood out of them."

Shalltear, the true ancestor of the vampires, stuck out her tongue and licked her lips, her pupils shining with bloodthirsty light.

"Ahem...I think you guys are a little too extreme.

Don't forget that we are now in a completely unfamiliar world and know nothing about the countries, forces and powerful people here.

If we take rash hostile actions and attract an enemy that is too powerful, the entire Great Tomb of Nazarick will be in danger.

This is not a wise choice.

In contrast, I prefer to first understand the general situation of the world.

Especially how many adventurers like this are there, and how many people are stronger than them. "

Seeing that this group of guardians who exuded an evil aura were going to cause trouble if they disagreed, Old Bones suddenly felt a lot of pressure and immediately chose to stop them.

Just when he was about to say something, Demiurge suddenly showed an expression of enlightenment: "Ah! I understand! It turns out that the Lord has already made all the plans in advance with his unparalleled wisdom. .”

A series of question marks instantly appeared on Old Bones' head.

What do you understand?

How come I don’t know what plans I’ve made?

In the next few minutes, Demiurge raised his head and spoke in a very admiring tone, speaking out all he had understood.

Soon, the other guardians all showed the same expressions of fanatical admiration, and praised in unison: "You are indeed the Supreme Being! Your wisdom and strategy are beyond our reach! Under your leadership, the Great Tomb of Nazarick Will surely conquer this world.”

I'm not!

I don't!

Freeze said!

Old Bones quickly denied it three times in his heart.

But the problem was that he didn't have the courage to expose his incompetence and vulnerability in front of these NPCs who had independent personalities. For fear of being looked down upon or betrayed, he could only grit his teeth and nodded: "Well - that's it!

Our mission at this stage is to explore the world first and collect as much information as possible.

All actions that may lead to hostilities are prohibited.

Finally, and most importantly, keep an eye on this adventure team.

If they run into trouble, notify me immediately and I will personally help them establish a good relationship with them. "

After saying this, Old Bones stood up suddenly, pretending to be arrogant and cold, and then hid in his room, lying on the soft bed and rolling around, muttering to himself " What should we do?”

On the other side, there is a valuable luxurious mansion in the capital of the kingdom.

Xia En VII, who has just returned, is sorting out the results of his research on the world's magic system in recent days, and plans to share them with Zuo Si when they meet next time.

After all, he has gained a lot of knowledge and technology from the other party, and it is time to make a small contribution in return.

But just as the demilich was casting a spell to control the quill to record in the notebook, there was a sudden sound of footsteps on the stairs outside the door.

Immediately afterwards, the pregnant girl who had been rescued in the alley not long ago opened the door and walked in. She said in a slightly nervous tone: "Sir, the door... there is a young man outside the door who named me. meet you."


You seem scared?

Could it be that the organization called Eight Fingers came to visit again?

Didn’t I just kill several of their killers a few days ago?

Aren't these guys afraid of death? "

Xia En VII raised his head and looked at the maid standing at the door, with a trace of doubt in his eyes.

Through conversation, he already knew that the other party's name was Enise, and she was the daughter of an ordinary family.

Because she was beautiful, she was kidnapped and eventually sold to a brothel, where she had to become the object of rich people's desires.

The reason why it was disposed of was that she might have accidentally become pregnant with the other person's child while being teased by a certain noble for a long time.

In order to prevent his "noble" bloodline from being tainted by lowly commoners, and to prevent any scandal involving an illegitimate child, the nobleman paid a sum of money to let the brothel under the Eight Fingers take care of the hidden dangers.

This is what happened when the two met.

Poor girls like Enise could have as many as eight hundred in the royal capital.

Their lives are as short-lived as fireflies, and they are completely expendable.

Moreover, living a short life is even worse than living in hell, with no hope at all.

Especially those "guests" with noble status often use violence, beatings and other means to satisfy their dark desires.

Some may even be tortured to death by perverts the first time they are violated.

So after becoming a maid, Enise was very afraid for a long time, fearing that she would be caught back by the other party.

But after four consecutive waves of eight-finger killers died silently in the yard, including many well-known mercenaries in the underworld, she gradually began to feel a little safer, and even Show a faint smile from time to time.

But now, the girl is obviously scared again.

This undoubtedly made Xia En VII feel very unhappy, and he even had the idea of ​​uprooting the Eight Fingers organization.

You must know that Enise is now under his protection. This situation is undoubtedly a slap in his face.

The girl with a big belly obviously noticed the suppressed anger under the calm appearance of the master. She quickly shook her head and explained: "No, it's not the eight-fingered man. It's just that his eyes and expressions are very lewd. He looks at me like those lustful people." He was a prostitute, but he didn’t do anything indecent.”

"Vulgar? Lewd?"

Xia En VII seemed to think of something, and the corner of his mouth immediately twitched uncontrollably, and whispered: "Bring him up to see me."


Enise nodded slightly, then hurriedly ran down the stairs.

After about a few minutes, she brought with her a young man who was covered in a black cloak and had an unknown bulge hidden on his back.

"Oh - I knew it was you."

Looking at the face that looked exactly like Zuo Si, Xia En VII held his forehead and let out a helpless sigh.

You don't need to ask to know that the person who came is the diary who has just been "reborn".

Since the mastermind can monitor all players, the two floating cities received news at the same time from the moment they encountered a group of death knights.

The floating city of Plantia has entered the second level of combat readiness, ready for cross-time and space teleportation at any time.

"Hey! Don't look disgusted! I'm here to help you!"

There was strong dissatisfaction in the diary's tone.

He accepted being disliked by his master. After all, the gap in their personal lives was indeed quite big.

But the question is why does Xia En VII dislike it?

In the decades before you transformed into a lich, you had a huge harem of thousands of people. Which race from angels to demons have you not played?

"No, it's not disgust, it's just that you came a little too early."

Xia En VII obviously understood the subtext of the diary and understood that he was indeed unqualified in this regard, so he decisively chose to change the subject.


Diary blinked in confusion.

"Anise, please step back first."

Xia En VII waved his hand at his maid, and the content of the next conversation was obviously not something she could listen to.

"As you wish."

Just when the girl curtsied and was about to turn around and leave, the diary suddenly came closer and sniffed the perfume on the other person like an old gangster, and then exclaimed with a look of enjoyment on her face.

"Ah! This is the smell of lilies.

Although it is very light, it makes people feel happy.

Hi pretty girl.

If it is convenient, how about we find a place to discuss the origin and mystery of life later?

Don't worry, I have special skills in this area that will not harm you or the baby in your belly. "

It has to be said that since he chose not to be a human being, this guy's behavior in some aspects has become increasingly outrageous.

Although Enise had seen many perverts when she was forced to sell her body, she was still so frightened that she immediately turned around and ran away like a frightened rabbit.

But after she ran to the kitchen to calm down, she slowly realized that the pervert just now seemed a little different from the perverts she had encountered before.

At least the diary's eyes only contained pure lust and no other twisted or pathological malice.

And he didn't move any hands or feet, everything stayed at the language stage, and he didn't try to force himself through the relationship with Xia En VII.

Although he is also a pervert, at least he is a perverted gentleman.

At this moment, in the room on the second floor, Xia En VII was staring at the diary with a very strange look, as if to say, "You don't even let pregnant women go? What a beast."

But the diary obviously didn't care about this. He sat down on the chair and reported straightforwardly: "The construction of the cross-time and space portal leading to this world has been completed.

I have launched the satellite used to connect the psychic signal and the matching magic crystal tower.

Hundreds of thousands of players can rush in at any time and become your bargaining chip to mess up the world.

Now as long as you nod your head, I can start building a spellcasting environment covering the entire continent.

So if you have any ideas or arrangements, you can tell me directly now so that I can prepare and cooperate. "

"What are you hiding in your cloak?"

Xia En VII stared at the high bulge at the back of the diary and couldn't help but ask.

"This? Hehe! Of course it's a new weapon I'm proud of!"

The diary smiled evilly and lifted up his cloak to reveal a device like a metal disk mounted on his back.

Before Shane VII could ask what this thing was for, several thick tentacles covered with sharp triangular metal shells stretched out from the gaps in the disc.

At first, Xia En VII thought it was some kind of weapon.

But it was only seconds later that he realized he was wrong, very wrong.

How could a guy like Diary, who was full of dirty thoughts, come up with any serious weapons?

Especially the tentacles that make people crave just by looking at them...

I saw that the diary quickly took out a lot of rubber products of different lengths, thicknesses, and shapes from the dimensional bag that he carried. He easily connected them to the front of the tentacles through the metal slots at the ends, and then controlled these tentacles. Made some unsightly moves.

Not only that, he also showed off proudly: "How about it? Do you think I am a genius? In the past, I could only do three or five at the same time, but now I can do ten at a time."

"Shut up! Put away all these messy things!"

Xia En VII felt that his cognition had been greatly challenged, and he couldn't help but feel sorry for Zuo Si.

If he had created such a thing, it would be destroyed immediately without hesitation, no matter what kind of loss he had to endure.

"Okay! You are amazing! You are noble! People who have had enough fun are tough when they say it!"

Diary rolled his eyes angrily and quickly stuffed the tentacles and those rubber products back into the dimensional bag.

After cleaning up the mental pollution in his brain, Xia En VII said: "I have determined the location and entrance of the opponent's lair.

But I don’t intend to alert the enemy too early.

So I don't want all those players to rush into this world too early.

But I want them to come in quietly in batches, hide their identities and pretend to be natives of this world. I wonder if you can do it? "

"Of course, no problem. Give me a detailed plan and I will arrange the rest."

Diary agreed without thinking.

After all, in order to build more powerful game characters, this group of players have already messed up their clone bloodlines. They basically have all kinds of weird shapes, and they are not completely pure humans, elves, dwarves, dwarfs, and half-lengths. people.

Therefore, it is completely possible to integrate into the cities and countries of non-human races quietly.

As for hiding your identity, it's easier, just give the command.

In the last world, the players did not reveal their identities at first, and only unveiled their disguises after they gained power.

Xia En VII quickly took out a parchment scroll from the desk and handed it over.

“Here, here are my designated plans, and the five stages of disrupting the world.

Through investigation, I almost have a general understanding of the decaying and declining kingdom.

I have to say that this is a very suitable place for conspiracy and coup.

Whether it is the royal family that is losing its authority and several princes are fighting madly, or the nobles who are selfish and greedy, they do not realize that their rule has become quite unstable.

Next, I will use a series of means to seize power in this country, and then use it as a base to continuously export wars to the outside world, causing the situation in the entire world to begin to become chaotic. "

"Are you going to usurp the throne and become the king yourself, or are you going to control a prince or princess in the royal family to be a puppet?"

The diary glanced at the content on the scroll and asked with interest.

"Of course it's the latter. And I've already chosen a very good target, and I'm planning to find an opportunity to talk to her."

When saying these words, a meaningful smile appeared on Xia En VII's face.

The diary retained most of Zuo Si's memories, and he immediately understood who the other party was referring to, and burst into laughter on the spot.

"Ha ha ha ha!

I thought it was who it was, but it turned out to be the Golden Princess - Lana.

I have to say, you have a pretty good eye.

This one is a heavyweight, a true genius actor and a lunatic.

I was still considering whether to take her into the harem.

But think about it carefully and forget it.

I don't want to stay with such a shady woman all day long. "

"Wise choice.

Because anyone who has a relationship with this kind of woman will definitely become unfortunate in the end.

Falling in love with her is an out-and-out tragedy.

But it can be a very useful tool if you keep it under control as a subordinate. "

After saying that, Xia En VII instantly cast teleportation magic and disappeared.

The diary did not stop at all, and immediately left the capital and returned to the secret location where a stable portal was built.

With the appearance of the protagonist, a terrifying storm is brewing...

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