A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 538 Summoning (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

"Mentor, I don't understand why you want us to go to the Underdark to follow Irenikas' footsteps.

If his goal is to absorb the energy of the Elf Tree of Life in the Wildas Forest, why don't we go directly to Sodanisla City to warn the Elf Kingdom there, and then set a trap for him to come to our door?

Didn't you always teach me to never fall into the enemy's rhythm.

But should we do the opposite and seize the initiative into our own hands?

What's more, I don't think dealing with those dark elves is a wise choice at all.

If half of what Viconia said is true, then these guys are just too crazy, too twisted, and too sick. "

Sancho expressed all the doubts and confusions in his heart.

Through Zuo Si's words and deeds, he obviously has a way of thinking that is different from the traditional mage in Faerun, and he has a deep understanding of how important the word "gou" is to a successful mage.

After all, the most important thing is to reduce various risks as much as possible and ensure that you can survive.

The most important thing is that the boy hates being led by others.

That would remind him of the precarious days when he was on the run.

Zuo Si was of course very pleased that the only disciple could understand this at such a young age, and explained with a smile: "Because this is a kind of exercise for you, the fastest way to gain strength.

Don't forget, you, Aberdare, and Imoen are all descendants of Baal, the god of murder.

Any form of killing will stimulate the divinity and power in your body and make you stronger and stronger.

This is true for you, and it is true for other Sons of Baal who are aware of this.

So this is a speed competition, and it is also the most cruel elimination match.

Whether you like it or not, as long as you don't want to be a sacrifice for other brothers and sisters to ascend to the Blood Throne, you must join the game and ensure that you are the final winner.

Also, do you think that if you don’t go to the Underdark to destroy the alliance between Irenikas and the Dark Elves, you and those rotten forest elves alone can stop the two’s joint attack?

Believe me, the summoned creatures and various monster armies prepared by Erinikas for the raid on Sonnisla are enough for you to drink.

Coupled with the organic dark elf army, the final result must be a disastrous defeat.

What's more, how do you know that when you go to the Underdark, you are falling into his rhythm, not mine? "

As these words blurted out, the confusion in Sancho's eyes finally disappeared, replaced by awe of the cheap teacher in front of him.

Because he already understood that this adventure, which seemed to be led by the enemy, was actually a script arranged by Zuo Si.

Irenekas is the final villain set in the script, and his team is the protagonist of the story. It seems dangerous, but in fact, as long as he follows the script, there is a high probability that he can defeat the opponent steadily.

After all, Aberdare will be controlled by Baal, the late god of murder. This has been 100% confirmed.

Just when Sancho opened his mouth and wanted to say something, Imoen on the side suddenly couldn't help but interjected: "But you didn't say that before.

Will this kind of killing itself stimulate our evil god father, and eventually lead to influencing, controlling, or even resurrecting him from the dead?

If that's the case, shouldn't killing be avoided as much as possible?

Then he can no longer control us, let alone resurrect us. "

The girl's somewhat innocent speech made Zuo Si laugh, and he reached out to rub the other person's pink-dyed hair.

"Haha, I admit that what you said makes sense, and it is also feasible.

But the problem is that this requires all the Sons of Baal to abide by it in order to take effect.

As long as one son of Baal cannot control that kind of impulse, ambition and desire, then the only thing other sons of Baal can do is to join in to ensure that they are not eliminated.

This involves a complex chain of people's hearts and suspicions.

Since no one knows what the other person is thinking, they must do their best to become stronger even if they just want to survive.

Otherwise, there may be a situation where people are at the mercy of others.

You can ask Sancho about this, he knows it well.

Also, what do you think the nature of gods is?

As the god of murder, why can Baal be resurrected by using the killing, chaos and destruction caused by his descendants? "

"Because the act of killing and death itself is in line with his teachings? Can it make mortals feel awe and fear of him, thereby increasing his influence in the material world?" Imoen responded in an uncertain tone.

"Yes and no.

I have told you before that God is a pure spiritual body, existing in the form of certain beliefs and philosophical concepts.

This also means that they are immortal to a certain extent, even the gods who were pulled into the astral world and lay dead.

Dead gods may be resurrected as long as mortals can recall their names, believe in and practice the ideas they spread.

In other words, the act of killing itself does not increase Baal's power, only those killings that fit Baal's unique understanding will increase his power.

The easiest way for the Sons of Baal to escape his influence is to redefine the relationship between killing and death at a philosophical level.

That’s why I gave you so many philosophical books for you to read.

Once you form a new philosophical understanding, you two can get rid of Baal from the root and completely embark on your own path. "

Zuo Si did not hide anything, and generously gave the only way out for the Son of God.

Because the innate divinity and divine power in their souls is difficult to be completely stripped away.

In this case, only by philosophically redefining the relevant priesthood and taking the completely opposite path can we have a chance to completely get rid of the influence and control of the god's parents.

And if you continue along this path, there is a high probability that you will accumulate followers bit by bit from the Son of God to a quasi-god or even a demigod.

"I see!"

Aimeng nodded in understanding, then seemed to remember something, and immediately asked: "What about Aberdare? Why didn't you let him read philosophy books?"

As soon as he mentioned Galian's adopted son, Zuo Si's mouth twitched slightly uncontrollably and asked: "Are you sure he can see it or understand it?

I feel like for Aberdare, reading anything with text was a pain and torture.

To be honest, whenever I see what he does, I can't believe that this is a man who grew up in Candlekeep and was raised by the priest Ogma, the god of knowledge.

Compared with writing, knowledge and philosophy, he obviously prefers to follow the impulse of the most primitive instinct of creatures, and his actions are full of wildness.

When I informed him that the team was going to the Underdark, do you know what the first book this guy checked out from the library was? "

"what book?"

Imoen blinked curiously.

Because the very act of Aberdare going to the library was scary enough.

When he was a child and lived in Candlekeep, he never went to the library once. Even in class, he would lie on the table and fall asleep. He only became energetic during combat training.

Of course, as he grew older and entered puberty, his hobby changed from combat training to spying on female visitors taking baths.

"The Dark Desires of Drow and How to Please a Noble Woman."

This is the book Aberdare borrowed from the library.

By the way, this book contains a lot of illustrations of naked dark elf women, as well as some illustrations that will make your blood boil and your heart beat faster after reading them.

Obviously, he has now begun to plan what to do in Uster Nasa City.

So I suggest you keep a close eye on him to prevent him from causing another big trouble. "

After saying that, undisguised gloating appeared on Zuo Si's face.

After all, in the real history of Faerûn, Aberdare, the protagonist of the story of the Son of Baal, is not the "Chanem" played by the player in the game, who blocks people from killing people and God blocks gods from killing.

Just the opposite!

This guy can be called a "teammate nemesis", a "team-killing engine" and a "mobile pile driver".

Every important decision he makes is 100% at the expense of several teammates around him.

In the end, except for the tough ones such as Jaheira, Minsk, and Korang, the rest, including Imoen, were almost all killed in the battle.

Moreover, sperms have appeared on the brain countless times during the adventure, whether it was Badi, the vampire queen, or Fili, the eldest daughter of the first family of Uster Nasa City, they all had relations with him.

It can even be said that Aberdare thinks with his lower body much more often than he thinks with his head on the top of his neck. He is a typical "small head" controlling the "big head".

You can imagine how terrible it would be to go on an adventure with this guy.

Sometimes Zuo Si thinks that the reason why Baal chose him as the most important chess piece for his resurrection is that he saw his simple-minded nature and well-developed limbs, which is far easier to control than other Baal's sons.

In comparison, whether it is Sarevok, Erinikas, or the Five Descendants, they are obviously too shrewd and cunning.

One of the monks, Balthazar, was so crazy that he sealed Baal's power and divinity in his body, looking for opportunities to kill all his brothers and sisters, and then permanently destroy the God of Murder through suicide.

"Damn it!" X2

Realizing what Aberdare was going to do, Imoen and Sancho couldn't help cursing in unison and quickly turned around and left the workroom.

Since they had spent enough time with Aberdare, they all knew what outrageous things this guy could do, and they planned to talk to Jaheira before setting off.

Only this half-elf druid in the entire team has the ability to control Aberdare.

Two hours passed in a blink of an eye.

After the team was assembled, Zuo Si directly used transformation magic to transform everyone into the appearance of dark elves, and then teleported them all to the Underdark Tunnel not far from Uster Nasa City.

Since there was a projection there, he was not worried about the safety of these guys. Instead, he turned his attention to the easternmost part of the Faerun continent, the Oblivion Desert formed after the destruction of the Imasca Empire.

According to the intelligence collected from all aspects, the ancient evil being summoned by the artificers and imprisoned in the crystal prison - "God Killer" Pandrem should be hidden somewhere deep in the yellow sand.

But Zuo Si was not in a hurry to start exploring in person. Instead, he first pretended to be someone who was interested in the ruins and magical knowledge of the ancient Imasca Empire, and hired several groups of adventurers in a city near the edge of the desert to go to the desert. Go deep to explore suspicious places.

After all, now that he has already received the attention of the gods and many forces, he cannot just roll up his sleeves and do whatever he wants like before.

It will be easy for others to detect the intention, and then take corresponding interference and sabotage activities.

In particular, the gods of Mulhorand, who once destroyed the Imaskar Empire, would never allow anyone to get close to an ancient evil that could pose a huge threat to them.

Even the prophecy magic has been blocked, and no useful information can be obtained at all.

At this time, the ubiquitous and profit-seeking adventurers become the best targets.

By providing some tampered magic items in advance as payment, Zuo Si can easily observe every desert they pass through through these adventurers.

As long as one of the teams discovers ruins or relevant clues, he will immediately notice it.

Obviously, it is not easy to find the Purple Emperor's Palace in the capital of the Imasca Empire.

But fortunately Zuo Si has enough patience.

Just as he was hiding in the dark and watching the adventurers he hired while performing his duties as the emperor of the West Coast Empire, a strong throbbing suddenly poured into the depths of his soul.

It was a kind of call, prayer and sacrifice across planes.

Since becoming the lord of the ninth level of Baator Hell, Zuo Si has often been able to hear such voices vaguely.

However, since he himself is far less enthusiastic about establishing churches and spreading faith than other lords in the hell realm, most of the time he is too lazy to respond, let alone give him power.

Unable to gain anything from it, the more realistic devil-worshippers quickly abandon him and pray to some other great devil whose name they know.

Even those who have perseverance will turn around and leave in disappointment if they persist for several weeks without getting any response.

As the huge cyberpunk city on the ninth floor becomes more and more famous in the universe, Zuo Si's name has spread to countless material planes.

It is a normal operation for mortals to want to gain knowledge and power through prayer, summons, and sacrifice.

But the problem is that the person who presided over the summoning and sacrifice this time is obviously not an ordinary person. He is trying to force it into an unknown material world through some powerful force, and it is also suspected of using an artifact.

If no response is given, this state of uneasiness and interference will continue until the magical ritual is stopped.

In desperation, he could only create a projection and let the other party drag him away from Toril, crossing the long distance in space and moving closer to another world little by little.

He wanted to see if it was those guys who were so impatient that they were trying to summon him and wanted to get something from him.

At the same time, in another main material world not far from the crystal wall where Toril was, a group of female dark elves were surrounding a huge stone pillar, chanting crude spells loudly.

On the top of the stone pillar in front of them, there was a mysterious crystal that glowed with red blood.

It is by relying on this thing that he can gather enough power to summon terrifying lower plane creatures like demon lords.

The leading drow priestess looked solemn at the moment. Although she had not personally participated in the ceremony, she could already feel the deep evil aura emanating from the center of the circle.

Judging from the spider pattern she wears on her chest, she is a high-ranking priestess of the spider goddess Lolth, and can even be called a chosen one.

Like other gods of the elven pantheon, Lolth's faith is not limited to Toril, but is the main god of all dark elves throughout the universe.

"Mother Eklavdra, this summoning ceremony has been going on for four full hours, but so far there has been no movement. Are you sure you didn't get the name or other details wrong?"

Another high-level drow priestess came over and questioned with a solemn expression.

You must know that under normal circumstances, even summoning a demon lord only takes ten minutes to half an hour at best.

Most importantly, performing such a summons takes considerable physical and mental energy from the participants.

At present, many priestesses have reached the point where they can no longer hold on.

"Are you questioning the will of the goddess?"

The high priestess known as the Matron of Eklavdra turned around and stared at the other person with her glowing red eyes.

The latter quickly shook his head vigorously: "No, how dare I question the great and wise goddess, but this is too strange. Do we still have to continue the ceremony when we still get no response?"

"Don't worry! He will show up soon. I can feel the strong evil aura filling the air."

There was a hint of impatience in Eklavdra's voice.

Because she was feeling very nervous and anxious now.

After all, although this place is far away from the free city of Gray Eagle, such a noisy summoning ceremony can still easily attract the attention of "Eight Leaves".

Once someone like Mordenkainen or other powerful mages rush over to check the situation, all the hard work of preparation will be completely wasted.

Yes, this material world is the hometown of Mordenkainen, the place where the demon launched the most important turning point in the war that swept the entire universe.

Its name is Gray Eagle, also known as Os.

The former is named after the most important city "Grey Eagle", and the latter is the name of the entire planet.

Unlike Toril, which is guarded by the god Io, this main material plane does not have a so-called creator and god, and the battles and killings among the gods are also particularly unscrupulous.

Rose also took a fancy to this, so after careful consideration, she decided to choose the trading location here.

In order to keep it secret and avoid leaking any news, she did not choose to inform Zuo Si, but deliberately deceived her followers and asked the priests to gather their strength to directly summon Zuo Si's projection.

The advantage of this is that even if it is discovered, the mages of Eight Leaves and the gods of this world will only regard it as an act of summoning creatures from the lower planes, and will not pay much attention to it.

After all, Naraku, the god of death, is the being that the Gray Eagle gods are most afraid of right now, and the only one who can confront him is probably the sun god Pelor.

But just like Murphy's Law says, the more a person is afraid of something or the more worried he is about something, the more likely it will happen.

When the dark elf priestesses were exhausted from the long summoning ceremony and their movements began to change, there was suddenly a fierce fighting sound outside the cave.

Mistress Eklavdra's expression suddenly changed drastically, and she shouted at the male warrior at the door and asked: "What's going on? What happened?"

Before the male warrior could open his mouth to speak, a fireball flew straight over from a distance, instantly releasing a dazzling fire and explosion.

boom! ! ! ! ! !

Although the skin of the dark elves is highly resistant to magic, the sudden fire severely damaged their unique eyes that have evolved to adapt to the dark environment.

Many people were temporarily blinded by the bright firelight, and the two unlucky ones closest to them covered their faces and screamed in pain.

Facts have proven that the most effective spell to deal with creatures that are accustomed to moving in the dark is always a sudden bright light.

As for the few unlucky ones who were within the scope of the fireball explosion, they were already exuding a strong aroma of barbecue.

Although he is not dead yet, judging from the extent of his burns, it is only a matter of time.

The most terrible thing is that after the fireball explosion, the heavily armed soldiers rushed in at the lead.

Following them was the mage organization from the free city of Gray Eagle - Eight Leaves.

Although under the leadership of Mordenkainen, the "Eight Leaves" have always maintained strict neutrality, balancing the forces of good and evil throughout the continent.

But they will never show mercy to dangerous creatures that summon lower planes within their sphere of influence.

Especially after the incident of Lady Fungus Zugmoy being imprisoned in the Temple of Evil Elements broke out, several archmages were even more vigilant about this.

"Damn it! We were interrupted at the most critical moment! We failed! Run! Don't get caught!"

After regaining her sight, Mother Eklavdra decisively gave the order to retreat.

She obviously knew that after such a long period of consumption, her men no longer had much fighting power.

Rather than rushing forward and risking more casualties, it is better to hide first and try to make a comeback.

"No! These drow are running away! Stop them!"

An old mage with a gray beard noticed this and shouted an alarm at the top of his voice.

Then, the chanting of mantras echoed in the middle of the cave.

Immediately afterwards, colorful arcane lights began to flash in the darkness, and a few seconds later a large number of spells were shot from the fingertips of the mages.

The soldiers in front also charged and pursued under the cover of spells.

In this way, the two sides started a battle of chasing and escaping in the complex underground tunnels.

Because both sides were too focused, no one noticed the blood-red crystal placed on the top of the central stone pillar of the array. The surface was densely covered with cracks like spider webs from unknown time.

Finally it shattered with a snap.


The originally dimmed magic circle burst out into a dazzling pillar of fire, with silver lightning wrapped around the center of the pillar of fire.

Between the pillar of fire and the lightning, a black figure could be vaguely seen.

After a long period of dragging, Zuo Si's projection finally successfully landed on this land he had never set foot on.

At this moment, the mages from Baye obviously no longer care about chasing the dark elves, but focus all their attention on the summoning circle.

Because the suffocating sense of oppression and the unintentional power exuded are enough to make any mage with sufficient knowledge of planes feel numb.

Although they still don't know exactly what the dark elf summoned, they can be sure that it is definitely not inferior to any known demon lord, and even more powerful.




Those soldiers couldn't even hold the weapons in their hands, and they had only one thought in their minds, which was to turn around and run away immediately.

This is obviously far beyond what they can handle, and they need to ask the great mages to deal with it after they return.

It's a pity that my body doesn't obey the orders at all. My legs are as heavy as lead and I can't move even an inch.

When the pillars of fire and dazzling lightning disappeared, everyone saw a young man with short black hair and a harmless smile on his face.

But after witnessing the horrific scene just now, no one would regard it as an ordinary person. Instead, they thought it was an extremely dangerous and cunning terrifying alien creature.

"Um... may I ask where this is? I mean the plane or the name of the planet?"

Zuo Si asked the mages and warriors in front of him very politely.

Since his big devil form has a permanent [Spell of Glossary] effect, no matter what he says, it should sound like his most understandable native language to the other party.

But no one at the scene responded for two or three minutes, and even the air was filled with an atmosphere called "embarrassment."

From those eyes, Zuo Si read one of the most primitive emotions of mortals - fear.

These unknown mages and warriors were afraid of him and stood far outside the summoning circle.

You don't need to ask to know that the other party feels that the protection and restraint parts of the summoning circle can protect you from harm.

After realizing this, Zuo Si couldn't help but sigh slightly, opened his arms in a harmless manner and said to himself: "Please, do you think I look like a threat?

I simply want to find out who summoned me and what they want to use me for.

And you really don’t think this simple magic circle can trap me, do you?

From a professional perspective, I can find at least a dozen errors.

In addition, don't forget that the basis for the function of all magic circles is the magical energy existing in the surrounding environment.

If these energies are isolated or even drained, the magic circle will naturally be as worthless as a child's doodles. "

To prove that I'm not bluffing.

Zuo Si quickly found an omission in the summoning circle, and then turned three of the runes upside down in front of these people.

The next second...

He crossed the magic circle with one foot and took a big step forward.

This move instantly triggered a stress reaction among the mages present.

In the blink of an eye, magic missiles and other offensive spells were coming from the sky like raindrops.

In response, Zuo Si had no reaction at all.

Because most of these arcane magics belong to the third ring and below, it is a big deal to have one or two fourth rings interspersed in between.

Spells of five rings and below cannot cause even a little bit of damage to his projection.

In the end, after a lot of blind work, the mages finally realized this, immediately stopped attacking, put on themselves to protect themselves from evil, and slowly retreated.

They had obviously received strict training, and no one spoke from the beginning to the end.

After all, when dealing with creatures from lower planes that are more powerful than yourself, it is best to maintain zero communication and not let the other party know even a little bit of information and secrets about yourself.

Zuo Si did not pursue, but watched with interest as the opponent exited the cave, and repeatedly added several layers of seals at the entrance.

After these people were completely gone, he destroyed the entire summoning circle and walked out of it without any panic.

Through the silent casting of thinking and memory reading spells just now, he has learned that the world he is in now is Gray Eagle, and these mages are members of the "Eight Leaves".

For Mordenkainen's sake, he did not take action against the mages who offended him, but chose to let them go.

But what Zuo Si couldn't understand was why the priestesses of the spider goddess Lolth took such a big risk to pull one of their own projections directly from Toril.

After all, it took too long to squeeze into this world, so that when they arrived, the drow had already disappeared.

After standing there and hesitating for a moment, he finally decided to go out and take a look, feel the unique scenery of this world, and pay a visit to Mordenkainen on the way.

Obviously, it is impossible for a seal set by an ordinary "Eight Leaf" magician to seal Zuo Si, even if it is just a projection.

He effortlessly tore down the defense that the opponent thought was indestructible.

When he walked out of the cave and felt the breeze blowing in his face, he couldn't help but sigh slightly: "The intensity of the magical energy here seems to be slightly worse than that in Toril.

Especially without the magic network, it is extremely difficult to learn and use magic.

But not having the convenience provided by the Magic Network is not a bad thing.

Because it is easier to access and understand the nature of magic in this world.

No wonder so many talented and crazy mages are born.

Such as Mordenkainen, Vecna, Zaji Elagon, and Zaji Elagon's student who raped Six Fingers, the famous Witch Queen-Gwilf.

Among them, Vecna ​​and Zaji Elagon should be the real gods now.

The child of Gwilf and Six-Finger, Iuz is also a demon demigod and has established an empire of his own.

I have to say that a world without gods and gods to control and restrict it is really a paradise for the strong.

As long as you have enough strength, you can do whatever you want.

Just find a way to kill whichever god you don't like, without having to consider the consequences or balance at all. "

Zuo Si didn't know much about the world of Gray Eagle. He probably only had the names of a few important gods in his mind, and he couldn't even piece together a complete map.

The only thing he knew was that the continent he stood on was called "Oric".

In the vast land called "Flannis Region" in the east of the continent, there are gathered a series of chaotic countries and forces such as the empire established by the demon demigod Iuz and the free city Gray Eagle.

So now he needs to find a town first, inquire about the situation with the local residents, and then confirm whether the next step is to take back the projection directly or go to Mordenkain for tea.

In the eyes of people who don't know magic, walking out of the endless forests and wastelands is undoubtedly a very challenging thing.

Because when you can't tell which direction there is a town, if you can't see anyone for several days in a row, and you are unlucky enough to be unable to find a water source, you will most likely die of dehydration and thirst.

But Zuo Si only cast a prophecy spell to confirm the direction of the nearest town, and then walked through a dense forest and shrubs to an obviously rutted country road.

The deep ruts on the ground are enough to prove that carriages and caravans loaded with goods often pass by this road, so the front should be a city with prosperous trade, not an ordinary small village.

Just as he was walking leisurely along the roadside, the sound of horse hooves suddenly came from behind.

Then several vehicles full of wine barrels, cured meats, hams, wheat flour and large amounts of salted eggs and smoked chicken appeared on the horizon.

Through eyesight far beyond that of ordinary people, Zuo Si keenly observed that this was a small caravan.

The leading man looked to be in his fifties. Since he was running around outside all day long, his actual age should be younger. He was sitting in the driving seat of the first car.

Next to him sat a young girl in her early twenties. Judging from her appearance, she should be related to a father and daughter.

Since the width of the carriage just fits the ruts on the road, the caravan can move quite fast, and there is no need to worry about rollover like vehicles whose width does not meet the specifications.

When they caught up with Zuo Si who was walking, the leader of the caravan immediately smiled and waved and said hello: "Hey! Young traveler!

Where are you going?

Why walk?

Where is your carriage or horse?

You must know that this place is not safe. Monsters and beasts often appear.

If you don't mind, we can give you a ride. "

"Ah! Thank you so much.

To be honest, this was my first time traveling far away, and I accidentally got lost.

What was even more unlucky was that while looking for water, they encountered a pack of wolves and accidentally lost their horse while escaping.

Oh my God!

I couldn't believe that I was so unlucky. "

Zuo Si put one hand on his chest and bowed to the other party, with a very natural expression of bitterness and helplessness on his face.

Possessed by an actor, he vividly interprets the image of a young man who encounters setbacks and is helpless.

Especially his polite attitude and humorous way of speaking immediately won the favor of everyone in the caravan, including the leader, who was successfully amused.

Moreover, they could clearly feel from the behavior of the young man in front of them that he was well-educated and was definitely not a robber or bandit.

In addition, the exquisite costumes molded by magic power on the projection body are obviously not affordable for ordinary civilians.

It is precisely because of the above factors combined that the caravan leader chose to extend an invitation to him.

Otherwise, if it were a ragged beggar or an adventurer or mercenary carrying a weapon, he would definitely hide as far away as possible.

In this way, Zuo Si successfully sneaked into the caravan and became one of them.

But what he didn't know was that not long after he left the cave, the mages who had left before came back with Mordenkainen himself.

When they saw the summoning circle and seal that were damaged almost beyond repair, many mages had solemn expressions on their faces.

An older man took the initiative to stand up and asked cautiously: "Master, why is this happening?

We have obviously blessed at least six seals at the entrance of the cave.

Normally, even if you want to escape, you should escape deep underground, right? "

Mordenkainen did not make any reply, but simply began to chant a spell to recall everything that had happened here through the power of magic.

When he saw the familiar figure walking out of the pillar of fire and lightning, an extremely strange expression suddenly appeared on his face. He touched the small goatee on his chin and whispered: "Soth! How could it be him? Weird, so weird. . And judging from his reaction, it didn’t seem like there was any hostility, it was more like an accident.”

"Master, do you know that powerful creature from the lower planes?"

The old mage next to him had strong curiosity in his eyes.

"Don't worry about this matter. I will handle it myself. But remember to keep it confidential and don't leak the news. I don't want to cause any unnecessary panic."

After saying that, Mordenkainen ignored the reaction of his men and directly used teleportation magic to disappear in place, leaving a group of guys staring at each other who had no idea what was going on.

At the same time, far away on the 66th floor of the bottomless abyss - the Pit Demonic Web, the spider goddess Rose was holding the book wrapped in black silk in her hands, with hesitation and reluctance on her face.

Obviously, she did not show up and send the book at the first time. The root cause was the greed and desire in her heart.

After all, the secrets, knowledge and power of the abyss are recorded here. If she can read it before handing it to Zuo Si, even if she only reads a small part, her strength will be greatly improved.

This kind of hesitation and capriciousness is exactly the character of his chaotic camp.

After struggling for a long time, Rose couldn't hold back in the end. She carefully opened the black silk wrapped outside, pointed directly at the maid beside her, a monster called the Wax Melt Demon, and ordered with unquestionable majesty: "You, Come and open it.”

"As you command, the supreme great goddess."

The Waxmelt Demon, which maintained its drow form, walked closer without saying a word, stretched out its hand to touch the book exuding red and black mist.

Before it even touched the cover, it was just eroded by the mist. The transformation magic it originally blessed on itself was instantly invalidated, and its twisted and ugly true body appeared on the spot.

It was a puddle of brown unknown mixture less than two meters long, smelling like shit.

On the pile of shit, there were eight powerful tentacles, and in the middle was a big, blood-red eyeball that was constantly rotating.

Any normal person would not be able to help but feel disgusted and viscerally disgusted after seeing this thing.

All waxmelt demons were created by Rose herself.

They are loyal servants of the Spider Goddess, and their only meaning of existence is to complete every task assigned by their creator.

Therefore, even after revealing its true form, the wax-melting demon still did not give up and continued to wave its tentacles to touch the cover.

But just 0.01 seconds later, its body suddenly began to expand rapidly, and swallowed up other surrounding wax monsters, spider hunters and other demons into its body at an incredible speed, and eventually evolved into an inoperable monster. The twisted monster described in words rushed directly towards Rose like crazy.

The latter directly raised his finger and fired a burst of divine magic, which instantly decomposed the mutated wax demon into tiny particles that were indistinguishable to the naked eye.

After finishing all this, Rose re-covered the black silk with reluctance, raised her other hand and knocked hard on the armrest of the throne.

Judging from the skillful way of handling it, this is obviously not her first attempt, but she has tried it countless times.

But the results were almost the same every time.

No matter whether it is a creature created with divine power, the most powerful petitioner in the country, or the demon who lives in this level and takes refuge in him, none of them can withstand the power of this book of the abyss.

As for herself, she had already lost two incarnations in her initial attempts.

At this point, no matter what thoughts the Spider Goddess had about this book, she could only give up.

What's more terrible is that, driven by the greed in her heart, she lost the best opportunity to hand the book to Zuo Si.

Now we must prepare a sufficiently thorough and concealed way to meet...

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