As a special profession that requires traveling around and between villages and towns, merchants will always have more channels for obtaining information than civilians in any world.

Especially in a world like Faerun and Greyhawk, excluding magic and supernatural powers, the overall productivity level is still stuck in the Middle Ages or even the Renaissance, and the speed of information transmission is appallingly slow.

So since joining the caravan, Zuo Si has obtained a lot of information about the world and surrounding areas through conversations with the leader and his daughter.

In addition, there are some "international situations" that are not very accurate but come from far away.

As he expected, Greyhawk's current timeline is a few years after the end of the famous "Greyhawk War".

According to the "ordinary year" era widely used in the world, it should be between CY586 and 588.

It is equivalent to approximately 1232 years in the Ordi era, 6103 years in the Su era, 5050 years in the Elven calendar, 3247 years in the Baklunish era, and 2738 years in the Faran calendar.

In short, because like the world of Toril, there are also a large number of ancient civilizations that have disappeared in the long history, so this place has also experienced more than one round of rise and destruction of civilizations.

Some of today's countries and city-states are survivors of ancient civilizations, and some have emerged from devastating disasters, slowly getting rid of primitiveness and ignorance and establishing their own territories.

Zuo Si was able to make such a judgment because there was a very obvious landmark event, which was the death and resurrection of Tan Sen, one of the important members of the "Eight Leaves".

Yes, it was the same Tan Sen who invented Tan Sen's transformation and other powerful transformation magics, allowing mages to be more terrifying than soldiers in close combat.

He had been a close comrade-in-arms of Mordenkenn for a long time, accepting the leadership of this man who was probably the most powerful mortal mage in the entire world except those who had been promoted to gods, and played an important role during the Greyhawk War. effect.

Unfortunately, Mordenken's absence due to unknown reasons for a certain period of time led to the betrayal of Larry, another archmage in the "Eight Leaves".

On the day when the combatants began to get tired of the never-ending war and planned to gather together to sign a peace agreement, Larry used a premeditated and powerful magic to kill two of his other colleagues, Tanson and Otilu. gram.

The latter is the inventor of a series of important shield spells.

And this year is CY584.

Just when everyone thought Tan Sen was completely dead, he was resurrected by a group of adventurers the following year. Now he has left the "Eight Leaves" and returned to his bottomless fortress, starting to prepare strength and retrieve those things. Treasures and important magical items stolen during his own death, while formulating a plan to destroy the demonic demigod Iuz.

Because he is different from Mordenken who advocates the concept of maintaining neutrality and balance, he himself is a completely lawful good camp, and he very much recognizes the sun god Pelor of this world, so he extremely hates summoning demons and demons in large numbers during the Greyhawk War, resulting in several Two forces that lost hundreds of thousands of civilian lives as a result.

You don't need to ask to know that there is no other person who can summon a large number of demons in this world, except the demon demigod-Iuz, who was born to Six-Fingered Graz'zt and Igvirvo.

Another important participant in the war, the former nominal supreme ruler of the Free City State Greyhawk, Aivid V, signed a contract with Baator Hell and began to summon a large number of demons, and at the same time used magic to transform a large number of undead creatures to participate in the war.

As a result, the bloody battle that lasted for countless millennia unsurprisingly extended to the world of Gray Eagle.

In fact, this situation is not an isolated case, but occurs frequently in many material planes discovered by devils and demons at the same time.

It is precisely because of this that it is called the largest war in the universe, with the longest duration, the highest death toll, and the most powerful impact.

In addition, if you have to compare Toril and Greyhawk's planet, Os, together, the most obvious difference is the quantity and quality of mortal gods.

Among them, the most famous ones are Vecna, who climbed all the way from a mortal mage to the position of the Hidden God, Gwilf's crazy mentor, Zaji Elagon, and the demon demigod Iuz, who established the empire and ruled it personally. Of course there is no need to say more about these.

As for the Witch-Queen Igwilf, some say that she went to settle in some outer plane and continued to explore the mysteries of demons and the Abyss;

Some people say that she has become a demigod with terrifying power just like her mentor and son.

But no matter what the truth is, this is definitely a strong man who has the ability to cross the threshold between mortals and gods.

The most important thing is that she possesses the key qualifications for a mage to become a god, which is a bold and crazy mind.

Even Bokabu, the powerful god of magic, was once just a mortal mage, but now he is the most powerful god in the country.

The Book of Bokabu blessed by him is a treasure coveted by countless mages.

In addition, there are other gods who can be traced back to fragments of their mortal existence in ancient texts and legends.

In other words, the threshold for becoming a god in this world is not as high as in Faerûn. It can be achieved entirely through personal efforts, and in the end it does not need to be approved by the gods.

Similarly, because there are no gods to restrain them, the gods of Greyhawk World also interfere with mortal affairs very frequently.

At least after the turmoil in Faerun, the gods all realized that Io was dissatisfied with what he had done in the past, and the number of times he sent incarnations gradually became less and less, and they turned to other methods such as oracles and dreams to let believers do the work for them. .

Mortal affairs should be decided by the mortals themselves. This is the consensus reached by the gods of Toril after the end of the Year of Turmoil.

Otherwise, God Ao's iron fist of punishment may fall again.

"Is it a world where as long as you have enough power, you can do whatever you want? It seems not bad..."

Zuo Si sat in front of the campfire and muttered something in a voice that only he could hear.

There is no doubt that for those who pursue the path of becoming gods, Gray Eagle is definitely the most ideal world.

In particular, demigods like Iuz who stayed in the material plane and had not yet gone to the outer plane to establish their own kingdom could be targeted for hunting.

During his rise, he was captured and imprisoned underground in the free city of Greyhawk.

The person who did this was none other than the mayor at the time, Zaji Elagon.

No one knows what the mad archmage did to Iuz.

But what is certain is that when he was released, he had become a demigod who could grant believers magical powers.

Zhaji Eragon also soon surpassed the limits of mortals and became a god.

Scholars in this world generally believe that the fact that these two guys were deified one after another is very likely to have a very close relationship with the incident at the Temple of Evil Elements.

After all, the followers of Iuz have claimed more than once that their master is consorted with the fungus lady Zugmoy.

"What were you talking about just now?"

The daughter of the caravan leader cast a curious look after throwing some cured meat and dried mushrooms into the pot.

Although they had only known each other for less than two or three days, she was obviously very fond of the young man in front of her who exuded amazing charm in every gesture.

There was no way, who could have made the other members of the convoy either a foul-mouthed coachman who cursed all day long, or a group of country youths who were temporarily hired to carry and take care of the goods.

Compared with these civilians who have lived at the bottom of society for a long time, Zuo Si's politeness, education, conversation and incredibly rich knowledge reserve are undoubtedly of great benefit to this man who is just in his early twenties and is studying business with his father. Skilled young girls have terrible lethality.

The most important thing is that this projection has a charm attribute of up to fifty-five points. Often a smile or a look in her eyes can make her heartbeat speed up involuntarily and her hormones secrete in large quantities.

If the caravan leader's daughter's fantasy progress was followed, the two would have given birth to seven or eight children and lived a happy married life.

It's a pity that, like all people who like to fantasize, this young girl never dares to take any substantive action although she thinks a lot.

Because in her opinion, such an outstanding young man must come from a noble or famous family, and the daughter of a small businessman like herself is not worthy of him.

Therefore, we can only try to hide the inferiority complex and contradictions in our hearts while trying to build a good friendship by building a closer relationship.

But what the girl didn't know was that all the thoughts in her mind had been clearly seen by someone through magic, but they were just not broken.

Not only her, but all the thoughts and memories of the entire caravan were read.

It is precisely because of this that Zuo Si was able to obtain so much information in a short period of time.

Of course, how much of it is credible, and how much of it is hearsay and my own imagination, we can only know after we go to the city.

Thinking of this, he smiled at the caravan leader's daughter: "Nothing, just a little emotional about the unpredictable changes of fate. By the way, where are your father and others? Why didn't I see them?"

"There was a creek not far away, and they all carried cans to replenish fresh water.

There will be no clean water sources during the next few days of the journey, so this is the last resupply point before reaching the destination.

In addition, they also want to catch some fresh fish along the way to improve their food.

After all, people can’t stand eating pickled food all day long.

What's more, those cured meats and salted eggs can be sold for money. The more you save on the road, the more you will earn when you arrive in the city. "

The girl explained straightforwardly.

Since this was not her first time running this trade route, she remembered in her mind where there were water sources and where she could rest along the way.

It is this valuable experience accumulated over the years that allows the team to avoid dangers and reach their destination safely.

Businessmen in other places want to follow suit and either spend a lot of money to buy information from the caravans, or risk death and try it themselves until they figure out what's going on along the way.

This is one of the reasons why you can make so much money by doing business, but businessmen are so precious and rare in an era when productivity and transportation are underdeveloped.

Without a leader, this industry is really not something ordinary people can do.

"I see."

Zuo Si nodded pretendingly and glanced out of the corner of his eye at the man who was also cooking soup and cooking in front of another bonfire not far away. There was a hint of playfulness in his eyes that was not easy to detect.

The other person looked to be in his early thirties, and his face and arms had dark and rough skin due to long-term exposure to the sun. He was one of the few guys in the caravan who showed naked hostility to Zuo Si.

The reason is also very simple.

This man named Isadore was an orphan picked up in the wild by the caravan leader when he was young, and he has been training him as his adopted son and successor.

So in his eyes, whether it's a caravan or his adoptive father's beautiful daughter, sooner or later they all belong to him.

But Zuo Si's sudden appearance gave him an unprecedented sense of crisis.

Anyone who is not blind can see that in just two days, the heart of the sister who has been with him day and night for more than ten years has already flown away.

The entire caravan seemed to have been drunk from top to bottom, and they were full of praise for this outsider who joined halfway and whose identity and origin were unknown.

Obviously, this is the effect brought about when the charm attribute is high enough.

So Isadore inevitably developed feelings of jealousy, anger and fear, and wanted to make Zuo Si look embarrassed whenever he had the chance.

It's a pity that his little trick is not to mention facing a terrifying big devil's projection. Even Zuo Si can play with it with the skills he honed in the workplace before awakening the spark.

So the guy ended up reaping the consequences of his own humiliation.

As strong negative emotions continue to accumulate, Isadore's thinking begins to distort, and irrepressible hatred is replacing reason.

About a few hours ago, he and his closest buddies started discussing how to find an opportunity to kill his adoptive father, then frame Zuo Si as the murderer, then kill him in the name of revenge as the heir, and finally complete the forced marriage of his sister and become a caravan The new leader's plan.

As the saying goes, there is a terrible devil living in everyone's heart.

The prerequisite for the devil to break the seal is often a sudden psychological imbalance, and the subsequent outbreak of selfishness, greed, desire and other dark sides of human nature.

Regarding the ongoing conspiracy of this "filial son", Zuo Si actually had an attitude of watching a monkey show.

Maybe it's because he has become a member of the Great Devil, or maybe it's because he is constantly moving closer to the lawful evil camp.

In short, he is increasingly able to appreciate this spontaneous process of corruption deep in the soul, as well as the darkness and evil displayed by mortals in the face of gains and losses.

No wonder Asmodeus likes to taste the memory fragments left behind after those fallen souls are squeezed clean.

Through these fragments, we can truly feel that evil is hidden deep in the heart of every mortal.

Even the kindest, noblest, and most righteous paladin is just because he was not forced into a corner.

In this way, under Isadore's gaze of hatred that could not be concealed, a pot of marinated meat and mushroom soup was quickly simmered.

As for the staple food, of course it was hard bread prepared well before the caravan set off.

Because this thing has been stored for too long, each one has already become as hard as a brick. If you chew it directly, you may cause problems with your teeth in a short time.

It is precisely because of this that the caravan stops to light a fire and cook soup.

No matter how hard the bread is, as long as it is dipped in hot soup, it will instantly soften to the point where you don’t even need to chew it.

But what makes the daughter of the caravan leader uneasy is that the soup has been cooked, but her father and other people who went to the creek to fetch water and fish have not returned yet.

But she didn't dare to leave the carriage parked nearby and took the few remaining people over to check.

After all, for a small caravan, the goods on the car are almost equal to everyone's wealth and life.

Once it is lost, it means losing everything, and there is no possibility of recovery. Bankruptcy is almost 100% certain.

As time passed, the atmosphere in the camp gradually became tense and anxious.

When it got completely dark, both the driver and the coolie subconsciously picked up the weapons placed beside them.

After waiting for more than an hour, their last hope was exhausted, and now it was almost certain that something had happened.

"We have to send someone over to take a look!"

An old coachman in his fifties with a face full of wrinkles was the first to suggest.

He has followed the leader the longest among the entire caravan, so he is extremely loyal.

"But what to do with the goods in the car? We can't just leave them here, right?" Isadore asked with a frown.

The old coachman raised his head and glanced at the leader's adopted son coldly, and replied very simply: "I didn't say leave him alone, I just wanted to take two people to the creek to check the situation. If you are afraid, you can follow Anne stays with you."

There is no doubt that Isadore's "white-eyed wolf" behavior, which showed no concern for his adoptive father's safety, aroused the dissatisfaction of the old coachman.

But the interesting thing is that he did not make any rebuttal. Instead, he pointed at Zuo Si standing aside and said, "Didn't this outsider brag about how powerful he was before? How about you let him go with you?"

"I don't have any problem."

Zuo Si agreed without even thinking, looking completely indifferent.

"Young man, you have to think carefully. I can't guarantee what you will encounter next to that creek."

The old coachman kindly gave a warning.

But Zuo Si still responded lightly: "It doesn't matter. I'm mentally prepared to deal with possible dangers. In addition, it would be better if you could give me another sword as a weapon."

"Here, use my sword."

The daughter of the caravan leader handed over her exquisite dagger hanging on her waist without saying a word.

Obviously, this move immediately made Isadore's already ugly face turn livid, and his hands clenched into fists.

If he could, he really wanted to rush forward right now, swing his fist as big as a sandbag, and beat the pretty boy in front of him until his face was covered in blood.

But in the end, he chose to be patient, but his eyes were full of malice and resentment.

After a brief tidying up, the old coachman took Zuo Si and another coolie into the woods to the west of the camp.

Since it was completely dark, they lit two pine tar torches.

From the depths of the forest, there is occasionally a harsh howl of wolves, as well as the roars of a large number of unknown beasts.

The twenty-twenty-three-year-old, strong coolie was completely frightened by this terrifying environment, and his whole body was shaking uncontrollably.

Even the occasional pine trees and owls passing by on the treetops, as well as mice and rabbits emerging from the grass, can scare him so much that he sits on the ground and trembles.

But there is no way, the primeval forest at night is so terrifying in the eyes of ordinary people.

There are too many predators inside that can threaten human life.

Not to mention the undead and some other supernatural monsters that may exist in the wizarding world.

In contrast, although the old coachman's nerves were quite tense, he always remained calm. Occasionally, he would secretly observe Zuo Si, who did not show any nervousness at all and looked as if he was taking an after-dinner walk.

After walking for about ten minutes, he finally stopped and couldn't help but lower his voice and test: "Young man, because of the unknown risks we may face, can you explain to me?

If you encounter wolves, beasts or monsters for a while.

What are the chances of us surviving? "

"Don't worry, it won't be us who bleed tonight."

Zuo Si gently waved the dagger with a +1 enchantment level in his hand, giving a meaningful guarantee.

"Then it's all up to you."

The old coachman breathed a sigh of relief when he got the answer he was expecting, raised his torch and strode forward.

After another ten minutes or so, the sound of gurgling water could already be heard.

Because we were deep in a dense forest, the sky above our heads was basically completely blocked by the dense leaves, and the moonlight couldn't shine through at all. We could only look around with the faint light of torches.

Soon, the old coachman discovered filled water cans next to the creek, as well as fishing tools piled haphazardly next to them.

Including a small net, a few sharp forks, and even seven or eight fish that have been killed and cleaned and threaded with straw ropes.

After checking the surroundings twice, he stopped and analyzed: "There is no blood, which means that the leader and his party were not attacked by wolves or other beasts.

Otherwise, what we see now should be mutilated corpses and bones scattered everywhere.

But the problem is that the water jars and fishing tools are left here, where will they go?

Even if they were ambushed or kidnapped, there should at least be signs of struggle and fighting. "

"What about the acquaintance who did it?"

Zuo Si put forward a hypothesis with a half-smile.


The old coachman's pupils suddenly dilated, as if he thought of something, and asked in an uncertain tone: "You mean Isadore..."

"No, I didn't say that. I just think that an acquaintance can best explain this situation.

Because only acquaintances can avoid arousing suspicion before taking action.

Only acquaintances can use various methods to disperse people and defeat them one by one.

And look at the obvious footprints next to the creek on the ground. Are some deeper and some shallower?

So my theory is that someone in the caravan is plotting to kidnap the leader and his loyal men.

As long as you follow the footprints and look for it, you will find out the truth soon. "

After that, Zuo Si used his dark vision to lock onto a series of footprints.

Since the incident occurred next to a creek, the land was quite moist, even wet.

People can easily leave clear footprints when they step on it.

Although most of them have been artificially destroyed, they still cannot be hidden from Zuo Si's keen eyes.

Following the location of the creek and moving north for about two or three kilometers, the group of three finally saw a flaming cave near the mountainside in the distance.

When they got closer, both the old coachman and the coolie gasped involuntarily.

Because the people guarding the entrance of the cave were not the "acquaintances" they expected, but a group of orcs wearing leather armor and holding various weapons.

What's even more terrible is that the other party is also wearing a skull mark with a toothy smile.

After the horrific Greyhawk War, no one in the entire Flanaess region would fail to recognize this symbol.

It is the holy symbol of Iuz, the demonic demigod known as "The Old Man."

Generally speaking, the appearance of this thing usually means conspiracy, war, killing, slavery, exploitation and pain.

Obviously, these orcs are believers and followers of Iuz.

Unlike the orcs of Toril who mainly believe in Gruumsh, there is no so-called orc pantheon here, so many orcs who are keen on plundering, killing and enslaving will choose to follow Iuz, the chaotic and evil demon demigod.

The proportion of its believers once accounted for nearly half.

The remaining half are humans from the evil camp.

"Oh—damn! I think we're in big trouble."

The old coachman suddenly broke out in a cold sweat and didn't even have the courage to go in and inquire about the situation.

"It's just a few orcs. You wait here, I'll go over and deal with them."

After that, Zuo Si disappeared into the shadows without giving the other party any chance to react.

When the old coachman came to his senses, he had already seen him touching the back of one of the orcs, covering his mouth and stabbing his jaw with a dagger at the same time.

In the blink of an eye, the orc warrior convulsed and took his last breath.

After a successful blow, Zuo Si didn't make any pause. He gently put the body down and touched the other one again.

Relying on this simple backstab, the four orcs guarding the door were all killed in less than three minutes, without making the slightest sound from beginning to end, and without alerting the enemies inside the cave.

Just when the old coachman got up and wanted to follow him, he suddenly found Zuo Si standing at the entrance of the cave, making a gesture to continue waiting, and then got directly in.

After entering, Zuo Si discovered that the cave halfway up the mountain had long been hollowed out, forming a spiral staircase downwards.

The fire seen outside was the light emanating from the huge bonfire under the stairs.

A human male led dozens of other orcs to kneel in front of the statue of an old man with wrinkles on his face, and loudly recited poems praising the gods.

You don't need to ask to know that this old man is one of the images of the demon demigod Iuz.

He also has another image that is his original half-demon form.

"Praise to you! Great Lord of Bones!

Pain is power, and inflicting pain is proof of power.

Under your guidance, we will trample all weak people under our feet, ruthlessly exploit, torture and oppress them, and extinguish their last hope.

We will bring pain to everyone in this world and make them surrender in despair under your absolute power..."

Judging from the performance of this human male, there is no doubt that he is a fanatic believer in Iuz.

To be precise, Iuz only accepts two types of believers, one is absolutely obedient to him, and the other is fanatical enough to risk his life for himself.

In the corner of the huge bonfire, the caravan members and some other prisoners of unknown origin were all locked in a huge iron cage.

Some of them had been whipped until their bodies were covered with bruises, while others were starved to the point of becoming emaciated due to lack of adequate nutrition for a long time, as if they might die at any time.

Next to him were three of Isadore's best friends, squatting in the corner and waiting to be punished.

Obviously, they were the ones who attacked the caravan and brought the prisoners over.

This is a secret stronghold established by Iuz believers.

Zuo Si made a judgment immediately.

Just when several big-bodied orcs wanted to drag the caravan members out and pull them down in front of the altar to kill them, Zuo Si finally jumped down from the height.

The next second...

The orcs and human priests who were still immersed in the atmosphere of religious fanaticism only saw a cold light flashing in the air, and then the heads of more than seven orcs rolled down from their necks.

The plasma spurted out at least two meters high under the huge pressure, and then the headless corpse fell straight down.

Everything happened so suddenly that no one at the scene reacted. They just stared at this scene with wide eyes in shock.

But the orc's lack of reaction doesn't mean someone will show mercy.

What's more, Zuo Si had already formed a big feud with Grazte, and now he didn't need to hesitate to clean up his son's church.

In just two or three seconds, seven or eight more orcs were brutally beheaded.

The pungent smell of blood finally woke up the leading human suddenly, and roared: "How dare you interrupt the sacred sacrifice! Go! Catch him! I will use this guy's blood to wash away the shame of the interrupted ceremony. !”


The orcs present also reacted and rushed forward with weapons raised.

It's a pity that these guys' warrior levels are not high enough and cannot pose even the slightest threat.

In front of Zuo Si's agility attribute of over 40 points, it was like slow motion. He was easily parried, dodged, and then stabbed to death or decapitated with a backhand.

Of course, it doesn't matter even if he is really hit by an orc's weapon.

These blank slate weapons without any enchantments are difficult to penetrate even the protective force field surrounding the body, let alone the tough skin that can be immune to low-level magical weapons.

So this can't be considered a battle at all, just a one-sided massacre.

Zuo Si regarded the dozens of orcs in front of him as living targets for his sword practice, and carried out efficient killings with graceful and dance-like movements.

When the gorgeous sword dance ended, except for the humans who did not rush up in the lower level of the cave, the rest of the orcs fell to the ground and turned into corpses without exception.

There was not even a drop of blood on his body. He shook the dagger gracefully and there was blood on it. He asked the other party with a smile: "What did you just say? I didn't hear clearly. Can you please repeat it again?"

"You...who are you?"

At this moment, the human priest also realized that the unidentified young man in front of him obviously had terrifying strength, and immediately slowly retreated in front of the statue, trying to use the god of faith to protect himself.

In the world of Greyhawk, the name Iuz is still very intimidating.

It's a pity that he didn't know about the hostile relationship between Zuo Si and Grazt, let alone that the devil and the devil were born to be mortal enemies.

"Haha, you can ask your god after you die. I think he should recognize me."

As he blurted out the last word, he threw the dagger in his hand as a throwing weapon.

Relying on the huge kinetic energy brought by the strength attribute of up to 70 points, the dagger passed through a distance of less than ten meters in only 0.001 second. First, it penetrated the shield raised in the enemy's hand with a bang. Then he and himself were crucified at the feet of the statue of Iuz.

The blood quickly stained the clothes and armor along the wound on the chest, and gathered into a small pool on the ground.

The human priest lowered his head in disbelief and glanced at his heart that was shattered in an instant. He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but couldn't.

The massive bleeding caused by the broken heart quickly rendered him unable to move and speak.

Even if his brain is still awake at the moment, he can't do anything, let alone use magic to heal himself.

Following his death, the eyes of the Iuz statue suddenly began to leave an unknown black liquid without any warning, and the surrounding air was gradually enveloped by an extremely evil and chaotic aura.

The two severely malnourished prisoners just inhaled a little and immediately began to twitch and go crazy, and then developed gruesome plaques all over their bodies.

When Zuo Si saw this scene, he immediately used brute force to force open the iron cage, and said with a serious expression to everyone including the caravan leader: "Get out of here!

The further you run, the better!



Don't ask why.

I can only tell you that if you run too slowly, you will die, and die miserably. "

No one is truly a fool to survive in this dangerous world.

Especially after seeing the amazing fighting power of Zuo Si and the strange supernatural phenomena of the statue of the demon demigod Iuz, all of them ran madly outside the cave without saying a word, and even several of Isadore's best friends also No exception.

After all these ordinary people fled, Zuo Si calmly watched the plaque on the corpses on the ground continue to expand, and then colorful mushrooms began to grow, and released spores into the air, infecting more corpses.

Eventually, the black liquid flowing out of the statue merged with the mushrooms growing from the corpse, forming two terrifying giant monsters.

Just a second later, a standard Cambion demon appeared out of thin air in front of the statue.

Like the name Tiefling, Cambion is actually a collective name for the hybrids left over from the combination of devils, devils, yugoloths and humanoids.

It's just that the bloodline of a tiefling can be the behavior of an ancestor, which makes it possible for all descendants to awaken and become demons.

But Cambion specifically refers to the first generation of hybrids between demons and humans.

You don't need to ask to know that the Cambion exuding divine power in front of you is the son of Grazt and Iggwilf, the god of lies, pain and depression in the Greyhawk world - Iuz.

As for the two creations next to them that look like a mixture of large mushrooms and corpses, they probably relied on the power of the fungus lady Zugmoy.

After all, this chaotic evil demigod and Lady Fungus have been in a relationship for a long time.

"Welcome to Os, the new lord of the ninth level of Baator Hell, the devil's prince appointed by Asmodeus, the double chosen one of the goddess of magic and the goddess of poison and disease in the world of Toril, the west coast empire of Faerun. The Emperor, His Majesty the Great Thos.

If you don't mind, could you tell me what your intentions and plans are for coming all the way to this world?

Could it be that you came here specifically to cause trouble for me?

Although I heard that you had a little trouble with my father, the demon king.

But this shouldn't have anything to do with me, right? "

After a brief stalemate, Iuz took the lead to break the silence, using a slightly exaggerated movement and tone to touch his chest with one hand and bow slightly.

"You made such a big fuss to see me just to confirm whether I am here specifically to deal with you?"

Zuo Si touched his chin and asked with interest.

With the power he currently possesses, it can be said that it is not difficult to deal with a mere demigod who has not even established a kingdom in the outer planes.

Iuz grinned, revealing a pair of sharp fangs, and replied with a smile: "The hatred between demons and devils has been around for a long time.

As a half-demon and a descendant of Graz'zt, it's hard for me not to think of something when you appear.

What's more, as far as I know, you have a record of killing gods.

The poor guy who had just been promoted to the God of Spores in Faerûn died not long after he became a god.

So I have the utmost respect for you.

If circumstances permit, I would rather we become partners than enemies. "

"Did Mrs. Fungus tell you about the fall of the Spore God?"

Zuo Si asked very casually.

"That's right. After all, those mycelium were left behind by her, so she naturally knows what happened." Iuz nodded generously and admitted.

It was precisely because of the accurate information provided by Zugmoy that he confirmed Zuo Si's identity immediately, and at the same time he was extremely afraid of the terrifying power of the divine impact scepter.

It is really difficult for a demigod to resist an artifact of this level.

Appreciating the demon demigod's deliberately disguised humility, Zuo Si couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly and said in a slightly joking tone: "Give me a reason to let you go.

Or why do you think I would let a son of an enemy go?

Don't forget, your biggest patron, Graz'zt, is my enemy, and my other patron, Mrs. Fungus, is also the target of my hunt.

Why didn't I choose to kill you and solve the trouble once and for all?

After all, you don’t have any decent divine allies in Greyhawk, and you don’t have to bear any consequences after killing them.

As for Graz'zt and Zugmoy, I can tell you very clearly that none of them can spare a hand to help you now.

And if your witch queen mother, Igvirvo, dares to appear in front of me, I will definitely tell her to never come back. "

"I have a lot to offer, but it depends on what you want..."

Iuz raised his head suddenly, his eyes emitting a terrifying light.

As the son of Six Fingers, his IQ cannot be too low. He can easily detect that the other party does not really want to kill him, otherwise he would just do it without any nonsense.

Saying so much is nothing more than revealing the meaning that useless people have no qualifications to live.

As long as he shows his useful side, not only can he avoid disaster, but he may also be able to find new friends.

You must know that although Iuz is a demon demigod, this does not mean that he will go to the dark side on the road of chaos.

Like Graz'zt, he also has a flexible bottom line and can jump from devil to devil's side at any time.

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