A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 566: Harvesting the Fruits of Victory (Please subscribe to this 10,000-word chapter)

"Wake up! Believers of blood and killing! I will give you infinite power and drive out all these invading demons!"

Baal's angry roar echoed throughout the huge kingdom.

After being beaten by a group of "justice" organized by the Devil Legion, he realized almost instantly that his situation was not good, so he decisively began to call for help.

After all, this is the country of the murder god.

Even if he has died and turned into a remnant soul, Baal can still use the power of his son Yagasura, the demigod, to achieve some operations.

Along with the roar from God, countless mortal petitioners and demons who believed in him stopped hunting each other, and emerged from their hidden dark corners to be strengthened by the red light beams falling from the sky. Soon Wu Yang The water surged out like a tidal wave and merged with the demon army that was constantly being sent over.

Especially those demons who took refuge in Baal were originally the mortal enemies of the devil.

The hatred between the two sides has long since turned into an instinct deeply embedded in the genes following the bloody battle.

So after meeting, without even a word of nonsense, they immediately began to fight crazily in a harsh environment where magma, flames and toxic gases were spewing out everywhere.

Others are trying to rush in and destroy the huge portal being built to prevent the devils from sending more reinforcements over, or even building a permanent war fortress.

But unfortunately, the devils, who are famous for their cruel discipline and lawful tendencies, have already established a strong defense line. Whether on the ground or in the sky, they are like iron walls, blocking out enemies several times their size. .

Once the portals at the back were built, the demon army that was waiting on the ninth level of Baator Hell immediately rushed over to join the battle.

Although the low-level native devil army at the beginning did not gain an overwhelming advantage on the battlefield, it just maintained the front line and continued to slowly advance forward, leaving more space for the rear to build a large and strong fortress.

But with the arrival of the real elites, the rabble in the Baal Kingdom, which only emphasized individual strength and assassination skills, and seriously lacked cooperation and large-scale legion combat experience, soon showed their true colors and retreated uncontrollably.

Although with the blessing of the magical chicken blood, they can often kill more than three or four enemies in a single fight, this advantage will disappear in an instant once it evolves into a battle between thousands of armies.

To be precise, those superb killing skills don't have much room to display on a crowded battlefield.

Often, once they rush to kill the devil's vanguard, they will immediately be knocked down by the devils who come up from behind to take over. The third and fourth devils will then launch attacks of opportunity from the side, killing them quickly and then follow them. The subordinate regiments advanced.

Suppose the enemy invests a lot of troops at a certain node, and the individual strength is extremely strong.

Then the Hell Fiend Commander will immediately order this part of the demon army to retreat in an orderly manner, creating a sunken pocket array out of thin air.

Then invest more elite troops on both wings to find the enemy's subsequent weak points and launch an assault, striving to cut off the opponent's retreat and provide backup to complete the encirclement and annihilation.

Since both sides have a large number of flying units and units that can cast unlimited teleportation magic, the war process is more complex and three-dimensional than modern wars on earth.

Not only the situation on the ground and in the air must be considered, but also the elite commandos suddenly teleporting in at one's own weak points to play the center bloom.

Fortunately, the senior commanders and generals among the devils have long been trained in bloody battles. Their keen battlefield sense, vision, execution ability, and judgment are estimated to be at the level of "military gods" in the eyes of mortals, and there is no need for Zuo Si. Just let the layman be distracted and direct, and let him freely develop his talents.

Among them, as the elite among the elite, whether it is Zariel's Angels of Khorne Legion or Mecanthet's Mechanical Succubus Legion, they have shown their terrifying strength as the main force in the next stage of the bloody battle.

The moment the large-scale teleportation was completed, the former immediately took over the responsibility of the little devils, lust demons, and horned demons to suppress the enemy's air units, and defeated those demons and petitioners who dared to fly into the sky with overwhelming force. Fight in the air.

The latter gave full play to the characteristics of non-Ruihua, bringing a large number of war machines made of metal, bones, and flesh, and giving them simple intelligence through shining oil.

Some of these big guys that can easily reach tens of meters, tens of meters or even hundreds of meters can help the demon army advance like a mobile fortress;

Some establish long-range fire delivery positions in the rear areas to cover and fire areas where the enemy has the largest number and the most violent attacks;

Others took off and became air-to-ground turrets and combat platforms for the Angels of Khorne.

Although the number of these legions may be less than one-thirtieth of the total military strength of the ninth level, and even the lords of several subordinate levels and their main generals did not show up, they have already shown that they can push the entire kingdom of gods. Level of terrifying strength.

What's even more frightening is that Shuoyou will also infect and transform enemies on a large scale, continuously creating more cannon fodder, and then growing like a snowball.

To a certain extent, this is an upgraded version of the cyberpunk version of the Undead Legion, which is basically no different from the Necrons.

The only difference is that Shimmer's creation is not powerful enough and its amazing potential has not been fully unleashed to create super weapons like spaceships, star destroyers, and colossi.

Otherwise, most of time and space would not have even the slightest room for resistance in front of Phyrexia, and would be completely wiped out in a physical sense in minutes.

But it is obviously enough to deal with the petitioners and demons in Baal's kingdom for now.

Devils who know how to be "thrifty" will even allow petitioners to surrender captives, and then stuff them all into huge crystal prisms made with magic, intending to take them back to Baator Hell to squeeze energy.

As for the captured demons, they will not be wasted. They can be thrown into the arena of the cyberpunk city for performances, for the gladiators to execute them in the most gorgeous, bloody and cruel way, bringing unprecedented senses to the audience. Stimulate.

In fact, as the ninth level becomes more and more famous and has more and more visitors, many demons have unknowingly become particularly concerned about "money".

Because in the huge cyberpunk city, those with money can really buy everything, even power, status and strength.

It’s just that it’s different from what ordinary people understand by “money”.

Compared with worthless precious metal currencies such as gold and silver, the "money" they understand is real resources such as souls, slaves, gems, and magic items.

No devil will hold a large amount of gold and silver currency for a long time, and even if he gets it, he will spend it as soon as possible.

Some evil businessmen and gang members keenly sensed the opportunity to make a fortune, and began to sell slaves from other dimensions in large numbers, or set traps to let those visitors sink into a life of indulgence, and eventually fall into depravity and sign a contract to sell their souls. .

By providing slaves and selling their souls in contracts, they not only earned a large amount of gold and silver currency from the devil, but also developed a huge underground industrial chain.

Almost every visitor who enters a cyberpunk city has his or her soul secretly marked with a price.

As long as there is a devil who is willing to bid, this group of profit-seeking guys will help complete all the preparatory work until the customer gets the ownership of the soul.

What they don't know is that while they are doing these crazy things, their souls are constantly being eroded by the power of hell.

Once dead, it will inevitably become the dark soul that the devil loves most.

He thinks he is a hunter, but in fact he is a higher-level prey...

This is the black humor that devils like to see most, and are deeply fascinated and intoxicated by it.

Of course, Zuo Si had never been particularly concerned about what happened in his hell territory.

As long as he could maintain stability and continuously provide himself with energy to upgrade his planeswalker spark level, he didn't care if the ninth level would turn into a chaotic scene of demons.

After all, the more he got to know Nicol Bolas, the more he felt the overwhelming power of this elder dragon planeswalker in all directions.

No wonder, as a twin brother, Wu Jin didn't even have a record of defeating or tying him in the twenty-five thousand years of fighting with each other. He just kept losing and losing, and was even killed twice.

If I had to find one flaw in Nicol Bolas, it would probably be his arrogance.

But if you want to take advantage of this, you need to at least have the same strength as the elder dragon planeswalker Ugin, otherwise everything will be empty talk.

So Zuo Si is now more eager than ever to obtain energy that can quickly improve his hard power.

Currently maintaining the form of a great devil, he is spreading his dragon wings, looking down at Yagasura who is controlled by Baal. One of his hands is holding the artifact staff, and he is exuding an amazing momentum, completely like the one in myths and legends. The Demon King of Destruction.

At this time, Baal also got rid of the entanglement of those demons with the help of believers, and transformed into a giant beast with four legs on the ground like a ravager, and the intensity of his divine power was constantly rising.

If Yagasura, who had just awakened and gained the power of a demigod, had a divine power level of one, then under Baal's control, he has already reached about six.

According to the standards given by some books and scholars in Faerûn, this is no longer a demigod with weak divine power, but has reached the standard of weak divine power.

If it were another hell lord who found that the target he had to deal with changed from a demigod with weak divine power to a weak divine power, he would have chosen to retreat tactically.

After all, starting from a weak divine power, the god's performance in battle will become quite unstable, or fluctuate greatly.

The weakest among them can't even defeat the stronger demigods.

However, a very small number of weak divine powers can defeat or even kill powerful divine powers in some special periods.

There are also some weak divine powers that are simply the appearance of another powerful divine power.

Fortunately, Baal is not the kind of god who has many aspects and spreads his faith to other material planes. His influence is only limited to the continent of Faerûn on the planet Toril.

What's more, the divine power that seemed very threatening in the eyes of other hell lords, in Zuo Si's eyes, was all precious energy that could upgrade his planeswalker spark by leaps and bounds, and it was also compressed.

So instead of showing any intention of retreating, he was intensifying his efforts to create a sense of oppression, forcing Baal's remnant soul to extract more divine power from the Blood Throne to strengthen Yagasura.

In this way, only after killing the son of Baal can the energy contained in the opponent's body be captured.

boom! ! ! ! !

After another electric confrontation, Barr finally noticed something. He first glanced down at his paws, then raised his head and stared at his two blood-red eyes and asked: "You have actually been fighting through the battle since just now. Steal my divine power?!"

"Oh? Did you finally find out?

I thought that with your IQ, you would have to wait until at least a quarter or more of it was sucked away before you would react.

Unfortunately, it was discovered too late.

The divine power you drew from the Throne of Blood can no longer be returned. "

Zuo Si pursed his lips with a mocking smile.

He now finally understood how Baal dared to ambush the Earth Mother Goddess Chantia on Moonshadow Island, and attempted to kill her. Then he conspired with Melkor and Bane to steal the Tablet of Destiny.

In addition to being ambitious enough, the main reason is that the ignorant are fearless and have very reckless thinking and action patterns.

Especially in the process of fighting and killing, this god of murder is very easily affected by primitive instincts and impulses and loses his mind, unscrupulously venting his power without considering the consequences.

This may be the influence of the priesthood, or it may be that Baal was like this when he was still a mortal.

But in Zuo Si's eyes, an impulsive personality is always easier to deal with than a calm, rational and stable personality.

He summoned the demon army and assumed a very aggressive posture, just to completely anger Baal and make him extract divine power from the Blood Throne at all costs.

Now that this goal has been achieved, it's time to reap the fruits of victory.

"Don't even think about it! I will never allow you, a damn thief, to steal the Blood Throne! It belongs to me!"

Barr suddenly waved his fists and hit the ground hard.

boom! boom!

Accompanied by two deafening loud noises, his huge body rose into the air with the help of reaction force, and he opened his teeth and claws and pounced on the big devil floating in the air.

Facing an enemy who had already reached a weak level of divine power, Zuo Si did not dare to neglect. He immediately gave himself stronger power through divine power, and then raised the artifact staff to shoot out an astonishingly powerful silver flame.

Baal is also a ruthless person, directly releasing the divine shield to wrap the vital points of Yagasura's body, allowing the silver flames to burn the unimportant skin, muscles and bones.

When he came closer, he suddenly stretched his body, waved his two huge fists and smashed down hard.

With the blessing of divine power, the power of this huge beast has already exceeded the limits that mortals can imagine, and even produces a terrifying effect like nuclear fusion with just the movement of a fist.

Accompanied by a dazzling white light that was countless times brighter than the sun, it instantly illuminated a radius of hundreds of kilometers, followed by terrifying shock waves and loud noises.

All the demon legions and Baal believers who came even slightly closer were evaporated by the indescribable high temperature in an instant, leaving not even a bit of bone residue behind.

Because this is not a flame at all, but an out-and-out divine impact.

Those who are a little further away can clearly feel the severe pain caused by the shock wave lifting and tearing the body, and finally dying.

Only a few lucky ones who reacted successfully escaped outside the affected area by using teleportation magic.

When the fireballs and mushroom clouds that soared into the sky gradually dispersed, they finally saw that at the center of the explosion, Zuo Si, who looked much smaller than his opponent, had actually grabbed the fist thrown by Barr, and with the help of a more powerful The brute force slowly bent it, and there was a terrifying sound of broken bones and broken muscles.

"I'm sorry, it's not up to you. What's more, do you think you are the only one who has such a thing as divine power?"

As the last word blurted out, Zuo Si in the form of the big devil suddenly burst out with silver fire symbolizing the core energy of the magic network, constantly burning Yagasura under Baal's control.

Forcibly, everything above the opponent's wrist was burned into coke.

But this is just the beginning!

In just a few seconds, another divine power entered the arm along the burned wrist, and in less than a minute, large red spots appeared on the forearm, which then began to rot and grow from the inside. Pieces of fungi spawned by divine power.

There is no doubt that this is the power of Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and disease.

In her eyes, it would be no problem for her chosen one to directly summon one or two incarnations, let alone borrow some divine power.

Finally, coupled with the divine power of the Lord of the Ninth Level of Hell, Zuo Si forcibly made Baal's huge body kneel in front of him, raised his feet and stepped on the opponent's head into the soil in a very insulting posture.

"No!!!!!! This is impossible! I am the great god of murder!"

Barr obviously couldn't accept this reality and struggled and resisted crazily, trying to break free from the power that restrained him.

Unfortunately, he died a long time ago after all. He only used his remnant soul to control the sons who relied on himself to grant divinity and barely showed up, unable to display his original strength at all.

Yagasura in particular could not even bring himself to be completely spiritualized.

Even if he was forcibly promoted to the level of a weak divine power, he still could not pose any threat to Zuo Si, who showed several trump cards.

What's even more frightening is that during the constant struggle, Baal felt that the divine power in Yagasula's body was constantly decreasing, being stripped away, and eventually becoming weaker and weaker.

To get rid of this situation, more divine power must be extracted from the Blood Throne.

But the problem is that he now knows that the purpose of the hateful big devil in front of him is to plunder divine power. If he continues to extract it, wouldn't it be playing into the opponent's plan?

Therefore, it was neither a matter of smoking nor a matter of not smoking. He was immediately caught in a dilemma.

But the idea of ​​the remnant soul of the murder god was obviously not within Zuo Si's consideration.

The sparks in his chest were flashing with bright and dazzling light, continuously converting the plundered divine power into pure energy.

Soon the spark level was raised from LV25 to LV26.

When the divine power in Yagasura's body was about to be drained, he actually rose to level 27.

And with the side effects caused by the influx of huge divine power into the body and even the soul, the majesty and aura displayed by Zuo Si at this moment was more like an evil god than Baal who was kneeling on the ground as if he was a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

After completely squeezing his opponent dry, he looked at Barr's eyes full of hostility and hatred and said: "As food, the nutrients you provide are quite rich. I am very satisfied with it, and at the same time I am even more looking forward to getting the Blood Throne." The remaining divine power stored within."

"You won't succeed!

I still have many heirs.

They will become more and more powerful as they continue to kill.

I will soon be resurrected in one of them too.

Then don't think you can win as easily as you do now.

I am the great god of murder, whom all mortals must fear and awe.

Now that I know your abilities, it will be your turn to pay the price the next time we meet. "

Like many failed villains, Baal gave up control of Yagasura after saying a harsh word.

Just as the latter began to slowly regain consciousness and wake up from the controlled state, he suddenly felt something grabbing his head, and then a strong squeezing sensation and severe pain came from his head, and then he completely lost his mind. Awareness.

When he woke up again, he found that his soul had been stuffed into a dazzling gem.

The one who holds this gem is Zuo Si in the form of the great devil.

Not far away lay a giant corpse with its head crushed.

There is no doubt that Yagasura recognized the body as his own and also realized that he had been killed and that even his soul had been captured and imprisoned.

"Sir, the petitioners and demons in the Baal Kingdom have escaped. Do we need to pursue them?"

A pit demon commander flew over from a distance to ask for instructions from his loyal lord.

"No, no need, just let them be. Just clean up the battlefield a little and then you can withdraw."

Zuo Si, who had had a great harvest, was obviously satisfied and waved his hand to reject his subordinate's proposal.


But we obviously just won a battle.

Why not keep pushing forward?

There are many petitioners and souls in this kingdom of gods, just like ripe fruits growing on trees waiting for us to harvest. "

The Hell Fiend Commander asked with a puzzled look on his face.

“Because it’s not yet harvest time.

And if Baal is pushed into a hurry and directly opens a permanent portal to the bottomless abyss, this place will become the front line of a bloody battle in minutes.

We are not ready for another bloody battle.

So that’s it for today’s warm-up.

Don't worry, there will be many wars and meritorious promotion opportunities waiting for you in the future. "

After saying that, Zuo Si raised his hand and patted the Hell Fiend Commander's shoulder to encourage him.

As a superior, one of the abilities and skills that must be mastered is to "paint the pie" for your subordinates, to create a strong sense of expectation for the future, and to use your subjective initiative to create more value in the following work. .

Under his deception, a group of high-level devils who were looking forward to expanding the scale of the war so that they could make meritorious deeds and continue to climb the ranks gave up their original ideas and secretly prepared for the next larger-scale war.

As the huge army retreated in an orderly manner, Sancho, who had been hiding in the dark for a long time, finally walked out of the shadows, put one hand on his chest and bowed to his mentor, and said with a wry smile: "I'm sorry, my performance has disappointed you. ”

"Disappointed? Why do you say that?"

Zuo Si returned to his human form, looking at his disciple with a half-smile.

“First, I shouldn’t use Niali’s head to stimulate Yagasura and let him suddenly gain the blessing of demigod power;

Secondly, I did not seriously read books about divine power, divinity, faith, etc., so I did not understand the power possessed by demigods at all;

Third, I was so confident in the magical power I had that I ignored that the confrontation between gods was essentially a collision of divine powers. As a result, I was unable to organize an effective defense against Yagasura's attack. and counterattack.

All in all, I made too many mistakes this time. "

When he said these words, Sancho had a look of shame on his face, lowering his head and not daring to look at his mentor.

It was obvious that since defeating Irenicas at Sodanisla, he had developed a sense of pride and complacency in his bones: "I am powerful."

It's just that this kind of pride and complacency is well hidden and is not directly expressed. Instead, it subtly and continuously affects thinking and consciousness.

After all, Sancho is only a boy, and he has not even entered puberty like Imoen.

The reason why I used to be more cautious, calm, and rational than many adults was completely forced out by cruel fate and a strong sense of crisis.

Because if he cannot become stronger in a short time, he will die in the killing of the sons of Baal.

But when you feel that you are strong enough and able to protect yourself, the repressed child side of your personality will rear its head again.

Zuo Si smiled and shook his head and explained: "No, you are wrong, I am not disappointed by your performance.

Because the power of demigods is not something you can deal with in the first place.

As for using Niali's head to stimulate Yagasura to gain the power of a demigod, it is actually just something that will happen sooner or later.

With the God of Murder opening the Blood Throne to all remaining Sons of Baal, it is almost inevitable that the Five Descendants will gain the power of demigods.

Even if you don't provoke Yagasura, but join forces with Davian to kill him, a similar situation will inevitably happen when you meet the next five descendants.

Rather than fighting against those sons of Baal who have fully mastered the power of demigods, Yagasura, who has just gained the power of demigods, is actually a good experience package.

He can help you understand what it takes to fight a demigod without being crushed by a powerful god.

And I can feel that you don’t seem to want to continue on the road to god, right? "

As these words blurted out, Sancho suddenly fell into silence, and after a while he nodded slightly: "Yes, you were right.

I can feel that the stronger I am, the easier it is to be bound by some invisible force.

Then thought and consciousness continue to develop in a unique and very extreme and pure direction.

This is obviously not the result I want.

I hate this kind of divinity that makes it impossible for people to stay rational, and I hate even more that my thinking becomes less and less like myself under the influence of faith. "

"So you are afraid. You are afraid that once you gain the power of a demigod, you will completely lose yourself. Even if you finally give up and become the new god of murder, you will not be able to change back."

Zuo Si bluntly expressed the deepest fear in his heart for his disciple.

The price a mortal needs to pay to become a god is very high.

No one knows this better than him.

Just take a look at the newly appointed Death God Klanvor.

In the beginning, I often maintained an intimate relationship with my mortal lover, Midnight. They would often go out for dates, flirt, and maybe even do some physical and mental exercises.

But now?

The third-generation magic goddess has begun to complain that Kelanvor has gradually become cold to her.

It is estimated that before long, the two powerful gods will completely part ways and become strangers.

Obviously, Kelanvor's performance is the result of the most typical divinity replacing mortal nature.

Therefore, anyone who attaches great importance to "self" will inevitably feel strong feelings of rejection and panic when they feel that divinity is gradually replacing mortal nature and that they are becoming less and less like their original selves.

"You're right.

I am afraid that if I go too far on the road to becoming a god, I will lose my current self and become something else that is unimaginable.

Until then, I might just happily accept Throne of Blood as the new God of Murder.

So please help me! "

After saying this, Sancho once again bent down and bowed deeply.

Zuo Si lowered his head and was silent for a moment, constantly searching for knowledge and memories related to gods in his mind, and finally responded with regret: "Sorry, I can't help you this time.

Because I have never become a god, and I don’t know what it’s like to experience divinity replacing mortal nature.

The only thing that is certain is that this is an irreversible process.

If you're really afraid of this, just stay where you are and wait it out.

After all, after suffering such a big loss, your father will probably start to strengthen the remaining five descendants at any cost, including the elect who betrayed him.

I need to speed things up a bit. "

"So you plan to end it yourself?"

Sancho raised his head suddenly with a look of surprise.

Because in his opinion, once the mentor ends, it means that he does not need to continue to be at the front and fight against those brothers and sisters who are so powerful that they are not much different from the true gods.

Zuo Si nodded slightly: "That's right. I just got the ticket issued by the blazing god, so I don't need to worry too much anymore. Let's go back, let's go back and plan carefully, and try to get the rest at once The five descendants will deal with it."

Just when he was about to take his apprentice away from this purgatory place, a volcano not far away suddenly erupted with a massive amount of hot magma.

Davian, the flame dragon knight who had fallen inside before, was finally resurrected with full health supplemented by the energy of the fire element. He spread his wings and dragged his huge body to fly down from a high place and landed on the ground, transforming into a human form.

"Master, I'm extremely sorry. It's all because I'm too weak that you had to take action yourself."

"No, this is not your fault. I will make a small upgrade to you later, so that when you face the demigods again, you won't be as powerless as you are now."

Zuo Si comforted his most trusted follower, and then took the two of them directly away from the place that had turned into scorched earth.

At the same time, far below the ground where the Mir Forest and the Marching Mountains meet in the north of Kalingshan.

A young dark elf woman with a bumpy figure is standing on a huge stone platform to accept worship from believers.

Thousands of dark elves, gray dwarves, mind flayers and beholders were kneeling on the ground, praying fervently and piously.

Some of them have relatively high perception attributes, and have even established stable faith connections with them, and have also been given divine spells.

No doubt anyone who knows anything about gods and religion knows what this means.

The object of their worship is no longer just the son of Baal, but the true God who truly deserves the name.

This young dark elf is Xander, one of the "Five Descendants".

When she was still a mortal, she was already a legendary priest and mage who practiced both Sin and Olympus like Zuo Si.

Moreover, the combined professional levels of both sides exceed LV50, making them the strongest first echelon even among the five descendants.

Right now, the eyes of this drow demigod were flashing with red light, and powerful divine power was flowing through his body and even his soul.

Although she wasn't quite sure why she suddenly gained such power and authority after having a strange dream, the substantial increase in power was undoubtedly exciting and joyful.

For this reason, Xian Dai specially held this unique prayer, and at the same time, she killed a thousand goblin slaves to add to the fun.

The excitement of blood and death filling the air made her feel unprecedented pleasure, and she firmly believed that the Throne of Blood must belong to her in the end.

"Great goddess! Your humble servant is here to ask for instructions. What should we do next?"

A male drow took the initiative to step forward, knelt down on one knee and held Xander's bare right foot, kissing the instep and toes affectionately, with fanatical admiration in his eyes.

After all, as a dark elf from the evil camp, the gods he can serve are very limited.

Especially after betraying the spider goddess Rose, if you can't hold the thigh of another god tightly, the ending will definitely be very, very miserable.

But now, this drow male no longer needs to fear the pursuit from Rose.

Because there is a powerful goddess in front of him who can protect him.

Even if you die in battle, your soul will have a relatively safe place to go.

In fact, the dark elves who defected from the Underdark before them all have similar ideas.

As the saying goes, there is no harm without comparison.

After all, no matter how cold, bloodthirsty, and cruel the God of Murder is, he is still far stronger than the chaotic and evil Rose who governs internally with high-pressure and autocratic rule.

"How is Yagasura's army doing now?"

Xian Dai raised her big toes and gently pinched the nose of the handsome man in front of her, with a smile full of teasing and temptation on her face.

You don't need to ask to know that the latter is not only one of her best followers, but also her daily companion to vent her desires and enjoy pleasure.

Otherwise, if it were any other lowly male who dared to do such offensive behavior, his head would be crushed in an instant and turned into a headless corpse to be fed to spiders.

"According to the spies' reports, Yagasura's fire giant army has completely collapsed, and he has completely disappeared in a red beam of light. If nothing unexpected happens, he is probably dead by now, even if he is not dead after losing the army. He cannot be your opponent."

The man quickly told everything he knew.

"Oh? Has Yagasura failed?

It seems that this West Coast empire is even more powerful than imagined.

Now that Yagasura is out, let's shift our target to Abazig.

This blue dragon is a pretty formidable opponent.

He built his lair into an impregnable fortress, and it was not easy to break into it. "

As Xander spoke, she put her entire right foot into the male drow's arms and rubbed it up and down, and finally stepped on his face.

I don’t know if this is torture or reward for the latter.

On the other side, deep in a cave in the Gobi Desert, more than two hundred kilometers away from Xiandai's lair.

A blue dragon whose size was more than twice as large as its age group had also just woken up from a strange dream. It was unbelievable to find that the power in his body had suddenly quadrupled.

The urge to cause carnage and death immediately made him feel better than ever.

Obviously, this huge blue dragon is Abazig.

In terms of individual combat power, he may still be above Zhen Dai, a dual cultivator of Sinnoh.

After all, the dragon race has been an out-and-out king since birth, not to mention that Abazig is the oldest son of Baal.

The years have given him more time to learn, research and understand the divinity and power in his body.

Moreover, after gaining more divine power, this guy was not as ecstatic as Xian Dai, but instead frowned and whispered: "It's so strange.

Why am I suddenly dreaming?

And why did he suddenly receive such amazing power from the Throne of Blood?

There must be something going on behind this.

Most importantly, was this sudden increase in power just me, or did all the Sons of Baal gain it?

If it's the latter, then someone will soon be tempted to take action. "

Thinking of this, Abazig took a deep breath and instantly activated the interdimensional teleportation magic from his lair to his own small space in the country of Baal.

Just when he was about to try to ask a question to the huge statue standing in the center of the space as usual, a figure with blood-red light all over his body suddenly fell from the sky.

Like all other sons of Baal, Abazig once dreamed of his godly father, so he recognized Baal in human form at a glance. He immediately backed away warily and asked: "This is impossible! Are you already dead? ?"

"Yes, I am indeed dead, and what is standing in front of you is just a remnant of my soul.

Listen, son.

I know your mind is full of doubts and confusion right now.

But I don’t have time to explain too much. You need to listen carefully next.

This is related to the ownership of the Blood Throne, as well as your own life and death.

A powerful demon has set his sights on my legacy. He has killed Yagasura and will soon attack you and others.

In order to prevent the position of the God of Murder from being usurped, I hope you can shoulder the heavy responsibility and kill this damn thief and robber.

If you achieve this, I will crown you upon the throne myself. "

When saying these words, Barr's tone was full of sincerity, and he showed his "fatherly love" without hesitation.

But Abazig didn't know that before that, his father had already said similar words to Melissa, who is currently the strongest...

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