A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 567 Pure Fire (10,000-word chapter please subscribe)

Late at night, in a castle in an abandoned town near the Gobi Desert in the north of Kalingshan.

Four figures wearing gray cloaks and hoods were sitting silently around a round table.

If you look closely, you will find that there were originally six chairs placed around this table, but two of them have just been removed and thrown into a corner not far away.

One of them is not only several times larger than an ordinary chair, but also made of steel. It is obviously prepared for giant creatures that are far larger than normal humans.

There was a huge skull mark in the center of the table, with a few drops of blood floating around it, which was the holy symbol of Baal, the God of Murder.

This state lasted for almost three or four minutes, until a ray of bright moonlight shone through the broken window without glass, casting shadows on the dusty ground. The leader took the initiative to take off his hood, revealing a slightly A mature humanoid female face.

She is none other than Melissa, who betrayed the god she served and later formed the "Five Descendants" in an attempt to usurp the divine throne.

At this moment, the face of this ambitious woman did not have any of the affability she usually pretended to have, but was full of solemnity and vigilance. She said straightforwardly: "I believe you all already know the ending of Yagasura. There is no doubt that , he failed, and he lost miserably, and even his soul could not return to the Throne of Blood."

"Not only Yagasura, Irasela and her team have also been missing for a long time. Now there are only three of us left among the five descendants."

Xiandai also took off her hood, revealing her beautiful and delicate face, as well as the red light in her eyes that symbolized the power of the demigod.

"Hmph! Isn't this a normal thing? Yagasura is an arrogant fool, and Irasela is just a do-it-yourselfer. She is not worthy of being compared with us in terms of strength."

Balthazar took off his cloak, revealing his trademark bald head, and the ordinary-looking monk's robe inside.

At the moment, he gives off an impression of being sarcastic and full of arrogance, which is completely opposite to his calm and humble attitude in daily life.

Obviously, this powerful monk is using this method to give the other members of the Five Origins a feeling that he is not easy to mess with, and to prevent the truest thoughts in his heart from being exposed.

Abazig had obviously noticed something a long time ago. Finally, he took off his hood and glanced at this brother who had no trace of his father Baal's breath, and said in a slightly playful tone: "Irasela is just an executor, responsible for Hunt down and kill the fleeing Sons of Baal.

Since the massacre, she has not been of much use.

It doesn't matter whether he's hiding alive or dead.

But Yagasura is different.

Although this guy is stupid and arrogant, his strength is not bad.

Whether it is his immortality or the power of the demigod that finally awakens, it is enough to make us feel threatened.

So the guy who killed Yagasura has now become an enemy that the five descendants must unite to deal with, a very, very powerful and dangerous enemy.

I think we should temporarily put aside our prejudices and conflicts and unite to deal with Soth, the emperor of the West Coast Empire and the lord of the ninth level of Baator Hell.

Only by defeating him can we ensure that the fruits of our victory will not be usurped.

Otherwise all fighting will become meaningless. "

“I completely agree with you, Abazig.

The Blood Throne should naturally be inherited by the descendants of Baal, the God of Murder.

You are the ones who are truly qualified to inherit.

Instead of a big devil from the hell of Baator.

What's more, the other party is here to kill all of you. "

Melissa put on a "I'm doing this for your own good" look and echoed the blue dragon in human form.

Ever since she met Baal's remnant soul, it would be absolutely false to say that there was no fear or panic in her heart.

After all, betrayal is betrayal.

It was still the unforgivable crime that caused the failure of the other party's resurrection plan.

Balco has never been the kind of magnanimous god, and his violent character and bloodthirsty tendencies are obvious to all.

When Melissa was still a "Death Walker" and the First Chosen One, she personally executed dozens of betrayers of the church.

Therefore, he knew that the remnant soul of the death god must be planning something, otherwise he would never talk pleasantly, and even claimed that he would be allowed to inherit the throne of blood and become the new god of murder.

She felt that the most likely reason was that it had something to do with Yagasura's defeat and death.

Something terrible must have happened in this battle that took place in the country of Baal.

Unfortunately, with Melisan's current authority, she cannot fully perceive every corner of the entire country.

She is just like the other sons of Baal, she just has a slightly larger independent space of her own.

"You mean forming an alliance? Haven't we five descendants already concluded an alliance a long time ago? Hahahahahaha!"

Xander suddenly burst out laughing full of irony.

Having lived in the Dark Territory since she was a child, she knows better than anyone else that this so-called "Five Descendants" alliance is essentially a place of intrigue and intrigue, and there is never any basis for trust.

After all, as the most powerful son of Baal, everyone's goal is to inherit his father's legacy and become the new God of Murder. There are irreconcilable conflicts in fundamental interests.

The reason for the alliance is just to eliminate possible competitors that may exist later, and to kill the remaining potential Sons of Baal in the cradle in advance.

They do a pretty good job at this.

Whether it was Melissa running around as a protector, bringing together the sons of Baal one after another, or the subsequent massacre in the Marching Mountains, which almost wiped out the bloodline of all the murder gods in Faerûn. Catch them all.

But with the end of this massacre, the five descendants no longer had external threats, and they quickly began to plot to kill each other in order to compete for the true heir.

Therefore, in Xian Dai's opinion, standing up and talking about alliance at this time is completely fooling fools.

Not to mention forming an alliance, being able to avoid stabbing the opponent in the back when being attacked is considered the utmost kindness.

Melissa looked at this sinister and cunning half-drow with gloomy eyes, and said in a cold tone: "Don't think I'm joking.

The Great Devil is as powerful as a god and is one of the most dangerous enemies in this world and the universe.

Since Soth can kill Yagasura, he can naturally kill you.

If you don't want to die, the best way is to join forces to defeat him. "

"Sorry, I didn't come all the way here just to listen to your scaremongering.

What's more, I'm a goddess now and don't need to be afraid of anyone, even the devils from Baator Hell.

If this Soth is as scary as you describe, just let him come to me directly.

One last statement, the Throne of Blood belongs to me, and no one of you can get involved. "

After saying that, Xiandai stood up and raised her chin slightly, assuming an extremely arrogant posture, then twisted her slender waist and turned around to walk outside, leaving only a sexy back that was full of endless reveries.

Her refusal to cooperate undoubtedly ruined the plan to unite the last three "Five Descendants".

Immediately afterwards, Balthazar stood up and chose to leave without saying a word.

In the end, only Melissa and Abazig were left in the huge room.

Since they have all seen the soul of Baal with their own eyes, the other two people can feel a strong sense of crisis and know that at times like this, they must cooperate more to fight against powerful foreign enemies.

After a short silence, Abazig broke the silence first, narrowed his eyes and asked, "Have you seen him?"

"Have you seen it too?"

Melissa raised her head in surprise and looked at the eldest son of Baal.

Abazige nodded very wrongly and admitted: "Yes, I saw it.

It seems we are all the chosen ones.

That being the case, let’s talk openly and honestly.

It can be judged from the reaction just now that Xian Dai must have no idea about this.

As for Balthazar, no one knows what he is really thinking and what choices he will make.

So in order to greatly improve my strength in a short period of time to deal with the crisis, I think I should hunt down one of them first, and then absorb the power and essence of my father. "

"I think Xander is a good target. She is very arrogant and arrogant. She doesn't understand the nature of divine power and divinity at all. She thinks that she can do whatever she wants with the power of a demigod."

Melissa thought about it for a moment and then quickly gave her advice.

As the saying goes, pick the soft persimmon first and pinch it.

She was very afraid of Balthazar's extraordinary concentration and willpower, as well as his thoughts that could not be spied upon.

In contrast, although Xiandai looks powerful on the surface, she has actually been seen through.

Whether it's the growing ambition or the strong persistence and desire to become a god.

As long as you take advantage of that unknown weakness, it is not very difficult to kill it.

"That's Xander. We have to move faster, otherwise it will be too difficult to kill her after she fully masters the power of the demigod."

Abazig did not hesitate for too long on the issue of choosing a target, and readily agreed.

Because in his opinion, it doesn't matter who he kills.

Anyway, I have learned a lot of extraordinary divine power from the remnant soul of my godly father, and there is no way that my other brothers and sisters can be my opponents.

Melissa nodded approvingly: "Your judgment is correct.

Time is very urgent for us now, and we must race against time.

However, it would be too rough to directly break into Xander's lair and kill her, which might trigger an overreaction from Balthazar.

So I think it's better to use some external forces. "

"External forces?"

Abazig showed a puzzled expression.

"Haha, have you forgotten another son of Baal who has great potential?" Melissa asked meaningfully.


A name suddenly appeared in Abazig's mind, and a strange light flashed in his eyes: "You mean Abodai..."

Before she could pronounce the entire name, Melissa put a finger on her lips to silence her: "Shh! Don't say it.

Trust me, he will be the best tool against Zander.

Regardless of whether this guy succeeds or not, he will mess up the defense system in Xiandai's lair.

If you're lucky enough, you can even devour two powerful Sons of Baal at once and gain astonishing power from them. "

While Melissa and Abazig were plotting, Balthazar had already used the power of magic items to get in touch with Askatra's mage tower.

About two or three seconds later, Sancho's figure appeared out of thin air in a mirror.

"Where's your mentor?"

Balthazar frowned and asked.

He obviously didn't want to talk to the son of Baal, but wanted to communicate directly with Zuo Si behind him.

"I'm sorry, my mentor went to the Fire Elemental Plane for some urgent matters and hasn't come back yet. If you have any information, you can tell me first and I will pass it on to him through magic."

Sancho shrugged his shoulders in a businesslike manner.

Ever since he knew that the wish of the monk in front of him was to eliminate all the dirty bloodline left by Baal in this world, he hoped from the bottom of his heart to keep a safe distance from him, and it was best to never meet or interact with him again.

"Fire elemental plane?"

Balthazar was stunned for a moment, but soon came to his senses and shook out what he saw and heard when he went to the gathering of five descendants.

At the end, I did not forget to remind you to be extra careful with Abazig and Melissa.

After hearing this, Sancho not only did not show shock as he expected, but asked him very calmly: "In other words, these guys are trying to cooperate and form an alliance?"

"Yes. You don't seem surprised at all?"

Balthazar looked at the boy on the other side of the mirror and immediately realized that Yagasura's death might not be simple.

"Why should I be surprised?

If you knew what happened in Baal's country, their reaction wouldn't be a big deal.

In fact, Yagasura did not die in my hands, but was killed by the mentor himself.

And during the battle, the remnant soul of the God of Murder once controlled this guy, and finally triggered a war of staggering scale.

The mentor defeated Barr with overwhelming power and made him feel an unprecedented crisis.

The reaction of the five descendants now is probably just influenced by our father. "

When he said these words, Sancho showed no respect for his god's father, but was filled with naked and undisguised disgust.

He despised the actions of Baal, the God of Murder, and felt that this so-called "father" was not even worthy of carrying his shoes compared to the mentor who imparted his knowledge and power.

"What? Barr is not completely dead? Can he still continue to make trouble?"

Balthazar's pupils suddenly dilated, and his hands, which had already surpassed the hardness of fine gold, subconsciously clenched into fists.

Sancho sneered and explained: “Come on, he is a god.

Moreover, a god with a large number of believers and worshipers in the material world, how could he die so easily.

Don't worry, the mentor has already formulated a plan to catch all the remaining five descendants and completely destroy their delusions of resurrection.

But this plan requires your cooperation.

Also, the instructor needs some time to prepare. I hope you can find something for the remaining five descendants to do.

Okay, that’s it for this conversation.

I still have several books that I need to read and study over and over again. If there is anything important, I will contact you then. "

With the last word blurted out, Sancho took the initiative to cut off the magical connection.

Looking at the mirror on the wall that had returned to its original shape, reflecting his upper body, Balthazar couldn't help but sigh slightly: "Oh - it's been such an eventful time.

It turns out that the evil and filthy god's father has always been conscious, and is secretly planning to return from the star realm.

I also have to make some preparations to ensure that he cannot be resurrected no matter what. "

After saying that, the legendary monk slowly took off his simple monk's robe, revealing his muscular tendons.

Different from the large, exaggerated, hard protective muscles of many warriors in Faerûn, his muscle lines are obviously streamlined. They don't look very strong at first glance, but they give people the ferocious and swift explosive power of a leopard.

Especially the back, showing a ferocious and ferocious face shape.

But what's really scary is not the muscles, but the densely packed runes that are constantly emitting faint light on the surface of the skin.

The reason why these talismans glow is because the power belonging to Baal in the body suddenly increases exponentially, which makes it difficult to suppress it with just these talismans.

Therefore, Balthazar must find a way to tattoo more talismans on the surface of his skin to prevent Baal's power from leaking out and affecting himself.

This is obviously not an easy job.

Because he is the only one in the entire monastery who has the ability to complete the talisman.

But the process of making a talisman is equivalent to holding a hot iron and branding one mark after another on the soul. The pain is simply not something that ordinary people can bear.

It's basically the same as a doctor operating on yourself to open your intestines without anesthesia. The pain level may be seven or eight levels higher.

But Balthazar didn't show any emotion at all. He used his willpower beyond mortals to carve the talismans one after another on his chest, abdomen, neck and other parts.

Not to mention screaming, not even the muscles in his body trembled at all. He was as quiet as if he was painting on his body with a paintbrush.

His eyes were so firm that there was no trace of fear or confusion at all.

At the same time, far away in the City of Brass on the Fire Elemental Plane.

Zuo Si was sitting in front of a fire giant pasha, looking at the luxurious decorations full of Arabian style on earth with a slightly playful look, as well as the other party's power which was not inferior to that of a demigod.

Although there is a table made entirely of gold and studded with gems between the two, they can still feel the same kind of aura exuding from each other.

After all, devils are of the lawful evil alignment, and efreets are also of the lawful evil alignment.

The two sides have close cooperation in many fields.

Some efreets will even be hired by Baator Hell to participate in the bloody battle against the demons.

"Welcome to you, Your Excellency Soth, the lord of the ninth level of Baator Hell. I wonder what advice you can give me when you come to the City of Brass?" The fire giant Pasha was the first to test.

As one of the six most powerful servants of the Efreet Sultan, he discovered the arrival of the great devil the moment he passed through the portal from Zuo Si, and immediately sent a servant to invite him to his mansion.

Zuo Si smiled and responded: "You are so polite. I don't have any advice. I just came to the fire elemental plane to find something of interest."

"Oh? What makes you, a great devil who plays an important role in hell, come here in person?"

The fire giant Pasha leaned forward slightly, with strong curiosity in his eyes.

"I want to find a small pocket of pure fire."

Zuo Si did not hide anything and stated his intention very simply.

"Pure Fire?!!!"

When the fire giant Pasha heard this term, he immediately opened his mouth with an expression of disbelief.

Because this thing is definitely a rare and unique treasure even in the fire elemental plane.

Generally speaking, when a certain plane or crystal wall is born in the vast universe, then the god of that plane will find a way to find "pure fire" in the fire element plane, and then bring it back to ignite a certain celestial body and make it incarnate. Be the sun.

In this way, other celestial bodies will gradually evolve life and intelligent creatures under the rays of the sun, and eventually establish civilization and generate beliefs.

In other words, a small amount of pure fire can easily trigger nuclear fusion and turn celestial bodies from planets into stars.

According to the creation myths and legends of Faerûn, the first sun was created by the "pure fire" brought back by Sullun, the goddess of the moon, from the plane of fire element.

Her move directly angered Shar, the goddess of the night, and later evolved into a continuous confrontation between light and darkness.

In addition, "Pure Fire" has another purpose, which is to instantly give the fire element powerful power, allowing it to transcend classes and become a lord or even a prince with quasi-divine power.

It can be said that every birth of pure fire will trigger a series of wars in the fire elemental plane.

You don't need to ask to know that Zuo Sixiu wants the pure fire for only one purpose, and that is to completely strengthen Davian so that he can have the power of the sun.

In this way, when fighting against demigods or even weak divine powers, they will not be instantly hit hard by attacks blessed by the other party's divine powers.

And most mortals have an inexplicable awe and worship of the sun, so becoming it means that they will inevitably gain powerful god-like power.

In the past, because the level of the planeswalker's spark was not high enough, it was obviously impossible to integrate a sun into one's own follower card.

But now, Zuo Si feels that he has the ability to do this.

So he ignored the shocked or stunned reactions of other fire giant servants around him, took out a small metal gadget from his pocket, placed it on the table, and said calmly: "I know the purity of The value of fire, so I have prepared some things that can be exchanged, please take a look. And I promise that no matter who can provide accurate and useful information, they can get generous rewards."

"Are you serious?"

The fire djinn Pasha picked up the metal gadget and took a look at it, and his whole person became serious.

Because I know that the value represented by this thing is almost the same as that of pure fire.

Coupled with the Hell Devil's perfect credit in contracts, it is basically certain that Zuo Sizhen came for the Pure Fire.

But what the efreeti Pasha couldn't figure out was that most levels of Baator Hell were already hot enough, with rivers of scalding lava flowing everywhere. Why did the other party still want pure fire?

"I've always been very serious about it."

Zuo Si replied in the affirmative without thinking.

"Okay, please stay here for a while. I'll go find out the news from the others."

After saying that, the efreeti Pasha stood up and walked towards the huge palace in the center of the City of Brass.

You don't need to ask to know that he must have gone to seek instructions from the supreme ruler here, the Sultan.

After all, even the Pasha would not dare to make a casual decision on this kind of transaction involving the Lord of Hell.

"Master, are you sure this is okay?"

Davian, who was standing nearby as a follower, asked cautiously.

Zuo Si smiled and responded: “You won’t know until you try it whether it works or not.

Never underestimate the power of the efreet.

They are no worse than the God of Fire Element and the Prince of Fire Element.

What's more, pure fire is not as rare as you think.

Calculate how many material planes and crystal walls there are in this universe, and how many suns are there?

Although not all suns are made of pure fire, it also proves that there are quite a few of them. "

Davian nodded thoughtfully: "Okay, I hope you are right. But what if you can't get the pure fire?"

"Then we can only find a planet and completely extinguish the sun of the star system where it is located at the cost of destroying life. From a personal point of view, I actually don't like doing this kind of pure destruction and destruction."

Zuo Si said the most chilling words in an understatement.

You must know that extinguishing a sun means that all planets in the entire star system will be quickly affected by the freezing temperature of the universe.

If there was life on a certain planet, it would all freeze into ice sculptures in a very short period of time.

In the ultra-low temperature environment of minus 2,670 degrees Celsius, except for a very small number of magical creatures that are completely immune to the cold, it is impossible for any other life to survive.

As a person who likes to make multiple preparations for everything, Zuo Si had already locked a target before coming to the fire elemental plane.

If you fail to get what you want during this trip, then the stars in the galaxy where the planet is located will completely disappear, and billions of lives will completely wither in the endless cold.

Just when Davian opened his mouth to say something, the efreeti Pasha who had left just now came back through a portal in an instant, opened his arms and let out a burst of hearty laughter.

"Hahahaha! Dear Mr. Soth, I have to say that you are really lucky.

Just a few days ago, one of our expedition teams discovered a sign of the birth of pure fire 45,000 kilometers away from the City of Brass.

If you're interested, it's best to start now.

I have already contacted this expedition team, and they are also willing to accept the employment of a big devil.

But the cost...

May be slightly more expensive.

After all, a large number of fire elements and salamanders had gathered in that place, and even the nearby lords were alerted. "

"It doesn't matter, no matter how much they ask, I will be very happy to pay. But the premise is that the news must be true enough."

Zuo Si simply put on a posture of preparing to be slaughtered.

After all, the inner plane is the world of elements, and elemental creatures are notoriously stubborn and difficult to communicate with.

Especially for the irritable and irritable fire element, even if you can understand and speak their language, it is very easy to get into a fight just because of a disagreement.

Therefore, in the fire elemental plane, the only race that can communicate, communicate, and carry out normal transactions is the efreet.

As for the salamanders that also live here...

Anyone who has seen them go on a rampage in the material world and burn, kill, loot and burn everything will not think that they are a good partner for cooperation.

"Thank you very much for your understanding. Here is the list of fees and commissions, as well as the exchange conditions proposed by the other party. If there are no problems, I will have someone prepare it immediately."

The fire giant Pasha handed over a piece of paper made of unknown materials.

"Okay, please contact this adventure team."

Zuo Si agreed without hesitation and left his mark on the contract.

As a devil who strictly abides by his contract, from the moment he leaves his mark, it means that he can never go back on his word.

Seeing the looming symbol in the lower right corner, Efreet Pasha nodded with satisfaction and quickly cast a spell that lasted for one minute.

After a while, a standard four-person team appeared out of thin air.

The leader among them is a female giant spirit who looks quite tall and strong.

Behind her were two very typical fire genasi, their hair and eyes showing blazing flames, and the other half of their bloodline could hardly be seen.

The last one is the relatively rare fire dwarf.

This is a very ancient dwarf subrace. It is said that its origins can be traced back to the ancient mythological era. It is famous for its taciturnity and love of various gemstones. It is also a member of the lawful camp.

Except for the fire elemental plane, it is basically impossible to see them elsewhere.

From the scorching heat radiating from the body, it is easy to see that this team is composed of races that are immune to fire damage.

Of course, this is also a characteristic of explorers and residents of the fire elemental plane.

As the inner plane that provides the basic material for the entire universe, each core elemental plane has strong purity and exclusivity.

For example, in the fire elemental plane, if you want to survive here, you must be immune to fire damage.

Otherwise, the high temperature brought by the environment alone would be enough to burn the travelers alive into charcoal.

Relatively speaking, the City of Brass is already a very friendly place for travelers from other dimensions.

At least you don't have to worry about losing your life in an instant after teleporting here.

Moreover, the fire elemental plane will block all spells related to the water element, including summoning water elements, casting ice storms, etc.

However, fire element spells will be greatly enhanced, and all related magic will automatically receive the blessing of spell effectiveness to reach the highest damage, and the range will be larger.

Unfortunately, most creatures in the fire elemental plane are immune to fire damage, so few fools would hit people with fireballs or walls of fire here.

As a big devil, Zuo Si is completely immune to fire damage, so he does not need to worry about the high temperatures of hundreds or even thousands of degrees Celsius in the environment. He asked the fire djinn woman straight to the point: "Have you discovered the sign of the birth of pure fire?"

The latter nodded quickly and replied: "Yes, Your Excellency.

We were at the edge of the Flame Abyss near the lava peak, where we saw a dazzling white light shining like the sun.

You should know that the colors of flames in the fire elemental plane are usually dark red, crimson, bright red and orange. Only in rare cases will there be blue flames.

As for white, it is the patent of the God of Fire Element and the Prince of Fire Element.

The location where we were at that time did not belong to the territory of any prince.

This also means that a pure fire is brewing and will be born soon. "

Zuo Si touched his chin and nodded thoughtfully: "Okay, what you said makes sense. So what about the danger? How many lords do you think there will be nearby who will want to get it at all costs?"

“Definitely quite a lot.

After all, that is what all fire elements dream of, and there will definitely be a war.

Let me state in advance that we are only leading the way and will never participate in this terrible fight.

Once we sense danger, we will immediately choose to retreat. "

When saying these words, the female fire giant was obviously very nervous, and could even be said to be scared.

Regardless of the fact that almost all creatures in the fire elemental plane are immune to fire damage, many battles are not just about releasing flames to burn, but also using weapons or destroying the opponent's core.

Therefore, battles between elements of the same type are not much different from human armies fighting each other.

And because low-level fire elemental creatures are simple-minded and often not afraid of death, the casualties are particularly heavy.

After all, their birth is not like the intelligent creatures in the material plane, which requires a process of gestation and growth.

The souls from the positive energy plane combine with the corresponding elements after entering the plane, and can create a large area of ​​elemental life in minutes. It is simply easier than demons, devils and yugoloths hatching low-level cannon fodder through larvae.

After roughly understanding the situation, Zuo Si immediately said goodbye to the fire giant Pasha and decided to leave for his destination.

Because the distance is too long, walking or flying is obviously unrealistic, so magic teleportation becomes the only option.

The female efreet leader directly gave the fire genasi warriors in the team a wishing spell. The latter immediately began to make wishes using strict wordings skillfully, and then the group of six people disappeared instantly.

Just a second later, they collectively arrived above a sea of ​​burning flames.

boom! ! ! ! ! !

Accompanied by a deafening loud noise, a huge wave of terrifying liquid flames tens of thousands of meters high slammed hard on a cylindrical mountain peak standing in the center.

Normally, with such a powerful impact, no matter what material it is made of, it will inevitably break instantly and then be rushed into the sea of ​​flames, melt and become a part of it.

But the interesting thing is that this cylindrical mountain peak is completely motionless, and there is not even the slightest sign of burning or melting.

The entire mountain peak shows a bright orange-red color, which becomes brighter as it gets closer to the top, and finally turns into a dazzling white like sunlight.

Just when Zuo Si was shocked by the spectacular scenery in front of him, a giant over a thousand meters tall and made entirely of fire elements suddenly appeared from the sea of ​​flames below. He opened his mouth and faced the other fire elements gathered here. The creature let out a deafening roar.

Since it's in the fire language, the sound is like the sound of fire burning something.

Another guy who was also several hundred meters tall and made of magma was obviously irritated. He immediately dragged his huge body and rushed over to grapple with the opponent.

The two sides just rolled in the sea of ​​flames, setting off waves that could easily destroy any city, fully displaying the hot, violent and destructive characteristics of the fire elemental plane.

As the inner plane that provided the most primitive matter and energy for the birth of the entire universe, the power they possess is almost endless.

No one knows how big these places are, not even the oldest gods.

The two behemoths who were fighting were obviously the lords who ruled this sea of ​​flames.

I don’t know whether it’s because the concentration of fire elements in this area is higher than in other places, or it’s just like the material world, the creatures in the ocean are always larger than those on land.

In short, their size is beyond imagination, but they are far from the level of a prince.

Around the battlefield, there are thousands of fire element elders, super giant fire elements and the Salamander Legion on the shore.

As for the lower-level fire elemental creatures, there are so many that they can't even be counted.

"It's truly a war on the plane of fire. It looks really spectacular." Zuo Si couldn't help but sigh slightly.

He wanted to know what would happen if he threw some shimmering oil into the sea of ​​liquid flames below.

However, considering that there are generally tendencies and wills in this universe, I finally gave up this rather dangerous idea.

"Master, do you need me to drive away the fire elemental creatures near the mountain?"

Davian asked in an uncertain tone.

Zuo Si smiled and shook his head: "No, it's not necessary. It's not time for us to take action yet. When it comes to robbing treasures, the one who takes action first will easily become the target of public criticism. All we have to do is wait for the opportunity."

"Your Excellency, we have fulfilled our duties, can we go back now?"

The fire djinn female was obviously nervous about the tense atmosphere at the scene, and she didn't want to stay for even a second longer.

Otherwise, once the melee begins, it will be difficult for her to escape unscathed even if she gives her teammates the wishing spell.

"Of course. You have completed the responsibilities assigned by the contract excellently. We will handle the rest ourselves."

Zuo Si nodded very reasonably and did not choose to force the other party to stay.

Because in a battle of this level, the strength of this adventure team can't help at all. They are too weak and too few to be cannon fodder.

"Thank you so much!"

The efreet woman put one hand on her chest and bowed, then wanted to give her teammates a wishing spell, and then teleport the whole team back to the City of Brass.

But at the moment when the wishing spell was just given, a huge hand suddenly stretched out from under the sea of ​​flames, directly grabbed the two fire genasi in the team and crushed them alive.

Fortunately, the others reacted quickly and escaped in time, otherwise they would have been blamed for this blow.

"Damn! What the fuck is this?"

Under the strong stimulation, even the taciturn fire dwarf couldn't help but curse.

"Don't ask me! How do I know! The Flame Abyss has existed even longer than the City of Brass. God knows what is hidden underneath."

The efreet woman quickly raised her altitude, completely ignoring the two companions whose life and death were unknown and were dragged into the depths of the sea of ​​flames.

In this critical moment, people from the lawful evil camp will not care about the life and death of their teammates, but are more concerned about whether they can escape from danger.

Zuo Si, who flew one kilometer away through instant short-distance teleportation, observed the boiling sea of ​​flames with great interest and asked without looking back: "Davian, if I read correctly, that should be a fire elemental prince, right?" ?”

"Yes, Master, that is the Prince of the Fire Element. I can feel his presence, and I believe he can also feel my presence."

The flame dragon knight slowly drew out his sword, his eyes shining with excitement and anticipation.

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